SlackBuilds Repository

14.2 > Libraries

Name Version Updated On
Atlas-C++ 0.6.3 2016-07-02
BeautifulSoup 3.2.1 2016-07-02
Botan 2.17.3 2021-02-06
CCfits 2.5 2016-07-02
CEGUI 0.8.4 2016-07-02
CEGUI0.7 0.7.9 2016-07-02
CGAL 4.13 2016-07-02
CherryPy 14.1.0 2016-08-12
CoinMP 1.8.4 2019-08-24
CondConfigParser 1.0.3 2017-02-16
ConfigParser 3.5.0 2016-07-02
Crypt-SSLeay 0.64 2016-07-02
DateTime 4.2 2016-07-02
DevIL 1.8.0 2018-08-09
DirectFB 1.7.7 2016-07-02
ETL 0.04.14 2016-07-02
FormEncode 1.2.6 2016-07-02
FreeImage 3.17.0 2017-01-15
GLee 5.4.0 2016-07-02
Geraldo 0.4.12 2016-07-02
GitPython 3.0.2 2016-07-02
GtkD 3.8.3 2018-08-15
HawkNL 1.68 2016-07-02
Hypodermic 2.4 2017-05-25
IMAPClient 0.13 2016-07-02
Impacket 0.9.21 2020-09-20
Ipopt 3.12.6 2016-10-12
Jinja2 2.11.3 2018-02-19
Kivy 1.10.1 2016-07-02
LuaBitOp 1.0.2 2017-10-05
LucenePlusPlus 3.0.8 2016-07-02
MyGUI 3.4.0 2016-07-02
Nevow 0.14.4 2018-11-17
ORBit2 2.14.19 2016-07-02
OpenAL 1.18.0 2016-07-02
OpenBLAS 0.3.12 2020-11-09
OpenCSG 1.4.2 2016-07-02
OpenSceneGraph 3.5.5 2016-07-02
PDCurses 3.8 2019-09-08
PDFlib-Lite 7.0.5p3 2016-07-02
PrettyTable 0.7.2 2016-07-02
PyODE 2010.03.22 2016-07-02
PyOpenGL 3.0.1 2016-07-02
PyQt5 5.13.2 2016-07-02
PyQt5-legacy 5.7 2018-08-22
PyQwt 5.2.0 2016-07-02
PySoundCard 0.5.2 2016-07-02
PyXML 0.8.4 2016-07-02
PyYAML 3.13 2018-03-27
Pykka 1.2.1 2016-07-02
QDarkStyle 1.11 2016-07-02
QR-Code-generator 1.6.0 2020-10-29
QScintilla-qt5 2.11.6 2019-11-11
QUSB 0ec83acc 2017-05-22
QtUsb 0.3.0 2017-05-22
RxCpp 4.0.0 2017-03-23
SDL2 2.0.14 2020-03-29
SDL2_image 2.0.5 2019-07-01
SDL2_mixer 2.0.4 2019-07-01
SDL2_net 2.0.1 2016-07-02
SDL2_ttf 2.0.15 2016-12-29
SDL_Pango 0.1.2 2016-07-02
SDL_gfx 2.0.25 2017-03-31
SDL_kitchensink 1.0.9 2018-11-23
SDL_sound 1.0.3 2016-07-02
SFGUI 0.3.0 2016-07-02
SFML 2.5.1 2016-07-02
SOPE 5.0.1 2020-12-25
SPIRV-Headers 1.5.4 2020-11-06
SQLObject 2.1.0 2016-07-02
SimGear 2020.3.6 2021-02-10
SlowAES 0.1a1 2016-07-02
Smarty 3.0.8 2016-07-02
VTK 8.2.0 2016-07-02
VitaMTP 2.5.9 2016-09-10
Vulkan-Headers 2020-11-06
WebOb 1.7.3 2017-09-17
ZConfig 3.0.4 2016-07-02
ZODB3 3.11.0 2016-07-02
activemq-cpp 3.9.1 2016-07-02
adns 1.6.0 2020-09-04
adodb 5.14 2016-07-02
afflib 3.7.7 2016-08-25
agg 2.5 2016-07-02
alglib 2.6.0 2016-07-02
allegro 2019-06-27
allegro4 4.4.2 2016-07-02
alure 1.2 2016-07-02
ant-contrib 0.6 2016-07-02
antlr4 4.8 2019-01-21
apiextractor 0.10.10 2016-07-02
appmenu-qt 0.2.6 2016-07-02
appstream-glib 0.7.15 2017-12-21
aqbanking 6.2.2 2020-09-06
argon2 20190702 2017-08-08
argtable 2.13 2016-07-02
asio 1.11.0 2017-01-03
aspnetcore-runtime 3.1.13 2021-04-04
assimp 3.3.1 2016-07-02
async 0.6.2 2016-07-02
atlas 3.10.3 2016-08-25
aubio 0.4.9 2016-07-02
audiere 1.9.4 2017-04-17
audioread 2.1.6 2016-07-02
avbin 10 2016-07-02
avr-libc 1.8.1 2016-07-02
backports-ssl-match-hostname 2016-07-02
bamf 0.5.4 2020-01-10
barry 0.18.3 2016-07-02
batinfo 0.4.2 2017-02-11
bcdoc 0.16.0 2016-07-02
bctoolbox 0.6.0 2017-11-17
beignet 1.3.1 2017-08-13
belle-sip 1.6.3 2017-11-17
bitstream 1.5 2018-11-10
blas 3.9.1 2016-07-02
bluez-alsa 1.3.1 2018-10-28
boolstuff 0.1.15 2016-07-02
botocore 1.18.0 2016-07-02
buddy 2.4 2016-11-02
bullet 3.09 2016-07-02
bwidget 1.9.8 2016-07-02
bzrtp 1.0.6 2017-11-17
c++-gtk-utils 2.0.29 2016-07-02
c-ares 1.16.1 2020-09-09
cal3d 0.11.0 2016-07-02
capnproto 0.6.1 2017-06-23
cchardet 1.0.0 2016-07-02
ccrtp 2.0.9 2016-07-02
cdk 5.0_20160131 2016-07-02
cffi 1.11.5 2016-07-02
cfitsio 3.49 2020-11-29
cgicc 3.2.9 2019-09-26
chromaprint 1.4.3 2016-07-02
clalsadrv 2.0.0 2016-07-02
cln 1.3.4 2016-07-02
cmark 0.29.0 2019-04-08
collada-dom 2.4.0 2016-07-02
compface 1.5.2 2016-07-02
compiz-bcop 0.8.14 2017-04-20
compiz-plugins-experimental 0.8.14 2017-04-20
