Name | Category | Version | Slackware |
0ad | Games | 0.0.23b | 14.2 |
0ad-data | Games | 0.0.23b | 14.2 |
2bwm | Desktop | 0.2 | 14.2 |
2ping | Network | 4.5 | 14.2 |
3D-Fasteroids | Games | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
3proxy | Network | 0.8.13 | 14.2 |
4digits | Games | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
4do-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_e1fec6e | 14.2 |
4th | Development | 3.62.5 | 14.2 |
7kaa | Games | 2.15.4p1 | 14.2 |
7plus | Ham | 2.25 | 14.2 |
9menu | Desktop | 1.10 | 14.2 |
APScheduler | Python | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
AdGuardHome | Network | 0.105.2 | 14.2 |
Alchemy | Graphics | 008 | 14.2 |
Alphacube-GTK | Desktop | 0.5 | 14.2 | | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
AnonymousPro | System | 1.002 | 14.2 |
ApacheDirectoryStudio | Network | 2.0.0.v20130628 | 14.2 |
Arduino | Development | 1.8.3 | 14.2 |
AssociationSubscribersManager | Business | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
Ater-MPlayer-skin | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
Atlas-C++ | Libraries | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
AtomicParsley | Multimedia | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
Attic | System | 0.16 | 14.2 |
Automat | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
BISP | Misc | | 14.2 |
Baker | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
Beaker | Python | 1.11.0 | 14.2 |
BeastieWorker | Games | 0.4 | 14.2 |
BeastieWorker-levels | Games | 01.50 | 14.2 |
BeautifulSoup | Libraries | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
BeautifulSoup4 | Python | 4.9.3 | 14.2 |
BitchX | Network | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
Blender | Graphics | 2.83.8 | 14.2 |
Botan | Libraries | 2.17.3 | 14.2 |
Bottleneck | Development | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
CAFS_divergence | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
CANard | Python | 65d48d83 | 14.2 |
CAPS_coevolution | Academic | 2.0 | 14.2 |
CCfits | Libraries | 2.5 | 14.2 |
CEGUI | Libraries | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
CEGUI0.7 | Libraries | 0.7.9 | 14.2 |
CGAL | Libraries | 4.13 | 14.2 |
CImg | Development | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
CNS11643-font | System | 20180105 | 14.2 |
CPU-X | System | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
CVSTools | Development | 21.1 | 14.2 |
CairoSVG | Graphics | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
Catch | Development | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
Chatbot-Eliza | Games | 1.04 | 14.2 |
CherryMusic | Network | 0.40.0 | 14.2 |
CherryPy | Libraries | 14.1.0 | 14.2 |
CherryTree | Office | 0.39.2 | 14.2 |
ChezScheme | Development | 9.5.1_674e218 | 14.2 |
ClipboardViewer | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
ClusterSSH | Network | 4.09 | 14.2 |
Coin | Development | 3.1.3 | 14.2 |
CoinMP | Libraries | 1.8.4 | 14.2 |
Colormake | Misc | 20170221 | 14.2 |
ComixCursors | Desktop | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
CommonMark | Python | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
CondConfigParser | Libraries | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
ConfigParser | Libraries | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
CorsixTH | Games | 0.63 | 14.2 |
CreateCloudMap | Gis | 0.9.13 | 14.2 |
Crypt-SSLeay | Libraries | 0.64 | 14.2 |
CubicSDR | Ham | d2f9333 | 14.2 |
DPF-Plugins | Audio | 1.3 | 14.2 |
DVR-Scan | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
DarTui | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
Data2FCS | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
DateTime | Libraries | 4.2 | 14.2 |
DendroPy | Academic | 4.4.0 | 14.2 |
DenyHosts | Network | 3.1 | 14.2 |
DevIL | Libraries | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
DirectFB | Libraries | 1.7.7 | 14.2 |
DivFix++ | Multimedia | 0.34 | 14.2 |
EMBASSY | Academic | 6.6.0 | 14.2 |
EMBOSS | Academic | 6.6.0 | 14.2 |
ETL | Libraries | 0.04.14 | 14.2 |
EarthReader-Web | Network | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
Editra | Development | 0.7.20 | 14.2 |
Electrum | Network | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
Electrum-DASH | Network | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
Eterm | System | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
ExMplayer | Multimedia | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
FAudio | Audio | 20.11 | 14.2 |
FCSalyzer | Academic | 0.9.18_alpha | 14.2 |
FSPViewer | Graphics | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
Fennel | Development | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
Fiona | Gis | 1.8.19 | 14.2 |
FireWorks | Network | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
Flask | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Babel | Python | 0.11.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Bcrypt | Python | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Compress | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
Flask-Cors | Python | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
Flask-Dance | Python | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
Flask-Gravatar | Python | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
Flask-HTMLmin | Python | 1.2 | 14.2 |
Flask-Login | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Mail | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Principal | Python | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
Flask-RESTful | Python | 0.3.6 | 14.2 |
Flask-SQLAlchemy | Python | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
Flask-Security | Python | 1.7.5 | 14.2 |
Flask-WTF | Python | 0.14.2 | 14.2 |
FlightGear | Games | 2020.3.6 | 14.2 |
FlightGear-data | Games | 2020.3.6 | 14.2 |
Flootty | Network | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
FontAwesome | System | 4.7.0 | 14.2 |
FormEncode | Libraries | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
Free-Cinema | Network | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
FreeBASIC | Development | 1.07.1 | 14.2 |
FreeCAD | Graphics | 0.17.13541 | 14.2 |
FreeFem | Academic | 4.5 | 14.2 |
FreeImage | Libraries | 3.17.0 | 14.2 |
FreeOffice | Office | 2018_978 | 14.2 |
FunkLoad | System | 1.17.1 | 14.2 |
GLee | Libraries | 5.4.0 | 14.2 |
GMT | Gis | 6.1.1 | 14.2 |
GPS | Graphics | 2_0 | 14.2 |
Gblocks | Academic | 0.91b | 14.2 |
Gearboy | Games | 2018.03.24_b9d67b0 | 14.2 |
Gearsystem | Games | 2018.04.11_78c8e14 | 14.2 |
Gem | Multimedia | 0.93.3 | 14.2 |
Genesis-Plus-GX | Games | 2020.01.05_74ad967 | 14.2 |
GentiumPlus | System | 5.000 | 14.2 |
GeoGebra | Academic | 5.0.361.0 | 14.2 |
GeoIP | Network | 1.6.12 | 14.2 |
GeoIP-Python | Python | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
Geohash | Gis | 1.0 | 14.2 |
Geraldo | Libraries | 0.4.12 | 14.2 |
GhostInTheMail | Network | 0.5 | 14.2 |
GitEye | Development | 1.12.0 | 14.2 |
GitPython | Libraries | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
GraphicsMagick | Graphics | 1.3.35 | 14.2 |
Gridcoin-Research | Academic | | 14.2 |
Gtk2-GladeXML | Perl | 1.007 | 14.2 |
GtkD | Libraries | 3.8.3 | 14.2 |
HMMER | Academic | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
HamsiManager | Audio | 0.9.70 | 14.2 |
HandBrake | Multimedia | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
HawkNL | Libraries | 1.68 | 14.2 |
Hex2bin | Development | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
HotShots | Graphics | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
Hypodermic | Libraries | 2.4 | 14.2 |
I-Nex | System | 7.6.1 | 14.2 |
IGV | Academic | 2.8.12 | 14.2 |
IMAPClient | Libraries | 0.13 | 14.2 |
ITK | Academic | 5.1.2 | 14.2 |
Icecat | Network | 52.3.0 | 14.2 |
Impacket | Libraries | 0.9.21 | 14.2 |
Iosevka | System | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
Iosevka-slab | System | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
Ipopt | Libraries | 3.12.6 | 14.2 |
J-Link | Development | 5.02 | 14.2 |
JSONObject | Development | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
JSampler | Multimedia | 0.9 | 14.2 |
JabRef | Office | 5.2 | 14.2 |
JetBrainsMono | System | 2.001 | 14.2 |
Jinja2 | Libraries | 2.11.3 | 14.2 |
KAdventure | Games | gitfdc9579 | 14.2 |
KKEdit | Development | 0.1.8 | 14.2 |
Kallithea | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
KeePass | Misc | 2.47 | 14.2 |
KeePassHttp | Misc | | 14.2 |
Kivy | Libraries | 1.10.1 | 14.2 |
KoboDeluxe | Games | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
Kst | Academic | 2.0.8 | 14.2 |
LBRY | Multimedia | 0.50.2 | 14.2 |
LDView | Graphics | 4.2 | 14.2 |
LDraw_data | Graphics | 201601 | 14.2 |
LLgen | Development | 1.4 | 14.2 |
LOIC | Network | | 14.2 |
LX-Colors-Revival | Desktop | 20160602 | 14.2 |
LX-Colors-themes | Desktop | 20150908 | 14.2 |
LanguageTool | Office | 3.5 | 14.2 |
LibreOffice | Office | | 14.2 |
Logbook | Python | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
LuaBitOp | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
LucenePlusPlus | Libraries | 3.0.8 | 14.2 |
MEGAsync | Network | | 14.2 |
MP3Diags | Audio | 1.2.03 | 14.2 |
Mako | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
Markdown | Python | 2.6.11 | 14.2 |
MarkupSafe | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
Markups | Python | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
MasterPDFEditor | Office | 5.7.53 | 14.2 |
MediathekView | Multimedia | 13.7.1 | 14.2 |
MetaPhlAn2 | Academic | | 14.2 |
Mk4tcl | Development | | 14.2 |
Mnemosyne | Academic | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
MoarVM | Perl | 2021.03 | 14.2 |
Mopidy | Multimedia | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
MuseScore | Multimedia | 3.6 | 14.2 |
MusicMixer | Audio | 1.8 | 14.2 |
MyGUI | Libraries | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
MySQL-Sandbox | System | 3.2.05 | 14.2 |
MySQL-python | Development | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
NME | Office | 130323 | 14.2 |
Naked | Development | 0.1.31 | 14.2 |
Net-SSLeay | Perl | 1.81 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn | Network | 1.2.10 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-l2tp | Network | 1.2.12 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-openconnect | Network | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-openvpn | Network | 1.2.10 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-pptp | Network | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-ssh | Network | 1.2.10 | 14.2 |
NetworkManager-vpnc | Network | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
Nevow | Libraries | 0.14.4 | 14.2 |
ORBit2 | Libraries | 2.14.19 | 14.2 |
OSCAR | Misc | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
OTB | Gis | 7.2.0 | 14.2 |
OWSLib | Gis | 0.23.0 | 14.2 |
OpenAL | Libraries | 1.18.0 | 14.2 |
OpenBLAS | Libraries | 0.3.12 | 14.2 |
OpenCASCADE | Graphics | 7.3.0 | 14.2 |
OpenCSG | Libraries | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
OpenCobolIDE | Development | 4.7.4 | 14.2 |
OpenFOAM | Academic | 8 | 14.2 |
OpenHantek6022 | Development | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
OpenJK | Games | 7613c1 | 14.2 |
OpenLP | Multimedia | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
OpenPHT | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
OpenRA | Games | 20190314 | 14.2 |
OpenSceneGraph | Libraries | 3.5.5 | 14.2 |
OpenSubdiv | Graphics | 3.4.3 | 14.2 |
OpenXcom | Games | 20201205_2034 | 14.2 |
PAC | Network | | 14.2 |
PDCurses | Libraries | 3.8 | 14.2 |
PDFlib-Lite | Libraries | 7.0.5p3 | 14.2 |
Pafy | Network | 0.5.5 | 14.2 |
ParadisEO | Development | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
Parsley | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
Paste | Python | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
PasteDeploy | Python | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
Paver | Python | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
Pd-extended | Audio | 0.43.4 | 14.2 |
PhpStorm | Development | 2019.2.1 | 14.2 |
PhyML | Academic | 3.3.20200621 | 14.2 |
Pivy | Development | hg_20101207 | 14.2 |
Pixie | Graphics | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
PrettyTable | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
ProFont | System | 20040610 | 14.2 |
ProjectLibre | Office | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
Publican | Misc | 4.3.2 | 14.2 |
Pulse-Glass | Desktop | 1.02 | 14.2 |
PureRef | Graphics | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
PyAMG | Academic | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
PyAudio | Python | 0.2.11 | 14.2 |
PyColorizer | Python | 0.1 | 14.2 |
PyDispatcher | Python | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
PyGithub | Python | 1.38 | 14.2 |
PyGreSQL | Python | 5.2.2 | 14.2 |
PyInstaller | Python | 3.2 | 14.2 |
PyLotRO | Games | 0.1.15 | 14.2 |
PyMOL | Graphics | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
PyODE | Libraries | 2010.03.22 | 14.2 |
PyOpenGL | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
PyPDF2 | Python | 1.26.0 | 14.2 |
PyPanel | Desktop | 2.4 | 14.2 |
PyQt5 | Libraries | 5.13.2 | 14.2 |
PyQt5-legacy | Libraries | 5.7 | 14.2 |
PyQwt | Libraries | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
PyRIC | Python | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
PyRSS2Gen | Network | 1.1 | 14.2 |
PySDL2 | Python | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
PySixel | System | 0.1.11 | 14.2 |
PySocks | Network | 1.6.8 | 14.2 |
PySoundCard | Libraries | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
PyStemmer | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
PyXB | Python | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
PyXML | Libraries | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
PyYAML | Libraries | 3.13 | 14.2 |
Pyfa | Games | 1.31.0 | 14.2 |
Pygments | Python | 2.8.1 | 14.2 |
Pykka | Libraries | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
Pyrit | Network | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
Pyro | Python | 3.16 | 14.2 |
Pyro4 | Python | 4.77 | 14.2 |
PythonQt | Python | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
PythonToolkit | Development | 18.08 | 14.2 |
QCMA | Misc | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
QDarkStyle | Libraries | 1.11 | 14.2 |
QMPlay2 | Multimedia | 18.12.26 | 14.2 |
QR-Code-generator | Libraries | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
QScintilla-qt5 | Libraries | 2.11.6 | 14.2 |
QStlink | Development | 2bf0cd7 | 14.2 |
QUSB | Libraries | 0ec83acc | 14.2 |
Qogir-icon-theme | Desktop | 20201122 | 14.2 |
QtPy | Development | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
QtUsb | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
QtiPlot | Academic | | 14.2 |
Quaternion | Network | | 14.2 |
QuickNES-Core | Games | 2020.10.11.81fedf7 | 14.2 |
QuiteRSS | Network | 0.19.4 | 14.2 |
R | Academic | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
RAxML | Academic | 8.2.12 | 14.2 |
RBTools | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
RTL8192 | Network | | 14.2 |
RYMTracks | Network | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
ReText | Office | 7.0.4 | 14.2 |
RepeatMasker | Academic | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
RetroArch | Games | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
Routes | Python | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
RxCpp | Libraries | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
SAM | Audio | 20171105_bcf92b5 | 14.2 |
SDL2 | Libraries | 2.0.14 | 14.2 |
SDL2_gfx | Development | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
SDL2_image | Libraries | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
SDL2_mixer | Libraries | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
SDL2_net | Libraries | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
SDL2_ttf | Libraries | 2.0.15 | 14.2 |
SDL_Pango | Libraries | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
SDL_gfx | Libraries | 2.0.25 | 14.2 |
SDL_kitchensink | Libraries | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
SDL_sound | Libraries | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
SDRPlay | Ham | 2.13.1 | 14.2 |
SFCGAL | Gis | 1.3.9 | 14.2 |
SFGUI | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
SFML | Libraries | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
SLADE | Games | 3.1.12a | 14.2 |
SOAPpy | Python | 0.11.6 | 14.2 |
SOGo | Office | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
SOPE | Libraries | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
SPIRV-Headers | Libraries | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
SPIRV-Tools | Graphics | 2020.6 | 14.2 |
SQLAlchemy | Development | 1.3.22 | 14.2 |
SQLObject | Libraries | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
STAR | Academic | 2.7.8a | 14.2 |
STM32CubeIDE | Development | 1.1.0_4551_20191014_1140 | 14.2 |
SU2 | Academic | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
SameBoy | Games | 0.12.3 | 14.2 |
SavvyCAN | System | 197 | 14.2 |
Scorched3D | Games | 44 | 14.2 |
Scrapy | Python | 1.7.3 | 14.2 |
SeqMonk | Academic | 1.47.1 | 14.2 |
Shapely | Gis | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
Shark | Academic | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
ShellCheck-bin | Development | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
Shellpic | Graphics | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
SimGear | Libraries | 2020.3.6 | 14.2 |
SimpleSysexxer | Multimedia | 0.3 | 14.2 |
Sl | System | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
SlowAES | Libraries | 0.1a1 | 14.2 |
Smarty | Libraries | 3.0.8 | 14.2 |
SoQt | Development | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
SoapyRemote | Ham | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
SoapySDR | Ham | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
SoapySDRPlay | Ham | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
Sokoban | Games | 100 | 14.2 |
Solaar | System | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
SoulseekQt | Network | 20160117 | 14.2 |
SpaceZero | Games | 0.86.00 | 14.2 |
Sphinx | Development | 3.5.4 | 14.2 |
SpiderOakONE | Network | 7.5.0 | 14.2 |
SuperCollider | Audio | 3.10.2 | 14.2 |
Surfn | Desktop | 20.12.7 | 14.2 |
SweetHome3D | Graphics | 6.3 | 14.2 |
Synkron | Accessibility | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
THE | Development | 3.3RC4 | 14.2 |
TLP | System | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
TaskCoach | Office | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
TauDEM | Gis | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
TeamSpeak3 | Network | 3.5.6 | 14.2 |
Ted | Office | 2.23 | 14.2 |
Tempus-Irae | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
TermRecord | System | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
TiMidity++ | Audio | 2.15.0 | 14.2 |
TreeGraph | Academic | 2.15.0_887_beta | 14.2 |
TurboGears2 | Python | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
Type1_to_OTF | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
UDR | Network | 0.9.4_774f2e7 | 14.2 |
URLObject | Python | 2.4.3 | 14.2 |
USBdev | System | 2019.11.05 | 14.2 |
Unidecode | Python | 0.04.21 | 14.2 |
UrbanTerror | Games | 4.3.4 | 14.2 |
VASSAL | Games | 3.5.5 | 14.2 |
VTK | Libraries | 8.2.0 | 14.2 |
Vanilla-DMZ | Desktop | 0.4 | 14.2 |
VariCAD | Graphics | 2013_2.01 | 14.2 |
ViennaRNA | Academic | 2.4.17 | 14.2 |
VisUAL | Development | 1.27 | 14.2 |
VitaMTP | Libraries | 2.5.9 | 14.2 |
Vulkan-Headers | Libraries | | 14.2 |
Vulkan-Tools | Graphics | | 14.2 |
WEVOTE | Academic | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
WTForms | Python | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
WebHelpers | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
WebOb | Libraries | 1.7.3 | 14.2 |
WebStorm | Development | 10.0.4 | 14.2 |
WhatWeb | Network | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
Whoosh | Python | 2.7.4 | 14.2 |
Window_Manager_Scripts | Desktop | e8d3685da9e07a97823047a3c3685b298b968ec2 | 14.2 |
WordNet | Academic | 3.0 | 14.2 |
XD | Network | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
XDecorations | Desktop | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
Xdialog | Development | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
Xfce-Theme-Manager | Desktop | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
XlsxWriter | Python | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
XnViewMP | Graphics | 0.94.1 | 14.2 |
Xyce | Academic | 6.5 | 14.2 |
Yapps2 | Python | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
Yolo | Multimedia | May_04_2009 | 14.2 |
ZConfig | Libraries | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
ZEsarUX | Games | 6.0 | 14.2 |
ZODB3 | Libraries | 3.11.0 | 14.2 |
Zafiro-icons | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ZeGrapher | Academic | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
ZoneMinder | System | 1.32.2 | 14.2 |
a2jmidid | Audio | 9 | 14.2 |
a2tools | System | 003 | 14.2 |
aMule | Network | r11003 | 14.2 |
aacgain | Audio | 1.9 | 14.2 |
aacplusenc | Audio | 0.17.5 | 14.2 |
aaphoto | Graphics | 0.45 | 14.2 |
abcMIDI | Multimedia | 35 | 14.2 |
abcde | Audio | 2.9.3 | 14.2 |
abcm2ps | Graphics | 8.14.2 | 14.2 |
abduco | Misc | 0.6 | 14.2 |
abe | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
abella | Academic | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
abgx360 | Misc | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
abgx360gui | Misc | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
abiword | Office | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
abntex | Academic | 0.9_beta2 | 14.2 |
abook | Office | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
abuse | Games | 0.8 | 14.2 |
acc | Development | 1.57 | 14.2 |
ace | Games | 1.4 | 14.2 |
aces-dev | Multimedia | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
aces_container | Multimedia | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
acetoneiso | Multimedia | 2.4 | 14.2 |
ack | System | 3.4.0 | 14.2 | | Network | 2.8.8 | 14.2 |
acousticbrainz-client | Audio | 0.1 | 14.2 |
acousticbrainz-gui | Audio | 0.1 | 14.2 |
acousticbrainz-music-extractor | Audio | v2.1_beta2 | 14.2 |
acpi | System | 1.7 | 14.2 |
acpi_call | System | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
acpica | Development | 20170531 | 14.2 |
acpitool | System | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
activemq-cpp | Libraries | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
adapta-gtk-theme | Desktop | | 14.2 |
adl | Games | 20110628 | 14.2 |
adms | Development | 2.3.7 | 14.2 |
adns | Libraries | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
adobe-reader | Office | 9.5.5 | 14.2 |
adobe-reader-fontpacks | Office | 9.1 | 14.2 |
adobe-source-code-pro-font | System | 1.030 | 14.2 |
adobe-source-han-sans-fonts | System | 1.004R | 14.2 |
adobe-source-sans-pro-font | System | 3.006R | 14.2 |
adobe-source-serif-pro-font | System | 1.017R | 14.2 |
adodb | Libraries | 5.14 | 14.2 |
adom | Games | 3.3.3 | 14.2 |
adoptopenjdk | Development | 12.0.2+10 | 14.2 |
adoptopenjdk-openj9 | Development | 14.0.1+7 | 14.2 |
advancecomp | Graphics | 2.1 | 14.2 |
advancemame | Games | 3.9 | 14.2 |
advancescan | Games | 1.18 | 14.2 |
adwaita-qt | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
aegisub | Multimedia | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
aenig4 | Academic | 1.04 | 14.2 |
aeolus | Audio | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
aero-mouse-theme | Desktop | 2016.04.15 | 14.2 |
aespipe | System | 2.4f | 14.2 |
aewan | Graphics | 1.0.01 | 14.2 |
afdko | System | 2.5.65322 | 14.2 |
affine | Python | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
afflib | Libraries | 3.7.7 | 14.2 |
afio | System | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
afl | Development | 2.52b | 14.2 |
afpfs-ng | System | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
aften | Audio | 0.0.8 | 14.2 |
afterstep | Desktop | 2.2.12 | 14.2 |
afuse | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
agedu | System | 20200705.2a7d4a2 | 14.2 |
agg | Libraries | 2.5 | 14.2 |
aggregate | Network | 1.6 | 14.2 |
ags | Games | | 14.2 |
aha | System | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
ahven | Development | 2.7 | 14.2 |
aiccu | Network | 20070115 | 14.2 |
aide | System | 0.17.3 | 14.2 |
aigaion | Office | 2.2.b | 14.2 |
aiksaurus | Office | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
aircrack-ng | Network | 1.6 | 14.2 |
airpwn | Network | 1.4 | 14.2 |
aisleriot | Games | 3.22.9 | 14.2 |
aj-snapshot | Audio | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
aklabeth | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
alabaster | Python | 0.7.12 | 14.2 |
alacarte | Desktop | 3.11.91 | 14.2 |
alacritty | System | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
alarm | Desktop | 3.0 | 14.2 |
aldo | Ham | 0.7.7 | 14.2 |
aldryn-client | Network | 2.3.5 | 14.2 |
alembic | Development | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
alephone | Games | 20201026 | 14.2 |
alex | Development | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
alglib | Libraries | 2.6.0 | 14.2 |
alien | System | 8.95 | 14.2 |
alienarena | Games | 7.66 | 14.2 |
alienwave | Games | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
aline | Academic | 1.0.025 | 14.2 |
aliview | Academic | 1.26 | 14.2 |
allegro | Libraries | | 14.2 |
allegro4 | Libraries | 4.4.2 | 14.2 |
alloy | Development | 4.2 | 14.2 |
alltray | Desktop | | 14.2 |
alot | Office | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
alsa-plugin-ffmpeg | Audio | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
alsa-plugin-jack | Audio | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
alsa-tools | Audio | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
alsacap | Audio | 20200821 | 14.2 |
alsaequal | Audio | 0.6 | 14.2 |
alsamixergui | Audio | 0.9.0rc2 | 14.2 |
alsamodularsynth | Audio | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
altermime | Misc | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
alure | Libraries | 1.2 | 14.2 |
amSynth | Audio | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
amanda | System | 3.3.8 | 14.2 |
amap | Network | 5.4 | 14.2 |
amavisd-new | Network | 2.11.1 | 14.2 |
amazon-corretto | Development | | 14.2 |
ambiance-radiance-flat-colors-gtk-theme | Desktop | 16.04.1 | 14.2 |
amd | Academic | 2.4.6 | 14.2 |
amd-app-sdk | Development | 2.8 | 14.2 |
amplicon | Academic | b09.1 | 14.2 |
amplifx | Academic | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
amqp | Python | 1.4.9 | 14.2 |
amrnb | Audio | | 14.2 |
amrwb | Audio | | 14.2 |
an | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
anacron | System | 2.3 | 14.2 |
android-file-transfer | System | 4.2 | 14.2 |
android-studio | Development | 3.5.0_191.5791312 | 14.2 |
android-tools | Development | 8.0.0_r24 | 14.2 |
andromeda | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
angband | Games | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
aniso8601 | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
anjuta | Development | 3.28.0 | 14.2 |
anki | Desktop | 2.1.16 | 14.2 |
anorack | Office | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
ansible | System | 2.9.20 | 14.2 |
ant-contrib | Libraries | 0.6 | 14.2 |
antares | Games | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
antimicro | Games | 2.23 | 14.2 |
antiprism | Academic | 0.23 | 14.2 |
antiword | Office | 0.37 | 14.2 |
antlr2 | Development | 2.7.7 | 14.2 |
antlr4 | Libraries | 4.8 | 14.2 |
anydesk | Network | 6.1.0 | 14.2 |
anyjson | Python | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
anyremote | Multimedia | 6.2 | 14.2 |
anything-sync-daemon | System | 5.76 | 14.2 |
aoetools | Network | 36 | 14.2 |
aom | Multimedia | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
apache-activemq | System | 5.14.5 | 14.2 |
apache-ant | Development | 1.9.14 | 14.2 |
apache-cassandra | System | 2.0.7 | 14.2 |
apache-ivy | Development | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
apache-jmeter | Development | 5.3 | 14.2 |
apache-log4cxx | Development | 0.11.0 | 14.2 |
apache-maven | Development | 3.8.1 | 14.2 |
apache-tomcat | System | 7.0.103 | 14.2 |
apachetop | System | 0.19.7 | 14.2 |
apcupsd | System | 3.14.14 | 14.2 |
apetag | Multimedia | 1.12 | 14.2 |
apg | System | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
apiextractor | Libraries | 0.10.10 | 14.2 |
apitrace | Graphics | 9.0 | 14.2 |
apparmor | System | 2.13.4 | 14.2 |
appmenu-qt | Libraries | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
apprise | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
appstream-glib | Libraries | 0.7.15 | 14.2 |
aprx | Ham | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
apsw | Python | 3.13.0_r1 | 14.2 |
apt-mirror | Network | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
apulse | Audio | 0.1.13 | 14.2 |
apvlv | Office | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
aqbanking | Libraries | 6.2.2 | 14.2 |
aqemu | System | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
arandr | Desktop | 0.1.9 | 14.2 |
arc | System | 5.21q | 14.2 |
arc-firefox-theme | Desktop | 52.20170311 | 14.2 |
arc-icon-theme | Desktop | 20161122 | 14.2 |
arc-openbox | Desktop | 20170104 | 14.2 |
arc-theme | Desktop | 20170302 | 14.2 |
arc-theme-Red | Desktop | 20170913 | 14.2 |
archaeopteryx | Academic | 0.9928b | 14.2 |
archivemount | System | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
ardentryst | Games | 1.71 | 14.2 |
ardesia | Misc | 1.1 | 14.2 |
ardour | Audio | 6.6 | 14.2 |
arduino | Development | 1.8.3 | 14.2 |
areao43-icon-theme | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
argagg | Development | 0.4.6 | 14.2 |
argcomplete | Python | 1.10.3 | 14.2 |
argh | Python | 0.26.2 | 14.2 |
argon2 | Libraries | 20190702 | 14.2 |
argon2-cffi | Python | 20.1.0 | 14.2 |
argouml | Development | 0.34 | 14.2 |
args | Python | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
argtable | Libraries | 2.13 | 14.2 |
argus | Network | | 14.2 |
argus-clients | Network | | 14.2 |
argyllcms | System | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
aria2 | Network | 1.35.0 | 14.2 |
ario | Audio | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
aris | Academic | 2.2 | 14.2 |
arj | System | 3.10.22 | 14.2 |
arka | Academic | 0.11 | 14.2 |
arm | Network | | 14.2 |
arm-binutils | Development | 2.35 | 14.2 |
arm-gcc | Development | 10.2.0 | 14.2 |
arm-gdb | Development | 10.1 | 14.2 |
armadillo | Academic | 8.100.0 | 14.2 |
armagetronad | Games | | 14.2 |
arno-iptables-firewall | Network | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
arnold-cpc | Games | 2009.03.17 | 14.2 |
arora | Network | 20150623_7c7514d | 14.2 |
arp-scan | Network | 1.9 | 14.2 |
arpack | Academic | 2.1 | 14.2 |
arpack-ng | Academic | 3.8.0 | 14.2 |
arping | Network | 2.20 | 14.2 |
arpwatch | Network | 2.1a15 | 14.2 |
arrow | Python | 0.17.0 | 14.2 |
artha | Academic | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
artifacts | Python | 20190113 | 14.2 |
artwiz-aleczapka | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
artwiz-cursor | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
arx-libertatis | Games | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
as31 | Development | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
asbt | System | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
asc | Games | | 14.2 |
ascii | Misc | 3.12 | 14.2 |
asciijump | Games | 1.0.2~beta | 14.2 |
asciimatics | Python | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
asciinema | Network | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
asciiquarium | Graphics | 1.1 | 14.2 |
asem51 | Development | 1.3 | 14.2 |
aseqview | Audio | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
asgiref | Python | 3.2.3 | 14.2 |
asio | Libraries | 1.11.0 | 14.2 |
asl | Development | 142_bld178 | 14.2 |
asm6809 | Development | 2.11 | 14.2 |
asn1crypto | Python | 0.24.0 | 14.2 |
aspnetcore-runtime | Libraries | 3.1.13 | 14.2 |
asr-manpages | Misc | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
assaultcube | Games | | 14.2 |
assaultcube-reloaded | Games | 2.7 | 14.2 |
assimp | Libraries | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
asterisk | Network | 16.15.0 | 14.2 |
asterixInspector | Misc | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
asteroidsinfinity | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
astroid | Python | 1.6.5 | 14.2 |
astromenace | Games | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
asttokens | Python | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
astyle | Development | 3.1 | 14.2 |
asunder | Audio | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
asymptote | Office | 2.44 | 14.2 |
async | Libraries | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
async-timeout | Python | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
async_generator | Python | 1.10 | 14.2 |
atanks | Games | 6.5 | 14.2 |
atari++ | Games | 1.83 | 14.2 |
