SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > System > targetcli-fb (2.1.58)

targetcli-fb is a command-line interface for configuring the LIO
generic SCSI target, present in 3.x Linux kernel versions and up.

This package is the community fork or "Free Branch" of the original
Datera/RisingTide package. It installs two additional python libraries:
configshell-fb and rtslib-fb.

If you already have the Datera/RisingTide version installed, it will be
overwritten. Please ensure you have a backup if you want to keep it.

Ensure these kernel modules are loaded:
target_core_mod, iscsi_target_mod

This requires: python3-pyudev

Maintained by: Marek Wodzinski
Keywords: target,targetcli,iscsi,scsi,LIO
ChangeLog: targetcli-fb


Source Downloads:
targetcli-fb-2.1.58.tar.gz (33ba115c73507d50c6e0fafb83695d90)
rtslib-fb-2.1.76.tar.gz (257d79770918799c0a779bf2fad0f7ea)
configshell-fb-1.1.30.tar.gz (4d4ee409b5fad8b8ccf05f4457b23601)

Download SlackBuild:
targetcli-fb.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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