compiz-plugins-extra 0.8.14 2017-04-20
compiz-plugins-main 0.8.14 2017-04-20
compizconfig-python 0.8.14 2017-04-20
configobj 5.0.6 2016-07-02
confuse 3.2 2016-07-02
console_bridge 0.3.2 2016-08-25
cpp-netlib 0.12.0 2017-02-07
cpprestsdk 2.9.1 2017-01-20
cracklib 2.9.6 2016-07-02
crossguid 20160705 2016-08-15
cryptopp 8.5.0 2021-03-16
ctemplate 2.4 2016-07-02
cuneiform 1.1.0 2016-07-02
curses_ex 0.3 2016-07-02
cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 0.2 2020-10-15
daq 2.0.6 2016-07-02
darcsver 1.7.4 2016-07-02
dav1d 0.5.2 2020-01-03
db46 4.6.21 2016-07-02
dbus-cpp 5.0.0 2017-04-16
dbus-sharp 0.8.1 2017-03-20
dbus-sharp-glib 0.6.0 2017-03-20
dcadec 0.2.0 2016-08-15
dcmtk 3.6.6 2018-05-22
dietlibc 0.34 2018-11-03
digimend-kernel-drivers 10 2020-04-05
discogs-client 2.2.1 2016-07-02
dlib 19.7 2017-03-17
dotconf 1.3 2016-07-02
double-conversion 3.0.0 2016-12-15
dropbox-python 9.4.0 2016-07-02
dumb 2.0.3 2021-02-27
edelib 2.1 2016-07-02
efivar 37 2017-09-20
efl 1.24.3 2020-08-29
enca 1.19 2016-07-02
enchant2 2.2.8 2018-09-22
enum34 1.1.6 2016-07-02
eris 1.3.23 2016-07-02
evernote-python 1.25.2 2016-07-02
exempi 2.5.1 2016-07-02
exiftool 11.11 2016-07-02
facebook-python 1.0.0 2016-07-02
fcgi 2.4.0 2016-07-02
fcl 0.5.0 2017-05-23
ffms2 2.23 2016-07-02
fifechan 0.1.4 2016-07-02
flashplugin-lahf-fix 0.2 2016-07-02
flatbuffers 1.7.1 2017-06-23
flatzebra 0.1.6 2016-07-02
flickcurl 1.26 2016-07-02
flint 2.6.3 2020-10-09
fltk 1.3.5 2020-01-11
fmodapi 4.44.61 2016-07-02
fmt 7.1.3 2019-09-24
folly 2017.09.25.00 2017-05-26
fox-toolkit 1.6.54 2016-07-02
fox-toolkit-devel 1.7.59 2016-07-02
fpconst 0.7.3 2016-07-02
freealut 1.1.0 2016-07-02
freexl 1.0.2 2016-07-02
frei0r 1.7.0 2016-07-02
ftgl 2.4.0 2020-01-17
ftplib 4.0.1 2017-02-08
futures 3.2.0 2016-07-02
fuzzylite 5.1 2016-07-02
gallerize 0.3.2 2016-07-02
ganv 1.4.2 2016-07-02
gaphas 0.7.2 2016-07-02
gavl 1.4.0 2016-07-02
gazebo 7.1.0 2017-01-15
gcab 0.6 2016-07-02
gconfmm 2.28.3 2016-07-02
gdata 2.0.18 2016-07-02
gdl 3.26.0 2016-07-02
genshi 0.7 2016-07-02
geshi 2016-07-02
gevent 1.0.1 2016-07-02
gf2x 1.3.0 2016-07-02
gflags 2.2.0 2016-12-12
giblib 1.2.4 2017-04-17
girara 0.3.0 2016-07-02
gitdb 0.6.4 2016-07-02
gitdb2 2.0.2 2016-10-17
gl2ps 1.3.7 2016-07-02
glfw 2.7.8 2016-07-02
glfw3 3.3.2 2019-04-29
glktermw 1.0.4 2018-07-09
glog 0.3.5 2017-05-10
gloox 1.0.24 2020-09-07
gmtk 1.0.8 2016-07-02
gnet 2.0.8 2016-07-02
gnome-desktop 3.18.2 2019-04-24
gnome-media 2.32.0 2016-07-02
gnome-python2-gconf 2.28.1 2016-07-02
gnome-sharp 2.24.5 2016-07-02
gnome-vfsmm 2.26.0 2016-07-02
gnonlin 1.4.0 2016-07-02
goffice 0.10.34 2016-07-02
goffice0.8 0.8.17 2016-07-02
google-fruit 3.0.0 2017-02-02
gperftools 2.6.1 2017-01-12
grantlee-qt5 5.2.0 2016-08-21
greenlet 0.4.15 2016-07-02
grpc 1.28.1 2019-08-18
grx 249 2016-08-20
gsm 1.0.13 2016-07-02
gsnmp 0.2.0 2016-07-02
gssdp 1.0.2 2016-07-02
gstreamer-editing-services 1.6.2 2017-03-26
gstreamermm 1.4.3 2016-07-02
gtk-aurora-engine 1.5.1 2018-03-03
gtk-qt-engine 1.1 2016-07-02
gtk-sharp 2.12.45 2018-02-04
gtk3-nocsd 20160617git 2018-02-28
gtkdatabox 2016-07-02
gtkglarea 2.1.0 2016-07-02
gtkglext 1.2.0 2016-07-02
gtkglextmm 1.2.0 2016-07-02
gtkhotkey 0.2.1 2020-02-21
gtkhtml 4.10.0 2017-02-16
gtkimageview 1.6.4 2016-07-02
gtkmm-utils 0.4.1 2016-07-02
gtksourceview 2.10.5 2016-07-02
gtksourceview3 3.18.4 2016-07-02
gtkspell3 3.0.10 2016-07-02
gts 0.7.6 2016-07-02
guichan 0.8.2 2016-07-02
gumbo-parser 0.10.1 2020-10-24
gupnp 1.0.3 2016-07-02
guppy 0.1.10 2016-07-02
gwenhywfar 5.4.0 2020-09-06
hdf 4.2.15 2016-07-02
hdf5 1.10.6 2016-07-02
hidapi 0.8.0_rc1 2016-07-02
hinnant-date 2.2 2017-01-22
hiredis 1.0.0 2020-09-22
hoedown 3.0.3 2016-07-02