atari800 | Games | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
atari800_roms | Games | 20140424 | 14.2 |
atasm | Development | 1.07d | 14.2 |
aterm | System | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
atftp | Network | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
atheme | Network | v7.2.10_r2 | 14.2 |
atlas | Libraries | 3.10.3 | 14.2 |
atom | Development | 1.50.0 | 14.2 |
atom-amd64 | Development | 1.28.0 | 14.2 |
atomicwrites | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
atool | System | 0.39.0 | 14.2 |
atop | System | 2.6.0 | 14.2 |
attrs | Python | 18.2.0 | 14.2 |
atunes | Audio | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
aubio | Libraries | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
audacious-aac | Audio | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
audacious-cue | Audio | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
audacious-ffmpeg | Audio | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
audacity | Audio | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
audenc | Audio | 3.3.4 | 14.2 |
audiere | Libraries | 1.9.4 | 14.2 |
audio-recorder | Multimedia | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
audioconvert | Audio | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
audiopreview | Multimedia | 0.6 | 14.2 |
audioread | Libraries | 2.1.6 | 14.2 |
audit | System | 2.3.6 | 14.2 |
augeas | System | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
authbind | Network | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
autoarchive | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
autoconf-archive | Development | 2019.01.06 | 14.2 |
autocutsel | System | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
autogen | Development | 5.18.14 | 14.2 |
autojump | System | 22.5.3 | 14.2 |
autopep8 | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
autorandr | Desktop | 1.11 | 14.2 |
autoslackpkg | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
autossh | Network | 1.4g | 14.2 |
autotrace | Graphics | 0.31.1 | 14.2 |
avahi | Network | 0.8 | 14.2 |
avant-window-navigator | Desktop | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
avarice | Development | 2.13 | 14.2 |
avbin | Libraries | 10 | 14.2 |
avfs | System | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
avidemux | Multimedia | 2.7.6 | 14.2 |
avl | Academic | 3.36 | 14.2 |
avogadro | Academic | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
avr-binutils | Development | 2.25 | 14.2 |
avr-gcc | Development | 4.9.2 | 14.2 |
avr-gdb | Development | 7.8.1 | 14.2 |
avr-libc | Libraries | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
avr8-burn-o-mat | Development | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
avr8-gnu-toolchain | Development | | 14.2 |
avra | Development | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
avrdude | Development | 6.3 | 14.2 |
aweather | Desktop | 0.8 | 14.2 |
awemenugen | Desktop | 20120205 | 14.2 |
awesome | Desktop | 4.3 | 14.2 |
awesome-appmenu | Desktop | 0.4 | 14.2 |
awesome-extra | Desktop | 2019021001 | 14.2 |
awf | Desktop | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
awn-extras | Desktop | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
awoken-icon-theme | Desktop | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
awscli | Network | 1.18.141 | 14.2 |
awstats | Network | 7.6 | 14.2 |
ax25-apps | Ham | 0.0.8_rc5 | 14.2 |
ax25-tools | Ham | 0.0.10_rc5 | 14.2 |
axel | Network | 2.17.10 | 14.2 |
azpainter | Graphics | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
azr3 | Audio | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
b43-firmware | Network | | 14.2 |
b43-fwcutter | Network | 019 | 14.2 |
babel | Python | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
babelfish | Python | 0.5.5 | 14.2 |
babeltrace | System | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
backasa | System | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
backcall | Python | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
backlash | Python | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
backports-abc | Python | 0.5 | 14.2 |
backports-ssl-match-hostname | Libraries | | 14.2 |
backports.lzma | Python | 0.0.13 | 14.2 |
bacon | Development | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
bacula | System | 9.6.3 | 14.2 |
bacula-client | System | 9.6.3 | 14.2 |
baires | Graphics | 1.2r1 | 14.2 |
bakefile | Development | 0.2.9 | 14.2 |
bamf | Libraries | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
barcode | Graphics | 0.99 | 14.2 |
bareos | System | 15.2.3 | 14.2 |
bareos-client | System | 15.2.3 | 14.2 |
barman | System | 2.10 | 14.2 |
barnyard2 | Network | 1.13 | 14.2 |
barrage | Games | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
barrier | Network | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
barry | Libraries | 0.18.3 | 14.2 |
bas | Development | 2.4 | 14.2 |
bas55 | Development | 1.18 | 14.2 |
base | Network | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
bashdb | Development | 4.4_0.92 | 14.2 |
bashish | Desktop | 2.2.4 | 14.2 |
bashrun | Desktop | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
bashrun2 | Desktop | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
basilisk | Network | 2019.09.03 | 14.2 |
basilisk-bin | Network | 2021.03.17 | 14.2 |
basket | Office | 2.11b | 14.2 |
bastet | Games | 0.43.2 | 14.2 |
bat | System | 0.18.0 | 14.2 |
batinfo | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
bats | Development | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
baudline | Ham | 1.08 | 14.2 |
bbqsql | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
bbrun | Misc | 1.6 | 14.2 |
bcache-tools | System | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
bcdoc | Libraries | 0.16.0 | 14.2 |
bcftools | Academic | 1.12 | 14.2 |
bchunk | Misc | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
bcrypt | Python | 3.1.7 | 14.2 |
bctoolbox | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
bdf2psf | Misc | 1.131 | 14.2 |
bdfedit | Graphics | 1.3 | 14.2 |
bdfresize | Misc | 1.5 | 14.2 |
bdtools | Multimedia | 1.5 | 14.2 |
beancount | Business | 1.0 | 14.2 |
beautysh | Development | 6.0.1 | 14.2 |
beav | Development | 1.40_18 | 14.2 |
beaver | Office | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
bed | Development | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
bedGraphToBigWig | Academic | 4 | 14.2 |
bedtools | Academic | 2.29.2 | 14.2 |
beebem | System | 0.0.13 | 14.2 |
beep | Misc | 1.3 | 14.2 |
beetle-lynx-libretro | Games | 2018.04.07_6816829 | 14.2 |
beetle-ngp-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_576eafc | 14.2 |
beetle-pce-fast-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_7f6f061 | 14.2 |
beetle-pcfx-libretro | Games | 2018.07.20_84b7ca6 | 14.2 |
beetle-psx-libretro | Games | 2020.02.03_e5e83cd | 14.2 |
beetle-saturn-libretro | Games | 2018.07.20_1983713 | 14.2 |
beetle-supergrafx-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_a8f924e | 14.2 |
beetle-vb-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_93f5b60 | 14.2 |
beetle-wswan-libretro | Games | 2018.09.30_207404b | 14.2 |
beets | Multimedia | 1.4.8 | 14.2 |
beignet | Libraries | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
belle-sip | Libraries | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
bencode | Python | 1.0 | 14.2 |
berusky | Games | 1.7 | 14.2 |
berusky-data | Games | 1.7 | 14.2 |
berusky2 | Games | 0.10 | 14.2 |
berusky2-data | Games | 0.9 | 14.2 |
betty | System | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
bfg | Development | 1.13.0 | 14.2 |
biblesync | Academic | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
bibletime | Academic | 3.0 | 14.2 |
bibtex2html | Office | 1.99 | 14.2 |
bibus | Academic | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
bibutils | Office | 5.0 | 14.2 |
bicon | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
biew | System | 6.1.0 | 14.2 |
bigloo | Development | 4.3f | 14.2 |
billiard | Python | | 14.2 |
bin2iso | System | 19b | 14.2 |
bindfs | System | 1.14.7 | 14.2 |
binfmt-support | System | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
bino | Multimedia | 1.6.5 | 14.2 |
binplist | Python | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
binwalk | Development | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
biopython | Academic | 1.74 | 14.2 |
biosdisk | Misc | 0.75_2 | 14.2 |
bip | Network | 0.9.0_rc3 | 14.2 |
biplist | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
bird | Network | 1.3.11 | 14.2 |
birdtray | Desktop | 1.6 | 14.2 |
birthday | Misc | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
bit-babbler | System | 0.8 | 14.2 |
bitarray | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
bitcoin | Network | 0.21.0 | 14.2 |
bitfighter | Games | 019f | 14.2 |
bitlbee | Network | 3.5.1 | 14.2 |
bitlbee-discord | Network | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
bitlbee-steam | Network | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
bitmapfont2ttf | System | 20200215_03529d2 | 14.2 |
bitrot | System | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
bitstream | Libraries | 1.5 | 14.2 |
blake2 | System | 20160619 | 14.2 |
blas | Libraries | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
blassic | Development | 0.10.3 | 14.2 |
blastem-libretro | Games | 2018.08.12_ccc1118 | 14.2 |
bleach | Python | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
bleachbit | System | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
blender | Graphics | 2.90.1 | 14.2 |
bless | Development | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
blessings | Python | 1.7 | 14.2 |
blinker | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
blktrace | System | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
blobby2 | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
blobwars | Games | 2.00 | 14.2 |
blocks | System | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
blocksruntime | Development | 3.8.0 | 14.2 |
bloodcm | Games | 12.2016 | 14.2 |
bloodfrontier | Games | 0.85 | 14.2 |
blueMSX-libretro | Games | 2018.10.09_4be0a24 | 14.2 |
bluefish | Development | 2.2.12 | 14.2 |
bluejeans | Network | | 14.2 |
bluemoon | Games | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
bluez-alsa | Libraries | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
bluez-sixaxis | Games | 5.47 | 14.2 |
bmake | Development | 20201010 | 14.2 |
bmon | Network | 4.0 | 14.2 |
bmpanel2 | Desktop | 20111207_5ad46c8 | 14.2 |
bochs | System | 2.6.8 | 14.2 |
bodr | Misc | 10 | 14.2 |
bogofilter | System | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
boinc | Academic | 7.16.16 | 14.2 |
boje-themes | Desktop | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
bollux | Network | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
bombadillo | Network | 2.3.3 | 14.2 |
bomberclone | Games | 0.11.9 | 14.2 |
bombono-dvd | Multimedia | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
boncuk | Misc | 1.1 | 14.2 |
bonnie++ | System | 1.04 | 14.2 |
bookbinder | Office | 3.0 | 14.2 |
boolstuff | Libraries | 0.1.15 | 14.2 |
boost-di | Development | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
bootchart | System | 0.9 | 14.2 |
borgbackup | System | 1.1.13 | 14.2 |
boston-icon-theme | Desktop | 0.6 | 14.2 |
boswars | Games | 2.7 | 14.2 |
boto | Python | 2.42.0 | 14.2 |
boto3 | Python | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
botocore | Libraries | 1.18.0 | 14.2 |
bottle | Network | 0.12.19 | 14.2 |
bottle-mysql | Python | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
bowtie | Academic | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
bowtie2 | Academic | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
bowtie2-legacy | Academic | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
boxcryptor | Network | 2.2.410.162 | 14.2 |
boxes | Misc | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
bozohttpd | Network | 20201014 | 14.2 |
bpp-core | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp-phyl | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp-phyl-omics | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp-popgen | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp-seq | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp-seq-omics | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpp1.9-numcalc | Academic | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
bpp1.9-phyl | Academic | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
bpp1.9-seq | Academic | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
bpp1.9-utils | Academic | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
bppsuite | Academic | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
bpython | Development | 0.21 | 14.2 |
brackets | Development | 1.9 | 14.2 |
braincurses | Games | 0.5c | 14.2 |
brainparty | Games | 0.61 | 14.2 |
brasero | System | 3.12.2 | 14.2 |
brave-browser | Network | 1.23.71 | 14.2 |
breath-gtk-theme | Desktop | da2706640f457f89de6c26312e391b244ff550b4 | 14.2 |
breeze-snow-cursor-theme | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
brewtarget | Misc | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
brickout | Games | 20020609 | 14.2 |
briquolo | Games | 0.5.7 | 14.2 |
briss | Office | 0.9 | 14.2 |
bristol | Audio | 0.60.11 | 14.2 |
brlcad | Graphics | 7.30.10 | 14.2 |
broadcom-sta | Network | | 14.2 | | Office | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
brotli | Development | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
brutalchess | Games | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
bsddb3 | Python | 6.2.6 | 14.2 |
bsdiff | Development | 4.3 | 14.2 |
bsdmainutils | Misc | 9.0.12+nmu1 | 14.2 |
bsdsfv | Misc | 1.18 | 14.2 |
bsflite | Network | 0.85 | 14.2 |
bsnes-mercury | Games | 2018.08.03_4e221df | 14.2 |
bspwm | Desktop | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
bstone | Games | 1.2.9 | 14.2 |
btf | Academic | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
btpd | Network | 0.16 | 14.2 |
btrbk | System | 0.31.0 | 14.2 |
bubblemon-dockapp | Desktop | 1.46 | 14.2 |
bubblewrap | System | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
buddy | Libraries | 2.4 | 14.2 |
buildah | System | 1.5 | 14.2 |
buildbot | Python | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
buildbot-slave | Python | 0.8.12 | 14.2 |
buku | Desktop | 4.5 | 14.2 |
bukubrow | Desktop | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
bulk_extractor | System | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
bullet | Libraries | 3.09 | 14.2 |
bumblebee-status | Desktop | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
bunsen-themes | Desktop | 9.4.1 | 14.2 |
burgerspace | Games | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
burp | System | 2.1.32 | 14.2 |
busybox | System | 1.28.1 | 14.2 |
butt | Audio | 0.1.18 | 14.2 |
butterfly | System | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
buttonmaker | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
bvi | Development | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
bviplus | Development | 1.0 | 14.2 |
bwa | Academic | 0.7.17 | 14.2 |
bwidget | Libraries | 1.9.8 | 14.2 |
bwm-ng | Network | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
byacc | Development | 20210328 | 14.2 |
byobu | System | 2.82 | 14.2 |
bzflag | Games | 2.4.4 | 14.2 |
bzr | Development | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
bzrtp | Libraries | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
c++-gtk-utils | Libraries | 2.0.29 | 14.2 |
c-ares | Libraries | 1.16.1 | 14.2 |
c-icap | System | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
c-toxcore | Network | 0.2.12 | 14.2 |
cabextract | System | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
cacti | Network | 1.1.38 | 14.2 |
cacti-spine | Network | 1.1.38 | 14.2 |
cadabra2 | Academic | | 14.2 |
cadaver | Network | 0.23.3 | 14.2 |
caffeine-ng | Desktop | 3.4.2 | 14.2 |
cairo-clock | Desktop | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
cairo-compmgr | Desktop | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
cairo-dock | Desktop | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
cairo-dock-plugins | Desktop | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
cairocffi | Python | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
cal3d | Libraries | 0.11.0 | 14.2 |
calc | Academic | | 14.2 |
calcoo | Academic | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
calcurse | Office | 4.7.1 | 14.2 |
calf | Audio | 0.90.3 | 14.2 |
calf-ladspa | Audio | 0.0.19kx | 14.2 |
calibre | Office | 3.34.0 | 14.2 |
calibre-bin | Office | 5.15.0 | 14.2 |
camd | Academic | 2.4.6 | 14.2 |
camlp4 | Development | 4.03_1 | 14.2 |
camlp5 | Development | 7.10 | 14.2 |
can-utils | System | 2018.02.0 | 14.2 |
candle | Desktop | 1.1 | 14.2 |
cannonball-libretro | Games | 2018.11.02_57a2982 | 14.2 |
cantarell-fonts | System | 0.0.25 | 14.2 |
cantata | Multimedia | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
canto | Network | 0.7.10 | 14.2 |
cap3 | Academic | 20091029 | 14.2 |
capabilities | System | 0.1 | 14.2 |
caph | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
capnproto | Libraries | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
caprice32 | System | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
caps | Audio | 0.9.26 | 14.2 |
capstone | System | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
captcha | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
carla | Audio | 2.1 | 14.2 |
cartopy | Gis | 0.18.0 | 14.2 |
casperjs | Development | 1.1_beta3 | 14.2 |
castget | Multimedia | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
castnow | Multimedia | 20170309 | 14.2 |
catdoc | Office | 0.94.2 | 14.2 |
catfish | Desktop | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
cathexis-suite-themes | Desktop | 20130927 | 14.2 |
cava | Audio | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
cbatticon | Desktop | 1.6.8 | 14.2 |
cblas | Academic | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
cbmbasic | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
cbmfs | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
cc-tool | Development | 20160504+f0c4858 | 14.2 |
cc65 | Development | 2.19 | 14.2 |
ccal | Office | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
ccat | System | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
ccd2cue | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
ccd2iso | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
ccextractor | Multimedia | 0.88 | 14.2 |
cchardet | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
ccid | System | 1.4.21 | 14.2 |
ccl | Development | 1.11 | 14.2 |
cclive | Network | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
ccnet | Network | 4.4.6 | 14.2 |
ccolamd | Academic | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
ccrtp | Libraries | 2.0.9 | 14.2 |
ccrypt | System | 1.10 | 14.2 |
ccsm | Desktop | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
ccxstream | Multimedia | 1.0.15 | 14.2 |
ccze | Misc | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
cd-discid | Audio | 1.4 | 14.2 |
cddb-py | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
cdemu-client | System | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
cdemu-daemon | System | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
cdk | Libraries | 5.0_20160131 | 14.2 |
cdo | Academic | 1.9.10 | 14.2 |
cdrkit | System | 1.1.11 | 14.2 |
cdw | System | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
cdwrite | System | 3.5.1 | 14.2 |
ceferino | Games | 0.97.8+svn37 | 14.2 |
celery | Python | 3.1.26.post2 | 14.2 |
celestia | Academic | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
cellwriter | Desktop | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
celt | Audio | 0.11.3 | 14.2 |
celt051 | Audio | | 14.2 |
ceti-2-theme | Desktop | 20150923 | 14.2 |
cf-cli | Development | 7.1.0 | 14.2 |
cfengine | System | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
cffi | Libraries | 1.11.5 | 14.2 |
cfgparse | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
cfitsio | Libraries | 3.49 | 14.2 |
cflow | Misc | 1.4 | 14.2 |
cfourcc | Multimedia | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
cfpeek | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
cgames | Games | 2.2a | 14.2 |
cgdb | Development | 0.6.6 | 14.2 |
cgicc | Libraries | 3.2.9 | 14.2 |
cgit | Development | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
cgmadness | Games | 1.3 | 14.2 |
cgoban | Games | 1.9.14 | 14.2 |
cgterm | Network | 1.6 | 14.2 |
characteristic | Python | 14.3.0 | 14.2 |
chartgeany | Academic | 6.1.5 | 14.2 |
check | Development | 0.15.2 | 14.2 |
checkbashisms | Development | 2.15.10 | 14.2 |
cheetah3 | Python | 3.2.6 | 14.2 |
chemical-mime-data | Misc | 0.1.94 | 14.2 |
chemtool | Academic | 1.6.14 | 14.2 |
cherokee | Network | 20131105_d91c9c1 | 14.2 |
cheroot | Python | 6.1.1 | 14.2 |
chessx | Games | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
chexquest3 | Games | 20100924 | 14.2 |
chibi-scheme | Development | 0.9 | 14.2 |
chicken | Development | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
chipsec | System | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
chirp | Ham | 20201128 | 14.2 |
chkrootkit | System | 0.54 | 14.2 |
chm2pdf | Misc | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
chntpw | Misc | 110511 | 14.2 |
chocolate-doom | Games | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
chocolate_duke3D | Games | 20150902_dd8db65 | 14.2 |
cholmod | Academic | 3.0.14 | 14.2 |
chroma | Games | 1.15 | 14.2 |
chromaprint | Libraries | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
chromium-bsu | Games | | 14.2 |
chronic | Ruby | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
chronograf | System | 1.8.10 | 14.2 |
chrony | Network | 3.5 | 14.2 |
chrpath | System | 0.16 | 14.2 |
chuck | Audio | | 14.2 |
chump | Python | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
cicb | Network | 5.2.0b1+git20170501 | 14.2 |
cim | Development | 3.37 | 14.2 |
cinelerra | Multimedia | 2.3 | 14.2 |
ciopfs | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
circuslinux | Games | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
ciso | Misc | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
cistrome-CEAS | Academic | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
cistrome-MACS | Academic | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
cistrome-conductGO | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
cistrome-extra | Academic | git_20170829_6334683 | 14.2 |
cistrome-mdseqpos | Academic | git_20170829_6334683 | 14.2 |
ck4up | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
ckermit | Network | 9.0.304.23 | 14.2 |
ckmame | Games | 0.12 | 14.2 |
cksfv | Misc | 1.3.14 | 14.2 |
clalsadrv | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
clam | Audio | r15456 | 14.2 |
clam_annotator | Audio | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
clam_voice2midi | Audio | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
clamav | System | 0.103.2 | 14.2 |
clamav-unofficial-sigs | Network | 5.6.2 | 14.2 |
clamsmtp | System | 1.10 | 14.2 |
clamtk | System | 6.05 | 14.2 |
clamz | Multimedia | 0.5 | 14.2 |
clark-ugene | Academic | git_6917bf9 | 14.2 |
claws-mail | Network | 3.17.3 | 14.2 |
clawsker | Misc | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
cld2 | Academic | 20150820 | 14.2 |
cldr-emoji-annotation | System | 31.0.1_1 | 14.2 |
clearlooks-classic-themes | Desktop | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
clearlooks-phenix-theme | Desktop | 6.0.3 | 14.2 |
clementine | Audio | 1.4.0rc1 | 14.2 |
click | Python | 7.0 | 14.2 |
click-default-group | Python | 1.2 | 14.2 |
click-didyoumean | Python | 0.0.3 | 14.2 |
click-plugins | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
click-repl | Python | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
cligj | Gis | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
clint | Python | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
clipgrab | Network | 3.8.10 | 14.2 |
clipit | Desktop | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
clipmenu | Desktop | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
clive | Network | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
cln | Libraries | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
cloc | Development | 1.88 | 14.2 |
clockchimes | Audio | 0.3 | 14.2 |
clonekeen | Games | 8.4 | 14.2 |
cloudscraper | Python | 1.2.20 | 14.2 |
clthreads | Audio | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
clustalo | Academic | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
clustalw | Academic | 2.1 | 14.2 |
clustalx | Academic | 2.1 | 14.2 |
cluster-glue | System | 20161102_afaeeb | 14.2 |
clxclient | Audio | 3.9.0 | 14.2 |
clyrics | Audio | 0.12 | 14.2 |
cmake-202x | Development | 3.19.6 | 14.2 |
cmark | Libraries | 0.29.0 | 14.2 |
cmatrix | Desktop | 1.2a | 14.2 |
cmdiag | Network | 0.2 | 14.2 |
cmocka | Development | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
cmst | Network | 2016.04.03 | 14.2 |
cmt | Audio | 1.17 | 14.2 |
cmus | Audio | 2.9.1 | 14.2 |
cndrvcups-capt | System | 2.71 | 14.2 |
cndrvcups-common | System | 3.21 | 14.2 |
cni-plugins | Network | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
cnijfilter2 | System | 5.90.1 | 14.2 |
cnslock | Desktop | 1.03 | 14.2 |
cntlm | System | 0.92.3 | 14.2 |
coccinelle | Development | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
cocos2d | Python | 0.6.7 | 14.2 |
codeblocks | Development | 20.03 | 14.2 |
codec2 | Ham | 0.7 | 14.2 |
codelite | Development | 15.0 | 14.2 |
codespell | Development | 1.17.1 | 14.2 |
colamd | Academic | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
colem | Games | 5.5 | 14.2 |
colin | Academic | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
collada-dom | Libraries | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
collectd | System | 5.10.0 | 14.2 |
colm | Development | | 14.2 |
color-theme | Office | 6.6.0 | 14.2 |
colorama | Python | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
colorclass | Python | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
colord | System | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
colord-gtk | System | 0.1.26 | 14.2 |
colordiff | Development | 1.0.19 | 14.2 |
colored | Python | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
colorize | System | 0.65 | 14.2 |
comgt | Network | 0.32 | 14.2 |
commandergenius | Games | 2.7.7 | 14.2 |
commons-daemon | System | 1.0.15 | 14.2 |
compface | Libraries | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
compiz-bcop | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
compiz-boxmenu | Desktop | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
compiz-plugins-experimental | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
compiz-plugins-extra | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
compiz-plugins-main | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
compizconfig-python | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
complexity | Development | 1.10 | 14.2 |
composer | Development | 2.0.11 | 14.2 |
compsize | System | 1.5 | 14.2 |
compton | Desktop | 316eac0613bf342ff91cc645a6c3c80e6b9083fb | 14.2 |
compton-conf | Desktop | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
conan | Development | 0.21.1 | 14.2 |
configobj | Libraries | 5.0.6 | 14.2 |
confuse | Libraries | 3.2 | 14.2 |
conkeror | Network | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
conky | System | 1.10.8 | 14.2 |
conky-manager | Desktop | 2.4 | 14.2 |
conmon | System | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
connectagram | Games | 1.2.9 | 14.2 |
connie | Audio | 0.4.3rc9 | 14.2 |
connman | Network | 1.32 | 14.2 |
conquest | Games | 9.1 | 14.2 |
consolation | System | 0.0.7 | 14.2 |
console_bridge | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
conspy | System | 1.16 | 14.2 |
constantly | Python | 15.1.0 | 14.2 |
construct | Python | 2.9.45 | 14.2 |
containerd | System | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
contextlib2 | Python | 0.6.0.post1 | 14.2 |
converseen | Graphics | | 14.2 |
convertall | Academic | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
convertlit | Office | 1.8 | 14.2 |
convmv | System | 1.15 | 14.2 |
cool-retro-term | System | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
coolkey | System | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
coolreader | Office | 3.2.54 | 14.2 |
copasi | Academic | 4.28.226 | 14.2 |
copyq | Desktop | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
coq | Academic | 8.9.0 | 14.2 |
corebird | Network | 1.3 | 14.2 |
coriander | Multimedia | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
corkscrew | Network | 2.0 | 14.2 |
corosync | System | 2.4.5 | 14.2 |
cosmic_assault | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
cosmosmash | Games | 1.4.7 | 14.2 |
coturn | Network | 4.5.2 | 14.2 |
couchdb | Development | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
courier-authlib | Network | 0.69.1 | 14.2 |
courier-imap | Network | 5.0.7 | 14.2 |
courier-prime | System | 03142015 | 14.2 |
courier-screenplay | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
courier-unicode | Network | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
cov-core | Python | 1.15.0 | 14.2 |
coverage | Python | 4.5.1 | 14.2 |
cowbell | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
cowpatty | Network | 4.8 | 14.2 |
cowsay | Games | 3.03 | 14.2 |
cp437 | Misc | 0.6 | 14.2 |
cpan2tgz | Development | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
cpanminus | Perl | 1.7044 | 14.2 |
cpat | Games | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
cpmtools | System | 2.21 | 14.2 |
cpp-netlib | Libraries | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
cppcheck | Development | 1.76 | 14.2 |
cppcms | Development | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
cppdb | Development | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
cpprestsdk | Libraries | 2.9.1 | 14.2 |
cppunit | Development | 1.15.1 | 14.2 |
cproto | Development | 4.7q | 14.2 |
cpu-g | System | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
cpuid | System | 20140123 | 14.2 |
cpuid2cpuflags | System | 11.0 | 14.2 |
cpulimit | System | 0.2 | 14.2 |
cqrlog | Ham | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
crack-attack | Games | 1.1.15_cvs_01 | 14.2 |
cracklib | Libraries | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
crank | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
crashplan | System | 4.3.0 | 14.2 |
crc32_simple | System | 20120911 | 14.2 |
crcmod | Python | 1.7 | 14.2 |
cream | Development | 0.43 | 14.2 |
createrepo_c | System | 0.15.5 | 14.2 |
creox4 | Audio | 20140309 | 14.2 |
crikey | System | 0.8.3 | 14.2 |
crimson | Games | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
crip | Audio | 3.9 | 14.2 |
crispy-doom | Games | 5.10.1 | 14.2 |
crmsh | System | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
cronie | System | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
crossfire-client | Games | 1.73.0 | 14.2 |
crossguid | Libraries | 20160705 | 14.2 |
crosstool-ng | Development | 1.24.0 | 14.2 |
crrcsim | Games | 0.9.13 | 14.2 |
crunch | System | 3.6 | 14.2 |
cryptcat-unix | Network | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
cryptography | Python | 2.1.4 | 14.2 |
cryptominisat | Academic | 5.7.1 | 14.2 |
cryptopp | Libraries | 8.5.0 | 14.2 |
crystal | Desktop | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
crystal-lang | Development | 0.34.0 | 14.2 |
crystalcursors | Desktop | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
csdr | Ham | 0.15 | 14.2 |
csh | System | 20110502 | 14.2 |
csparse | Academic | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
cssselect | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
cssselect2 | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
cssutils | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
csync | Network | 0.50.0 | 14.2 |
ctemplate | Libraries | 2.4 | 14.2 |
ctl | Multimedia | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
ctorrent | Network | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
ctwm | Desktop | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
cuberok | Audio | 0.0.11 | 14.2 |
cubosphere | Games | beta0.3a | 14.2 |
cudatoolkit | Development | 10.2.89 | 14.2 |
cudnn | Development | v5.1_8.0 | 14.2 |
cuetools | Multimedia | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
cufflinks | Academic | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
culmus | System | 0.130 | 14.2 |
cuneiform | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
cunit | Development | 2.1_3 | 14.2 |
cups-bjnp | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
cups-pdf | Office | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
cups-windows | Misc | 6.0 | 14.2 |
curlftpfs | System | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
curlpp | Development | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
curseofwar | Games | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
curses_ex | Libraries | 0.3 | 14.2 |
