SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Games > wolfmame (0.269)

WolfMAME is a fork of MAME that does not allow pausing, and has other
security features which facilitate the recording of achievements in
arcade games.

Users recorded .inp files will be placed in /opt/wolfmame/inp

To speed up compilation, you may use "export MAKEFLAGS=-j4" before
building, where 4 is the number of cores on your system.

Note that ccache is off by default. To turn on ccache use:

USE_CCACHE=yes ./wolfmame.SlackBuild

Maintained by: David Ferrone
Keywords: mame,arcade,emulator,emulation
ChangeLog: wolfmame


Source Downloads (64bit):
wolfmame-wolf269.tar.gz (a3f5039956bdfc628951749fc2e2be66)

Download SlackBuild:
wolfmame.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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