hoel 1.4.17 2018-12-16
hpx 1.0.0 2017-04-25
html5lib 1.0.1 2017-01-24
htmlcxx 0.87 2016-07-02
htslib 1.12 2021-03-20
http-parser 2.9.4 2016-07-02
hug 0.100 2016-07-02
hurry-filesize 0.9 2016-07-02
hyperscan 5.1.1 2019-06-09
hyphen 2.8.8 2018-04-01
id3lib 3.8.3 2016-07-02
iddawc 0.9.9 2020-06-23
ignition-math2 2.5.0 2017-01-12
ignition-transport 0.7.0 2017-01-14
iksemel 1.4 2016-07-02
imageloader 0.0.5 2016-07-02
imlib 1.9.15 2016-07-02
imlib2 1.7.1 2020-10-09
imlib2_loaders 1.7.0 2020-10-09
iniparser 4.0 2017-01-02
ipaddress 1.0.22 2016-07-02
irrlicht 1.8.4 2016-07-02
isl 0.18 2017-12-03
isodate 0.6.0 2016-07-02
itcl 3.4.1 2016-07-02
jai 1.1.3 2016-07-02
jai-imageio 1.1 2016-07-02
jansson 2.12 2016-07-02
jbig2dec 0.19 2016-07-02
jbig2enc 0.29 2016-11-05
jbigkit 2.1 2020-02-18
jcal 0.4.1 2017-04-26
jreen 1.3.0 2017-01-06
json-glib 1.2.8 2016-07-02
json-parser 1.1.0 2017-11-12
jsoncpp 1.9.2 2016-07-02
kaadbg 0.3.0 2016-07-02
kashmir 20150805 2017-07-30
lablgtk 2.18.4 2016-07-02
lame 3.100 2016-07-02
lapack 3.9.1 2016-07-02
lapack-atlas 3.6.1 2016-08-25
lastfmlib 0.4.0 2016-07-02
lensfun 0.3.2 2016-07-02
leptonica 1.80.0 2016-07-02
levmar 2.6 2017-04-18
lgi 0.9.2 2018-03-13
libAfterImage 1.20 2018-03-27
libEMF 1.0.7 2016-07-02
libQuotient 2020-04-10
libaacs 0.9.0 2016-07-02
libaaio 0.3.1 2019-03-07
libaal 1.0.7 2020-04-26
libabw 0.1.3 2019-08-24
libaec 1.0.4 2020-02-23
libagentcrypt 1.0.5 2019-11-27
libalkimia 5.0.0 2016-07-02
libantlr3c 3.4 2016-07-02
libaosd 0.2.7 2016-07-02
libappindicator3 16.10 2017-10-23
libasr 1.0.4 2020-01-30
libass 0.14.0 2016-07-02
libast 0.7 2016-07-02
libaudclient 3.5_rc2 2016-07-02
libavc1394 0.5.4 2016-07-02
libb64 1.2.1 2016-07-02
libbde 20190102 2019-03-07
libbdplus 0.1.2 2016-07-02
libbluray 1.2.0 2016-07-02
libbonobo 2.32.1 2016-07-02
libbonoboui 2.24.5 2016-07-02
libbsd 0.10.0 2020-01-20
libbson 1.17.3 2020-12-07
libbtbb 2020.12.R1 2019-08-16
libburn 1.5.0 2018-09-27
libc++ 3.8.0 2020-01-08
libcacard 2.7.0 2016-07-02
libcangjie 1.3 2016-07-02
libcapsimage 5.1 2020-04-27
libcbor 0.8.0 2019-09-13
libccd git_f658f88 2017-05-23
libcdaudio 0.99.12p2 2016-07-02
libcdr 0.1.6 2019-02-06
libcec 4.0.4 2016-07-02
libchewing 0.5.1 2019-01-24
libcitadel 8.22 2016-07-02
libclaw 1.7.4 2016-07-02
libcli 1.9.7 2016-07-02
libcmis 0.5.2 2019-02-06
libcoap 4.2.1 2019-11-13
libcompizconfig 0.8.14 2017-04-20
libconfig 1.7.2 2018-05-06
libcpuid 0.5.1 2021-04-05
libcryptui 3.12.2 2016-07-02
libcsv 3.0.0 2016-07-02
libctl 4.5.0 2020-05-15
libcue 1.4.0 2016-07-02
libcuefile r475 2016-07-02
libdaemon 0.14 2016-07-02
libdart 6.2.0 2017-12-07
libdatrie 0.2.11 2019-03-22
libdbh2 5.0.19 2016-07-02
libdbi 0.9.0 2016-07-02
libdbi-drivers 0.9.0 2016-07-02
libdbus-c++ 0.9.0 2016-07-02
libdbusmenu 18.10.20180917~bzr492 2020-01-12
libdc1394 2.2.6 2016-07-02
libdca 0.0.5 2016-07-02
libde265 1.0.8 2020-12-07
libdesktop-agnostic 20160503 2016-07-02
libdispatch 5.3 2020-11-03
libdivecomputer 0.6.0 2016-07-02
libdmapsharing 2.1.9 2016-07-02
libdmtx 0.7.2 2016-07-02
libdockapp 0.7.2 2016-07-02
libdsk 1.4.0 2016-07-02
libdv 1.0.0 2016-07-02
libdvbcsa 1.1.0 2016-07-02
libdvbpsi 1.3.1 2016-07-02
libdvdcss 1.4.0 2016-07-02
libdwarf 20200114 2020-03-20
libdynamite 0.1.1 2016-07-02
libe-book 0.1.3 2018-02-27
libearth 0.3.3 2016-07-02
libeatmydata 105 2016-07-02
libebml 1.3.6 2016-07-02
libechonest 2.3.1 2016-07-02
libedit 20191231_3.1 2020-06-04
libee 0.4.1 2016-07-02
libeot 0.01 2018-03-05
libepubgen 0.1.1 2018-06-06
libesedb 20181229 2019-03-07
libesmtp 1.0.6 2016-07-02
libestr 0.1.9 2016-07-02
libetonyek 0.1.9 2019-08-24
libetpan 1.9.3 2016-07-02
libev 4.33 2016-07-02
libevhtp 1.2.10 2016-07-02
libevt 20181227 2019-03-07
libevtx 20181227 2019-03-07