curtsies | Python | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
cutadapt | Academic | 1.14 | 14.2 |
cutecom | System | 0.22.0 | 14.2 |
cutemaze | Games | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
cutter | Development | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
cuyo | Games | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
cvc4 | Academic | 1.8 | 14.2 |
cve-check-tool | System | 5.6.4 | 14.2 |
cvsd | Development | 1.0.24 | 14.2 |
cvsps | Development | 2.2b1 | 14.2 |
cwcwidth | Python | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
cwdaemon | Ham | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
cwiid | Misc | 0.6.00+svn201 | 14.2 |
cwm | Desktop | 6.7 | 14.2 |
cwm-openbsd | Desktop | 5.6.0 | 14.2 |
cwp | Desktop | 1.12.1 | 14.2 |
cwstation | Ham | 0.1 | 14.2 |
cwtex-q-fonts-TTFs | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
cx_Freeze | Python | 4.2.3 | 14.2 |
cxsparse | Academic | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
cxxtest | Development | 4.4 | 14.2 |
cxxtools | Development | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
cycler | Development | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
cyphesis | Games | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
cyrus-imapd | Network | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 | Libraries | 0.2 | 14.2 |
d-feet | System | 0.3.11 | 14.2 |
d-tools | Development | 2.096.0 | 14.2 |
d1x-rebirth | Games | 0.58.1 | 14.2 |
d2x-rebirth | Games | 0.58.1 | 14.2 |
d52 | System | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
daa2iso | System | 0.1.7e | 14.2 |
daemonize | System | 1.7.5 | 14.2 |
daemontools | System | 0.76 | 14.2 |
daemontools-bin | System | 0.76 | 14.2 |
dahdi-complete | System | 2.10.2 | 14.2 |
dakota | Academic | 6.11.0 | 14.2 |
dante | Network | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
dao | Development | 2.0 | 14.2 |
daq | Libraries | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
dar | System | 2.6.3 | 14.2 |
darcs | Development | 2.14.1 | 14.2 |
darcsver | Libraries | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
dark-aurora-gtk-theme | Desktop | 3.20.2 | 14.2 |
darkhttpd | Network | 1.13 | 14.2 |
darkice | Audio | 1.2 | 14.2 |
darkplaces | Games | 20140513 | 14.2 |
darkstat | Network | 3.0.719 | 14.2 |
darktable | Graphics | 2.4.4 | 14.2 |
dart-sdk | Development | 2.10.4 | 14.2 |
darts.util.lru | Python | 0.5 | 14.2 |
dash | System | | 14.2 |
dasht | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
datamash | Academic | 1.7 | 14.2 |
dateutils | System | 0.4.7 | 14.2 |
dav1d | Libraries | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
davfs2 | System | 1.5.6 | 14.2 |
davmail | Network | 5.5.1 | 14.2 |
db46 | Libraries | 4.6.21 | 14.2 |
dbeaver-ce | Development | 21.0.0 | 14.2 |
dbgl | Desktop | 0.92 | 14.2 |
dbgl-legacy | Desktop | 0.83 | 14.2 |
dblatex | Graphics | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
dbmail | Network | 3.2.3 | 14.2 |
dbus-cpp | Libraries | 5.0.0 | 14.2 |
dbus-python3 | Python | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
dbus-sharp | Libraries | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
dbus-sharp-glib | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
dbview | Misc | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
dcadec | Libraries | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
dcaenc | Audio | 2 | 14.2 |
dcc | Misc | 1.3.158 | 14.2 |
dcd | Audio | 0.99.2 | 14.2 |
dclib | Network | 0.3.23 | 14.2 |
dcmtk | Libraries | 3.6.6 | 14.2 |
dcraw | Graphics | 9.28.0 | 14.2 |
ddclient | Network | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
ddcutil | System | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
ddg | System | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
ddgr | Network | 1.6 | 14.2 |
ddrescue-gui | System | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
deadbeef | Audio | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
deb2tgz | Misc | 0.2 | 14.2 |
debootstrap | System | 1.0.79 | 14.2 |
decibel-audio-player | Audio | 1.08 | 14.2 |
decklink-sdk | Development | 12.0 | 14.2 |
decorator | Python | 5.0.7 | 14.2 |
ded | System | 20210110 | 14.2 |
defendguin | Games | 0.0.12 | 14.2 |
defusedxml | Python | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
dehydrated | System | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
deis | Network | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
dejagnu | Development | 1.5 | 14.2 |
deluge | Network | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
demorse | Ham | 1.2 | 14.2 |
deroff | Misc | 2.0 | 14.2 |
deskew | Graphics | 1.30 | 14.2 |
desmume | Games | 0.9.11 | 14.2 |
detox | System | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
devedeng | Multimedia | 4.16.0 | 14.2 |
devhelp | Development | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
device-tree-compiler | Development | 1.4.4 | 14.2 |
devilspie | Desktop | 0.22 | 14.2 |
devtodo | Office | 0.1.20 | 14.2 |
dfarc | Games | 3.14 | 14.2 |
dfc | System | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
dfdatetime | Python | 20190116 | 14.2 |
dfu-programmer | Development | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
dfu-util | System | 0.10 | 14.2 |
dfvfs | Python | 20190128 | 14.2 |
dfwinreg | Python | 20190122 | 14.2 |
dgen | Games | 1.33 | 14.2 |
dget | System | 2.20.5 | 14.2 |
dhcping | Network | 1.2 | 14.2 |
dhcpy6d | Python | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
dhewm3 | Games | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
dhex | Development | 0.69 | 14.2 |
dia | Graphics | 0.97.3 | 14.2 |
diakonos | Development | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
diamond | Academic | 0.9.36 | 14.2 |
dianara | Network | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
dice | Games | 0.9 | 14.2 |
dictd | Office | 1.12.1 | 14.2 |
diction | Office | 1.14 | 14.2 |
dieharder | System | 3.31.1 | 14.2 |
dietlibc | Libraries | 0.34 | 14.2 |
diffoscope | Development | 106 | 14.2 |
diffpdf | Office | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
diffuse | Development | 0.4.8 | 14.2 |
digger | Games | 20020314 | 14.2 |
digikam | Graphics | 4.14.0 | 14.2 |
digikey-kicad-library | Development | 20191024+0802230 | 14.2 |
digimend-kernel-drivers | Libraries | 10 | 14.2 |
diit | System | 1.5 | 14.2 |
dillo | Network | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
dina-font | System | 2.93 | 14.2 |
ding | Office | 1.7 | 14.2 |
dirac | Multimedia | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
dirb | Network | 222 | 14.2 |
direvent | System | 5.2 | 14.2 |
direwolf | Ham | 1.5 | 14.2 |
dis | Development | 0.6 | 14.2 |
dis6502 | Development | 0.12 | 14.2 |
discogs-client | Libraries | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
discord | Network | 0.0.14 | 14.2 |
discount | Misc | 2.2.7 | 14.2 |
discwrapper | Graphics | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
disk-manager | System | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
diskscan | System | 0.19 | 14.2 |
disksearch | System | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
dislocker | System | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
disper | Desktop | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
displaylink | System | 1.4.210 | 14.2 |
distorm | Python | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
distrho-mini-series | Audio | 20140826 | 14.2 |
distrho-ports | Audio | 20140826 | 14.2 |
django-debug-toolbar | Python | 2.1 | 14.2 |
django-sass | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
djview4 | Graphics | 4.10.6 | 14.2 |
djvusmooth | Office | 0.3 | 14.2 |
dkimproxy | Network | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
dkms | Development | 2.8.4 | 14.2 |
dlib | Libraries | 19.7 | 14.2 |
dlm | System | 4.0.9 | 14.2 |
dma | Network | 0.13 | 14.2 |
dmd | Development | 2.096.0 | 14.2 |
dmenu | Desktop | 4.8 | 14.2 |
dmg2img | Misc | 1.6.7 | 14.2 |
dmitry | Network | 1.3a | 14.2 |
dnscrypt-proxy | Network | 2.0.42 | 14.2 |
dnscrypt-wrapper | Network | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
dnsmap | Network | 0.30 | 14.2 |
dnspython | Python | 1.16.0 | 14.2 |
dnstop | Network | 20121017 | 14.2 |
dnstracer | Network | 1.10 | 14.2 |
dobbscoin | Network | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
docbook-xml | System | 4.4 | 14.2 |
docfetcher | Desktop | 1.1.22 | 14.2 |
docker | System | 20.10.2 | 14.2 |
docker-cli | System | 20.10.2 | 14.2 |
docker-compose | System | 1.21.1 | 14.2 |
docker-machine | System | 0.16.0 | 14.2 |
docker-machine-kvm | System | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
docker-proxy | System | 20201215_fa125a3 | 14.2 |
doclifter | Misc | 2.15 | 14.2 |
docopt | Python | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
docsis | Network | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
docutils | Development | 0.14 | 14.2 |
docx2txt | Office | 1.4 | 14.2 |
dogecoin | Network | 1.6 | 14.2 |
dokuwiki | Network | 20200729 | 14.2 |
dolphin-emu | Games | 5.0 | 14.2 |
domination | Games | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
doom_shareware_data | Games | 1.9 | 14.2 |
doomretro | Games | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
doomsday | Games | 1.15.8 | 14.2 |
doomseeker | Games | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
dopewars | Games | 1.5.12 | 14.2 |
dos2unix | Misc | 7.4.1 | 14.2 |
dos33fsprogs | System | 0.0.10 | 14.2 |
dosbox | System | 0.74.3 | 14.2 |
dosbox-dev | System | 0.75_pre4441 | 14.2 |
dosbox-x | System | 0.83.2 | 14.2 |
dosemu | System | 20130804_35054ba | 14.2 |
dotconf | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
dothost | Network | 0.2 | 14.2 |
dotnet-runtime | Development | 3.1.13 | 14.2 |
dotnet-sdk | Development | 3.1.407 | 14.2 |
dotty | Python | 1.5 | 14.2 |
double-conversion | Libraries | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
dovecot | Network | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
dovecot-pigeonhole | Network | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
dpkg | Development | 1.19.7 | 14.2 |
dpkt | Python | 1.8.8 | 14.2 |
draco | Desktop | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
draftsight | Graphics | 10.3.442 | 14.2 | | Graphics | 12.4.2 | 14.2 |
drawille | Python | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
drawterm | Network | dc703b3438f9 | 14.2 |
drawtiming | Academic | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
drbd-utils | System | 9.15.1 | 14.2 |
dreamchess | Games | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
dreamchess-music | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
dreampie | Development | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
drg2sbg | Misc | 2.2 | 14.2 |
driconf | System | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
driftnet | Network | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
droidcam | Multimedia | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
dropbear | Network | 2020.81 | 14.2 |
dropbox | Network | 118.4.460 | 14.2 |
dropbox-python | Libraries | 9.4.0 | 14.2 |
drumkv1 | Audio | 0.9.18 | 14.2 |
drumstick | Audio | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
ds-models | Games | r15 | 14.2 |
ds4drv | System | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
ds9 | Academic | 8.2.1 | 14.2 |
dse-typewriter-font | System | 20200507_1795eb8 | 14.2 |
dsmidiwifi | Multimedia | 1.01 | 14.2 |
dsniff | Network | 2.4b1 | 14.2 |
dssi | Multimedia | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
dssi-vst | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
dstat | System | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
dtach | System | 0.8 | 14.2 |
dte | Development | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
dtfabric | Python | 20190120 | 14.2 |
dtrx | System | 7.1 | 14.2 |
dublin-traceroute | Network | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
dukpy | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
dukto | Network | 6.0 | 14.2 |
dulwich | Python | 0.18.6 | 14.2 |
dumb | Libraries | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
dump | System | 0.4b46 | 14.2 |
dunelegacy | Games | 0.96.4 | 14.2 |
dungeon | Games | 19800808 | 14.2 |
dunst | Desktop | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
duplicity | System | 0.7.19 | 14.2 |
duply | System | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
dust | System | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
dustrac | Games | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
dvblast | Multimedia | 3.4 | 14.2 |
dvbsnoop | Multimedia | 1.4.50 | 14.2 |
dvd-slideshow | Multimedia | 0.8.4_2 | 14.2 |
dvdauthor | Multimedia | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
dvdbackup | Multimedia | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
dvdisaster | System | 0.79.5 | 14.2 |
dvdrip | Multimedia | 0.98.11 | 14.2 |
dvdstyler | Multimedia | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
dvgrab | Multimedia | 3.5 | 14.2 |
dvisvgm | Graphics | 1.12 | 14.2 |
dvtm | Misc | 0.15 | 14.2 |
dwb | Network | 20161213_4f6c404 | 14.2 |
dwdiff | Misc | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
dwm | Desktop | 6.2 | 14.2 |
dwz | Development | 0.14 | 14.2 |
dxcc | Ham | 20191204 | 14.2 |
dxftoqet | Graphics | 160326 | 14.2 |
dxfwrite | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
dymo-cups-drivers | System | | 14.2 |
dynamips | System | 0.2.8_RC3 | 14.2 |
dzen2 | Desktop | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
e16 | Desktop | 1.0.22 | 14.2 |
e16.theme.pack | Desktop | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
e2guardian | Network | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
eagle | Development | 7.7.0 | 14.2 |
eaglemode | System | 0.94.1 | 14.2 |
early-ssh | System | git4acf000 | 14.2 |
easy_spice | Academic | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
easygui | Python | 0.97.4 | 14.2 |
easymp3gain | Audio | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
easyrsa | Network | 3.0.7 | 14.2 |
easystroke | Accessibility | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
easytag | Audio | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
eawpats | Audio | 12 | 14.2 |
ebaysdk | Python | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
ebe | Development | 3.0.10 | 14.2 |
ebook2cw | Ham | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
ebook2cwgui | Ham | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
ecasound | Audio | 2.9.3 | 14.2 |
ecdsa | Python | 0.13 | 14.2 |
echinus | Desktop | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
ecl | Development | 15.3.7 | 14.2 |
eclim | Development | 2.8.0 | 14.2 |
eclipse-cpp | Development | 4.15 | 14.2 |
eclipse-java | Development | 4.15 | 14.2 |
eclipse-jee | Development | 4.15 | 14.2 |
eclipse-php | Development | 4.14 | 14.2 |
eclipse-platform | Development | 4.19 | 14.2 |
ecm-tools | System | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
ecofont-ttf | System | 2.02 | 14.2 |
ecryptfs-utils | System | 111 | 14.2 |
ecwolf | Games | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
ed-v6 | Academic | c72c0e | 14.2 |
edb-debugger | Development | 0.9.20 | 14.2 |
ede | Desktop | 2.1 | 14.2 |
edelib | Libraries | 2.1 | 14.2 |
edgar | Games | 1.34 | 14.2 |
edid-decode | System | 0.1~git20180813.b2da1516 | 14.2 |
editorconfig-core-c | Development | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
edsim51di | Academic | 2.1.20 | 14.2 |
eduke32 | Games | 20170123_6052 | 14.2 |
eduke32_hires_pack | Games | 4.0_321 | 14.2 |
eduke32_shareware_data | Games | 1.3 | 14.2 |
ee | Desktop | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
efax | Network | 0.9 | 14.2 |
efax-gtk | Network | 3.2.13 | 14.2 |
efitools | System | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
efivar | Libraries | 37 | 14.2 |
efl | Libraries | 1.24.3 | 14.2 |
eflite | Accessibility | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
egenix-mx-base | Python | 3.2.9 | 14.2 |
egoboo | Games | 2.8.1 | 14.2 |
egypt | Development | 1.10 | 14.2 |
eibd | System | 0.0.4 | 14.2 |
einstein | Games | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
eiskaltdcpp | Network | 2.2.10 | 14.2 |
ekiga | Network | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
elasticsearch | System | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
elasticsearch5 | Python | 5.5.5 | 14.2 |
electron | Development | 10.0.0_beta.1 | 14.2 |
elemental-ircd | Network | 6.6.3 | 14.2 |
elementary-xfce | Desktop | 0.12 | 14.2 |
elinks | Network | git20131231 | 14.2 |
elixir | Development | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
elo-mt-usb | System | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
eltclsh | System | 1.17 | 14.2 |
elyxer | Office | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
em | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
emacs-w3m | Network | cvs_1.4.400_0.20100725 | 14.2 |
emailrelay | Network | 2.2 | 14.2 |
ember | Games | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
embree | Graphics | 3.12.1 | 14.2 |
emelfm2 | System | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
emerald | Desktop | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
emerald-themes | Desktop | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
emesene | Network | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
emoc | Multimedia | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
empire | Games | 4.4.1 | 14.2 |
enblend-enfuse | Graphics | 4.2 | 14.2 |
enca | Libraries | 1.19 | 14.2 |
encfs | System | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
enchant2 | Libraries | 2.2.8 | 14.2 |
endgame-singularity | Games | 1.00 | 14.2 |
endless-sky | Games | 0.9.12 | 14.2 |
energia | Development | 0101E0014 | 14.2 |
enet | Network | 1.3.17 | 14.2 |
engauge | Academic | 10.10 | 14.2 |
enigma | Games | 1.04 | 14.2 |
enki | Development | 15.11.1 | 14.2 |
enlightenment | Desktop | 0.24.2 | 14.2 |
enpass | Office | | 14.2 |
ent | Academic | 20080128 | 14.2 |
entangle | Graphics | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
entr | System | 4.6 | 14.2 |
entrypoints | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
enum34 | Libraries | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
envytools | Development | 2018.10.30_16dd1ff | 14.2 |
enzyme | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
eovim | Development | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
epdfview | Office | 0.1.8 | 14.2 |
eprover | Academic | 2.5 | 14.2 |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr | System | 1.7.8 | 14.2 |
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 | System | 1.1.29 | 14.2 |
epson-printer-utility | System | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
epydoc | Development | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
eqonomize | Office | 0.6 | 14.2 |
equalx | Academic | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
eric | Development | 4.5.25 | 14.2 |
eris | Libraries | 1.3.23 | 14.2 |
erlang-otp | Development | 22.0 | 14.2 |
esekeyd | System | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
esniper | Misc | 2.35.0 | 14.2 |
espeak | Accessibility | 1.48.04 | 14.2 |
espeakup | Accessibility | 0.71 | 14.2 |
esptool | Python | 3.0 | 14.2 |
ess | Academic | 17.11 | 14.2 |
et | Network | 5.1.8 | 14.2 |
et_xmlfile | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
etcd | Network | 3.3.13 | 14.2 |
etckeeper | System | 1.18.7 | 14.2 |
etherape | Network | 0.9.19 | 14.2 |
etherpad-lite | Network | 1.6.5 | 14.2 |
etherpoke | Network | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
etk.docking | Python | 0.2 | 14.2 |
etlegacy | Games | 2.76 | 14.2 |
etlegacy-data | Games | 2.60 | 14.2 |
etmtk | Office | 3.2.37 | 14.2 |
etsh | System | 5.4.0 | 14.2 |
ettercap | Network | | 14.2 |
ettercap-NG | Network | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
euca2ools | Python | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
eureka | Games | 1.27b | 14.2 |
evdi | System | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
evdi-kernel | System | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
evemu | Development | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
eventlog | System | 20151122_a5c1916 | 14.2 |
evernote-python | Libraries | 1.25.2 | 14.2 |
evhz | System | 3b656489 | 14.2 |
evilvte | System | 20140330 | 14.2 |
evilwm | Desktop | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
evince | Office | 3.28.5 | 14.2 |
evolus-pencil | Graphics | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
evopedia_qt | Academic | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
ex-vi | Development | 050325 | 14.2 |
exa | System | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
exact-image | Graphics | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
exaile | Multimedia | 3.4.5 | 14.2 |
execline | System | | 14.2 |
exempi | Libraries | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
exfat-utils | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
exhale | Audio | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
exif | Graphics | 0.6.22 | 14.2 |
exiftags | Graphics | 1.01 | 14.2 |
exiftool | Libraries | 11.11 | 14.2 |
exim | Network | 4.94 | 14.2 |
exomizer | System | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
exonerate | Academic | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
ext4magic | System | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
extra-cmake-modules | Development | 5.51.0 | 14.2 |
extract-xiso | System | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
extractpdfmark | Office | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
extras | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
extrema | Academic | 4.4.5 | 14.2 |
extremetuxracer | Games | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
extundelete | System | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
exult | Games | 1.6 | 14.2 |
eyeD3 | Audio | 0.8.10 | 14.2 |
ezstream | Audio | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
f1spirit | Games | 0.rc9.1615 | 14.2 |
f2c | Development | 20160102 | 14.2 |
f2fs_tools | System | 1.14.0 | 14.2 |
f3 | System | 7.0 | 14.2 |
fIcy | Audio | 1.0.21 | 14.2 |
faac | Audio | 1.30 | 14.2 |
faad2 | Audio | 2.9.2 | 14.2 |
faba-icon-theme | Desktop | 4.3 | 14.2 |
faba-mono-icons | Desktop | 20160430 | 14.2 |
fabla | Audio | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
fabric | Python | 1.13.2 | 14.2 |
facebook-python | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
facile | Development | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
facter | System | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
faenza-cupertino | Desktop | 2011.10.15 | 14.2 |
faenza-icon-theme | Desktop | 1.3 | 14.2 |
faenza-xfce | Desktop | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
faience-icon-theme | Desktop | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
fail2ban | Network | 0.10.4 | 14.2 |
fakechroot | System | 2.19 | 14.2 |
fakeroot | System | 1.23 | 14.2 |
falkon | Network | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
fann | Academic | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
fantasia | Audio | 0.9 | 14.2 |
fantasque-sans-mono | System | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
farsight2 | Multimedia | 0.0.31 | 14.2 |
farstream | Multimedia | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
fasd | System | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
fasteners | Python | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
fastqc | Academic | 0.11.9 | 14.2 |
fatrace | System | 0.15 | 14.2 |
fatsort | System | | 14.2 |
faust | Audio | 0.9.58 | 14.2 |
fbalpha | Games | 2018.11.03_a26fdf9 | 14.2 |
fbautostart | Desktop | 2.718281828 | 14.2 |
fbcat | Misc | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
fbdump | Misc | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
fbgrab | Graphics | 1.4 | 14.2 |
fbida | Graphics | 2.14 | 14.2 |
fbmenugen | Desktop | 0.85 | 14.2 |
fbpanel | Desktop | 6.1 | 14.2 |
fbpdf | Office | 20161202 | 14.2 |
fbpic | Graphics | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
fbreader | Office | 0.99.4 | 14.2 |
fbrowse-tray | Desktop | 0.08 | 14.2 |
fbterm | System | 1.8 | 14.2 |
fbv | Graphics | 1.0b | 14.2 |
fceux | Games | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
fcgi | Libraries | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
fcgiwrap | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
fcitx | Misc | | 14.2 |
fcitx-configtool | Misc | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
fcitx-libpinyin | Misc | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
fcitx-mozc | Misc | 2.17.2313.102.1 | 14.2 |
fcitx-qt5 | Misc | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
fcl | Libraries | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
fcrackzip | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
fcron | System | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
fd | System | 8.2.1 | 14.2 |
fdclone | System | 3.01j | 14.2 |
fdkaac | Multimedia | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
fdm | Network | 1.9 | 14.2 |
fdns | Network | 0.9.62 | 14.2 |
fdupes | System | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
feedgenerator | Python | 1.9 | 14.2 |
feedparser | Python | 5.2.1 | 14.2 |
feh | Graphics | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
fehlstart | Desktop | 20160523git | 14.2 |
felinks | Network | 08da1d8 | 14.2 |
fence-agents | System | 4.5.2 | 14.2 |
ferm | Network | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
fet | Academic | 5.49.1 | 14.2 |
ff8dls | Audio | 1.39 | 14.2 |
ffgo | Games | 1.12.3 | 14.2 |
ffmpeg | Multimedia | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
ffmpeg2theora | Multimedia | 0.30 | 14.2 |
ffmpeg4 | Multimedia | 4.3.2 | 14.2 |
ffmpegthumbnailer | Desktop | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
ffms2 | Libraries | 2.23 | 14.2 |
ffproxy | System | 1.6 | 14.2 |
fgo | Games | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
fgrun | Games | 2016.4.0 | 14.2 |
fifechan | Libraries | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
fifengine | Games | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
fig2sxd | Graphics | 0.22.1 | 14.2 |
figlet | Misc | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
figlet-contributed | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
figlet-international | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
fiji | Academic | 20200902_2101 | 14.2 |
file-roller | System | 3.24.1 | 14.2 |
filebot | Multimedia | 4.7.9 | 14.2 |
filechunkio | Python | 1.8 | 14.2 |
filerunner | System | | 14.2 |
fileschanged | System | 0.6.9 | 14.2 |
filezilla | Network | 3.42.1 | 14.2 |
fillets-ng | Games | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
fillets-ng-data | Games | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
fim | Graphics | 0.5_rc1 | 14.2 |
finchtv | Academic | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
find-cursor | Desktop | 1.6 | 14.2 |
findcmd | System | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
findimagedupes | Graphics | 2.19 | 14.2 |
findpkg | System | 20160817 | 14.2 |
fio | System | 3.23 | 14.2 |
fira-code-fonts | System | 1.206 | 14.2 |
fira-fonts | System | 4.301 | 14.2 |
firehol | Network | 1.296 | 14.2 |
firejail | System | | 14.2 |
firestorm | Games | | 14.2 |
firestorm-opensim | Games | | 14.2 |
firetools | System | 0.9.64 | 14.2 |
firewalld | Network | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
firmware-gobi-2000 | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
fish | System | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
fityk | Academic | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
fixtures | Python | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
fizmo | Games | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
flSynclient | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
flac123 | Audio | 0.0.12 | 14.2 |
flacon | Audio | 5.5.1 | 14.2 |
flake | Audio | 0.11.5 | 14.2 |
flake8 | Python | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
flameshot | Graphics | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
flann | Academic | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
flare | Games | 1.11 | 14.2 |
flare-game | Games | 1.11 | 14.2 |
flashcards | System | 2.4 | 14.2 |
flashplayer-plugin | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
flashplugin-lahf-fix | Libraries | 0.2 | 14.2 |
flashqard | Academic | 0.15.0 | 14.2 |
flashrom | Misc | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
flask-paginate | Python | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
flask-restplus | Python | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
flatbuffers | Libraries | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
flatpak | Desktop | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
flatpak-builder | Desktop | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
flatwoken-icon-theme | Desktop | 20171012_aa7b4a4 | 14.2 |
flatzebra | Libraries | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
flawfinder | Development | 1.27 | 14.2 |
fldigi | Ham | 4.0.12 | 14.2 |
flexbackup | System | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
flexbar | Academic | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
flexget | Network | 2.11.9 | 14.2 |
flickcurl | Libraries | 1.26 | 14.2 |
flint | Libraries | 2.6.3 | 14.2 |
flite | Accessibility | 2.1 | 14.2 |
flmsg | Ham | 4.0.15 | 14.2 |
floating-IPS | Misc | 1.31 | 14.2 |
florence | Desktop | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
flow | Development | 0.43.1 | 14.2 |
flowblade | Multimedia | 1.16 | 14.2 |
flowkeeper | Office | 2010.12 | 14.2 |
flpsed | Graphics | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
flrig | Ham | 1.3.50 | 14.2 |
fltk | Libraries | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
fluid-soundfont | Audio | 3.1_5 | 14.2 |
fluidsynth | Audio | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
fluidsynth-dssi | Audio | 1.0.0+20190112_c9b4107 | 14.2 |
flvstreamer | Network | 2.1c | 14.2 |
flvtool2 | Multimedia | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
fly | Development | 6.7.4 | 14.2 |
fmit | Audio | 0.99.2 | 14.2 |
fmmidi | Audio | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
fmodapi | Libraries | 4.44.61 | 14.2 |
fmsx-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_a61ef7b | 14.2 |
fmt | Libraries | 7.1.3 | 14.2 |
focuswriter | Office | 1.7.6 | 14.2 |
focuswriter-legacy | Office | 1.5.7 | 14.2 |
folly | Libraries | 2017.09.25.00 | 14.2 |
font-manager | System | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
font-unscii | Misc | 2.1 | 14.2 |
fontforge | Graphics | 20190801 | 14.2 |
fonts-opendyslexic | Accessibility | 20160623 | 14.2 |
foo-yc20 | Audio | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
foobillardplus | Games | 3.43beta | 14.2 |
foolscap | Python | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
foomatic-db | System | 20170729 | 14.2 |
foomatic-db-engine | System | 4.0.13 | 14.2 |
fop | Office | 2.6 | 14.2 |
fop-legacy | Office | 2.3 | 14.2 |
foremost | System | 1.5.7 | 14.2 |
forkstat | System | 0.02.12 | 14.2 |
fortune-ASR | Games | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
fortune-dharma | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
fortune-dune | Games | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
fortune-farscape | Games | 20191224 | 14.2 |
fortune-futurama | Games | 0.2 | 14.2 |
fortune-game_of_thrones | Games | 20170524 | 14.2 |
fortune-noobfarm | Games | 20201030 | 14.2 |
fortune-slackware | Games | 1.15 | 14.2 |
fortune-starwars | Games | 20051125 | 14.2 |
fortune_doctor_who | Games | 20200923 | 14.2 |
fortune_firefly | Games | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
fossil | Development | 2.14 | 14.2 |
fotowall | Graphics | 20120227_eff7aa1 | 14.2 |
fotoxx | Graphics | 16.01.1 | 14.2 |
fox-toolkit | Libraries | 1.6.54 | 14.2 |
fox-toolkit-devel | Libraries | 1.7.59 | 14.2 |
foxtrotgps | Gis | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
fpc | Development | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
fpc-source | Development | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
fpconst | Libraries | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
fping | Network | 5.0 | 14.2 |
fpm2 | System | 0.79 | 14.2 |
fqterm | Network | | 14.2 |
fr | System | 1.38 | 14.2 |
franny | System | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
franz | Network | 5.6.1 | 14.2 |
freac | Audio | 20190423 | 14.2 |
free42 | Academic | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
freealut | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
freeblocks | Games | 0.5 | 14.2 |
freeciv | Games | 2.6.4 | 14.2 |
freedink | Games | 109.6 | 14.2 |
freedoom | Games | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
freedownloadmanager | Network | 6.9 | 14.2 |
freedroid | Games | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
freedroidrpg | Games | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
freedup | System | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
freedv | Ham | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
