This script is for Slackware 14.2 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Libraries > libxnvctrl (460.67)

libxnvctrl (NVIDIA NV-CONTROL X extension)

The NV-CONTROL X extension provides a mechanism for X clients to query
and set configuration parameters of the NVIDIA X driver. State set by
the NV-CONTROL X extension is assumed to be persistent only for the
current server generation. This can be useful for programs such as
conky, mate-sensors-applet, and xfce4-sensors-plugin to allow for
realtime monitoring of your NVIDIA cards temperature, fan speed, memory,

This package is version independent. It does not have to match
the nvidia-driver or nvidia-legacy packages. I try to keep it
in line with SBO packages, however it is not required that this package
is the same version as the binary drivers.

This requires: nvidia-driver

Maintained by: M.Dinslage
Keywords: nvidia,sensors,conky
ChangeLog: libxnvctrl


Source Downloads:
nvidia-settings-460.67.tar.bz2 (774af9ca9829ad9f5acc9716c26ff0c8)

Download SlackBuild:
libxnvctrl.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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