SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Academic > treeviewx (0.5.1_20100723)

Rod Page's TreeView X is a simple program for displaying phylogenies.
Some of its features include:

- reads many different tree file formats (including NEXUS, PHYLIP,
Hennig86, NONA, MEGA, and ClustalW/X)
- supports standard the TrueType and Postscript fonts
- supports native graphics file format for copying pictures into
other applications, and for saving graphics files
- print preview
- can print multiple trees per page and/or one tree over more than
one page
- has drag-and-drop facility for easy opening of files
- Web-based online help
- tree editor

This program is different from Michael Eisen's TreeView for matrix-
like display of expression data. Also, we build the sources distributed
by Debian.

For details and citation:
Page, R. D. M. 1996. TREEVIEW: An application to display phylogenetic
trees on personal computers. Computer Applications in the Biosciences
12: 357-358.

This requires: wxPython

Maintained by: Petar Petrov
Keywords: treeview,phylogeny,biology,sequence,phylogenetic tree,Rod Page
ChangeLog: treeviewx


Source Downloads:
treeviewx_0.5.1+20100823.orig.tar.gz (8059a306b723e6fb4d3befcf302b2920)

Download SlackBuild:
treeviewx.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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