SlackBuilds Repository

15.0 > Games > planetblupi (1.15.1)

Planet-Blupi is a modern port of the Epsitec SA 1997 game.

It features a little yellow guy called Blupi in an adventure game with
RTS features.

Blupi lives happily in his little planet when a strange meteorite
crashes in a desert. Later Blupi discovers huge spiders trashing his
plantations. The meteorite was a strange robot's spacecraft! And it's
building factories, which produces different kind of invading enemies.
Blupi needs to fight to defend his home planet...

This requires: argagg, SDL_kitchensink

Maintained by: Yth - Arnaud
Keywords: blupi,game,rts
ChangeLog: planetblupi


Source Downloads:
SDL_ttf-release-2.20.2.tar.gz (b584f806d65e9c5ced69b99b12828bee)
planetblupi-1.15.1.tar.gz (030fa1514b0e2fe2088aae9b9023e4f7)

Download SlackBuild:
planetblupi.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 15.0

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