SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Audio > portmidi (2.0.2)

PortMidi is a computer library for real time input and output of
MIDI data. It is designed to be portable to many different operating
systems. PortMidi is part of the PortMusic project.


By default only the headers and libraries are installed. To build the
test programs:

PMTESTS=yes ./portmidi.SlackBuild

The test programs are:

fast fastrcv latency midiclock midithread midithru mm multivirtual qtest
recvvirtual sendvirtual sysex testio virttest

Maintained by: D Woodfall
Keywords: midi,audio,music,portmidi,porttime
ChangeLog: portmidi


Source Downloads: (1bf08bbdb9f96175034908ca0cbf136b)

Download SlackBuild:
portmidi.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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