libewf 20140811 2020-12-10
libexe 20181128 2019-01-20
libexif-gtk 0.3.5 2016-07-02
libexttextcat 3.4.5 2017-12-19
libfaketime 0.9.9 2021-03-31
libfastjson 0.99.9 2021-04-07
libfdk-aac 2.0.1 2016-07-02
libffado 2.2.1 2016-07-02
libfilezilla 0.16.0 2016-07-02
libfilteraudio 20161122_ada2f4f 2016-07-02
libfishsound 1.0.0 2019-12-14
libfixposix 0.4.1 2016-11-01
libfm 1.3.2 2016-07-02
libfm-extra 1.3.2 2016-07-02
libfprint 0.0.6 2016-07-02
libfreehand 0.1.2 2017-01-23
libfsapfs 20181215 2019-01-20
libfsntfs 20190104 2019-01-20
libftdi 0.20 2017-01-15
libftdi1 1.4 2018-03-10
libfvde 20190104 2019-03-07
libfwnt 20181227 2019-03-07
libfwsi 20181227 2019-03-07
libg15 1.2.7 2016-07-02
libg15render 1.2 2016-07-02
libg3d 0.0.8 2016-07-02
libgadu 1.12.2 2017-07-28
libgaiagraphics 0.5 2016-07-02
libgaminggear 0.15.1 2016-11-15
libgcrypt15 1.5.6 2016-07-02
libgda 5.2.9 2016-07-02
libgdiplus 5.4 2016-07-02
libgee 0.20.3 2016-07-02
libgee1 0.6.8 2016-07-02
libgexiv2 0.10.3 2016-07-02
libgig 4.2.0 2019-11-16
libgit2 1.0.0 2016-07-02
libgit2-glib 2016-07-02
libgksu 2.0.12 2016-07-02
libglademm 2.6.7 2016-07-02
libglpng 1.45 2016-07-02
libgltf 0.1.0 2017-08-16
libgme 0.6.2 2018-07-16
libgnome 2.32.1 2016-07-02
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3 2016-07-02
libgnomecanvasmm 2.26.0 2016-07-02
libgnomecups 0.2.3 2016-07-02
libgnomemm 2.30.0 2016-07-02
libgnomeprint 2.18.8 2016-07-02
libgnomeprintui 2.18.6 2016-07-02
libgnomeui 2.24.5 2016-07-02
libgnomeuimm 2.28.0 2016-07-02
libgraphqlparser 0.6.0 2017-02-21
libgringotts 1.2.1 2016-07-02
libgsasl 1.8.0 2016-07-02
libgta 1.2.1 2018-05-22
libgtop 2.38.0 2016-07-02
libgusb 0.2.11 2016-07-02
libgxps 0.3.2 2021-03-29
libharu 2.3.0 2016-07-02
libheif 1.10.0 2020-12-16
libhid 0.2.16 2016-07-02
libhoard 3.12 2016-07-02
libhtp 0.5.23 2016-07-02
libicns 0.8.1 2016-07-02
libidn2 2.0.4 2017-09-27
libido3 16.10 2017-10-23
libiec61883 1.2.0 2016-07-02
libiio 0.10 2017-08-27
libilbc 2.0.2 2018-03-27
libindi 1.6.2 2018-04-03
libindi-drivers 1.6.2 2018-04-03
libindicator3 16.10 2017-10-23
libinfinity 0.5.4 2016-07-02
libinput 1.17.1 2021-03-26
libinstpatch 1.1.2 2020-04-17
libiptcdata 1.0.4 2016-07-02
libircclient 1.9 2016-07-02
libisoburn 1.5.0 2018-09-27
libisofs 1.5.0 2018-09-27
libixion 0.16.1 2019-09-24
libixp 0.5 2016-07-02
libjson-rpc-cpp 0.7.0 2017-06-06
libjwt 1.12.1 2019-06-08
libkate 0.4.1 2016-07-02
libkface 15.08.3 2016-07-02
libkgeomap4 15.08.3 2016-07-02
libkml 1.3.0 2017-05-05
libkqueue 2.0.1 2016-07-02
libkvkontakte 4.12.0 2016-07-02
liblangtag 0.6.3 2017-01-23
liblightgrep 1.4 2016-08-25
liblinebreak 2.1 2016-07-02
liblnk 20181227 2019-03-07
liblo 0.31 2016-07-02
liblogging 1.0.6 2017-05-08
liblqr 0.4.2 2016-07-02
liblrdf 0.6.1 2016-07-02
liblscp 0.5.6 2016-07-02
liblxi 1.13 2018-01-28
libmaa 1.3.2 2016-07-02
libmatheval 1.1.11 2019-07-07
libmatroska 1.4.8 2016-07-02
libmediainfo 20.09 2017-12-23
libmemcached 1.0.18 2016-07-02
libmicrohttpd 0.9.70 2020-09-15
libmigdb 0.8.13 2019-12-31
libmikmod 2016-07-02
libmimedir 0.5.1 2016-07-02
libmimic 1.0.4 2016-07-02
libminizip 1.2.11 2018-02-03
libmirage 3.2.4 2020-01-20
libmms 0.6.4 2016-07-02
libmodbus 3.0.6 2017-01-12
libmodplug 2016-07-02
libmp3splt 0.9.2 2016-07-02
libmp4v2 20191108_9084868 2016-07-02
libmpd 11.8.17 2016-07-02
libmpdclient 2.9 2016-07-02
libmpeg2 0.5.1 2016-07-02
libmrss 0.19.2 2016-07-02
libmseed 2.19.6 2018-08-30
libmsiecf 20181227 2019-01-20
libmspack 0.5alpha 2016-07-02
libmspub 0.1.4 2018-03-05
libmusicbrainz 2.1.5 2016-07-02
libmusicbrainz3 3.0.3 2016-07-02
libmusicbrainz5 5.1.0 2019-05-15
libmwaw 0.3.17 2019-08-24
libmygpo-qt 1.1.0 2016-07-02
libnbcompat 1.0.1 2020-10-24
libnet 1.1.6 2016-07-02
libnfs 4.0.0 2016-07-02
