x2goserver (X2Go Remote Desktop solution)
X2Go enables you to access a graphical desktop of a computer over
a low bandwidth (or high bandwidth) connection.
You can connect from a computer running Linux, Windows or MacOS X.
Multiple users/clients can access a single X2Go Server at the same time,
with each user/client having an individual Desktop session by default;
however, desktop sharing is possible.
This is the server component.
This script requires a 'x2gouser' user/group to exist before running.
You can create these using:
groupadd -g 290 x2gouser
useradd -u 290 -g 290 -c "X2Go Remote Desktop" -M \
-d /var/lib/x2go -s /bin/false x2gouser
groupadd -g 291 x2goprint
useradd -u 291 -g 291 -c "X2Go Remote Desktop" -m \
-d /var/spool/x2goprint -s /bin/false x2goprint
chown x2goprint:x2goprint /var/spool/x2goprint
chmod 0770 /var/spool/x2goprint
Before running the server, you have to initialize the internal database:
x2godbadmin --createdb
If you want to run the server at boot include it in your
if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.x2goserver ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc.x2goserver start
This requires: nx-libs, perl-Capture-Tiny, perl-Config-Simple, perl-File-ReadBackwards, perl-Switch, perl-Try-Tiny, perl-Unix-Syslog, perl-file-basedir, perl-DBD-SQLite
Maintained by: Marcus Moeller
Keywords: desktop,remote,vnc,rdp,teamviewer,x2go
ChangeLog: x2goserver
Download SlackBuild:
x2goserver.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
doinst.sh |
rc.x2goserver |
slack-desc |
x2goserver.SlackBuild |
x2goserver.info |
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