SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Academic > sage-bin (9.4)

Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under
the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages
into a common Python-based interface.

Sage can be used in several ways: through an interactive command line,
by writing stand-alone scripts, through the graphical notebook
interface in a browser, or through the KDE Cantor application (part
of a full Slackware installation).

This SlackBuild repackages an already-built binary package which
exceeds 1.5GB in size, and the resulting Slackware package uses >5GB
disk space.

To upgrade from the previous source-built Sage package from SBo, use
the upgradepkg command like this:

upgradepkg sage%sage-bin-8.3-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz

After installing or upgrading, you will need to logout or reboot so
that sage is found in your path.

Sage's default colour scheme is for a terminal with a light background.
For a dark backgrounded terminal you may prefer the scheme after

mkdir -p ~/.sage; echo "%colors Linux" >> ~/.sage/init.sage

For 32-bit i686, the most recent binary package is version 8.2. You can
download sage-8.2-Debian_GNU_Linux_8-i686.tar.bz2 and then use this
SlackBuild as follows:

VERSION=8.2 DEBVERSION=8 ARCH=i686 ./sage-bin.SlackBuild

This requires: mkchroot

Maintained by: Duncan Roe
Keywords: math,mathematics,algebra,python,gap,gp,singular,maxima,matlab,mathematica,magma,maple
ChangeLog: sage-bin


Source Downloads (64bit):
sage-9.4-Debian_GNU_Linux_11-x86_64.tar.bz2 (3128ef3530f514932cabcaf62b78030a)
debian_binaries-11.2.tar.xz (dc0f1b19c9b73821865599e1cefe66b6)
debian_libraries-11.2.tar.xz (9380db91d6afbbc4e5a23ba13553d616)

Download SlackBuild:
sage-bin.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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Access to the repository is available via:
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