libnice 0.1.14 2018-03-27
libnids 1.24 2016-12-14
libnodave 0.8.5 2017-08-31
libnova 0.15.0 2017-10-23
libnsgif 0.2.1+20200706_0cb9bfc 2020-11-22
libnumbertext 1.0.6 2018-11-11
libnxml 0.18.3 2016-07-02
liboauth 1.0.3 2016-07-02
libofa 0.9.3 2016-07-02
libofx 0.9.11 2016-07-02
liboglappth 1.0.0 2016-07-02
libolecf 20181231 2019-03-07
liboop 1.0 2016-07-02
libopenglrecorder 0.1.0 2017-12-14
libopenraw 0.1.3 2016-07-02
libopenshot 0.2.5 2016-10-24
libopenshot-audio 0.2.0 2016-10-24
libopusenc 0.2.1 2017-05-25
liborcus 0.16.1 2019-09-25
liborigin 2.0.0 2016-07-02
liborocos-kdl 1.4.0 2019-04-27
libosinfo 1.8.0 2016-07-02
libosmo-dsp 20170317 2017-05-24
libotf 0.9.16 2016-07-02
libotr 4.1.1 2016-07-02
libowfat 0.32 2018-11-17
libp11 0.4.9 2018-10-07
libpagemaker 0.0.4 2018-02-27
libpano13 2.9.19 2016-07-02
libpaper 1.1.28 2020-06-24
libpar2 0.4 2016-07-02
libpeas 1.16.0 2016-07-02
libpff 20161119 2016-12-01
libpgf 7.19.3 2016-07-02
libpinyin 2.3.0 2019-04-07
libpng-legacy12 1.2.57 2016-08-02
libpqxx 6.4.5 2019-05-26
libprelude 5.2.0 2021-04-06
libpri 1.6.0 2018-04-12
libpseudo 1.2.0 2016-11-15
libpst 0.6.75 2016-07-02
libpwquality 1.4.2 2019-11-03
libqb 2.0.0 2020-05-11
libqcow 20181227 2019-01-20
libqinfinity 20110501_5955f93 2016-07-02
libqsqlpsql 4.8.5 2016-07-02
libquicktime 1.2.4 2016-07-02
libquvi 0.9.4 2017-05-02
libquvi-scripts 0.9.20131130 2017-05-02
libqxp 0.0.2 2019-02-06
libqxt 0.6.2 2016-07-02
libr3 1.3.4 2017-04-05
librapi2 0.13.1 2016-07-02
libraqm 0.5.0 2018-10-12
librcd 0.1.11 2016-07-02
libreadline-java 0.8.2 2017-06-29
libregf 20190303 2019-08-01
librelp 1.10.0 2021-04-07
librep 0.92.7 2020-02-21
libreplaygain r475 2016-07-02
librevisa 0.0.20130412 2017-01-15
librfm5 5.3.12 2016-07-02
librhtv 2.2.2 2019-12-18
librra 0.13 2016-07-02
librsync 0.9.7 2020-04-15
librtfcomp 1.1 2016-07-02
libsass 3.6.4 2019-06-17
libscca 20181227 2019-03-07
libscrypt 1.20 2016-07-02
libsearpc 3.0.7 2016-07-02
libseccomp 2.5.1 2016-07-02
libserialport 0.1.1 2017-01-15
libshout 2.3.1 2016-07-02
libsidplay 1.36.59 2020-12-24
libsidplay2 2.1.1 2016-07-02
libsidplayfp 1.8.6 2016-07-02
libsieve 2.3.1 2016-07-02
libsigc++-legacy12 1.2.7 2016-07-02
libsigrok 0.5.2 2020-01-06
libsigrokdecode 0.5.3 2020-01-06
libsigscan 20190103 2019-03-07
libsixel 1.8.5 2018-07-24
libskk 1.0.1 2016-07-02
libslack 0.7.1 2016-07-02
libsmbios 2.3.3 2016-07-02
libsmdev 20181227 2019-01-20
libsmf 1.3 2016-07-02
libsmi 0.4.8 2016-07-02
libsmraw 20181227 2019-01-20
libsodium 1.0.18 2019-08-11
libspectrum 1.4.4 2016-07-02
libspf2 1.2.10 2019-04-18
libsrtp 1.6.0 2017-11-17
libstaroffice 0.0.7 2018-04-29
libstatgrab 0.92 2016-07-02
libstrophe 0.9.2 2018-09-26
libsuinput 0.6.1 2016-07-02
libsunpinyin 2.0.3 2016-07-02
libsynce 0.13 2016-07-02
libtar 1.2.20 2016-07-02
libtecla 1.6.3 2016-11-02
libtelnet 0.23 2019-07-12
libtermkey 0.22 2016-07-02
libthai 0.1.28 2019-03-22
libticables2 1.3.4 2016-07-02
libticalcs2 1.1.8 2016-07-02
libticonv 1.1.4 2016-07-02
libtifiles2 1.1.6 2016-07-02
libtins 4.0 2018-04-09
libtomcrypt 1.17 2017-02-01
libtommath 1.2.0 2017-01-31
libtorrent 0.13.7 2016-07-02
libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.11 2020-09-08
libtorrent-rasterbar-legacy 1.1.14 2020-06-02
libtsm 3 2016-07-02
libtubo0 5.0.15 2016-07-02
libtunepimp 0.5.3 2016-07-02
libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1 2016-07-02
libu2f-host 1.1.10 2016-07-02
libuchardet 0.0.7 2016-10-09
libucil 20160609 2017-02-13
libunibreak 3.0 2016-09-29
libunicap 0.9.12 2016-07-02
libunicapgtk 20160609 2017-02-13
libunique 1.1.6 2016-07-02
libunique3 3.0.2 2016-07-02
libunwind 1.1 2016-07-02
libupnp 1.8.3 2018-01-04
libupnp-legacy 1.6.25 2018-03-19
liburcu 0.12.2 2016-07-02
libuv 1.41.0 2016-07-02