freefont | System | 20120503 | 14.2 |
freeipmi | System | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
freemind | Office | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
freeminer | Games | git7ad981 | 14.2 |
freeorion | Games | 0.4.8 | 14.2 |
freepats | Audio | 20060219 | 14.2 |
freeradius-server | Network | 2.2.9 | 14.2 |
freerapid | Network | 0.9u4 | 14.2 |
freerdp | Network | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
freeswitch | System | 1.2.15 | 14.2 |
freetds | Development | 1.00.9 | 14.2 |
freewrl | Graphics | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
freexl | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
frei0r | Libraries | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
frescobaldi | Graphics | 2.20.0 | 14.2 |
freshplayerplugin | Multimedia | 0.3.11 | 14.2 |
fribid | Misc | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
fritzing | Graphics | 0.9.3b | 14.2 |
frobtads | Development | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
frogatto | Games | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
frosted | Python | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
frostwire | Network | 6.7.9 | 14.2 |
frotz | Games | 2.52 | 14.2 |
frozen-bubble | Games | 905bf71 | 14.2 |
frr | Network | 7.3.1 | 14.2 |
fs-uae | Games | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
fs-uae-arcade | Games | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
fs-uae-launcher | Games | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
fs2open | Games | ac2b864 | 14.2 |
fsarchiver | System | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
fsharp | Development | | 14.2 |
fslint | System | 2.46 | 14.2 |
fst | Audio | 2011jan31 | 14.2 |
fsv | System | 0.9_1 | 14.2 |
fsviewer | System | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
fsvs | System | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
fswatch | System | 1.11.2 | 14.2 |
ft2demos | System | 2.6.3 | 14.2 |
ftgl | Libraries | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
ftjam | Development | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
ftnchek | Development | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
ftp-cloudfs | Network | 0.35 | 14.2 |
ftplib | Libraries | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
fudge | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
fuel | Development | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
full-pack | Office | 1.0 | 14.2 |
funcsigs | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
functools-lru-cache | Python | 1.5 | 14.2 |
functools32 | Python | 3.2.3_1 | 14.2 |
funny-manpages | Misc | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
fuse-emulator | Games | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
fuse-emulator-utils | System | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
fuse-exfat | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
fuse-overlayfs | System | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
fuse3 | System | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
fuseiso | System | 20070708 | 14.2 |
fusion-icon | Desktop | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
futures | Libraries | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
fuzzylite | Libraries | 5.1 | 14.2 |
fvwm-crystal | Desktop | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
fvwm3 | Desktop | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
fvwm95 | Desktop | 2.0.43f | 14.2 |
fwbuilder | Network | | 14.2 |
fwknop | Network | 2.6.9 | 14.2 |
fwupd | System | 1.2.13 | 14.2 |
fwupdate | System | 12 | 14.2 |
fxload | System | 2008_10_13 | 14.2 |
fyre | Graphics | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
fzf | System | 0.27.0 | 14.2 |
g15composer | Misc | 3.2 | 14.2 |
g15daemon | Misc | | 14.2 |
g15stats | Misc | 1.9.7 | 14.2 |
g3data | Academic | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
g3dviewer | Graphics | | 14.2 |
g3log | Development | 1.3 | 14.2 |
g810-led | Misc | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
gajim | Network | 0.16.9 | 14.2 |
galaxyv2 | Games | 1.85 | 14.2 |
galculator | Academic | 2.1.4 | 14.2 |
gallerize | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
gallery | Graphics | 3.0.9 | 14.2 |
gambas3 | Development | 3.15.2 | 14.2 |
gambatte-libretro | Games | 2018.10.22_5ee8b1e | 14.2 |
gambit | Development | 4.6.8 | 14.2 |
game_1945 | Games | 0.55 | 14.2 |
gammu | System | 1.38.3 | 14.2 |
ganglia | Network | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
ganglia-web | Network | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
ganttproject | Office | 2.8.11 | 14.2 |
ganv | Libraries | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
gaphas | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
gaphor | Development | 0.17.2 | 14.2 |
garden | Games | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
gargoyle | Games | 2019.1.1 | 14.2 |
gauche | Development | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
gaupol | Multimedia | 0.19.2 | 14.2 |
gavl | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
gaw3 | Academic | 20170716 | 14.2 |
gazebo | Libraries | 7.1.0 | 14.2 |
gbdfed | Graphics | 1.6 | 14.2 |
gbgoffice | Office | 1.4 | 14.2 |
gbrainy | Games | 2.2.7 | 14.2 |
gcab | Libraries | 0.6 | 14.2 |
gcal | Office | 4.1 | 14.2 |
gcc-d | Development | 2.081.2 | 14.2 |
gcclegacy494 | Development | 4.9.4 | 14.2 |
gcdemu | System | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
gchemutils | Academic | 0.14.17 | 14.2 |
gcolor2 | Graphics | 0.4 | 14.2 |
gcompris | Academic | 17.05 | 14.2 |
gcompris-qt | Academic | 1.1 | 14.2 |
gconf-editor | System | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
gconfmm | Libraries | 2.28.3 | 14.2 |
gcp | Misc | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
gdal | Gis | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
gdata | Libraries | 2.0.18 | 14.2 |
gdk-pixbuf-psd | Graphics | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
gdl | Libraries | 3.26.0 | 14.2 |
gdmap | System | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
geany | Development | 1.34.1 | 14.2 |
geany-plugins | Development | 1.34.0 | 14.2 |
gearbox | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
gecko-mediaplayer | Multimedia | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
geckodriver | System | 0.18.0 | 14.2 |
gecode | Development | 4.4.0 | 14.2 |
geda-gaf | Academic | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
gede | Development | 2.17.1 | 14.2 |
gedit | Development | 2.30.4 | 14.2 |
gedit-plugins | Development | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
gelemental | Academic | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
gem2tgz | Ruby | 1.3 | 14.2 |
gemrb | Games | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
gencfs | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
geneconv | Academic | 1.81a | 14.2 |
generatorrunner | Development | 0.6.16 | 14.2 |
genext2fs | System | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
gengetopt | Development | 2.23 | 14.2 |
genius | Academic | 1.0.23 | 14.2 |
genometools | Academic | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
genpak | Academic | 0.26 | 14.2 |
genpuid | Multimedia | 1.4 | 14.2 |
gens-gs | Games | r7 | 14.2 |
genshi | Libraries | 0.7 | 14.2 |
gentoo | System | 0.20.7 | 14.2 |
geoclue | System | 0.12.99 | 14.2 |
geoclue2 | System | 2.4.7 | 14.2 |
geogig | Gis | 1.0_beta1 | 14.2 |
geogig-py | Gis | 1.0 | 14.2 |
geographiclib-python | Gis | 1.50 | 14.2 |
geoipupdate | Network | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
geojson | Gis | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
geomview | Academic | 1.9.4 | 14.2 |
geomyidae | Network | v0.34 | 14.2 |
geopandas | Gis | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
geopy | Gis | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
geos | Gis | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
geoserver | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
geoserver-control-flow | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
geoserver-css | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
geoserver-javascript | Gis | 2.7 | 14.2 |
geoserver-oracle | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
geoserver-pyramid | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
geoserver-python | Gis | 2.7 | 14.2 |
geoserver-wps | Gis | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
gerbv | Academic | 2.6.0 | 14.2 |
geshi | Libraries | | 14.2 |
get_iplayer | Multimedia | 3.26 | 14.2 |
getdevinfo | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
getdp | Academic | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
gevent | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
gf2x | Libraries | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
gflags | Libraries | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
gforth | Development | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
ggmud | Games | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
ggobi | Academic | 2.1.8 | 14.2 |
ghc | Haskell | 8.4.3 | 14.2 |
ghemical | Academic | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
ghex | Development | 3.18.4 | 14.2 |
ghi | Development | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
ghostess | Audio | 20120105 | 14.2 |
ghostpcl | Misc | 9.54.0 | 14.2 |
ghostwriter | Office | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
giblib | Libraries | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
gifsicle | Graphics | 1.92 | 14.2 |
gigedit | Multimedia | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
gigolo | System | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
gimagereader | Graphics | 3.2.3 | 14.2 |
gimmix | Audio | | 14.2 |
gimp-feca_hdr-plugin | Graphics | 2010.04.26 | 14.2 |
gimp-gap | Multimedia | 2.6.0 | 14.2 |
gimp-help | System | 2.8.2 | 14.2 |
gimp-lqr-plugin | Graphics | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
gimp-plugin-bimp | Graphics | 1.18 | 14.2 |
gimp-plugin-export-layers | Graphics | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
gimp-wideangle-plugin | Graphics | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
girara | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
gis-weather | Desktop | | 14.2 |
gisto | Development | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
git-cola | Development | 3.6 | 14.2 |
git-crypt | Development | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
git-extras | Development | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
git-fame | Python | 1.11.0 | 14.2 |
git-lfs | Development | 2.13.3 | 14.2 |
git-store-meta | Misc | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
gitdb | Libraries | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
gitdb2 | Libraries | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
github-cli | Development | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
githubpy | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
gitolite | System | 3.6.7 | 14.2 |
gitstats | Development | 20160102 | 14.2 |
gj2ascii | Gis | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
gkrellm-themes | Desktop | 20030129 | 14.2 |
gkrellm-volume | System | 2.1.13 | 14.2 |
gksu | System | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
gl-117 | Games | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
gl2ps | Libraries | 1.3.7 | 14.2 |
glPortal | Games | c3d5e47 | 14.2 |
glabels | Desktop | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
glade | Development | 3.18.3 | 14.2 |
glances | System | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
glassfish | Network | 4.1 | 14.2 |
glbsp | Games | 2.24 | 14.2 |
glestae | Games | 0.3.93 | 14.2 |
glewlwyd | Network | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
glfw | Libraries | 2.7.8 | 14.2 |
glfw3 | Libraries | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
gliv | Graphics | 1.9.7 | 14.2 |
glktermw | Libraries | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
glm | Development | | 14.2 |
glob2 | Games | | 14.2 |
global | Development | 6.6.5 | 14.2 |
glog | Libraries | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
glogg | Misc | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
gloox | Libraries | 1.0.24 | 14.2 |
glpk | Academic | 4.61 | 14.2 |
glslang | Graphics | 11.1.0 | 14.2 |
glusterfs | Network | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
glxosd | Games | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
glyptodon | System | 1.2b | 14.2 |
glyr | Multimedia | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
gmapcatcher | Gis | | 14.2 |
gmic | Graphics | 2.7.5 | 14.2 |
gmidimonitor | Multimedia | 3.6 | 14.2 |
gmpc | Audio | 11.8.16 | 14.2 |
gmpc-plugins | Audio | 11.8.16 | 14.2 |
gmpy | Python | 1.17 | 14.2 |
gmrun | Desktop | 1.1w | 14.2 |
gmsh | Academic | 4.5.4 | 14.2 |
gmtk | Libraries | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
gmtp | Multimedia | 1.3.11 | 14.2 |
gmusicbrowser | Audio | 1.1.16 | 14.2 |
gmusicbrowser-art | Desktop | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
gmvault | Network | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
gn | Development | 0.1616 | 14.2 |
gnash | Multimedia | 0.8.11dev_20190130 | 14.2 |
gnats | Development | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
gnet | Libraries | 2.0.8 | 14.2 |
gnirehtet-bin | Network | 2.5 | 14.2 |
gnofract4d | Graphics | 3.14.1 | 14.2 |
gnokii | Office | 0.6.31 | 14.2 |
gnomad2 | Audio | 2.9.6 | 14.2 |
gnome-bluetooth | Network | 3.20.1 | 14.2 |
gnome-commander | System | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
gnome-common | Development | 3.18.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-desktop | Libraries | 3.18.2 | 14.2 |
gnome-disk-utility | System | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
gnome-inform7 | Development | 6L38 | 14.2 |
gnome-media | Libraries | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-menus | Desktop | 3.32.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-mime-data | Misc | 2.18.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-mplayer | Multimedia | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
gnome-python | Python | 2.28.1 | 14.2 |
gnome-python-desktop | Python | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-python2-gconf | Libraries | 2.28.1 | 14.2 |
gnome-sharp | Libraries | 2.24.5 | 14.2 |
gnome-terminal | System | 2.32.1 | 14.2 |
gnome-themes-extras | Graphics | 2.22.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-vfs | System | 2.24.4 | 14.2 |
gnome-vfsmm | Libraries | 2.26.0 | 14.2 |
gnome-web-photo | Graphics | 0.10.6 | 14.2 |
gnomint | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
gnonlin | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
gnonograms | Games | | 14.2 |
gns3 | Network | 0.8.7 | 14.2 |
gntp-send | Desktop | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
gnu-unifont | System | 13.0.06 | 14.2 |
gnubg | Games | 1.05.000 | 14.2 |
gnucap | Academic | 20091207 | 14.2 |
gnucash | Office | 3.11 | 14.2 |
gnucash-docs | Office | 3.11 | 14.2 |
gnucash-legacy | Office | 2.6.21 | 14.2 |
gnucash-legacy-docs | Office | 2.6.20 | 14.2 |
gnugo | Games | 3.8 | 14.2 |
gnulib | Development | 20140202 | 14.2 |
gnumeric | Office | 1.12.34 | 14.2 |
gnump3d | Audio | 3.0 | 14.2 |
gnupod | Multimedia | 0.99.8 | 14.2 |
gnuradio | Development | | 14.2 |
gnurobbo | Games | 0.66 | 14.2 |
gnuski | Games | 0.3 | 14.2 |
gnustep-base | Development | 1.25.1 | 14.2 |
gnustep-make | Development | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
gnustep-startup | Development | 0.32.0 | 14.2 |
go-ipfs | Network | 0.4.23 | 14.2 |
go-md2man | Misc | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
go-mtree | System | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
goaccess | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
gob2 | Development | 2.0.20 | 14.2 |
gocr | Office | 0.50 | 14.2 |
goffice | Libraries | 0.10.34 | 14.2 |
goffice0.8 | Libraries | 0.8.17 | 14.2 |
gofiche | Network | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
gogglesmm | Audio | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
gohu-font | System | 2.1 | 14.2 |
golang-googlecode-gonet | Development | 98 | 14.2 |
golang-googlecode-gotools | Development | 588451 | 14.2 |
goldencheetah | Misc | 3.5 | 14.2 |
goldendict | Office | 1.5.0_RC2 | 14.2 |
golly | Games | 4.0 | 14.2 |
goocanvas | Graphics | 0.15 | 14.2 |
goocanvas2 | Graphics | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
google-api-python-client | Python | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
google-appengine-gosdk | Development | 1.9.27 | 14.2 |
google-appengine-pysdk | Development | 1.9.27 | 14.2 |
google-apputils | Python | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
google-droid-fonts | System | 20141010 | 14.2 |
google-earth | Gis | | 14.2 |
google-fonts | System | 20170830 | 14.2 |
google-fruit | Libraries | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
google-go-lang | Development | 1.16.3 | 14.2 |
google-images-download | Python | 620e7f5 | 14.2 |
google-musicmanager | Audio | | 14.2 |
google-talkplugin | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
google-webdesigner | Development | | 14.2 |
googlecl | Network | 0.9.15 | 14.2 |
googler | Network | 4.0 | 14.2 |
goonies | Games | 1.4.1528 | 14.2 |
gophernicus | Network | 2.5v101 | 14.2 |
gottet | Games | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
gource | Graphics | 0.51 | 14.2 |
gourmet | Misc | 0.17.4 | 14.2 |
gp2fasta | Academic | 0.2 | 14.2 |
gpac | Multimedia | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
gpaint | Graphics | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
gpart | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
gperftools | Libraries | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
gphotofs | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
gpicview | Graphics | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
gplcver | Development | 2.12a | 14.2 |
gpodder | Multimedia | 3.10.17 | 14.2 |
gpredict | Academic | 2.3 | 14.2 |
gprename | Misc | 20190221 | 14.2 |
gprolog | Development | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
gpsbabel | Gis | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
gpscorrelate | Graphics | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
gpsd | Gis | 3.18.1 | 14.2 |
gpsim | Development | 0.29.0 | 14.2 |
gputils | Development | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
gpxsee | Gis | 7.28 | 14.2 |
gq | Network | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
gqradio | Audio | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
gqrx-sdr | Ham | 2.11.5 | 14.2 |
gr-iqbal | Misc | 2015.11.20 | 14.2 |
gr-osmosdr | Development | 20170612 | 14.2 |
gr1d | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
grabc | Misc | 1.1 | 14.2 |
grace | Academic | 5.1.25 | 14.2 |
gradle | Development | 5.5.1 | 14.2 |
grafx2 | Graphics | 2.5.1960 | 14.2 |
grails | Development | 3.2.8 | 14.2 |
gramps | Misc | 5.1.2 | 14.2 |
grantlee-qt5 | Libraries | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
graph-easy | Graphics | 0.76 | 14.2 |
graphene | Graphics | 1.10.2 | 14.2 |
graphite-carbon | Network | 0.9.15 | 14.2 |
graphite-web | System | 0.9.15 | 14.2 |
graphite2 | Graphics | 1.3.14 | 14.2 |
graphterm | System | 0.57.0 | 14.2 |
graphviz | Graphics | 2.40.1 | 14.2 |
grass | Gis | 7.8.0 | 14.2 |
graveman | System | | 14.2 |
grc | Misc | 1.11.3 | 14.2 |
greed | Games | 4.2 | 14.2 |
greenbone-security-assistant | Network | 6.0.12 | 14.2 |
greenlet | Libraries | 0.4.15 | 14.2 |
gresistor | Academic | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
gretl | Academic | 2017c | 14.2 |
gri | Academic | 2.12.23 | 14.2 |
gridloc | Ham | 0.7 | 14.2 |
grig | Ham | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
grip2 | Audio | 2.96 | 14.2 |
grisbi | Office | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
grits | Desktop | 0.8 | 14.2 |
groovy | Development | 2.4.10 | 14.2 |
grpc | Libraries | 1.28.1 | 14.2 |
grpn | Academic | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
grsync | Network | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
grub4dos | System | 0.4.5b_2011_02_20 | 14.2 |
grub_legacy | System | 0.97 | 14.2 |
grun | Desktop | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
grx | Libraries | 249 | 14.2 |
gscan2pdf | Graphics | 2.11.0 | 14.2 |
gsimplecal | Desktop | 2.0 | 14.2 |
gsm | Libraries | 1.0.13 | 14.2 |
gsmartcontrol | System | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
gsmlib | Ham | 20140304 | 14.2 |
gsnmp | Libraries | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
gsoap | Development | 2.8.46 | 14.2 |
gspiceui | Academic | 1.2.36 | 14.2 |
gssdp | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
gst-libav | Multimedia | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gst-plugins-bad | Multimedia | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gst-plugins-ugly | Multimedia | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gst-python | Python | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gst-python3 | Python | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gst0-ffmpeg | Multimedia | 0.10.13 | 14.2 |
gst0-plugins-bad | Multimedia | 0.10.23 | 14.2 |
gst0-plugins-ugly | Multimedia | 0.10.19 | 14.2 |
gst0-python | Python | 0.10.22 | 14.2 |
gstreamer-editing-services | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
gstreamermm | Libraries | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
gtest | Development | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
gthumb | Graphics | 3.4.5 | 14.2 |
gtick | Multimedia | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
gtk-aurora-engine | Libraries | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
gtk-chtheme | Desktop | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
gtk-engines | Desktop | 2.21.0 | 14.2 |
gtk-engines-unico | Desktop | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
gtk-gnutella | Network | 1.1.14 | 14.2 |
gtk-kde4 | Desktop | 0.9.5b | 14.2 |
gtk-nodoka-engine | Desktop | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
gtk-qt-engine | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
gtk-recordmydesktop | Multimedia | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
gtk-sharp | Libraries | 2.12.45 | 14.2 |
gtk-theme-Albatross | Desktop | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
gtk-theme-Blackbird | Desktop | 0.4 | 14.2 |
gtk-theme-Bluebird | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
gtk-theme-Greybird | Desktop | 3.18.0 | 14.2 |
gtk-theme-Orion | Desktop | 1.5 | 14.2 |
gtk-vnc | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
gtk1-industrial-engine | Desktop | 0.2.36 | 14.2 |
gtk1-theme-switch | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
gtk3-nocsd | Libraries | 20160617git | 14.2 |
gtkam | Graphics | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
gtkballs | Games | 3.1.5 | 14.2 |
gtkdatabox | Libraries | | 14.2 |
gtkdialog | Development | 0.8.3 | 14.2 |
gtkextra | Development | 3.3.3 | 14.2 |
gtkglarea | Libraries | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
gtkglext | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
gtkglextmm | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
gtkhash | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
gtkhotkey | Libraries | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
gtkhtml | Libraries | 4.10.0 | 14.2 |
gtkimageview | Libraries | 1.6.4 | 14.2 |
gtklick | Audio | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
gtklife | Games | 5.2 | 14.2 |
gtklp | System | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
gtkmm-utils | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
gtkpod | Multimedia | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
gtksourceview | Libraries | 2.10.5 | 14.2 |
gtksourceview3 | Libraries | 3.18.4 | 14.2 |
gtkspell3 | Libraries | 3.0.10 | 14.2 |
gtkwave | Academic | 3.3.51 | 14.2 |
gtmess | Network | 0.97 | 14.2 |
gtorrentviewer | Network | 0.2b | 14.2 |
gts | Libraries | 0.7.6 | 14.2 |
gtypist | Academic | 2.9.5 | 14.2 |
guacamole-client | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
guacamole-server | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
guake | System | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
guess-language | Python | 0.2 | 14.2 |
guessit | Python | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
gui-ufw | Network | 19.10.0 | 14.2 |
guichan | Libraries | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
guile-json | Development | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
guile1.8 | Development | 1.8.8 | 14.2 |
guitarix | Audio | 0.39.0 | 14.2 |
guix | System | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
gumbo-parser | Libraries | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
gummi | Office | 0.6.6 | 14.2 |
gunicorn | Python | 19.9.0 | 14.2 |
gupnp | Libraries | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
guppy | Libraries | 0.1.10 | 14.2 |
gusersoundfont | Audio | 1.471 | 14.2 |
guvcview | Multimedia | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
guzzle_sphinx_theme | Development | 0.7.11 | 14.2 |
gvolwheel | Audio | 1.0 | 14.2 |
gw-libretro | Games | 2018.10.03_dea8b93 | 14.2 |
gwenhywfar | Libraries | 5.4.0 | 14.2 |
gwyddion | Academic | 2.58 | 14.2 |
gxkb | Desktop | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
gxmessage | Misc | 2.12.4 | 14.2 |
gzdoom | Games | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
gzdoom-legacy | Games | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
h5utils | Academic | 1.13.1 | 14.2 |
hachoir | Python | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
hachoir-core | Python | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
hachoir-metadata | Python | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
hachoir-parser | Python | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
hack-font-ttf | System | 3.003 | 14.2 |
hack-of-life | Games | 20130628_3a6c824 | 14.2 |
hackrf | Development | 20180430 | 14.2 |
hal-flash | System | 0.1 | 14.2 |
halberd | Python | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
hamachi | Network | | 14.2 |
hamlib | Ham | 3.3 | 14.2 |
hamster | Office | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
happy | Development | 1.19.9 | 14.2 |
haproxy | Network | 1.8.13 | 14.2 |
hardinfo | System | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
harminv | Academic | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
hashID | System | 3.1.4 | 14.2 |
hashcat | System | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
hashkill | Misc | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-Crypto | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-Diff | Haskell | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-FindBin | Haskell | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-GLURaw | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-GLUT | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-Glob | Haskell | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-HTTP | Haskell | 4000.3.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-HUnit | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-HsYAML | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-JuicyPixels | Haskell | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-ObjectName | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-OpenGL | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-OpenGLRaw | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-QuickCheck | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-SHA | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-ShellCheck | Haskell | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-StateVar | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-Tensor | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-X11 | Haskell | 1.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-X11-xft | Haskell | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-aeson | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-aeson-compat | Haskell | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-aeson-pretty | Haskell | 0.8.7 | 14.2 |
haskell-annotated-wl-pprint | Haskell | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-ansi-terminal | Haskell | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-ansi-wl-pprint | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-asn1-encoding | Haskell | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-asn1-parse | Haskell | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-asn1-types | Haskell | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-async | Haskell | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-attoparsec | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-attoparsec-iso8601 | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-auto-update | Haskell | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-base-compat | Haskell | 0.10.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-base-orphans | Haskell | 0.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-base-prelude | Haskell | 1.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-base16-bytestring | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-base64-bytestring | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-basement | Haskell | 0.0.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-bifunctors | Haskell | 5.5.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-bindings-uname | Haskell | 0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-bitarray | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-blaze-builder | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-blaze-html | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-blaze-markup | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-bmp | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-byteable | Haskell | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-bytestring-builder | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-cabal-install | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-call-stack | Haskell | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-case-insensitive | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-cereal | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-cgi | Haskell | 3001.3.0.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-cipher-aes | Haskell | 0.2.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-cipher-des | Haskell | 0.0.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-cipher-rc4 | Haskell | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-clock | Haskell | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-cmark | Haskell | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-cmark-gfm | Haskell | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-cmdargs | Haskell | 0.10.20 | 14.2 |
haskell-cmdlib | Haskell | 0.3.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-colour | Haskell | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-comonad | Haskell | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-composition | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-conduit | Haskell | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-conduit-extra | Haskell | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-connection | Haskell | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-constraints | Haskell | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-contravariant | Haskell | 1.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-cookie | Haskell | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-crypto-cipher-types | Haskell | 0.0.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-crypto-numbers | Haskell | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
haskell-crypto-pubkey | Haskell | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-crypto-pubkey-types | Haskell | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-crypto-random | Haskell | 0.0.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-cryptohash | Haskell | 0.11.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-cryptohash-sha256 | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-cryptonite | Haskell | 0.25 | 14.2 |
