SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Academic > root (6.30.08)

ROOT - A data analysis framework.

ROOT provides a set of frameworks with the functionality needed to
handle and analyze large amounts of data in an efficient way. It
includes specialized storage methods such as histograms, curve
fitting, function evaluation, minimization, graphics, visualization
classes; the C++ interpreter cling for fast prototyping; and powerful
parallel processing support.

It comes with a lot of different options for compilation. And it
seems impossible to stress all of them in this one script. Therefore
the potential user is strongly advised to check the cmake command

Compilation takes quite a while, thus consider to build ROOT like that:
# MAKEFLAGS=-j5 ./root.SlackBuild

REQUIREMENTS: gl2ps libAfterImage python3-numpy tbb ftgl

- ROOT's python TMVA requires python3-numpy being built over blas.

- This SlackBuild sets the root7 build option to ON in order to
prepare the migration to the new ROOT 7 release. More on the ROOT 7
features you can find here:

- Starting from ROOT version 6.26/00 it uses the web-based version for
the TBrowser if it is build with the root7 option being ON. You can
switch back to the Win95-looking TBrowser by adding the following
line to your $HOME/.rootrc file:
Browser.Name: TRootBrowser

- Starting from ROOT 6.28/00 version, one can use rootssh script for
automatic configuration of ssh tunnel, necessary for web widgets:
rootssh username@remotenode

This requires: ftgl, gl2ps, libAfterImage, python3-numpy, tbb

Maintained by: Andrei Rabusov
Keywords: root,gsl,Root,ROOT
ChangeLog: root


Source Downloads (64bit):
root_v6.30.08.source.tar.gz (0be570ec97004395d7ccde20edd8a803)

Download SlackBuild:
root.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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