libvdpau-va-gl 0.4.2 2016-07-02
libversion 3.0.1 2017-04-06
libvhdi 20181227 2019-03-07
libvidcap 0.2.1 2016-07-02
libviper 1.4.6 2016-11-15
libvirt 4.5.0 2016-07-02
libvirt-glib 1.0.0 2016-07-02
libvirt-python 4.5.0 2016-07-02
libvmdk 20181227 2019-03-07
libvmime 156edf5c 2016-07-02
libvorbisidec 1.0.2+svn16259 2016-07-02
libvshadow 20190127 2019-03-07
libvslvm 20181227 2019-01-20
libvterm 0.1.4 2016-07-02
libwacom 1.9 2021-03-26
libwebp 1.1.0 2020-04-01
libwebsocketpp 0.7.0 2016-07-02
libwebsockets 3.1.0 2019-06-12
libwfut 0.2.3+c28cc3b 2016-07-02
libwhisker2 2.5 2016-12-14
libwnck3 3.20.1 2020-01-10
libwpe 2019-11-18
libwps 0.4.12 2018-08-09
libwrc 20181203 2019-01-20
libx86emu 2.4 2016-07-02
libxdg-basedir 1.2.0 2020-06-01
libxfcegui4 4.10.0 2016-07-02
libxkbcommon 1.2.1 2021-04-10
libxls 1.5.2 2019-11-19
libxlsxwriter 1.0.2 2018-06-28
libxmi 1.2 2016-07-02
libxml++ 2.40.1 2016-07-02
libxml++3 3.2.2 2019-09-26
libxmlb 0.1.14 2019-01-04
libxmp 4.4.1 2016-07-02
libxnvctrl 460.67 2021-04-06
libyang 1.0.167 2020-05-11
libyubikey 1.13 2016-12-03
libzdb 3.1 2016-07-02
libzen 0.4.38 2017-09-29
libzmf 0.0.2 2017-12-19
libzookeeper 3.4.6 2016-07-02
libzrtpcpp 4.1.2 2016-07-02
lilv 0.24.8 2016-07-02
live555 2020.08.19 2016-07-02
lksctp-tools 1.0.17 2017-04-12
lockdev 1.0.3 2016-07-02
log4c 1.2.4 2016-07-02
log4cplus 1.2.0 2016-10-20
log4cpp 1.0 2016-10-26
log4net 2.0.7 2017-01-12
log4shib 2.0.0 2018-07-18
logilab-astng 0.24.0 2016-07-02
logilab-common 0.63.2 2016-07-02
lua-MessagePack 0.3.1 2016-07-02
lua-cjson 2.1.0 2018-12-16
lua-cmsgpack 0.3.0 2016-07-02
lua-filesystem 1.6.3 2016-07-02
lua-lpeg 1.0.2 2016-07-02
lua-luv 1.36.0_0 2019-09-16
lua-md5 1.2 2016-07-02
lua-mpack 1.0.8 2016-07-02
lua-posix 35.0 2020-08-29
lua-readline 2.9 2021-02-07
lua-std._debug 1.0.1 2019-08-22
lua-std.normalize 2.0.3 2020-04-18
lua-zlib 20140201_c0014bc 2016-07-02
luacrypto 0.3.2 2016-07-02
luadbi 0.5 2016-07-02
luaevent 0.4.3 2016-07-02
luaexpat 1.3.0 2016-12-28
luasec 1.0 2016-12-28
luasocket 3.0_rc1 2016-12-28
lunatic-python 1.1.1 2016-07-02
lvtk 1.2.0 2016-07-02
lxqt-build-tools 0.6.0 2017-01-14
manubulon-snmp-plugins 20151112 2016-07-02
mariadb_client 2.0.0 2016-07-02
marisa 0.2.5 2018-10-07
mathgl 2.3.3 2016-07-02
matplotlib 2.2.3 2019-01-16
mbedtls 2.16.8 2019-08-07
mdds 1.7.0 2019-08-24
meanwhile 1.0.2 2016-07-02
med 4.0.0 2018-01-25
menu-cache 1.1.0 2016-07-02
mercator 0.3.3 2016-07-02
mini18n 0.2.1 2016-07-02
miniupnpc 2.1 2016-07-02
mongo-c-driver 1.6.1 2017-03-13
mongo-cxx-driver r3.1.1 2017-03-13
mowitz 0.3.1 2016-07-02
mpir 3.0.0 2016-07-02
msgpack-c 3.3.0 2016-07-02
msx264 1.5.3 2017-11-17
muParser 2.2.5 2016-07-02
mujs 1.1.0 2016-07-02
munkres 1.0.10 2016-07-02
musicbrainzngs 0.7.1 2016-07-02
mxml 3.1 2020-09-15
mygpoclient 1.8 2018-01-03
mysql++ 3.1.0 2016-07-02
mysql-connector-c++ 1.1.9 2016-07-02
mysql-connector-python 2.1.7 2016-07-02
mysqltcl 3.052 2016-07-02
nacl 20110221 2016-07-02
netcdf 4.7.4 2020-05-09
nextaw 0.15.1 2016-07-02
nini 1.1.0 2017-01-12
nlopt 2.4.2 2017-12-07
nltk 3.5 2020-04-25
node-xoauth2 1.2.0 2017-08-06
npth 1.6 2016-08-08
nspluginwrapper git20130818 2018-03-27
ntl 11.4.4 2016-07-02
nv-codec-headers 2021-01-13
nx-libs 2019-06-27
oath-toolkit 2.6.6 2016-07-02
ocaml-batteries 2.5.0 2016-07-02
ocaml-bisect 1.3 2016-07-20
ocaml-camomile 0.8.5 2016-07-20
ocaml-findlib 1.6.2 2016-07-02
ocaml-ounit 2.0.0 2016-07-02
ocl-icd 2.2.14 2021-03-20
ode 0.16.2 2020-09-20
ogre 1.12.9 2016-07-02
ois 1.5.0 2016-07-02
olm 3.2.2 2021-02-23
opal 3.10.10 2018-02-04
openbabel 2.3.2 2016-07-02
opencl-amd 19.50 2020-03-28
opencv 4.5.2 2016-07-02
opencv-legacy 3.1.0 2018-02-07
opendht 1.7.4 2017-08-08
openjfx 8u60 2017-09-10
opensaml 3.0.1 2019-03-24
