SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Audio > sayonara-player (1.10.0_stable1)

sayonara-player (small, clear and fast audio player for Linux)

sayonara-player is a small, clear and fast audio player for Linux
written in C++, supported by the Qt framework. It uses Gstreamer as
audio backend.

Although Sayonara is considered as a lightweight player, it holds a
lot of features to organize even big music collections.

Most of them are known from the bigger and well known audio players.
But in contrast to most of the other players the main focus during
developing has been performance, low CPU usage and low memory

So Sayonara is a good alternative to players like Rhythmbox,
Clementine or Amarok. Those who miss Winamp for Linux should give
Sayonara a try.

One of Sayonara's goals is intuitive and easy usablility.
Currently it is only available for Linux.

Sayonara features:

Optional dependency: gst-plugins-ugly.

Maintained by: Fellype do Nascimento
Keywords: audio player,music,mp3,sayonara player,
ChangeLog: sayonara-player


Source Downloads (64bit):
sayonara-player-1.10.0-stable1.tar.gz (b97df4a255a550d1b250575c8ff2137b)

Download SlackBuild:
sayonara-player.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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