haskell-cryptonite-conduit | Haskell | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-curl | Haskell | 1.3.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default-class | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default-instances-base | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default-instances-containers | Haskell | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default-instances-dlist | Haskell | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale | Haskell | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-data-ordlist | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-dataenc | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-deepseq-generics | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-digest | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-distributive | Haskell | 0.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-dlist | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-doctemplates | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-double-conversion | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-easy-file | Haskell | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-echo | Haskell | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-ed25519 | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-edit-distance | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-either | Haskell | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-enclosed-exceptions | Haskell | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-env-locale | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-erf | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-exceptions | Haskell | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-extensible-exceptions | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-extra | Haskell | 1.6.13 | 14.2 |
haskell-fail | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-fast-logger | Haskell | 2.4.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-fgl | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-file-embed | Haskell | 0.0.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-filelock | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-filemanip | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-fixed | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-foundation | Haskell | 0.0.21 | 14.2 |
haskell-free | Haskell | 5.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-fsnotify | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-generic-deriving | Haskell | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-ghc-paths | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-gitrev | Haskell | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-gloss | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-gloss-rendering | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-graphviz | Haskell | 2999.20.0.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-hackage-security | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-haddock-library | Haskell | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-half | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-hashable | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-hashed-storage | Haskell | 0.5.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-haskell-src | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-highlighting-kate | Haskell | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-hinotify | Haskell | 0.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-hostname | Haskell | 1.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-hourglass | Haskell | 0.2.12 | 14.2 |
haskell-hpack | Haskell | 0.31.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-hslogger | Haskell | 1.2.12 | 14.2 |
haskell-hslua | Haskell | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-hslua-module-text | Haskell | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-hsp | Haskell | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-hspec | Haskell | 2.5.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-hspec-core | Haskell | 2.5.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-hspec-discover | Haskell | 2.5.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-hspec-expectations | Haskell | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-hspec-smallcheck | Haskell | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-html | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-http-api-data | Haskell | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
haskell-http-client | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-http-client-tls | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-http-conduit | Haskell | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-http-types | Haskell | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-hxt | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-hxt-charproperties | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-hxt-regex-xmlschema | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-hxt-unicode | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-idna | Haskell | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-infer-license | Haskell | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-integer-logarithms | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-iwlib | Haskell | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-json | Haskell | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-lcs | Haskell | 0.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-lexer | Haskell | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-libyaml | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-lifted-async | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-lifted-base | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-logict | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-megaparsec | Haskell | 7.0.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-memory | Haskell | 0.14.18 | 14.2 |
haskell-microlens | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-microlens-th | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-mime-types | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-mintty | Haskell | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-mmap | Haskell | 0.5.9 | 14.2 |
haskell-mmorph | Haskell | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-monad-control | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-monad-logger | Haskell | 0.3.30 | 14.2 |
haskell-monad-loops | Haskell | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-monads-tf | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-mono-traversable | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-multipart | Haskell | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-mustache | Haskell | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-nats | Haskell | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-neat-interpolation | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-network | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-network-multicast | Network | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-network-uri | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-old-locale | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-old-time | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-open-browser | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-optparse-applicative | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-optparse-simple | Haskell | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-pandoc-types | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-parallel | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-parsec-numbers | Haskell | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-parser-combinators | Haskell | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-path | Haskell | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-path-io | Haskell | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-path-pieces | Haskell | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-pem | Haskell | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-persistent | Haskell | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-persistent-sqlite | Haskell | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-persistent-template | Haskell | 2.5.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-pipes | Haskell | 4.3.13 | 14.2 |
haskell-polyparse | Haskell | 1.12 | 14.2 |
haskell-pretty-show | Haskell | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-primitive | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-profunctors | Haskell | 5.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-project-template | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-publicsuffixlist | Haskell | 0.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-punycode | Haskell | 2.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-quickcheck-io | Haskell | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-random | Haskell | 1.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-applicative | Haskell | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-applicative-text | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-base | Haskell | 0.93.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-compat | Haskell | 0.95.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-compat-tdfa | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-pcre | Haskell | 0.94.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-pcre-builtin | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-posix | Haskell | 0.95.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-regex-tdfa | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-resolv | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-resource-pool | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-resourcet | Haskell | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-retry | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-rio | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-safe | Haskell | 0.3.17 | 14.2 |
haskell-sandi | Haskell | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-scientific | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-securemem | Haskell | 0.1.10 | 14.2 |
haskell-semigroupoids | Haskell | 5.3.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-semigroups | Haskell | 0.18.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-setenv | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-setlocale | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-shelly | Haskell | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-silently | Haskell | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-skylighting | Haskell | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-skylighting-core | Haskell | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-smallcheck | Haskell | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-socks | Haskell | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-split | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-stack | Haskell | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-stm-chans | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-store | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-store-core | Haskell | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-streaming-commons | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-strict | Haskell | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-stringprep | Haskell | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-stringsearch | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-syb | Haskell | 0.7 | 14.2 |
haskell-system-fileio | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-system-filepath | Haskell | 0.4.14 | 14.2 |
haskell-tagged | Haskell | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-tagsoup | Haskell | 0.14.7 | 14.2 |
haskell-tar | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-temporary | Haskell | 1.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-test-framework | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-test-framework-hunit | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-test-framework-quickcheck2 | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-texmath | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-text-icu | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-text-metrics | Haskell | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-tf-random | Haskell | 0.5 | 14.2 |
haskell-th-abstraction | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-th-expand-syns | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-th-lift | Haskell | 0.7.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-th-lift-instances | Haskell | 0.1.11 | 14.2 |
haskell-th-orphans | Haskell | 0.13.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-th-reify-many | Haskell | 0.1.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-th-utilities | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-time-locale-compat | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-tls | Haskell | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-transformers-base | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-transformers-compat | Haskell | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-typed-process | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-unicode-transforms | Haskell | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-unix-compat | Haskell | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
haskell-unix-time | Haskell | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
haskell-unliftio | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-unliftio-core | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-unordered-containers | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-utf8-string | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-uuid-types | Haskell | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-vector | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-vector-algorithms | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-void | Haskell | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
haskell-wl-pprint-text | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-x509 | Haskell | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
haskell-x509-store | Haskell | 1.6.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-x509-system | Haskell | 1.6.6 | 14.2 |
haskell-x509-validation | Haskell | 1.6.10 | 14.2 |
haskell-xml | Haskell | 1.3.14 | 14.2 |
haskell-yaml | Haskell | | 14.2 |
haskell-zeromq4-haskell | Haskell | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
haskell-zip-archive | Haskell | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
haskell-zlib | Haskell | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
hatari | Games | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
hatari_tos_roms | Games | 20140825 | 14.2 |
haveged | System | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
havp | Network | 0.92a | 14.2 |
haxima-nazghul | Games | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
hdapsd | System | 20141203 | 14.2 |
hddtemp | System | 0.3beta15 | 14.2 |
hdf | Libraries | 4.2.15 | 14.2 |
hdf5 | Libraries | 1.10.6 | 14.2 |
heartbeat | System | 20200423 | 14.2 |
hebcal | Office | 4.24 | 14.2 |
hebe | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
hedgewars | Games | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
heif-gimp-plugin | Graphics | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
heimdal | Network | 7.7.0 | 14.2 |
heimdall | Misc | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
heirloom-doctools | System | 160308 | 14.2 |
heirloom-ed | System | 070715 | 14.2 |
heirloom-pax | System | 070715 | 14.2 |
heirloom-sh | System | 050706 | 14.2 |
helm | Audio | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
helpy | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
henplus | Development | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
herbe | Desktop | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
herbstluftwm | Desktop | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
hercules | System | 3.07 | 14.2 |
herculesstudio | System | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
heretic_shareware_data | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
heroku-client | Ruby | 3.43.16 | 14.2 |
herrie | Audio | 2.2 | 14.2 |
hevea | Office | 2.29 | 14.2 |
hex-a-hop | Games | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
hexalate | Games | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
hexcurse | Development | 1.60.0 | 14.2 |
hexe | Development | 20120305 | 14.2 |
hexec | System | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
hexedit | Development | 1.2.12 | 14.2 |
hexen_demo_data | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
hexer | Development | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
hexglass | Games | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
hexinator | Development | 1.12 | 14.2 |
hexnet | Development | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
hexter | Multimedia | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
heyu | Misc | 2.10.2 | 14.2 |
hfsprogs | System | 332.25 | 14.2 |
hg-git | Python | 0.8.11 | 14.2 |
hgsubversion | Python | 1.9 | 14.2 |
hhvm | Development | 4.56.1 | 14.2 |
hiawatha | Network | 10.10 | 14.2 |
hidapi | Libraries | 0.8.0_rc1 | 14.2 |
higan | Games | 106 | 14.2 |
highlight | Development | 3.38 | 14.2 |
hime | System | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
hinnant-date | Libraries | 2.2 | 14.2 |
hiredis | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
hlsdk | Games | 28082015 | 14.2 |
hnefatafl | Games | 140617 | 14.2 |
hntool | System | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
ho1 | Games | 1.430 | 14.2 |
hoedown | Libraries | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
hoel | Libraries | 1.4.17 | 14.2 |
homebank | Office | 5.1.5 | 14.2 |
homerun | Desktop | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
hoorex | Misc | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
hopper | Development | 4.7.3 | 14.2 |
horgand | Audio | 1.14 | 14.2 |
host-sflow | Network | 2.0.15 | 14.2 |
hostapd | Network | 2.9 | 14.2 |
hostsblock | Network | 0.12.3 | 14.2 |
howl | Development | 0.6 | 14.2 |
hp2xx | Graphics | 3.4.4 | 14.2 |
hpack | Python | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
hping3 | Network | 20051105 | 14.2 |
hplip-plugin | System | 3.16.5 | 14.2 |
hpx | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
hscolour | Haskell | 1.24.4 | 14.2 |
hsetroot | Desktop | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
hstr | System | 2.2 | 14.2 |
ht | Development | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
hte | Development | 2.0.18 | 14.2 |
html-xml-utils | Misc | 7.8 | 14.2 |
html2ps | Misc | 1.0b7 | 14.2 |
html2text | Python | 2020.1.16 | 14.2 |
html5-parser | Python | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
html5lib | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
htmlcxx | Libraries | 0.87 | 14.2 |
htmldoc | Office | 1.9.8 | 14.2 |
htmlmin | Python | 0.1.10 | 14.2 |
htslib | Libraries | 1.12 | 14.2 |
http-parser | Libraries | 2.9.4 | 14.2 |
httpie | Network | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
httping | Network | 2.4 | 14.2 |
httplib2 | Python | 0.11.3 | 14.2 |
httptunnel | Network | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
httrack | Network | 3.47.21 | 14.2 |
hub | Development | 2.14.2 | 14.2 |
hug | Libraries | 0.100 | 14.2 |
hugin | Graphics | 2018.0.0 | 14.2 |
hugo | Development | 0.82.0 | 14.2 |
huludesktop | Multimedia | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
hungrycat | System | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
hunspell-de | Office | 20161207 | 14.2 |
hunspell-en | Office | 2018.04.16 | 14.2 |
hunspell-es | Office | 2.2 | 14.2 |
hunspell-id | Office | 2.0 | 14.2 |
hunspell-pl | Office | 20170131 | 14.2 |
hupper | Python | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
hurry-filesize | Libraries | 0.9 | 14.2 |
hushboard | Desktop | 20210221_223b6f9 | 14.2 |
hwinfo | System | 21.67 | 14.2 |
hwloc | System | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
hydra | Network | 9.1 | 14.2 |
hydrogen | Audio | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
hylafax | Network | 6.0.6 | 14.2 |
hylafax+ | Network | 7.0.2 | 14.2 |
hyperlink | Python | 17.3.1 | 14.2 |
hyperscan | Libraries | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
hyphen | Libraries | 2.8.8 | 14.2 |
hyphen-id | Office | 2.0 | 14.2 |
hyphy | Academic | 2.3.14 | 14.2 |
i2c-tools | System | 4.1 | 14.2 |
i2pd | Network | 2.36.0 | 14.2 |
i3 | Desktop | 4.18.3 | 14.2 |
i3-gaps | Desktop | 4.18.3 | 14.2 |
i3-py | Python | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
i3blocks | Desktop | 1.5 | 14.2 |
i3lock | Desktop | 2.10 | 14.2 |
i3minator | Desktop | 0.0.4 | 14.2 |
i3pystatus | Desktop | 3.35 | 14.2 |
i3situation | Desktop | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
i3status | Desktop | 2.13 | 14.2 |
i8kutils | System | 1.42 | 14.2 |
iTest | Academic | 1.4.2_PREVIEW4 | 14.2 |
iat | Multimedia | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
ibam | System | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
ibus | Misc | 1.5.16 | 14.2 |
ibus-anthy | Misc | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
ibus-chewing | Misc | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
ibus-hangul | Misc | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
ibus-qt | Misc | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
ibus-skk | Misc | 1.3.9 | 14.2 |
ibus-unikey | Misc | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
icc_profiles | Graphics | 2019 | 14.2 |
icc_profiles_from_eci | Graphics | 2017_08_27 | 14.2 |
icdiff | Development | 1.9.5 | 14.2 |
icebreaker | Games | 1.9.7 | 14.2 |
icecast | Audio | 2.4.3 | 14.2 |
icecat | Network | 60.7.0 | 14.2 |
icecream | Development | 1.1 | 14.2 |
icemon | Development | 7f4a841 | 14.2 |
ices | Audio | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
ices-cc | Audio | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
icewm | Desktop | 1.6.6 | 14.2 |
icewm-themes | Desktop | 1.2.26 | 14.2 |
icinga-web | System | 1.12.0 | 14.2 |
icinga2 | Network | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
icingaweb2 | System | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
icon | Development | 9.5.20i | 14.2 |
icoutils | Development | 0.31.0 | 14.2 |
icyque | Network | 20200618_4fc08a0 | 14.2 |
id3 | Audio | 0.79 | 14.2 |
id3lib | Libraries | 3.8.3 | 14.2 |
id3tool | Audio | 1.2a | 14.2 |
id3v2 | Audio | 0.1.11 | 14.2 |
iddawc | Libraries | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
idea | Development | 2020.2 | 14.2 |
identicurse | Network | 0.9 | 14.2 |
idesk | Desktop | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
ideviceinstaller | Desktop | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
idle3-tools | System | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
idlex | Development | 1.18 | 14.2 |
idna | Python | 2.6 | 14.2 |
ifm | Games | 5.4 | 14.2 |
ifstatus | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
ifuse | System | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
igal2 | Misc | 2.3 | 14.2 |
igmpproxy | Network | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
ign-math2 | Development | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
ignition-math | Development | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
ignition-math2 | Libraries | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
ignition-transport | Libraries | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
ii | Network | 1.8 | 14.2 |
ike | Network | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
iksemel | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
image-analyzer | System | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
imageloader | Libraries | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
imagesize | Python | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
imagination | Multimedia | 3.1 | 14.2 |
imapfilter | Network | 2.6.16 | 14.2 |
imapproxy | Network | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
img2pdf | Graphics | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
img2xterm | Games | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
imgmin | Graphics | 1.1 | 14.2 |
imgp | Graphics | 2.6 | 14.2 |
imgur-screenshot | Desktop | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
imlib | Libraries | 1.9.15 | 14.2 |
imlib2 | Libraries | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
imlib2_loaders | Libraries | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
importlib-resources | Python | 5.1.0 | 14.2 |
impressive | Office | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
imv | Graphics | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
imwheel | System | 1.0.0pre12 | 14.2 |
inadyn | Network | 2.5 | 14.2 |
incremental | Python | 17.5.0 | 14.2 |
incron | System | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
influxdb | System | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
info2man | System | 1.1_9 | 14.2 |
inform | Development | 6.34_6.12.4_1 | 14.2 |
iniparser | Libraries | 4.0 | 14.2 |
inkscape | Graphics | 0.92.4 | 14.2 |
innoextract | Games | 1.9 | 14.2 |
innotop | System | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
inspectrum | Ham | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
instead | Games | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
insync | Network | | 14.2 |
insync-thunar | Desktop | | 14.2 |
intel-microcode | System | 20210216 | 14.2 |
intelmas | System | 1.7 | 14.2 |
internetarchive | Python | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
invada_studio_plugins_lv2 | Audio | 1.2.0_0 | 14.2 |
invasion3d | Games | 1.0.4b | 14.2 |
invoke | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
inxi | System | 3.0.37 | 14.2 |
io_lib | Academic | 1.14.13 | 14.2 |
iodine | Network | 0.6.0_rc1 | 14.2 |
ion | Desktop | 3_20090110 | 14.2 |
ioncube-loader | Development | 10.3.9 | 14.2 |
ioninja | System | 3.10.2 | 14.2 |
ioping | System | 0.9 | 14.2 |
ioquake3 | Games | 1.36_05180e3 | 14.2 |
iortcw | Games | 1.51c | 14.2 |
iotop | System | 0.6 | 14.2 |
ip2location-c | Network | 8.0.9 | 14.2 |
ipaddr-py | Python | 2.1.10 | 14.2 |
ipaddress | Libraries | 1.0.22 | 14.2 |
ipcalc | Network | 0.41 | 14.2 |
ipe | Graphics | 7.2.13 | 14.2 |
iperf | Network | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
iperf3 | Network | 3.7 | 14.2 |
ipfs-pack | Network | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
ipmitool | System | 1.8.18 | 14.2 |
ipscan | Network | 3.6.2 | 14.2 |
iptv-analyzer | Network | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
ipv6calc | Network | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
ipvsadm | Network | 1.31 | 14.2 |
ipxnet | Network | 20120808.0dce97e | 14.2 |
ipython | Python | 5.8.0 | 14.2 |
ipython_genutils | Python | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
ircII | Network | 20190117_1 | 14.2 |
ircd-hybrid | Network | 8.2.36 | 14.2 |
iripdb | Audio | 0.1.3b | 14.2 |
irqbalance | System | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
irrlicht | Libraries | 1.8.4 | 14.2 |
irsim | Academic | 9.7.94 | 14.2 |
irssi-python | Network | test4 | 14.2 |
irssi_otr | Network | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
iscan-firmware | Misc | | 14.2 |
iscan-proprietary-drivers | Misc | | 14.2 |
isextract | System | 20141107_5adb0af | 14.2 |
isight-firmware-tools | System | 1.6 | 14.2 |
isl | Libraries | 0.18 | 14.2 |
isodate | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
isoelectric-point | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
isomaster | System | 1.3.13 | 14.2 |
isomd5sum | System | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
isort | Python | 4.3.4 | 14.2 |
isync | Network | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
itcl | Libraries | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
itex2mml | Academic | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
itsdangerous | Python | 0.24 | 14.2 |
iucode_tool | System | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
ivtv-utils | Multimedia | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
j4-dmenu-desktop | Desktop | 2.18 | 14.2 |
jUploadr | Graphics | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
jaaa | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
jabberd2 | Network | 2.2.17 | 14.2 |
jack | Audio | 1.9.17 | 14.2 |
jack-keyboard | Audio | 2.7.2 | 14.2 |
jack-rack | Audio | 1.4.7 | 14.2 |
jack-tools | Audio | 20170117 | 14.2 |
jack1 | Audio | 0.125.0 | 14.2 |
jack_capture | Audio | 0.9.71 | 14.2 |
jack_delay | Audio | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
jackhammer | Games | 11855 | 14.2 |
jackmeter | Audio | 0.4 | 14.2 |
jag | Games | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
jai | Libraries | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
jai-imageio | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
jalv | Audio | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
jalview | Academic | | 14.2 |
jam | Development | 2.5 | 14.2 |
jamin | Audio | 0.95.0 | 14.2 |
jamulus | Audio | 3.4.3 | 14.2 |
jansson | Libraries | 2.12 | 14.2 |
japa | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
jaraco-packaging | Python | 8.1.0 | 14.2 |
jaraco.classes | Python | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
jasspa | Development | 091011 | 14.2 |
javacc | Development | 6.0 | 14.2 |
javacpc | Games | 2.9.8f | 14.2 |
jbake | Development | 2.6.3 | 14.2 |
jbig2dec | Libraries | 0.19 | 14.2 |
jbig2enc | Libraries | 0.29 | 14.2 |
jbigkit | Libraries | 2.1 | 14.2 |
jboss-as | Network | 7.0.1.Final | 14.2 |
jcal | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
jdcal | Python | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
jdiskreport | System | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
jdk | Development | 8u251 | 14.2 |
jdk11 | Development | 11.0.8 | 14.2 |
jdk12 | Development | 12.0.2 | 14.2 |
jdk13 | Development | 13.0.2 | 14.2 |
jdk14 | Development | 14.0.2 | 14.2 |
jdk15 | Development | 15.0.2 | 14.2 |
jdk16 | Development | 16.0.0 | 14.2 |
jdupes | System | 1.19.2 | 14.2 |
jedi | Python | 0.14.0 | 14.2 |
jeex | Development | 12.6.1 | 14.2 |
jellyfish | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
jellyfish_k-mer | Academic | 1.1.12 | 14.2 |
jenkins | System | 2.277.2 | 14.2 |
jenv | Development | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
jetty | Network | 9.2.3.v20140905 | 14.2 |
jezzball-kazzmir | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
jfsw | Games | 20180424_8fc2d54 | 14.2 |
jfsw_demo_data | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
jfsw_hires_pack | Games | 2.1 | 14.2 |
jfsw_registered_data | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
jfsw_twin_dragon | Games | 20200428 | 14.2 |
jfsw_wanton_destruction | Games | 20050909 | 14.2 |
jgmenu | Desktop | 4.3.0 | 14.2 |
jhead | Graphics | 3.00 | 14.2 |
jigdo | Network | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
jin | Games | 2.14.1 | 14.2 |
jitsi | Network | 2.8 | 14.2 |
jkmeter | Audio | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
jlscp | Multimedia | 0.8 | 14.2 |
jmespath | Python | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
jmri | Misc | 4.22 | 14.2 |
jmtpfs | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
jnoise | Audio | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
john | System | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
jokosher | Audio | 0.11.5 | 14.2 |
josepy | Python | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
josm | Gis | 12450 | 14.2 |
joyce | System | 2.2.14 | 14.2 |
jp2a | Graphics | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
jpdfbookmarks | Office | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
jpeg2ps | Graphics | 1.9 | 14.2 |
jpegoptim | Graphics | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
jpicedt | Academic | 1.4.1_03 | 14.2 |
jpilot | Accessibility | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
jpnevulator | System | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
jq | System | 1.6 | 14.2 |
jreen | Libraries | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
jsawk | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
jshon | System | 20131105 | 14.2 |
jsmin | Development | 20130329 | 14.2 |
json-glib | Libraries | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
json-parser | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
json-py | Python | 3.4 | 14.2 |
jsoncpp | Libraries | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
jsonpatch | Python | 1.25 | 14.2 |
jsonpointer | Python | 2.0 | 14.2 |
jsonschema | Python | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
jstock | Office | | 14.2 |
juffed | Office | 20180114_9b7af21 | 14.2 |
jugglinglab | Academic | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
julia | Development | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
julius | Development | 4.3.1 | 14.2 |
jupyter-ipykernel | Development | 5.5.3 | 14.2 |
jupyter-ipyleaflet | Development | 0.11.6 | 14.2 |
jupyter-ipywidgets | Development | 7.6.3 | 14.2 |
jupyter-nbclient | Development | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
jupyter-nbconvert | Development | 6.0.7 | 14.2 |
jupyter-nbdime | Development | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
jupyter-nbformat | Development | 5.1.3 | 14.2 |
jupyter-notebook | Development | 6.3.0 | 14.2 |
jupyter-qtconsole | Development | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
jupyter-widgetsnbextension | Development | 3.5.1 | 14.2 |
jupyter_client | Development | 6.1.13 | 14.2 |
jupyter_console | Development | 6.4.0 | 14.2 |
jupyter_core | Development | 4.7.1 | 14.2 |
jupyterlab_pygments | Development | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
jvmetro | Audio | 0.1 | 14.2 |