orcania 2.2.0 2018-12-14
ordereddict 1.1 2016-07-02
osgQt 3.5.5 2018-05-28
p4api 2010.1.260003 2016-07-02
pangox-compat 0.0.2 2016-07-02
pcl 1.9.1 2017-10-08
pcre2 10.35 2016-08-21
pexpect 4.8.0 2016-07-02
pgplot 5.2.2 2018-08-18
pgtcl-ng 2.1.1 2016-07-02
php-imagick 3.4.3 2016-07-02
php-memcache 3.0.8 2016-07-02
php-memcached 2.2.0 2016-07-02
php-mssql 5.6.24 2016-07-02
php-oci8 2.0.8 2016-07-31
php-pdo_dblib 5.6.24 2016-07-02
php-pgsql 5.6.30 2016-07-02
php-redis 4.2.0 2018-11-25
php-ssh2 0.13 2016-07-02
php-stomp 1.0.9 2017-04-19
physfs 3.0.2 2019-03-22
pidgin-mra 2016-07-02
pies 2.6.7 2016-07-02
pies2overrides 2.6.7 2016-07-02
pigpio 74 2020-05-23
pipewire 0.2.7 2018-11-12
pjsip 2.9 2019-07-27
platform 2.1.0 2016-07-02
plib 1.8.5 2016-07-02
plplot 5.12.0 2017-06-24
plumbum 1.6.2 2016-07-02
plyr 1.0.6 2020-02-21
png++ 0.2.10 2019-08-21
poco 1.9.4 2016-07-02
podofo 0.9.6 2016-07-02
polyclipping 6.4.2 2017-02-28
poppler-qt5 0.45.0 2016-07-02
process-cpp 3.0.1 2017-04-16
progressbar 2.2 2016-07-02
properties-cpp 0.0.1 2017-04-16
protobuf-c 1.3.3 2020-03-29
proxygen 2017.09.25.00 2017-05-26
psqlodbc 10.2.0 2018-09-02
pthsem 2.0.8 2016-07-02
ptlib 2.10.11 2018-03-27
ptypes 2.1.1 2016-08-22
pugixml 1.11.4 2016-07-02
pyPEG2 2.15.2 2018-04-18
pyacoustid 1.1.5 2016-07-02
pycparser 2.19 2016-07-02
pyechonest 9.0.0 2016-07-02
pyftpdlib 1.5.3 2016-07-02
pyjf3 0.3 2016-07-02
pykdtree 1.3.0 2016-07-02
pylast 4.1.0 2016-07-02
pylibpcap 0.6.2 2016-07-02
pymdstat 0.4.2 2017-02-11
pymediainfo 5.0.3 2016-07-02
pyqode.core 2.10.0 2016-07-02
pysendfile 2.0.1 2016-07-02
pytaglib 1.4.6 2020-11-01
pyte 0.8.0 2016-07-02
python-efl 1.24.0 2020-08-29
python-gnupg 0.4.2 2016-07-02
python-librtmp 0.3.0 2016-07-02
python-meld3 1.0.2 2018-04-15
python-ntlm 1.1.0 2016-12-15
python-ruamel.yaml 0.16.0 2021-01-24
python-xlrd 1.1.0 2016-07-02
python3-PyQt5 5.13.2 2018-01-01
python3-PyQtWebEngine 5.13.2 2020-01-30
python3-PyYAML 3.13 2017-01-22
python3-dvdvideo 0.20140413 2016-09-18
python3-pillow 3.0.0 2017-02-16
qca-qt5 2.1.3 2018-07-10
qgnomeplatform 0.5 2019-01-13
qml-material 0.2.0 2018-01-16
qmltermwidget 0.2.0 2016-07-02
qoauth 1.0.1 2016-07-02
qt-assistant-compat 4.6.3 2016-07-02
qt3 3.3.8b 2016-07-02
qt5 5.12.8 2016-07-02
qt5-legacy 5.9.9 2018-08-22
qt5-pbfimageplugin 2.3 2021-01-01
qt5-styleplugins 2017-09-24
qt5-webkit 5.212.0_alpha4 2016-07-02
qt5-webkit-legacy 5.7.1 2018-08-22
qtermwidget 0.14.1 2016-07-02
qtmimetypes 20140903_123e525 2016-07-02
quazip-qt4 0.9.1 2020-12-08
quazip-qt5 0.9.1 2019-01-18
quesoglc 0.7.2 2016-07-02
qutepart 2.2.3 2017-03-26
qwt 6.1.6 2016-07-02
qwt-qt5 6.1.6 2019-11-11
qwt5 5.2.3 2016-12-14
qwtplot3d 0.2.7 2016-12-14
qwtpolar 1.1.1 2016-07-02
rabbitmq-c 0.8.0 2017-05-05
rapidjson 1.1.0 2017-01-04
raptor 2.0.15 2016-07-02
rarfile 3.1 2016-07-02
re2 2020_05_01 2018-07-04
remglk 0.2.6 2018-07-09
rep-gtk 2020-02-21
reportlab 3.2.0 2016-07-02
rest 0.8.1 2016-07-02
restbed 4.6 2017-01-03
rhino 1_7R2 2016-07-02
rhonabwy 0.9.999 2020-06-23
ring-daemon 20181026_114c6644 2017-08-08
ring-lrc 20181023_4cceb03 2017-08-08
rlog 1.4 2016-07-02
robin-map 0.6.3 2019-08-07
rocksdb 5.7.3 2017-05-26
rpyc 3.3.0 2016-07-02
rrdtool 1.7.0 2016-07-02
rtorrent-python 0.2.9 2016-07-02
rtrlib 0.6.1 2018-11-03
rudiments 0.55.0 2016-07-02
rxtx 2.2pre2 2016-07-02
sdformat 4.2.0 2017-01-12
secp256k1 20170312 2016-07-02
serd 0.30.4 2016-07-02
setproctitle 1.1.10 2016-07-02
shairplay 0.1.1 2016-12-11
simbody 3.5.4 2017-05-21
skalibs 2021-04-16
skstream 0.3.9 2016-07-02
slib 3b5 2016-07-02
slv2 0.6.6 2016-07-02
smmap 0.9.0 2016-07-02
smmap2 2.0.3 2016-10-17
smpeg2 2.0.0 2019-03-19
soil 1.07 2016-07-02
sord 0.16.4 2016-07-02
soundtouch 1.9.2 2016-07-02
