SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Desktop > nwg-shell (0.5.36)

nwg-shell (base shell and utils for Sway-based shell)

Base package of utils and configurations for nwg-shell.

This package acts as a meta-package to pull in all
the dependencies for building the entire nwg-shell

Installation of the nwg-shell WM on Slackware:

First build/install this package and all of
the dependencies.

Ensure your $USER is in the 'video' group.

1. Run (as $USER) 'xdg-user-dirs-update'
(first launch only)
2. then Run 'nwg-shell-installer -a'
(installs default skeleton config)
3. Launch 'sway'

After initial setup, one need only exec
'sway' to load nwg-shell.

By default nwg-shell uses:
-playerctl (media player)
-Firefox (web browsing)
-mousepad (text editor)
-thunar (file explorer)
-gtklock (lockscreen)

Ensure you have a full Slackware install
(or everything but /kde). Default apps are
from XFCE, so ensure you've installed the
xfce/ package series.

All defaults are user configurable within the WM.

The nwg-shell project now has a optional graphical
greeter based on greetd. Check out 'nwg-hello' on SBo!

This requires: jq, sway, grim, wl-clipboard, xdg-desktop-portal-wlr, slurp, swappy, swayidle, swaylock, python3-autotiling, nwg-menu, nwg-shell-wallpapers, nwg-wrapper, azote, nwg-bar, brightnessctl, gtklock-playerctl-module, gtklock-powerbar-module, gtklock-userinfo-module, gopsuinfo, nwg-displays, nwg-look, nwg-panel, nwg-dock, nwg-shell-config, papirus-icon-theme, foot, nwg-clipman, nwg-readme-browser

Maintained by: Jay Lanagan
Keywords: sway,wayland,nwg-shell
ChangeLog: nwg-shell


Source Downloads:
nwg-shell-v0.5.36.tar.gz (09290f74163207d04a0494e22489f130)

Download SlackBuild:
nwg-shell.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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