jwm | Desktop | 2.3.7 | 14.2 |
jython | Development | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
jzintv | Games | r1025 | 14.2 |
k3d | Graphics | | 14.2 |
k9copy-reloaded | Multimedia | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
kaadbg | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
kaaedit | Development | 0.53.0 | 14.2 |
kadu | Network | 0.12.3 | 14.2 |
kaffeine | Multimedia | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
kaffeine-mozilla | Multimedia | 0.2 | 14.2 |
kafka | System | | 14.2 |
kakoune | Development | 2019.01.20 | 14.2 |
kamerka | Graphics | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
kanola | Audio | 0.1 | 14.2 |
kanyremote | Desktop | 6.1 | 14.2 |
kapacitor | System | 1.5.9 | 14.2 |
kaptan | Python | 0.5.12 | 14.2 |
kardsgt | Games | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
karma | Academic | 1.7.25 | 14.2 |
kashmir | Libraries | 20150805 | 14.2 |
kasp_updater | Network | | 14.2 |
kasumi | Misc | 2.5 | 14.2 |
kate-latex-plugin | Office | 0.5 | 14.2 |
kbbi-qt | Office | 1.1 | 14.2 |
kbdd | Desktop | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
kbfs | System | 5.6.1_20210125164223 | 14.2 |
kbgoffice | Office | 2.1 | 14.2 |
kbibtex | Office | 0.7 | 14.2 |
kc | System | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
kchmviewer | Office | 6.0 | 14.2 |
kchmviewer-qt | Office | 7.7 | 14.2 |
kcm-fcitx | Misc | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
kcm_touchpad | System | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
kcm_ufw | Network | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
kcollectd | System | 0.9 | 14.2 |
kcometen4 | Desktop | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
kconfig-frontends | Development | | 14.2 |
kcov | Development | 32 | 14.2 |
kde-gtk-config | Desktop | 2.2_git | 14.2 |
kde44-oxygen-molecule | Desktop | 3.2 | 14.2 |
kde_cdemu | Misc | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
kdenlive | Multimedia | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
kdesvn | Development | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
kdiff3 | Development | 0.9.98 | 14.2 |
kdocker | Desktop | 5.3 | 14.2 |
kea | Network | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
keepalived | Network | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
keepassx | Office | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
keepassxc | Office | 2.6.4 | 14.2 |
keepnote | Office | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
kegs | System | 1.05 | 14.2 |
kelbt | Development | 0.16 | 14.2 |
kexec-tools | System | 2.0.20 | 14.2 |
keybase | System | 5.6.1 | 14.2 |
keychain | Misc | 2.8.5 | 14.2 |
keylaunch | System | 1.3.9 | 14.2 |
keynav | Desktop | 20150730+4ae486d | 14.2 |
kfaenza-icon-theme | Desktop | 0.8.9 | 14.2 |
kfc | System | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
kfilebox | Network | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
kforth | Development | 1.5.2p1 | 14.2 |
kicad | Development | 5.1.5 | 14.2 |
kicad-doc | Development | 5.1.5 | 14.2 |
kicad-footprints | Development | 5.1.6 | 14.2 |
kicad-packages3D | Development | 5.1.6 | 14.2 |
kicad-symbols | Development | 5.1.6 | 14.2 |
kicad-templates | Development | 5.1.6 | 14.2 |
kid3 | Audio | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
kildclient | Games | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
kile | Academic | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
kim4 | Graphics | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
kismet | Network | 2016_07_R1 | 14.2 |
kitchen-sync | System | 2.10 | 14.2 |
kitty | System | 0.19.3 | 14.2 |
kivy-garden | Network | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
kiwi | Development | 1.9.29 | 14.2 |
kiwisolver | Academic | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
klavaro | Academic | 3.03 | 14.2 |
klibc | Misc | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
klick | Audio | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
klish | System | 2.1.4 | 14.2 |
klog | Ham | | 14.2 |
klu | Academic | 1.3.9 | 14.2 |
kmess | Network | | 14.2 |
kmscon | System | 8 | 14.2 |
kmymoney | Office | 4.8.4 | 14.2 |
knemo | Network | 0.7.7 | 14.2 |
knights | Games | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
knime | Academic | 2.12.0 | 14.2 |
knock | Network | 0.5 | 14.2 |
kobby | Network | 20110501_2f61f86 | 14.2 |
kodi | Multimedia | 17.6 | 14.2 |
kolorcontrol | Desktop | 20181211git | 14.2 |
kombu | Python | 3.0.37 | 14.2 |
komodo-edit | Development | 12.0.1 | 14.2 |
komodo-ide | Development | 12.0.1 | 14.2 |
komparator4 | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
kompozer | Development | 0.8b3 | 14.2 |
konversation | Network | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
kotlin | Development | 1.4.32 | 14.2 |
koules | Games | 1.4 | 14.2 |
kover | Desktop | 6 | 14.2 |
kphotoalbum | Graphics | 4.7.1 | 14.2 |
kradio | Audio | 4.0.8 | 14.2 |
kraken | Academic | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
krb5 | Network | 1.19.1 | 14.2 |
krename | Misc | r247 | 14.2 |
kronometer | Misc | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
krop | Office | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
krusader | System | git_20150309_13fa966 | 14.2 |
ksh-openbsd | System | 20190804 | 14.2 |
kstart | Network | 4.2 | 14.2 |
ktikz | Academic | 0.10 | 14.2 |
ktsuss | System | 20140711 | 14.2 |
kubectl | Network | 1.17.0 | 14.2 |
kuickshow | Graphics | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
kupfer | Desktop | v320 | 14.2 |
kurso | Academic | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
kvirc | Network | 20180605_8db6192 | 14.2 |
kvpm | System | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
kwakd | Network | 0.5 | 14.2 |
kwalletcli | Desktop | 3.03 | 14.2 |
kyotocabinet | System | 1.2.77 | 14.2 |
l-smash | Multimedia | 2.14.5 | 14.2 |
lablgtk | Libraries | 2.18.4 | 14.2 |
labplot2 | Academic | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
ladr | Academic | 2009_11A | 14.2 |
ladspa-bs2b | Audio | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
ladspa_sdk | Audio | 1.13 | 14.2 |
lalnview | Academic | 3.0 | 14.2 |
lame | Libraries | 3.100 | 14.2 |
langdrill | Misc | 0.3 | 14.2 |
lapack | Libraries | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
lapack-atlas | Libraries | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
lapack95 | Academic | 3.0 | 14.2 |
lapacke | Academic | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
laptop-mode-tools | System | 1.74 | 14.2 |
larn | Games | 14.1.3 | 14.2 |
lash | Audio | | 14.2 |
lastfm | Audio | 2.1.36 | 14.2 |
lastfmlib | Libraries | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
lastpass-cli | Misc | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
laszip | Gis | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
latex2html | Academic | 2020 | 14.2 |
latex2rtf | Office | 2.3.17 | 14.2 |
latexdiff | Office | | 14.2 |
latrace | Development | 0.5.11 | 14.2 |
lazarus | Development | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
lbdb | Misc | 0.38 | 14.2 |
lbench | System | 3.7 | 14.2 |
lbrate | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
lbreakout2 | Games | 2.6.5 | 14.2 |
lbzip2 | System | 2.5 | 14.2 |
lcal | Office | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
lcdtest | Graphics | 1.18 | 14.2 |
lcov | Development | 1.14 | 14.2 |
ldapvi | Network | 1.7 | 14.2 |
lddot | Graphics | 0.2 | 14.2 |
lddsafe | System | 20110819_02842ba | 14.2 |
ldglite | Graphics | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
ldl | Academic | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
ldns | Development | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
le | Development | 1.16.6 | 14.2 |
leafnode | Network | 2.0.0.alpha20140727b | 14.2 |
leafpad | Office | | 14.2 |
ledger | Business | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
leechcraft | Network | 0.3.65 | 14.2 |
leiningen | Development | 2.8.1 | 14.2 |
lemonbar | Desktop | 1.3 | 14.2 |
lemonbar-xft | Desktop | 2.0 | 14.2 |
lemonpos | Business | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
lensfun | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
leo | Development | 5.5 | 14.2 |
leocad | Graphics | 17.07 | 14.2 |
leocad_pieces | Graphics | 9781 | 14.2 |
lepton-eda | Development | 1.9.14 | 14.2 |
leptonica | Libraries | 1.80.0 | 14.2 |
letsencrypt | System | 1.14.0 | 14.2 |
leveldb | Development | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
levmar | Libraries | 2.6 | 14.2 |
lgi | Libraries | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
lgogdownloader | Games | 3.7 | 14.2 |
lhasa | System | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
libAfterImage | Libraries | 1.20 | 14.2 |
libEMF | Libraries | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
libLAS | Gis | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
libQuotient | Libraries | | 14.2 |
libaacs | Libraries | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
libaaio | Libraries | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
libaal | Libraries | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
libabw | Libraries | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
libaec | Libraries | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
libagentcrypt | Libraries | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
libalkimia | Libraries | 5.0.0 | 14.2 |
libantlr3c | Libraries | 3.4 | 14.2 |
libaosd | Libraries | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
libappindicator3 | Libraries | 16.10 | 14.2 |
libasr | Libraries | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
libass | Libraries | 0.14.0 | 14.2 |
libast | Libraries | 0.7 | 14.2 |
libaudclient | Libraries | 3.5_rc2 | 14.2 |
libavc1394 | Libraries | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
libax25 | Ham | 0.0.12_rc5 | 14.2 |
libb2 | Development | 0.98.1 | 14.2 |
libb64 | Libraries | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
libbde | Libraries | 20190102 | 14.2 |
libbdplus | Libraries | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
libbitcoin | Development | 2.11.0 | 14.2 |
libbluray | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
libbonobo | Libraries | 2.32.1 | 14.2 |
libbonoboui | Libraries | 2.24.5 | 14.2 |
libbs2b | Audio | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
libbsd | Libraries | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
libbson | Libraries | 1.17.3 | 14.2 |
libbtbb | Libraries | 2020.12.R1 | 14.2 |
libburn | Libraries | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
libc++ | Libraries | 3.8.0 | 14.2 |
libcacard | Libraries | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
libcangjie | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
libcapi20 | Network | 3.0.7 | 14.2 |
libcapsimage | Libraries | 5.1 | 14.2 |
libcbor | Libraries | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
libccd | Libraries | git_f658f88 | 14.2 |
libcdaudio | Libraries | 0.99.12p2 | 14.2 |
libcdr | Libraries | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
libcec | Libraries | 4.0.4 | 14.2 |
libchewing | Libraries | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
libcitadel | Libraries | 8.22 | 14.2 |
libclaw | Libraries | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
libcli | Libraries | 1.9.7 | 14.2 |
libcmis | Libraries | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
libcoap | Libraries | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
libcompizconfig | Libraries | 0.8.14 | 14.2 |
libconfig | Libraries | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
libcpuid | Libraries | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
libcryptui | Libraries | 3.12.2 | 14.2 |
libcsv | Libraries | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
libctl | Libraries | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
libcue | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
libcuefile | Libraries | r475 | 14.2 |
libcutl | Development | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
libdaemon | Libraries | 0.14 | 14.2 |
libdart | Libraries | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
libdatrie | Libraries | 0.2.11 | 14.2 |
libdbh2 | Libraries | 5.0.19 | 14.2 |
libdbi | Libraries | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
libdbi-drivers | Libraries | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
libdbus-c++ | Libraries | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
libdbusmenu | Libraries | 18.10.20180917~bzr492 | 14.2 |
libdc1394 | Libraries | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
libdca | Libraries | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
libde265 | Libraries | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
libdesktop-agnostic | Libraries | 20160503 | 14.2 |
libdispatch | Libraries | 5.3 | 14.2 |
libdivecomputer | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
libdmapsharing | Libraries | 2.1.9 | 14.2 |
libdmtx | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
libdnet | Network | 1.11 | 14.2 |
libdockapp | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
libdsk | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
libdv | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
libdvbcsa | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
libdvbpsi | Libraries | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
libdvdcss | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
libdwarf | Libraries | 20200114 | 14.2 |
libdynamite | Libraries | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
libe-book | Libraries | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
libearth | Libraries | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
libeatmydata | Libraries | 105 | 14.2 |
libebml | Libraries | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
libebur128 | Audio | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
libechonest | Libraries | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
libedit | Libraries | 20191231_3.1 | 14.2 |
libee | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
libeot | Libraries | 0.01 | 14.2 |
libepubgen | Libraries | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
libesedb | Libraries | 20181229 | 14.2 |
libesmtp | Libraries | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
libestr | Libraries | 0.1.9 | 14.2 |
libetonyek | Libraries | 0.1.9 | 14.2 |
libetpan | Libraries | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
libev | Libraries | 4.33 | 14.2 |
libevhtp | Libraries | 1.2.10 | 14.2 |
libevt | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libevtx | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libewf | Libraries | 20140811 | 14.2 |
libexe | Libraries | 20181128 | 14.2 |
libexif-gtk | Libraries | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
libexttextcat | Libraries | 3.4.5 | 14.2 |
libfaketime | Libraries | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
libfastjson | Libraries | 0.99.9 | 14.2 |
libfdk-aac | Libraries | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
libffado | Libraries | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
libfilezilla | Libraries | 0.16.0 | 14.2 |
libfilteraudio | Libraries | 20161122_ada2f4f | 14.2 |
libfishsound | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
libfixposix | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
libfm | Libraries | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
libfm-extra | Libraries | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
libfprint | Libraries | 0.0.6 | 14.2 |
libfpx | Graphics | 1.3.1_10 | 14.2 |
libfreehand | Libraries | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
libfsapfs | Libraries | 20181215 | 14.2 |
libfsntfs | Libraries | 20190104 | 14.2 |
libftdi | Libraries | 0.20 | 14.2 |
libftdi1 | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
libfvde | Libraries | 20190104 | 14.2 |
libfwnt | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libfwsi | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libg15 | Libraries | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
libg15render | Libraries | 1.2 | 14.2 |
libg3d | Libraries | 0.0.8 | 14.2 |
libgadu | Libraries | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
libgaiagraphics | Libraries | 0.5 | 14.2 |
libgaminggear | Libraries | 0.15.1 | 14.2 |
libgcrypt15 | Libraries | 1.5.6 | 14.2 |
libgda | Libraries | 5.2.9 | 14.2 |
libgdiplus | Libraries | 5.4 | 14.2 |
libgee | Libraries | 0.20.3 | 14.2 |
libgee1 | Libraries | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
libgeotiff | Gis | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
libgexiv2 | Libraries | 0.10.3 | 14.2 |
libghemical | Academic | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
libgig | Libraries | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
libgit2 | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
libgit2-glib | Libraries | | 14.2 |
libgksu | Libraries | 2.0.12 | 14.2 |
libglademm | Libraries | 2.6.7 | 14.2 |
libglpng | Libraries | 1.45 | 14.2 |
libgltf | Libraries | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
libgme | Libraries | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
libgnome | Libraries | 2.32.1 | 14.2 |
libgnomecanvas | Libraries | 2.30.3 | 14.2 |
libgnomecanvasmm | Libraries | 2.26.0 | 14.2 |
libgnomecups | Libraries | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
libgnomemm | Libraries | 2.30.0 | 14.2 |
libgnomeprint | Libraries | 2.18.8 | 14.2 |
libgnomeprintui | Libraries | 2.18.6 | 14.2 |
libgnomeui | Libraries | 2.24.5 | 14.2 |
libgnomeuimm | Libraries | 2.28.0 | 14.2 |
libgraphqlparser | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
libgringotts | Libraries | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
libgsasl | Libraries | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
libgta | Libraries | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
libgtop | Libraries | 2.38.0 | 14.2 |
libgusb | Libraries | 0.2.11 | 14.2 |
libgxps | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
libharu | Libraries | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
libheif | Libraries | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
libhid | Libraries | 0.2.16 | 14.2 |
libhoard | Libraries | 3.12 | 14.2 |
libhtp | Libraries | 0.5.23 | 14.2 |
libicns | Libraries | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
libident | Network | 0.32 | 14.2 |
libidn2 | Libraries | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
libido3 | Libraries | 16.10 | 14.2 |
libiec61883 | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
libiio | Libraries | 0.10 | 14.2 |
libilbc | Libraries | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
libindi | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
libindi-drivers | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
libindicator3 | Libraries | 16.10 | 14.2 |
libinfinity | Libraries | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
libinput | Libraries | 1.17.1 | 14.2 |
libinstpatch | Libraries | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
libiptcdata | Libraries | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
libircclient | Libraries | 1.9 | 14.2 |
libiscsi | Network | 1.19.0 | 14.2 |
libisoburn | Libraries | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
libisofs | Libraries | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
libixion | Libraries | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
libixp | Libraries | 0.5 | 14.2 |
libjson-rpc-cpp | Libraries | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
libjwt | Libraries | 1.12.1 | 14.2 |
libkate | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
libkface | Libraries | 15.08.3 | 14.2 |
libkgeomap4 | Libraries | 15.08.3 | 14.2 |
libkml | Libraries | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
libkqueue | Libraries | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
libkvkontakte | Libraries | 4.12.0 | 14.2 |
liblangtag | Libraries | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
liblightgrep | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
liblinebreak | Libraries | 2.1 | 14.2 |
liblnk | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
liblo | Libraries | 0.31 | 14.2 |
liblogging | Libraries | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
liblqr | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
liblrdf | Libraries | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
liblscp | Libraries | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
liblxi | Libraries | 1.13 | 14.2 |
libmaa | Libraries | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
libmatheval | Libraries | 1.1.11 | 14.2 |
libmatroska | Libraries | 1.4.8 | 14.2 |
libmaxminddb | Network | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
libmediainfo | Libraries | 20.09 | 14.2 |
libmemcached | Libraries | 1.0.18 | 14.2 |
libmicrohttpd | Libraries | 0.9.70 | 14.2 |
libmigdb | Libraries | 0.8.13 | 14.2 |
libmikmod | Libraries | | 14.2 |
libmimedir | Libraries | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
libmimic | Libraries | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
libminizip | Libraries | 1.2.11 | 14.2 |
libmirage | Libraries | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
libmms | Libraries | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
libmodbus | Libraries | 3.0.6 | 14.2 |
libmodplug | Libraries | | 14.2 |
libmp3splt | Libraries | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
libmp4v2 | Libraries | 20191108_9084868 | 14.2 |
libmpd | Libraries | 11.8.17 | 14.2 |
libmpdclient | Libraries | 2.9 | 14.2 |
libmpeg2 | Libraries | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
libmrss | Libraries | 0.19.2 | 14.2 |
libmseed | Libraries | 2.19.6 | 14.2 |
libmsiecf | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libmspack | Libraries | 0.5alpha | 14.2 |
libmspub | Libraries | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
libmusicbrainz | Libraries | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
libmusicbrainz3 | Libraries | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
libmusicbrainz5 | Libraries | 5.1.0 | 14.2 |
libmwaw | Libraries | 0.3.17 | 14.2 |
libmygpo-qt | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
libnatpmp | Network | 20150609 | 14.2 |
libnatspec | System | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
libnbcompat | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
libnet | Libraries | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
libnfs | Libraries | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
libnfsidmap | Network | 0.27 | 14.2 |
libnice | Libraries | 0.1.14 | 14.2 |
libnids | Libraries | 1.24 | 14.2 |
libnodave | Libraries | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
libnova | Libraries | 0.15.0 | 14.2 |
libnsgif | Libraries | 0.2.1+20200706_0cb9bfc | 14.2 |
libnumbertext | Libraries | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
libnxml | Libraries | 0.18.3 | 14.2 |
liboauth | Libraries | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
libodb | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libodb-boost | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libodb-mysql | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libodb-pgsql | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libodb-qt | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libodb-sqlite | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
libofa | Libraries | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
libofx | Libraries | 0.9.11 | 14.2 |
liboglappth | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
libolecf | Libraries | 20181231 | 14.2 |
liboop | Libraries | 1.0 | 14.2 |
libopenglrecorder | Libraries | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
libopenraw | Libraries | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
libopenshot | Libraries | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
libopenshot-audio | Libraries | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
libopusenc | Libraries | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
liborcus | Libraries | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
liborigin | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
liborocos-kdl | Libraries | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
libosinfo | Libraries | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
libosmo-dsp | Libraries | 20170317 | 14.2 |
libotf | Libraries | 0.9.16 | 14.2 |
libotr | Libraries | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
libowfat | Libraries | 0.32 | 14.2 |
libp11 | Libraries | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
libpagemaker | Libraries | 0.0.4 | 14.2 |
libpano13 | Libraries | 2.9.19 | 14.2 |
libpaper | Libraries | 1.1.28 | 14.2 |
libpar2 | Libraries | 0.4 | 14.2 |
libpeas | Libraries | 1.16.0 | 14.2 |
libpff | Libraries | 20161119 | 14.2 |
libpgf | Libraries | 7.19.3 | 14.2 |
libpinyin | Libraries | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
libplacebo | Graphics | 2.72.2 | 14.2 |
libpng-legacy12 | Libraries | 1.2.57 | 14.2 |
libpqxx | Libraries | 6.4.5 | 14.2 |
libprelude | Libraries | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
libpri | Libraries | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
libpseudo | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
libpst | Libraries | 0.6.75 | 14.2 |
libpurple-kwallet-plugin | Perl | 0.1 | 14.2 |
libpwquality | Libraries | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
libqalculate | Academic | 3.10.0 | 14.2 |
libqb | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
libqcow | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libqinfinity | Libraries | 20110501_5955f93 | 14.2 |
libqsqlpsql | Libraries | 4.8.5 | 14.2 |
libqtxdg | Desktop | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
libquicktime | Libraries | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
libquvi | Libraries | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
libquvi-scripts | Libraries | 0.9.20131130 | 14.2 |
libqxp | Libraries | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
libqxt | Libraries | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
libr3 | Libraries | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
librapi2 | Libraries | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
libraqm | Libraries | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
librasterlite | Gis | 1.1g | 14.2 |
librcd | Libraries | 0.1.11 | 14.2 |
libreadline-java | Libraries | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
librecad | Graphics | 9f2c32d | 14.2 |
libregf | Libraries | 20190303 | 14.2 |
librelp | Libraries | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
libreoffice | Office | | 14.2 |
libreoffice-helppack | Office | | 14.2 |
libreoffice-langpack | Office | | 14.2 |
librep | Libraries | 0.92.7 | 14.2 |
libreplaygain | Libraries | r475 | 14.2 |
libretro-2048 | Games | 2018.09.30_80d462a | 14.2 |
libretro-desmume | Games | 2018.11.03_5f6f1ee | 14.2 |
libretro-fceumm | Games | 2018.09.29_eb17f88 | 14.2 |
libretro-handy | Games | 2018.09.29_08cc633 | 14.2 |
libretro-prboom | Games | 2018.09.30_b516a66 | 14.2 |
libretro-reicast | Games | 2018.12.11_7221180 | 14.2 |
libretro-vecx | Games | 2018.09.29_fb70263 | 14.2 |
libretro-yabause | Games | 2018.10.12_aa15301 | 14.2 |
librevisa | Libraries | 0.0.20130412 | 14.2 |
librfm5 | Libraries | 5.3.12 | 14.2 |
librhtv | Libraries | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
librra | Libraries | 0.13 | 14.2 |
librsync | Libraries | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
librtfcomp | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
libsass | Libraries | 3.6.4 | 14.2 |
libscca | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libscrypt | Libraries | 1.20 | 14.2 |
libsearpc | Libraries | 3.0.7 | 14.2 |
libseccomp | Libraries | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
libserialport | Libraries | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
libshout | Libraries | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
libsidplay | Libraries | 1.36.59 | 14.2 |
libsidplay2 | Libraries | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
libsidplayfp | Libraries | 1.8.6 | 14.2 |
libsieve | Libraries | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
libsigc++-legacy12 | Libraries | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
libsignal-protocol-c | System | 2.3.3 | 14.2 |
libsigrok | Libraries | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
libsigrokdecode | Libraries | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
libsigscan | Libraries | 20190103 | 14.2 |
libsixel | Libraries | 1.8.5 | 14.2 |
libskk | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
libslack | Libraries | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
libsmbios | Libraries | 2.3.3 | 14.2 |
libsmdev | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libsmf | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
libsmi | Libraries | 0.4.8 | 14.2 |
libsmraw | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libsodium | Libraries | 1.0.18 | 14.2 |
libspatialindex | Gis | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
libspatialite | Gis | 4.3.0 | 14.2 |
libspectrum | Libraries | 1.4.4 | 14.2 |
libspf2 | Libraries | 1.2.10 | 14.2 |
libsrtp | Libraries | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
libstaroffice | Libraries | 0.0.7 | 14.2 |
libstatgrab | Libraries | 0.92 | 14.2 |
libstrophe | Libraries | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
libsuinput | Libraries | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
libsunpinyin | Libraries | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
libsynce | Libraries | 0.13 | 14.2 |
libtar | Libraries | 1.2.20 | 14.2 |
libteam | Network | 1.31 | 14.2 |
libtecla | Libraries | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
libtelnet | Libraries | 0.23 | 14.2 |
libtermkey | Libraries | 0.22 | 14.2 |
libthai | Libraries | 0.1.28 | 14.2 |
libticables2 | Libraries | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
libticalcs2 | Libraries | 1.1.8 | 14.2 |
libticonv | Libraries | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
libtifiles2 | Libraries | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
libtins | Libraries | 4.0 | 14.2 |
libtomcrypt | Libraries | 1.17 | 14.2 |
libtommath | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
libtorrent | Libraries | 0.13.7 | 14.2 |
libtorrent-rasterbar | Libraries | 1.2.11 | 14.2 |
libtorrent-rasterbar-legacy | Libraries | 1.1.14 | 14.2 |
libtrash | System | 3.6 | 14.2 |
libtsm | Libraries | 3 | 14.2 |
libtubo0 | Libraries | 5.0.15 | 14.2 |
libtunepimp | Libraries | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
libtxc_dxtn | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
libu2f-host | Libraries | 1.1.10 | 14.2 |
libuchardet | Libraries | 0.0.7 | 14.2 |
libucil | Libraries | 20160609 | 14.2 |
libunibreak | Libraries | 3.0 | 14.2 |
libunicap | Libraries | 0.9.12 | 14.2 |
libunicapgtk | Libraries | 20160609 | 14.2 |
libunique | Libraries | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
libunique3 | Libraries | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
libunwind | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
libupnp | Libraries | 1.8.3 | 14.2 |
libupnp-legacy | Libraries | 1.6.25 | 14.2 |
liburcu | Libraries | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
libuv | Libraries | 1.41.0 | 14.2 |
libvdpau-va-gl | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
libversion | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
libvhdi | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libvidcap | Libraries | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
libviper | Libraries | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
libvirt | Libraries | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
libvirt-glib | Libraries | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
libvirt-python | Libraries | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
libvmdk | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libvmime | Libraries | 156edf5c | 14.2 |
libvorbisidec | Libraries | 1.0.2+svn16259 | 14.2 |
libvshadow | Libraries | 20190127 | 14.2 |
libvslvm | Libraries | 20181227 | 14.2 |
libvterm | Libraries | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
libwacom | Libraries | 1.9 | 14.2 |
libwebp | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
libwebsocketpp | Libraries | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
libwebsockets | Libraries | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
libwfut | Libraries | 0.2.3+c28cc3b | 14.2 |
libwhisker2 | Libraries | 2.5 | 14.2 |
libwnck3 | Libraries | 3.20.1 | 14.2 |
libwpe | Libraries | | 14.2 |
libwps | Libraries | 0.4.12 | 14.2 |
libwrc | Libraries | 20181203 | 14.2 |
libwww-perl | Perl | 6.13 | 14.2 |
libx86emu | Libraries | 2.4 | 14.2 |
libxbgi | Development | 364 | 14.2 |
libxdg-basedir | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
libxfcegui4 | Libraries | 4.10.0 | 14.2 |
libxkbcommon | Libraries | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
libxls | Libraries | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