sparsehash 2.0.4 2016-07-02
spdlog 1.8.1 2019-09-24
spread-sheet-widget 0.3 2018-11-26
sqliteodbc 0.9998 2020-10-17
sqlpp11 0.51 2017-03-20
sqlpp11-connector-mysql 0.21 2017-02-24
sqlpp11-connector-sqlite3 0.25 2017-05-26
squish r60 2016-07-02
sratom 0.6.4 2016-07-02
srt 1.4.2 2021-02-05
stfl 0.24 2016-07-02
stk 4.4.4 2016-07-02
suil 0.10.6 2016-07-02
swfdec 0.9.2 2016-07-02
t38modem-opal 3.10.15 2020-03-26
t38modem-ptlib 2.10.15 2020-03-26
t4k_common 0.1.1 2016-07-02
tDOM 0.8.3 2016-07-02
ta-lib 0.4.0 2017-11-25
tamu_anova 0.2 2016-07-02
tbb 2020u2 2020-04-07
tcl-inotify 1.4 2016-07-02
tcl-promise 1.1.0 2020-09-19
tcl-tls 1.6.7 2018-09-13
tclap 1.2.2 2016-07-02
tcllib 1.20 2020-01-19
tff 0.2.10 2016-07-02
tinyxml 2.6.2 2016-07-02
tinyxml2 8.0.0 2016-07-02
tkimg 1.4.2 2016-07-02
tlsh 3.4.5 2016-12-28
tmdb3 0.7.2 2016-07-02
tolua++ 1.0.93 2016-07-02
tomcat-native 1.2.23 2019-12-28
toro 1.0.1 2016-07-02
totem-pl-parser 3.4.5 2016-07-02
tox-extension-messages 0.0.2 2021-04-04
toxext 0.0.2 2021-04-04
trader 0.4.0 2016-07-02
tre 0.8.0 2016-07-02
tree-sitter 0.17.3 2020-12-22
trilinos 12.6.3 2016-07-02
tsocks 1.8beta5 2016-07-02
ucl 1.03 2017-04-23
ucommon 6.1.10 2016-07-02
udunits 2.2.26 2018-04-05
ulfius 2.7.2 2019-05-20
unarr 1.0.1 2017-01-13
unibilium 2.1.1 2016-07-02
unixODBC 2.3.7 2019-10-10
upscaledb 2.2.2 2017-01-18
uptime 3.0.1 2016-07-02
urdfdom 0.4.1 2016-09-29
urdfdom_headers 0.4.1 2016-09-29
uriparser 0.9.5 2016-07-02
utfcpp 2012.02.10 2016-07-02
uthash 1.9.9 2016-07-02
uuid 1.6.2 2016-08-25
varconf 1.0.1 2016-07-02
vcglib 1.0.1 2019-03-13
vdk 2.5.1 2018-03-19
vdpau-video 0.7.4 2016-07-02
vid.stab 97c6ae2 2016-07-02
vigra 1.11.1 2017-06-21
virglrenderer 0.7.0 2016-07-02
vsqlite++ 0.3.13 2016-07-02
vte3 0.50.2 2016-07-02
vte3-ng 0.50.2.a 2018-03-15
wangle 2017.09.25.00 2017-05-26
wayland 1.19.0 2021-03-18
wcslib 5.19.1 2018-09-04 0.37 2016-07-02
webkit2gtk 2.20.5 2016-07-02
webkitgtk 2.4.11 2016-07-02
webkitgtk3 2.4.11 2016-07-02
wfmath 1.0.2 2016-07-02
wimlib 1.13.3 2020-11-23
wjelement 1.3 2017-06-14
ws4py 0.4.2 2016-07-02
wv 1.2.9 2016-07-02
wvstreams 4.6.1 2016-07-02
wxGTK 2.8.12 2016-07-02
wxGTK3 3.0.5 2016-07-02
wxPython 2016-07-02
wxPython3 2016-09-08
wxPython4 4.0.7.post2 2018-04-01
wxSQLite3 4.5.1 2020-02-19
wxX11 2.8.7 2016-07-02
wxsvg 1.5.12 2016-07-02
xalan 2.7.1 2016-07-02
xalan-c 1.11_1335373 2016-07-02
xapian-bindings 1.2.8 2016-07-02
xawplus 3.1.0 2016-07-02
xblas 1.0.248 2017-03-11
xcb-util-xrm 1.3 2019-03-17
xerces 2.11.0 2016-07-02
xerces-c 3.2.0 2016-07-02
xf86-input-libinput 0.28.0 2018-07-17
xforms 1.2.4 2016-07-02
xine-plugin 1.0.2 2016-07-02
xlt 11.1.11 2016-07-02
xml-security-c 2.0.2 2019-01-17
xmlgen 1.4 2016-07-02
xmlrpc-c 1.33.16 2016-07-02
xmlsec 1.2.31 2016-07-02
xmltooling 3.0.4 2019-03-24
xmpppy 0.5.0rc1 2016-07-02
xulrunner 41.0.2 2016-07-02
xview 3.2p4 2016-07-02
xylib 1.6 2020-09-26
yajl 2.1.0 2019-03-29
yaml-cpp 0.6.3 2016-07-02
yaml-cpp0.3 0.3.0 2016-07-02
yaz 4.2.51 2016-07-02
yder 1.4.13 2018-11-02
zbase32 1.1.5 2016-07-02
zc.lockfile 1.1.0 2016-07-02
zdaemon 4.0.1 2016-07-02
zeromq 4.3.4 2021-02-09
zfec 1.4.24 2016-07-02
zimg 3.0.1 2021-01-01
zint 2.9.1 2021-02-18
zita-alsa-pcmi 0.3.2 2016-07-02
zita-convolver 4.0.3 2016-07-02
zita-resampler 1.6.2 2016-07-02
zmusic 1.1.4 2020-10-27
zope.component 4.2.1 2016-07-02
zope.configuration 4.0.3 2016-07-02
zope.event 4.0.3 2016-07-02
zope.hookable 4.0.4 2016-07-02
zope.i18nmessageid 4.0.3 2016-07-02
zope.location 4.0.3 2016-07-02
zope.proxy 4.1.4 2016-07-02
zope.schema 4.4.2 2016-07-02 4.0.1 2016-07-02
zsi 2.1a1 2016-07-02
zuluplay 1.1 2020-02-19
zziplib 0.13.71 2016-07-02

Validated for Slackware 14.2

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