SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Development > lazarus (3.8)

lazarus (rapid application development tool for freepascal)

Lazarus is a Rapid Application Development Tool for FreePascal. It
comes with the LCL - Lazarus Component Library, which contains platform
independent visual components like buttons, windows, checkbox, treeview
and many, many more. The LCL is platform independent, so you can write
an application once and then compile for various platforms without
changing code.

By default this script builds lazarus with "gtk2" but it can instead
use "qt5" by following these steps:

1. build and install libqtpas from
2. build lazarus with the command:

LCL=qt5 ./lazarus.SlackBuild

3. install lazarus

Note: before installing lazarus 3.0 make sure first to remove any
previous lazarus installation, then upgrading fpc to version 3.2.2
build 3.

This requires: fpc

Maintained by: Antonio Leal
Keywords: pascal,freepascal,free pascal,delphi,object-pascal,IDE,RAD,qt4pas,free,lazarus,ide,rad
ChangeLog: lazarus


Source Downloads:
lazarus-3.8-0.tar.gz (29d9bcc58c73b4a22bc7a09a22093ca0)

Download SlackBuild:
lazarus.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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