libxlsxwriter | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
libxmi | Libraries | 1.2 | 14.2 |
libxml++ | Libraries | 2.40.1 | 14.2 |
libxml++3 | Libraries | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
libxmlb | Libraries | 0.1.14 | 14.2 |
libxmp | Libraries | 4.4.1 | 14.2 |
libxnvctrl | Libraries | 460.67 | 14.2 |
libyang | Libraries | 1.0.167 | 14.2 |
libydpdict | Misc | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
libyubikey | Libraries | 1.13 | 14.2 |
libzdb | Libraries | 3.1 | 14.2 |
libzen | Libraries | 0.4.38 | 14.2 |
libzmf | Libraries | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
libzookeeper | Libraries | 3.4.6 | 14.2 |
libzrtpcpp | Libraries | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
licq | Network | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
liferea | Network | 1.12.7 | 14.2 |
light | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
light-firefox | Network | 48.0 | 14.2 |
lightspark | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
lighttable | Development | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
lighttpd | Network | 1.4.58 | 14.2 |
lighttpd2 | Network | 20180908_bda1a90 | 14.2 |
lightyears | Games | 1.4 | 14.2 |
likepython | Development | 0.1 | 14.2 |
lilv | Libraries | 0.24.8 | 14.2 |
lilypond | Graphics | 2.22.0 | 14.2 |
lilyterm | System | | 14.2 |
limnoria | Network | 2019_02_23 | 14.2 |
lincity-ng | Games | 2.0 | 14.2 |
linecache2 | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
lingot | Audio | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
link-grammar | Academic | 4.8.0 | 14.2 |
linkchecker | System | 9.3 | 14.2 |
linksys-tftp | Network | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
linlogbook | Ham | 0.5 | 14.2 |
linphone | Network | 3.12.0 | 14.2 |
linpsk | Ham | 1.2 | 14.2 |
linssid | Network | 3.6 | 14.2 |
linux-libertine-fonts | System | 5.3.0 | 14.2 |
linux-vt-setcolors | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
linux_logo | Misc | 6.0 | 14.2 |
linuxconsoletools | System | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
linuxdcpp | Network | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
linuxsampler | Audio | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
liquibase | Development | 3.5.3 | 14.2 |
liquid-dsp | Ham | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
liquidwar6 | Games | 0.6.3902 | 14.2 |
lirc | System | 0.9.3a | 14.2 |
lircaile | Multimedia | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
listener | Audio | 2.2 | 14.2 |
listpkg | System | 0.1a | 14.2 |
live555 | Libraries | 2020.08.19 | 14.2 |
lives | Multimedia | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
livestreamer | Network | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
livestreamer-curses | Network | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
lizardfs | Network | 3.12.0 | 14.2 |
lksctp-tools | Libraries | 1.0.17 | 14.2 |
llcon | Audio | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
lldpd | Network | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
llfuse | Python | 1.1 | 14.2 |
lmarbles | Games | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
lmdb | Development | 0.9.14 | 14.2 |
lmms | Audio | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
lmpc | Games | 1b70022 | 14.2 |
lnav | System | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
local-persist | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
localepurge | System | | 14.2 |
locarna | Academic | | 14.2 |
lockdev | Libraries | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
lockfile | Python | 0.8 | 14.2 |
loemu | Games | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
log4c | Libraries | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
log4cplus | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
log4cpp | Libraries | 1.0 | 14.2 |
log4net | Libraries | 2.0.7 | 14.2 |
log4shib | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
loggedfs | System | 0.9 | 14.2 |
loggerpro | Academic | | 14.2 |
logilab-astng | Libraries | 0.24.0 | 14.2 |
logilab-common | Libraries | 0.63.2 | 14.2 |
logisim | Development | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
logkeys | System | 0.1.1c | 14.2 |
logpp | System | 0.16 | 14.2 |
logtool | System | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
logwatch | System | 7.5.5 | 14.2 |
loksh | System | 6.8.1 | 14.2 |
lolcat | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
lomoco | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
lout | Office | 3.42 | 14.2 |
love | Development | 11.3 | 14.2 |
love-legacy072 | Development | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
love-legacy080 | Development | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
lowdown | Office | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
lppf | Misc | 0.1_rc1 | 14.2 |
lpsk31 | Ham | 1.3 | 14.2 |
lpsolve | Academic | | 14.2 |
lsb-release | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
lsdvd | Multimedia | 0.17 | 14.2 |
lshw | System | B.02.19.2 | 14.2 |
lsmi | Audio | 0.1 | 14.2 |
lsyncd | System | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
ltrace | Development | 0.7.3_6 | 14.2 |
ltris | Games | 1.0.19 | 14.2 |
ltunify | Misc | 0.2 | 14.2 |
lua | Development | 5.1.5 | 14.2 |
lua-MessagePack | Libraries | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
lua-cjson | Libraries | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
lua-cmsgpack | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
lua-filesystem | Libraries | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
lua-lpeg | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
lua-luv | Libraries | 1.36.0_0 | 14.2 |
lua-md5 | Libraries | 1.2 | 14.2 |
lua-mpack | Libraries | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
lua-posix | Libraries | 35.0 | 14.2 |
lua-readline | Libraries | 2.9 | 14.2 |
lua-std._debug | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
lua-std.normalize | Libraries | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
lua-zlib | Libraries | 20140201_c0014bc | 14.2 |
lua52 | Development | 5.2.4 | 14.2 |
lua53 | Development | 5.3.4 | 14.2 |
luacrypto | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
luadbi | Libraries | 0.5 | 14.2 |
luaevent | Libraries | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
luaexpat | Libraries | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
luajit | Development | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
luakit | Network | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
luarocks | Development | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
luasec | Libraries | 1.0 | 14.2 |
luasocket | Libraries | 3.0_rc1 | 14.2 |
luckybackup | System | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
lumina | Desktop | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
lumina-calculator | Office | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
lumina-pdf | Office | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
luminance-hdr | Graphics | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
luna-wallpapers | Desktop | 0.2 | 14.2 |
lunatic-python | Libraries | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
luppp | Audio | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
lurch | Network | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
lutris | Games | 0.4.23 | 14.2 |
luxrender | Graphics | 1.4 | 14.2 |
lv | System | 4.51_7 | 14.2 |
lv2 | Audio | 1.18.0 | 14.2 |
lv2-mda-metapiano | Audio | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
lv2dynparam1 | Audio | 2 | 14.2 |
lv2file | Audio | 0.84 | 14.2 |
lvm2-cluster | System | 2.02.154 | 14.2 |
lvm2-lockd | System | 2.02.154 | 14.2 |
lvtk | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
lwks | Multimedia | 14.0.0 | 14.2 |
lwtools | Development | 4.15 | 14.2 |
lxappearance | Desktop | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
lxappearance-obconf | Desktop | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
lxd | System | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
lxde-common | Desktop | 0.99.2 | 14.2 |
lxdm | System | 20170805_e3e7517 | 14.2 |
lxhotkey | Desktop | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
lxi-tools | Network | 1.21 | 14.2 |
lxinput | System | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
lxlauncher | Desktop | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
lxmed | Desktop | 20120515 | 14.2 |
lxmenu-data | Desktop | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
lxml | Python | 4.4.1 | 14.2 |
lxmusic | Audio | 0.4.7 | 14.2 |
lxpanel | Desktop | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
lxqt-build-tools | Libraries | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
lxrandr | System | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
lxsession | System | 0.5.5 | 14.2 |
lxsplit | System | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
lxtask | System | 0.1.10 | 14.2 |
lxterminal | System | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
lynis | System | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
lyvi | Audio | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
lyx | Office | | 14.2 |
lz4 | System | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
lziprecover | System | 1.17 | 14.2 |
lzop | System | 1.04 | 14.2 |
m64py | Games | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
mac | Audio | 3.99_u4_b5_s7 | 14.2 |
macchanger | Network | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
macemu | System | 20180225_2e302d6 | 14.2 |
macopix | Desktop | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
macutils | System | 2.0b3_16 | 14.2 |
madbomber | Games | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
mads | Development | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
maelstrom | Games | 3.0.6 | 14.2 |
mafft | Academic | 7.471 | 14.2 |
mag | Accessibility | 20100913 | 14.2 |
magic | Academic | 8.0.211 | 14.2 |
magiic | System | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
maildrop | Network | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
mailfromd | System | 8.9 | 14.2 |
mailman | Network | 2.1.23 | 14.2 |
mailspring | Network | 1.7.8 | 14.2 |
mailutils | System | 3.11.1 | 14.2 |
maim | Graphics | 5.5.3 | 14.2 |
maintboot | System | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
mairix | Office | 0.24 | 14.2 |
maitreya | Desktop | 7.0.5 | 14.2 |
makefile2graph | System | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
makehuman | Graphics | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
makemkv | Multimedia | 1.14.4 | 14.2 |
makepasswd | System | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
makepp | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
makeself | System | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
malheur | Network | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
maltego | Business | | 14.2 |
mame | Games | 0.214 | 14.2 |
mame2000-libretro | Games | 2020.10.21_6655a51 | 14.2 |
man-db | System | 2.9.4 | 14.2 |
man-pages-es | System | 1.55 | 14.2 |
man-pages-fr | System | 3.03.0 | 14.2 |
man-pages-ja | System | 20201015 | 14.2 |
man-pages-ru | System | 5.03_20191017 | 14.2 |
manaplus | Games | | 14.2 |
mando | Python | 0.4 | 14.2 |
mandoc | System | 1.14.4 | 14.2 |
mangband | Games | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
manubulon-snmp-plugins | Libraries | 20151112 | 14.2 |
mapcrafter | Graphics | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
mapnik | Gis | 3.0.23 | 14.2 |
marathon-data | Games | 20200904 | 14.2 |
marathon-eternal-data | Games | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
marathon-evil-data | Games | 20110331 | 14.2 |
marathon-infinity-data | Games | 20200904 | 14.2 |
marathon-phoenix-data | Games | 1.3 | 14.2 |
marathon-red-data | Games | 20110331 | 14.2 |
marathon-rubicon-data | Games | 20060807 | 14.2 |
marathon2-data | Games | 20200904 | 14.2 |
marave | Office | 0.7 | 14.2 |
mari0 | Games | 1.6 | 14.2 |
mariadb_client | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
marisa | Libraries | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
mars | Games | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
masscan | Network | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
match-vamp-plugin | Audio | 1.0 | 14.2 |
mate-calc | Office | 1.18.2 | 14.2 |
materia-theme | Desktop | 20180928 | 14.2 |
mathgl | Libraries | 2.3.3 | 14.2 |
mathics | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
mathomatic | Academic | 16.0.5 | 14.2 |
mathtex | Office | 1.05 | 14.2 |
matio | Academic | 1.5.9 | 14.2 |
matplotlib | Libraries | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
matrixgl | Desktop | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
mattermost-desktop | Network | 4.6.1 | 14.2 |
maude | Development | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
mawk | Development | 1.3.4_20200120 | 14.2 |
maxcso | System | 1.12.0 | 14.2 |
maxima | Academic | 5.44.0 | 14.2 |
mbedtls | Libraries | 2.16.8 | 14.2 |
mbootpack | System | 0.6a | 14.2 |
mcomix | Graphics | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
mcrl2 | Development | 201409.1 | 14.2 |
mcrypt | System | 2.6.8 | 14.2 |
mcu8051ide | Development | 1.4.10 | 14.2 |
mcwm | Desktop | 20130209_2 | 14.2 |
md5deep | System | 4.4 | 14.2 |
mda-lv2 | Audio | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
mdbtools | Office | 0.5 | 14.2 |
mdds | Libraries | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
mdf2iso | System | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
mdic | Misc | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
mdk3 | Network | v6_1bf2bd3 | 14.2 |
mdp | Office | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
meandmyshadow | Games | 0.5a | 14.2 |
meanwhile | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
mechanize | Python | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
med | Libraries | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
mediainfo | Multimedia | 20.09 | 14.2 |
mediatomb | Multimedia | b66dc1f | 14.2 |
medit | Development | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
mednafen | Games | 1.24.3 | 14.2 |
mednaffe | Games | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
meep | Academic | 1.17.1 | 14.2 |
megacli | System | 8.07.14 | 14.2 |
megaglest | Games | 3.13.0 | 14.2 |
megamario | Games | 1.7 | 14.2 |
megatools | Network | 1.10.3 | 14.2 |
megatunix | Misc | 0.9.23 | 14.2 |
megax | Academic | 10.1.8_1 | 14.2 |
meh | Graphics | 0.3 | 14.2 |
meld | Development | 1.8.6 | 14.2 |
meld3 | Development | 3.18.3 | 14.2 |
meliae-icon-theme | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
memcached | Network | 1.4.37 | 14.2 |
memcached-init | Network | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
memchan | Development | 2.3 | 14.2 |
meme-db-gomo | Academic | 3.2 | 14.2 |
meme-db-motif | Academic | 12.19 | 14.2 |
meme-db-tgene | Academic | 1.0 | 14.2 |
meme-suite | Academic | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
memtest86 | System | 4.3.7 | 14.2 |
memtest86+ | System | 5.01 | 14.2 |
memtester | System | 4.5.0_1 | 14.2 |
memuse | System | 0.20 | 14.2 |
mendeleydesktop | Academic | 1.17.9 | 14.2 |
menhir | Development | 20170101 | 14.2 |
menu-cache | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
menumaker | Desktop | 0.99.10 | 14.2 |
menutray | Desktop | 0.53 | 14.2 |
mercator | Libraries | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
merkaartor | Gis | 0.18.4 | 14.2 |
meshlab | Graphics | 2016.12 | 14.2 |
meson | Development | 0.57.1 | 14.2 |
metapixel | Graphics | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
metasploit | Network | 4.7.0 | 14.2 |
meterbridge | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
metis | Academic | 5.1.0 | 14.2 |
mew | Network | 6.7 | 14.2 |
mfe | Games | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
mftrace | Graphics | 1.2.20 | 14.2 |
mg-openbsd | Development | 5.6.0 | 14.2 |
mg-troglobit | Development | 3.4 | 14.2 |
mgba | Games | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
mh5000 | Desktop | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
mhddfs | System | 0.1.39 | 14.2 |
mhsetroot | Desktop | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
mhwaveedit | Audio | 1.4.24 | 14.2 |
mibuild | Python | 20130601 | 14.2 |
microcode_ctl | System | 1.26 | 14.2 |
microemulator | System | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
micropolis | Games | 20100418 | 14.2 |
mididings | Audio | 20120419 | 14.2 |
midillo | Audio | 0.0 | 14.2 |
midisport-firmware | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
midori | Network | 0.5.11 | 14.2 |
migen | Python | 0.6 | 14.2 |
milkytracker | Audio | 1.02.00 | 14.2 |
millennium-plugins | Audio | 20100722 | 14.2 |
milter-greylist | Network | 4.6.2 | 14.2 |
mimi | Desktop | d85ea825 | 14.2 |
mimms | Multimedia | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
mined | Office | 2015.25 | 14.2 |
minetest | Games | 5.3.0 | 14.2 |
minetest_game | Games | 5.3.0 | 14.2 |
ming | Development | 0.4.8 | 14.2 |
mingetty | System | 1.08 | 14.2 |
mini-amf | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
mini18n | Libraries | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
miniAudicle | Audio | 0.2.2c | 14.2 |
minidb | Python | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
minidjvu | Office | 0.8.svn.2010.05.06 | 14.2 |
minidlna | Multimedia | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
minikube | Development | 1.13.0 | 14.2 |
minimodem | Audio | 0.24 | 14.2 |
mininim | Games | 201701122309 | 14.2 |
minitube | Multimedia | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
miniupnpc | Libraries | 2.1 | 14.2 |
miniupnpd | Network | 2.1 | 14.2 |
mirage | Graphics | 1.0_pre2 | 14.2 |
miredo | Network | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
miro | Multimedia | 6.0 | 14.2 |
miscom | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
mistune | Python | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
mit-scheme | Development | 10.1.11 | 14.2 |
mitsuba | Graphics | b85118cd30d2 | 14.2 |
mitsuba-blender | Graphics | 22f799f46623 | 14.2 |
mixxx | Audio | 2.2.4 | 14.2 |
mjpegtools | Multimedia | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
mjpg-streamer | System | r163 | 14.2 |
mk-livestatus | Network | 1.2.4p5 | 14.2 |
mkDSSP | Academic | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
mkchroot | Development | 1.4 | 14.2 |
mkclean | Multimedia | 0.8.10 | 14.2 |
mkcue | Audio | 1.4 | 14.2 |
mksh | System | R59c | 14.2 |
mkslack | System | 5.3.5 | 14.2 |
mktoc | Audio | 1.3 | 14.2 |
mktorrent | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
mkvalidator | Multimedia | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
mkvserver_mk2 | Network | 20201203_c62abc3 | 14.2 |
mkvtoolnix | Multimedia | 34.0.0 | 14.2 |
mlbrot | Graphics | 1.01 | 14.2 |
mldonkey | Network | 3.1.5 | 14.2 |
mlocate | System | 0.26 | 14.2 |
mlr | Development | 5.8.0 | 14.2 |
mlt | Multimedia | 6.16.0 | 14.2 |
mlterm | System | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
mlton | Development | 20180207 | 14.2 |
mm-common | Development | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
mmv | System | 1.01b_19 | 14.2 |
mnemonic | Python | 0.15 | 14.2 |
mobac | Gis | 1.9.16 | 14.2 |
mobiperl | Office | 0.0.43 | 14.2 |
mock | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
mockpp | Development | 1.16.6 | 14.2 |
mod_auth_gssapi | Network | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
mod_auth_kerb | Network | 5.4 | 14.2 |
mod_bw | Network | 0.92 | 14.2 |
mod_chroot | Network | 0.5 | 14.2 |
mod_dnssd | Network | 0.6 | 14.2 |
mod_evasive | Network | 1.10.1 | 14.2 |
mod_fcgid | Network | 2.3.9 | 14.2 |
mod_geoip2 | Network | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
mod_perl | Perl | 2.0.11 | 14.2 |
mod_ruid2 | Network | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
mod_wsgi | Network | 4.4.6 | 14.2 |
mod_wsgi-metrics | Network | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
modemu2k | Network | 0.0.6 | 14.2 |
modsecurity-apache | Network | 2.9.3 | 14.2 |
modules | System | 4.7.0 | 14.2 | | Misc | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
mog | Games | 0.63.1548 | 14.2 |
moka-icon-theme | Desktop | 5.4.0 | 14.2 |
moka-minimal | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
moka-themes | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
moneydance | Office | 2020.2006 | 14.2 |
mongo-c-driver | Libraries | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
mongo-cxx-driver | Libraries | r3.1.1 | 14.2 |
mongo-tools | System | 3.4.9 | 14.2 |
mongodb | System | 3.4.9 | 14.2 |
mongodb-compass | Development | 1.26.1 | 14.2 |
monit | System | 5.25.2 | 14.2 |
monitoring-plugins | System | 2.2 | 14.2 |
monitorix | System | 3.13.1 | 14.2 |
monkey | Network | 1.6.9 | 14.2 |
monkey-studio | Development | | 14.2 |
mono | Development | | 14.2 |
mono-addins | Development | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
mono-basic | Development | 4.6 | 14.2 |
mono-debugger | Development | 2.10 | 14.2 |
monodevelop | Development | | 14.2 |
monotonic | Python | 1.1 | 14.2 |
monty | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
moon-buggy | Games | 1.0.51 | 14.2 |
more-itertools | Python | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
moreutils | Misc | 0.64 | 14.2 |
moria | Games | 5.6 | 14.2 |
mosaic-ck | Network | 2.7ck9 | 14.2 |
mosh | Network | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
mosml | Development | 2.10.1 | 14.2 |
mosquitto | Misc | 2.0.10 | 14.2 |
motion | System | 4.3.1 | 14.2 |
mousepad | Desktop | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
movgrab | Network | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
mowitz | Libraries | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
mozjpeg | Graphics | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
mozjs | Development | 45.0.2 | 14.2 |
mozplugger | Multimedia | 2.1.6 | 14.2 |
mp3blaster | Audio | 3.2.6 | 14.2 |
mp3check | Audio | 0.8.7 | 14.2 |
mp3fm | Multimedia | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
mp3fs | Multimedia | 0.91 | 14.2 |
mp3gain | Audio | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
mp3splt | Audio | 2.6.2 | 14.2 |
mp3splt-gtk | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
mp3val | Audio | 0.1.8 | 14.2 |
mp3wrap | Audio | 0.5 | 14.2 |
mp4tools | Audio | 3.7 | 14.2 |
mpack | System | 1.6 | 14.2 |
mpb | Academic | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
mpc | Audio | 0.27 | 14.2 |
mpd | Audio | 0.21.22 | 14.2 |
mpdscribble | Audio | 0.22 | 14.2 |
mpgtx | Multimedia | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
mphidflash | Development | 1.6 | 14.2 |
mpich | System | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
mpir | Libraries | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
mplayer-codecs32 | Multimedia | 20110131 | 14.2 |
mplayer-codecs64 | Multimedia | 20061022 | 14.2 |
mpmath | Python | 0.19 | 14.2 |
mpop | Network | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
mppenc | Audio | 1.16 | 14.2 |
mps | Network | 0.20.16 | 14.2 |
mps-youtube | Network | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
mpv | Multimedia | 0.33.0 | 14.2 |
mrbayes | Academic | 3.2.7a | 14.2 |
mrboom | Games | 4.9 | 14.2 |
mrrescue | Games | 1.02e+20180818_a5be73c | 14.2 |
mrtg | Network | 2.17.7 | 14.2 |
mrustc | Development | 0.9 | 14.2 |
mrxvt | System | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
ms-sys | System | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
msee | Office | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
msgpack-c | Libraries | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
msgpack-python | Python | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
msitools | System | 0.94 | 14.2 |
msmtp | Network | 1.8.5 | 14.2 |
msn-proxy | Network | 0.7 | 14.2 |
mspgcc-legacy | Development | 20120406 | 14.2 |
msr-tools | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
mstch | Development | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
msx264 | Libraries | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
mt-daapd | Audio | | 14.2 |
mtasc | Development | 1.15 | 14.2 |
mtd-utils | Development | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
mtftar | System | 20070205 | 14.2 |
mtp2-fonts | Office | 2.1a | 14.2 |
mtpaint | Graphics | 3.50 | 14.2 |
mtpfs | Multimedia | 1.1 | 14.2 |
mu | Office | 1.0 | 14.2 |
muParser | Libraries | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
mucommander | System | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
mujs | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
multibootusb | System | 8.9.0 | 14.2 |
multicorn | System | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
multiload-ng | System | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
multimidicast | Audio | 1.3 | 14.2 |
multipath-tools | System | 0.7.8 | 14.2 |
multitail | System | 6.5.0 | 14.2 |
multivalent-tool-pdf | Office | | 14.2 |
mumble | Network | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
munch | Python | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
munge | Network | 0.5.14 | 14.2 |
munin-node | System | 2.0.25 | 14.2 |
munkres | Libraries | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
munt | Multimedia | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
mupdf | Office | 1.18.0 | 14.2 |
mupdf-legacy | Office | 1.13.0 | 14.2 |
mupen64plus | Games | 2.5 | 14.2 |
murmur | Network | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
murrine | Desktop | 0.98.2 | 14.2 |
murrine-themes | Desktop | 2.98.11 | 14.2 |
musca | Desktop | 0.9.24 | 14.2 |
muscle | Academic | 3.8.1551 | 14.2 |
muse | Audio | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
museek+ | Network | 0.2 | 14.2 |
museeks | Audio | 0.11.2 | 14.2 |
musepack-tools | Audio | r475 | 14.2 |
musicbrainzngs | Libraries | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
musique | Multimedia | 1.4 | 14.2 |
musixmatch | Multimedia | 3.10.4043 | 14.2 |
musl | System | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
mutagen | Development | 1.43.0 | 14.2 |
muttprint | Office | 0.72d | 14.2 |
mxml | Libraries | 3.1 | 14.2 |
myGtkMenu | Desktop | 1.3 | 14.2 |
myclippings | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
mygpoclient | Libraries | 1.8 | 14.2 |
myman | Games | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
mypaint | Graphics | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
mypy | Python | 0.812 | 14.2 |
mypy_extensions | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
myrulib | Office | 0.29.16 | 14.2 |
mysecureshell | Network | 1.25 | 14.2 |
mysql++ | Libraries | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
mysql-connector-c++ | Libraries | 1.1.9 | 14.2 |
mysql-connector-python | Libraries | 2.1.7 | 14.2 |
mysql-pinba | Development | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
mysql-utilities | System | 1.6.5 | 14.2 |
mysql-workbench | Development | 6.3.10 | 14.2 |
mysqltcl | Libraries | 3.052 | 14.2 |
mytetra | Office | 1.30.1 | 14.2 |
mythes | Office | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
mythes-id | Office | 1.0 | 14.2 |
mythplugins | Multimedia | 0.27.4 | 14.2 |
mythtv | Multimedia | 0.27.6 | 14.2 |
nFlood | Games | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
nSnake | Games | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
nacl | Libraries | 20110221 | 14.2 |
naev | Games | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
nagios | Network | 4.3.4 | 14.2 |
nagios-plugins | System | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
nagiosgraph | Network | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
nagvis | System | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
naim | Network | | 14.2 |
nano-syntax-highlighting | System | 20180827 | 14.2 |
nant | Development | 0.92 | 14.2 |
nanum-coding-fonts-ttf | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
nanum-fonts-ttf | System | 3.0 | 14.2 |
nas | Audio | 1.9.4 | 14.2 |
navit | Gis | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
nbd | Network | 3.21 | 14.2 |
nbench | System | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
nblood | Games | 1.01+20200428_069c52b26 | 14.2 |
nbtscan | Network | 1.0.35 | 14.2 |
nbwmon | Network | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
ncbi-blast | Academic | 2.2.26 | 14.2 |
ncbi-blast+ | Academic | 2.10.1 | 14.2 |
ncbi-rmblastn | Academic | 2.2.28 | 14.2 |
ncdu | System | 1.15.1 | 14.2 |
nchexedit | Development | 0.9.7_5 | 14.2 |
ncmpc | Audio | 0.24 | 14.2 |
ncmpcpp | Audio | 0.7.7 | 14.2 |
nco | Academic | 4.9.7 | 14.2 |
ncp | Network | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
ncrack | Network | 0.6 | 14.2 |
ncurses-ruby | Ruby | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
ncursesoflife | Games | 20141006_0ceeca7 | 14.2 |
ncview | Academic | 2.1.8 | 14.2 |
ndg_httpsclient | Python | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
ne | Development | 2.6 | 14.2 |
nec2c | Ham | 1.3 | 14.2 |
nedit | Development | 5.6a | 14.2 |
nekobee | Audio | 593d4be | 14.2 |
neofetch | Desktop | 7.0.0 | 14.2 |
neoleo | Office | 7.0.0 | 14.2 |
neomutt | Network | 20210205 | 14.2 |
neovim | Development | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
neovim-qt | Development | | 14.2 |
neovim-remote | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
nero-aac | Audio | | 14.2 |
nest_asyncio | Python | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
nestopia | Games | 1.50 | 14.2 |
netatop | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
netbeans | Development | 11.3 | 14.2 |
netcat | Network | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
netcat-openbsd | Network | 1.217_1 | 14.2 |
netcdf | Libraries | 4.7.4 | 14.2 |
netdata | System | 1.29.3 | 14.2 |
netdiscover | Network | 053dda2 | 14.2 |
netdrive-connector | Network | 1.1 | 14.2 |
nethack | Games | 3.6.6 | 14.2 |
nethogs | Network | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
netifaces | Python | 0.10.9 | 14.2 |
netperf | Network | 2.6.0 | 14.2 |
netqmail | Network | 1.06 | 14.2 |
netsniff-ng | Network | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
netstat-nat | Network | 1.4.10 | 14.2 |
netsurf | Network | 3.8 | 14.2 |
netwmpager | Desktop | 1.11 | 14.2 |
networkx | Python | 2.0 | 14.2 |
neutral | Desktop | 1.13a | 14.2 |
neverball | Games | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
nevernoid | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
newLd | System | 2.33.1 | 14.2 |
newlib | Development | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
newlisp | Development | 10.6.2 | 14.2 |
newrelic-sysmond | System | | 14.2 |
newsboat | Network | 2.23 | 14.2 |
nextaw | Libraries | 0.15.1 | 14.2 |
nextcloud-client | Network | 2.3.3 | 14.2 |
nextcloud-server | Network | 13.0.7 | 14.2 |
nexuiz | Games | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
nexus | Development | 3.15.2_01 | 14.2 |
nfdump | Network | 1.6.13 | 14.2 |
nfoview | Misc | 1.9.5 | 14.2 |
nghttp2 | Network | 1.16.1 | 14.2 |
nginx | Network | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
ngircd | Network | 24 | 14.2 |
ngjackspa | Audio | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ngrep | Network | 1.45 | 14.2 |
ngrok | Network | 2.3.37 | 14.2 |
ngspice | Academic | 34 | 14.2 |
niceshaper | Network | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
nickle | Development | 2.77 | 14.2 |
nicotine+ | Network | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
nightingale | Multimedia | 1.12.1_2454 | 14.2 |
nikto | Network | 2.1.6 | 14.2 |
nilfs-utils | System | 2.2.7 | 14.2 |
nim | Development | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
nini | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
ninja | Development | 1.10.2 | 14.2 |
ninja-ide | Development | 2.3 | 14.2 |
ninvaders | Games | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
nitrogen | Desktop | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
nitrokey-app | Desktop | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
nix | System | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
nixnote | Misc | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
njam | Games | 1.25 | 14.2 |
nkf | System | 2.1.4 | 14.2 |
nlarn | Games | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
nload | Network | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
nlopt | Libraries | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
nltk | Libraries | 3.5 | 14.2 |
nmh | Network | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
nmon | System | 14i | 14.2 |
nmtree | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
nnls-chroma | Audio | 1.1 | 14.2 |
nnn | System | 3.0 | 14.2 |
no-more-secrets | Misc | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
node-semver | Python | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
node-xoauth2 | Libraries | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
nodejs | Development | 12.22.1 | 14.2 |
nodejs-bin | Development | 14.16.1 | 14.2 |
noice | Desktop | 2018.04.09 | 14.2 |
noip2 | Network | 2.1.9 | 14.2 |
nologind | System | 20181028 | 14.2 |
nomacs | Graphics | 3.14.2 | 14.2 |
nomarch | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
non | Audio | 20200928 | 14.2 |
nordvpn | Network | 3.8.6 | 14.2 |
nose | Development | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
notepadqq | Development | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
noteye | Games | 7.6 | 14.2 |
notification-daemon | Desktop | 3.18.2 | 14.2 |
notion | Desktop | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
notmuch | Office | 0.28.2 | 14.2 |
noto-emoji | System | 20200916 | 14.2 |
noto-fonts | System | 20180624 | 14.2 |
notpacman | Games | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
nottetris2 | Games | 20110620 | 14.2 |
novocraft | Academic | 3.09.03 | 14.2 |
noweb | Development | 2.11b | 14.2 |
npm | Python | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
npm2tgz | Development | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
npth | Libraries | 1.6 | 14.2 |
npush | Games | 0.7 | 14.2 |
npyscreen | Python | 4.10.5 | 14.2 |
nqp | Perl | 2021.03 | 14.2 |
nrg2iso | Multimedia | 0.4 | 14.2 |
nrpe | Network | 2.15 | 14.2 |
nsca | Network | 2.9.2 | 14.2 |
nsca-ng | System | 1.5 | 14.2 |
nsd | Network | 4.3.3 | 14.2 |
nsis | Development | 2.46 | 14.2 |
nspluginwrapper | Libraries | git20130818 | 14.2 |
nss-mdns | Network | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
nss-pam-ldapd | System | 0.8.12 | 14.2 |
nss_ldap | System | 265 | 14.2 |
nsudoku | Games | 1.3 | 14.2 |
nsuds | Games | 0.7B | 14.2 |
nted | Multimedia | 1.10.18_12 | 14.2 |
ntk | Audio | 20200928 | 14.2 |
ntl | Libraries | 11.4.4 | 14.2 |
ntop | Network | 5.0.1 | 14.2 |
ntpclient | Network | 2015_365 | 14.2 |
nts | Office | 82 | 14.2 |
nuget | Development | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
num2words | Python | 0.5.9 | 14.2 |
numactl | System | 2.0.13 | 14.2 |
numexpr | Python | 2.7.2 | 14.2 |
numix-blue-theme | Desktop | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
numix-folders | Desktop | 20170812 | 14.2 |
numix-gtk-theme | Desktop | 20171027 | 14.2 |
numix-icon-theme | Desktop | 20200320 | 14.2 |
numix-icon-theme-circle | Desktop | 20191227 | 14.2 |
numix-icon-theme-square | Desktop | 20191227 | 14.2 |
numix-ocean-theme | Desktop | 20140806 | 14.2 |
numix-pack | Desktop | | 14.2 |
numix-sx-theme | Desktop | 20170209 | 14.2 |
numlockx | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
numpy | Development | 1.14.3 | 14.2 |
numpy-legacy | Development | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
numpy-legacy3 | Development | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
numpy3 | Development | 1.14.3 | 14.2 |
numpydoc | Python | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
nut | System | 2.7.4 | 14.2 |
nuvie | Games | 2018.01.13_1fa4044 | 14.2 |
nv-codec-headers | Libraries | | 14.2 |
nvclock | Misc | 0.8b4 | 14.2 |
nvi | Development | 1.81.6 | 14.2 |
nvidia-cg-toolkit | Graphics | 3.1_April2012 | 14.2 |
nvidia-driver | System | 460.67 | 14.2 |
nvidia-firmware | System | 325.15 | 14.2 |
nvidia-kernel | System | 460.67 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy304-driver | System | 304.137 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy304-kernel | System | 304.137 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy340-driver | System | 340.108 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy340-kernel | System | 340.108 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy390-driver | System | 390.141 | 14.2 |
nvidia-legacy390-kernel | System | 390.141 | 14.2 |
nvidia-texture-tools | Graphics | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
nvme-cli | System | 1.13 | 14.2 |
nweb | Network | 23_867a6dd | 14.2 |
nwjs | Development | 0.24.2 | 14.2 |
nx-libs | Libraries | | 14.2 |
nxclient | Network | 3.5.0_7 | 14.2 |
nxengine-libretro | Games | 2018.11.06_b460024 | 14.2 |
nxt-python | Python | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
nyx | Python | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
nzbget | Network | 17.1 | 14.2 |
o2em | Games | 1.18 | 14.2 |
oath-toolkit | Libraries | 2.6.6 | 14.2 |
obapps | Desktop | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
obbrowser | Desktop | 0.13 | 14.2 |
obconf | Desktop | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
obcpl | Development | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
obkey | Desktop | 20171004 | 14.2 |
oblige | Games | 7.70 | 14.2 |
oblige-legacy4 | Games | 4.28b | 14.2 |
obmenu | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
obmenu-generator | Desktop | 0.89 | 14.2 |
obnc | Development | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
obnc-libext | Development | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
obs-studio | Multimedia | 24.0.6 | 14.2 |
obsession | Desktop | 20140608 | 14.2 |
obshutdown | Desktop | 20130116 | 14.2 |
ocaml | Development | 4.03.0 | 14.2 |
ocaml-batteries | Libraries | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
ocaml-bisect | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
ocaml-camomile | Libraries | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
ocaml-findlib | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
ocaml-ounit | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
ocamlbuild | Development | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
ocfs2-tools | System | 1.8.5 | 14.2 |
ocl-icd | Libraries | 2.2.14 | 14.2 |
ocp | Audio | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
octant | Development | 0.17.0 | 14.2 |
octave | Academic | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
odamex | Games | 0.8.3 | 14.2 |
odb | Development | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
ode | Libraries | 0.16.2 | 14.2 |
odict | Python | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
odoo | Python | 12.0 | 14.2 |
odt2txt | Office | 0.5 | 14.2 |
offlineimap | Network | 7.2.2 | 14.2 |
ofxparse | Python | 0.20 | 14.2 |
oggconvert | Multimedia | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
oggvideotools | Multimedia | 0.8a | 14.2 |
ogmtools | Audio | 1.5 | 14.2 |
ogre | Libraries | 1.12.9 | 14.2 |
ohmyalias | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
ohsnap | System | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
oidentd | Network | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
oinkmaster | Network | 2.0 | 14.2 |
ois | Libraries | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
oksh | System | 6.8.1 | 14.2 |
ola | Development | git_98ee4066 | 14.2 |
oldschool-pc-fonts | System | 2.2 | 14.2 |
olm | Libraries | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
omake | Development | | 14.2 |
omniORB | Development | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
omniORBpy | Development | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
omnidb-app | System | 2.17.0 | 14.2 |
onedrive | Network | 2.4.7 | 14.2 |
onerng | System | 3.6 | 14.2 |
oni | Development | 0.3.7_beta3 | 14.2 |
oniguruma | Development | 5.9.6_p1 | 14.2 |
onioncat | Network | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
onionshare | Network | 2.2 | 14.2 |
onlyoffice-desktopeditors | Office | 6.2.0 | 14.2 |
onscripter | Games | 20200419 | 14.2 |
onyx | Network | | 14.2 |
oolite | Games | 1.90 | 14.2 |
oomox | Desktop | | 14.2 |
opal | Libraries | 3.10.10 | 14.2 |
opam | System | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
open-adventure | Games | 1.9 | 14.2 |
open-iscsi | Network | 2.0.875 | 14.2 |
open-isns | Network | 0.99 | 14.2 |
open-vm-tools | System | 10.2.0_7253323 | 14.2 |
openarena | Games | 0.8.8 | 14.2 |
openbabel | Libraries | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
openbox | Desktop | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
openbox-menu | Desktop | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
openbox-simple-theme | Desktop | 20160104 | 14.2 |
openbox-themes | Desktop | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
openbox-themes-extra | Desktop | 20180429 | 14.2 |
opencaster | Multimedia | 3.2.2 | 14.2 |
opencc | Misc | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
opencl-amd | Libraries | 19.50 | 14.2 |
opencl-headers | Development | 1.1 | 14.2 |
openclipart | Graphics | 0.19 | 14.2 |
openclonk | Games | 7.0 | 14.2 |
opencollada | Graphics | 1.6.68 | 14.2 |
opencolorio | Graphics | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
opencomal | Development | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
openconnect | Network | 8.10 | 14.2 |
opencore-amr | Audio | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
opencpn | Gis | 5.0.0 | 14.2 |
opencpn-plugin-oesenc | Gis | 4.0.10 | 14.2 |
openct | System | 0.6.20 | 14.2 |
opencv | Libraries | 4.5.2 | 14.2 |
opencv-legacy | Libraries | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
opencvs | Development | 20110824193500 | 14.2 |
opendbx | Development | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
opendchub | Network | 0.7.15 | 14.2 |
opendht | Libraries | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
opendkim | Network | 2.10.3 | 14.2 |
opendmarc | Network | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
opendoas | System | 6.8.1 | 14.2 |
opendune | Games | 0.9 | 14.2 |
openerp-client | Business | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
openerp-server | Business | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
openfire | Network | 4.1.4 | 14.2 |
openfortivpn | Network | 1.16.0 | 14.2 |
opengrads | Gis | 2.0.1.oga.1 | 14.2 |
openimageio | Graphics | 2.0.13 | 14.2 |
openjazz | Games | 160214 | 14.2 |
openjdk6 | Development | 6b41 | 14.2 |
openjdk7 | Development | 7u271 | 14.2 |
openjdk8 | Development | 8u252 | 14.2 |
openjfx | Libraries | 8u60 | 14.2 |
openl2tp | Network | 1.8 | 14.2 |
openldap-server | Network | 2.4.42 | 14.2 |
openlierox | Games | 0.58_rc3 | 14.2 |
openmortal | Games | 0.7 | 14.2 |
openmpi | System | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
openmsx | Games | 0.15.0 | 14.2 |
openmsx-catapult | Games | 0.15.0 | 14.2 |
openmsx-debugger | Games | 20181202 | 14.2 |
openmw | Games | 0.46.0 | 14.2 |
openntpd | Network | 6.2p3 | 14.2 |
openocd | Development | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
openoffice-langpack | Office | 4.1.6 | 14.2 | | Office | 4.1.7 | 14.2 |
openorienteering-mapper | Gis | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
openrc | System | 0.42.1 | 14.2 |
openrc-services | System | 20190917 | 14.2 |
openrdate | Network | 1.2 | 14.2 |
openresolv | Network | 3.12.0 | 14.2 |
opensaml | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
opensc | System | 0.21.0 | 14.2 |
openscad | Graphics | 2015.03.3 | 14.2 |
openscad-mcad | Graphics | 2020.10.09.1ea4022 | 14.2 |
openscap | System | 1.2.9 | 14.2 |
openshot | Multimedia | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
opensm | Network | 3.3.22 | 14.2 |
opensmtpd | Network | 6.0.3p1 | 14.2 |
opensmtpd-extras | Network | 6.7.1 | 14.2 |
opensonic | Games | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
openspades | Games | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
openssh-krb5 | Network | 7.4p1 | 14.2 |
openstego | System | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
openttd | Games | 1.10.1 | 14.2 |
opentyrian | Games | 2.1.20130907 | 14.2 |
openvas-cli | Network | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
openvas-libraries | Network | 8.0.9 | 14.2 |
openvas-manager | Network | 6.0.11 | 14.2 |
openvas-scanner | Network | 5.0.8 | 14.2 |
openvr | Development | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
openvswitch-utils | Network | 2.14.0 | 14.2 |
openyahtzee | Games | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
opera | Network | 75.0.3969.93 | 14.2 |
opera-developer | Network | 76.0.3995.0 | 14.2 |
opera-developer-ffmpeg-codecs | Multimedia | 0.44.1 | 14.2 |
opera-ffmpeg-codecs | Multimedia | 0.44.1 | 14.2 |
opera-legacy | Network | 12.16.1860 | 14.2 |
ophcrack | Misc | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
optional-django | Python | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
optipng | Graphics | 0.7.7 | 14.2 |
opus | Audio | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
opus-tools | Audio | 0.2 | 14.2 |
opusfile | Audio | 0.12 | 14.2 |
oracle-instantclient-basic | System | | 14.2 |
oracle-instantclient-devel | System | | 14.2 |
oracle-xe | System | 11.2.0 | 14.2 |
oranchelo-icon-theme | Desktop | | 14.2 |
orcania | Libraries | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
orchis-gtk-theme | Desktop | 3.1 | 14.2 |
ordereddict | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
osc | Development | 0.117 | 14.2 |
osgEarth | Gis | 2.10.2 | 14.2 |
osgQt | Libraries | 3.5.5 | 14.2 |
osinfo-db | System | 20200813 | 14.2 |
osinfo-db-tools | System | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
osm-gps-map | Gis | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
osm2pgrouting | Gis | 2.3.7 | 14.2 |
osm2pgsql | Gis | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
osmo | Office | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
osmo-sdr | Development | 2015.12.11 | 14.2 |
osquery-bin | System | 4.7.0 | 14.2 |
oss | Audio | 4.2.2011 | 14.2 |
ossec-agent | System | 3.6.0 | 14.2 |
ossec-local | System | 3.6.0 | 14.2 |
ossec-server | System | 3.6.0 | 14.2 |
ossim | Gis | 2.11.1 | 14.2 |
ostree | System | 2019.6 | 14.2 |
ostrichriders | Games | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
otf-hermit | System | 1.21 | 14.2 |
otf2bdf | System | 3.1 | 14.2 |
otter | Network | 1.0.01 | 14.2 |
overpass-desktop-fonts | System | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
overpass-webfonts | System | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
ovmf | System | 20171116 | 14.2 |
owfs | Misc | 2.8p20 | 14.2 |
owncloud-client | Network | | 14.2 |
owncloud-server | Network | 8.2.11 | 14.2 |
oyranos | Graphics | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
p0f | Network | 3.09b | 14.2 |
p4 | Development | 2018.2.1740258 | 14.2 |
p4api | Libraries | 2010.1.260003 | 14.2 |
p4d | Development | 2018.2.1740258 | 14.2 |
p4python | Python | 2010.1 | 14.2 |
p4v | Development | 2017.2.1573260 | 14.2 |
p7zip | System | 16.02 | 14.2 |
pCloudDrive | Network | 1.8.2 | 14.2 |
pacemaker | System | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
packETH | Network | 2.1 | 14.2 |
packagekit | System | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
packaging | Python | 17.1 | 14.2 |
packit | Network | 1.0 | 14.2 |
pacman | Games | 0.9 | 14.2 |
pacman-arena | Games | 0.15 | 14.2 |
padthv1 | Audio | 0.9.18 | 14.2 |
pahole | Development | 1.12 | 14.2 |
pal2nal | Academic | 14.1 | 14.2 |
palemoon | Network | 29.1.1 | 14.2 |
palemoon-bin | Network | 29.1.1 | 14.2 |
paman | Audio | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
paml | Academic | 4.9j | 14.2 |
pamlX | Academic | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
pandas | Development | 0.23.4 | 14.2 |
pandoc | Office | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
pandoc-bin | Office | 2.13 | 14.2 |
pandocfilters | Python | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
pangox-compat | Libraries | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
pangzero | Games | 1.4.1+git20121103 | 14.2 |
paper-gtk-theme | Desktop | 20171207 | 14.2 |
paper-icon-theme | Desktop | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
paperkey | Misc | 1.5 | 14.2 |
papi | Academic | 5.5.1 | 14.2 |
papirus-icon-theme | Desktop | 20180311 | 14.2 |
paprefs | Audio | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
paps | Office | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
par | Misc | 1.53.0 | 14.2 |
par2cmdline | Misc | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
par2cmdline-tbb | Misc | 0.4_20150503 | 14.2 |
parallel | System | 20210122 | 14.2 |
parallel-n64 | Games | 2018.11.02_d4d8f47 | 14.2 |
paramiko | Python | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
paraview | Graphics | 5.6.0 | 14.2 |
parcellite | Desktop | 1.1.9 | 14.2 |
pari | Academic | 2.13.1 | 14.2 |
parmetis | Academic | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
parole | Multimedia | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
parsel | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
parso | Python | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
partclone | System | 0.2.80 | 14.2 |
partimage | System | 0.6.9 | 14.2 |
pasang-emas | Games | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
pasdoc | Development | 0.14.0 | 14.2 |
pass-otp | System | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
passenger | Ruby | 5.0.16 | 14.2 |
passlib | Python | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
passwdqc | System | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
password-store | System | 1.7.3 | 14.2 |
passwordsafe | System | 1.13.0 | 14.2 |
pastebincl | Network | 1.0 | 14.2 |
pastebinit | Accessibility | 1.5 | 14.2 |
pasystray | Audio | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
patchage | Audio | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
patchelf | System | 0.10 | 14.2 |
patchutils | Development | 0.3.4 | 14.2 | | Python | 11.0.1 | 14.2 |
pathlib | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
pathlib2 | Python | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
pathtools | Python | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
pathtools3 | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
patool | System | 1.12 | 14.2 |
patsy | Academic | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
pattern | Python | 2.6 | 14.2 |
pause | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
pavumeter | Audio | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
pax | System | 20201030 | 14.2 |
paxctl | System | 0.9 | 14.2 |
pbr | Python | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
pbzip2 | System | 1.1.13 | 14.2 |
pcal | Office | 4.11.0 | 14.2 |
pcalc | Academic | 4 | 14.2 |
pcb | Academic | 4.0.2 | 14.2 |
pcc | Development | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
pce | System | 20160308.72f1e10 | 14.2 |
pcf2bdf | System | 1.06 | 14.2 |
pcgen | Games | 6.06.01 | 14.2 |
pcl | Libraries | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
pclock | Desktop | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
pcmanfm | System | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
pcre2 | Libraries | 10.35 | 14.2 |
pcsc-lite | System | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
pcsc-perl | System | 1.4.14 | 14.2 |
pcsc-tools | System | 1.4.27 | 14.2 |
pcsx-rearmed | Games | 2020.10.11_19b9695 | 14.2 |
pcsx2 | Games | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
pcsxr | Games | 1.9.93 | 14.2 |
pcx-pixbuf-loader | Graphics | 20140824.6211fd8 | 14.2 |
pd | Audio | 0.50_2 | 14.2 |
pd-psql | Development | 2007 | 14.2 |
pd_mrpeach | Audio | git2015.8.31 | 14.2 |
pdal | Gis | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
pdf2djvu | Office | | 14.2 |
pdf2png | Graphics | 0.5 | 14.2 |
pdf2svg | Graphics | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
pdfchain | Office | | 14.2 |
pdfgrep | System | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
pdfpc | Office | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
pdfsam | Desktop | 2.2.4e | 14.2 |
pdfshuffler | Office | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
pdfstudio | Office | 2020.4.0 | 14.2 |
pdfstudioviewer | Office | 2020.4.0 | 14.2 |
pdftk | Office | 2.02 | 14.2 |
pdksh | System | 5.2.14 | 14.2 |
pdns | Network | 4.1.8 | 14.2 |
pdns-recursor | Network | 4.1.13 | 14.2 |
pdnsd | Network | 1.2.7 | 14.2 |
pdsh | System | 2.31 | 14.2 |
pebrot | Network | 0.8.8 | 14.2 |
pefile | Python | 2018.8.8 | 14.2 |
peg | Development | 0.1.18 | 14.2 |
peg-e | Games | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
peksystray | Desktop | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
pekwm | Desktop | 0.1.17 | 14.2 |
pelican | Python | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
pencil2d | Graphics | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
pencil3 | Graphics | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
pendulum | Python | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
penguin-command | Games | 1.6.11 | 14.2 |
pengupop | Games | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
pentadactyl | Network | 20161203 | 14.2 |
pentagram | Games | 20130617_svn | 14.2 |
pepperflash-plugin | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
percona-toolkit | System | 2.2.12 | 14.2 |
percona-xtrabackup | System | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
perf | Development | 4.4.227 | 14.2 |
periscope | Network | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-Algorithm-Diff | Perl | 1.1903 | 14.2 |
perl-Algorithm-Loops | Perl | 1.032 | 14.2 |
perl-Alien-SDL | Perl | 1.446 | 14.2 |
perl-AnyEvent | Perl | 7.17 | 14.2 |
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP | Perl | 2.21 | 14.2 |
perl-AppConfig | Perl | 1.71 | 14.2 |
perl-Archive-Extract | Perl | 0.86 | 14.2 |
perl-Archive-Zip | Perl | 1.59 | 14.2 |
perl-Astro-SunTime | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Audio-FLAC-Header | Perl | 2.4 | 14.2 |
perl-Authen-SASL | Perl | 2.16 | 14.2 |
perl-B-COW | Perl | 0.004 | 14.2 |
perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope | Perl | 0.24 | 14.2 |
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-BerkeleyDB | Perl | 0.55 | 14.2 |
perl-Bit-Vector | Perl | 7.3 | 14.2 |
perl-CDDB-get | Perl | 2.28.1 | 14.2 |
perl-CGI | Perl | 4.40 | 14.2 |
perl-CGI-Application | Perl | 4.50 | 14.2 |
perl-CPAN-Changes | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-CPAN-Meta-Check | Perl | 0.014 | 14.2 |
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases | Perl | 3.86 | 14.2 |
perl-CPANPLUS | Perl | 0.9910 | 14.2 |
perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build | Perl | 0.90 | 14.2 |
perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Slackware | Perl | 1.029 | 14.2 |
perl-CSS | Perl | 1.09 | 14.2 |
perl-CSS-Squish | Perl | 0.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Cache-FastMmap | Perl | 1.44 | 14.2 |
perl-Cairo-GObject | Perl | 1.005 | 14.2 |
perl-Canary-Stability | Perl | 2006 | 14.2 |
perl-Capture-Tiny | Perl | 0.48 | 14.2 |
perl-Carp-Clan | Perl | 6.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Data-Inheritable | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Factory-Util | Perl | 1.7 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Gomor | Perl | 1.02 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-ISA | Perl | 0.36 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Inspector | Perl | 1.32 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Load | Perl | 0.24 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Load-XS | Perl | 0.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers | Perl | 2.13 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-MethodMaker | Perl | 2.24 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Mix | Perl | 0.006 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-ReturnValue | Perl | 0.55 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Singleton | Perl | 1.5 | 14.2 |
perl-Class-Tiny | Perl | 1.008 | 14.2 |
perl-Clone | Perl | 0.45 | 14.2 |
perl-Clone-PP | Perl | 1.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Compress-Bzip2 | Perl | 2.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Config-File | Perl | 1.50 | 14.2 |
perl-Config-Find | Perl | 0.26 | 14.2 |
perl-Config-IniFiles | Perl | 2.82 | 14.2 |
perl-Config-Simple | Perl | 4.58 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-ASN1 | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-BinHex | Perl | 1.124 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-Color | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-TNEF | Perl | 0.18 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-UU | Perl | 0.5201 | 14.2 |
perl-Convert-UUlib | Perl | 1.5 | 14.2 |
perl-Coro | Perl | 6.57 | 14.2 |
perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS | Perl | 4.19 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-Blowfish | Perl | 2.14 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP | Perl | 1.12 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-CAST5 | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-CBC | Perl | 2.33 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-DES | Perl | 2.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish | Perl | 0.009 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-IDEA | Perl | 1.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES | Perl | 0.02 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA | Perl | 0.19 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC | Perl | 1.01 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA | Perl | 0.28 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Crypt-Rijndael | Perl | 1.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Cstools | Perl | 3.42 | 14.2 |
perl-Curses | Perl | 1.28 | 14.2 |
perl-Curses-UI | Perl | 0.9609 | 14.2 |
perl-DBD-Pg | Perl | 2.19.3 | 14.2 |
perl-DBD-SQLite | Perl | 1.66 | 14.2 |
perl-DBIx-Simple | Perl | 1.37 | 14.2 |
perl-Danga-Socket | Perl | 1.61 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-Compare | Perl | 1.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise | Perl | 2.023 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-IEEE754 | Perl | 0.02 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-OptList | Perl | 0.110 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-Printer | Perl | 0.40 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-Random | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-UUID | Perl | 1.219 | 14.2 |
perl-Data-Validate-IP | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-Date-Calc | Perl | 6.4 | 14.2 |
perl-Date-Manip | Perl | 6.85 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime | Perl | 1.10 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-Format-Builder | Perl | 0.81 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime | Perl | 1.56 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-Locale | Perl | 0.45 | 14.2 |
perl-DateTime-TimeZone | Perl | 1.70 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-CheckLib | Perl | 1.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-Cycle | Perl | 1.12 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-Declare | Perl | 0.006022 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction | Perl | 0.14 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-OverloadInfo | Perl | 0.005 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-PartialDump | Perl | 0.20 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-PatchPerl | Perl | 1.52 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-StackTrace | Perl | 2.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Devel-Symdump | Perl | 2.18 | 14.2 |
perl-Device-SerialPort | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Digest-GOST | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Digest-MD4 | Perl | 1.5 | 14.2 |
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-EV | Perl | 4.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Email-Date-Format | Perl | 1.005 | 14.2 |
perl-Encode-Detect | Perl | 1.01 | 14.2 |
perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII | Perl | 0.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Encode-HanExtra | Perl | 0.23 | 14.2 |
perl-Encode-ISO2022 | Perl | 0.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Encode-JISX0213 | Perl | 0.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Eval-Closure | Perl | 0.14 | 14.2 |
perl-Exception-Class | Perl | 1.41 | 14.2 |
perl-Expect | Perl | 1.35 | 14.2 |
perl-Exporter-Tiny | Perl | 1.000000 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-Config | Perl | 0.008 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-Helpers | Perl | 0.026 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-Install | Perl | 2.20 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths | Perl | 0.012 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker | Perl | 0.63 | 14.2 |
perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder | Perl | 0.28 | 14.2 |
perl-FCGI | Perl | 0.77 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Copy-Recursive | Perl | 0.44 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Find-Rule | Perl | 0.34 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Finder | Perl | 0.53 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Grep | Perl | 0.02 | 14.2 |
perl-File-HomeDir | Perl | 1.00 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Inplace | Perl | 0.20 | 14.2 |
perl-File-ReadBackwards | Perl | 1.05 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Remove | Perl | 1.60 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Save-Home | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Share | Perl | 0.25 | 14.2 |
perl-File-ShareDir | Perl | 1.102 | 14.2 |
perl-File-ShareDir-Install | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Slurp | Perl | 9999.19 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Slurp-Tiny | Perl | 0.004 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Tail | Perl | 1.3 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Type | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-File-Which | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-File-pushd | Perl | 1.016 | 14.2 |
perl-Filesys-Df | Perl | 0.92 | 14.2 |
perl-Font-AFM | Perl | 1.20 | 14.2 |
perl-Font-TTF | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-GD | Perl | 2.73 | 14.2 |
perl-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB | Perl | 2.20 | 14.2 |
perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Geo-IP | Perl | 1.51 | 14.2 |
perl-Geography-Countries | Perl | 20090413 | 14.2 |
perl-Glib-Object-Introspection | Perl | 0.049 | 14.2 |
perl-Gnome2-Vte | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-GooCanvas2 | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List | Perl | 0.50 | 14.2 |
perl-Gtk2-Notify | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Gtk2-Unique | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Gtk3 | Perl | 0.038 | 14.2 |
perl-Guard | Perl | 1.023 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks | Perl | 0.15 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables | Perl | 0.07 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-Formatter | Perl | 2.16 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-HTMLDoc | Perl | 0.16 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-TableExtract | Perl | 2.15 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-Template | Perl | 2.97 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-Tidy | Perl | 1.60 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-Tree | Perl | 5.07 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-WikiConverter | Perl | 0.68 | 14.2 |
perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent | Perl | 1.4 | 14.2 |
perl-HTTP-Proxy | Perl | 0.304 | 14.2 |
perl-Hook-LexWrap | Perl | 0.26 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-All | Perl | 0.87 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-CaptureOutput | Perl | 1.1104 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-HTML | Perl | 1.001 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Interface | Perl | 1.09 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Multiplex | Perl | 1.13 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-SessionData | Perl | 1.03 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Socket-INET6 | Perl | 2.71 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Socket-Multicast | Perl | 1.12 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Socket-SSL | Perl | 2.070 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Socket-Socks | Perl | 0.74 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Socket-Timeout | Perl | 0.32 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-String | Perl | 1.08 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Stty | Perl | 0.03 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-Tty | Perl | 1.14 | 14.2 |
perl-IO-stringy | Perl | 2.111 | 14.2 |
perl-IP-Country | Perl | 2.28 | 14.2 |
perl-IPC-DirQueue | Perl | 1.0 | 14.2 |
perl-IPC-Run | Perl | 0.94 | 14.2 |
perl-IPC-Run3 | Perl | 0.048 | 14.2 |
perl-IPC-System-Simple | Perl | 1.25 | 14.2 |
perl-IPTables-ChainMgr | Perl | 1.6 | 14.2 |
perl-IPTables-Parse | Perl | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
perl-Image-Info | Perl | 1.41 | 14.2 |
perl-Image-Magick | Perl | 6.89_1 | 14.2 |
perl-Image-Sane | Perl | 5 | 14.2 |
perl-Image-Size | Perl | 3.300 | 14.2 |
perl-Import-Into | Perl | 1.002005 | 14.2 |
perl-Inline | Perl | 0.80 | 14.2 |
perl-Inline-C | Perl | 0.78 | 14.2 |
perl-JSON | Perl | 4.02 | 14.2 |
perl-JSON-MaybeXS | Perl | 1.004000 | 14.2 |
perl-JSON-XS | Perl | 4.02 | 14.2 |
perl-LWP-Protocol-https | Perl | 6.10 | 14.2 |
perl-LWP-Protocol-socks | Perl | 1.7 | 14.2 |
perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom | Perl | 1.19 | 14.2 |
perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable | Perl | 0.30 | 14.2 |
perl-Lingua-Preferred | Perl | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
perl-List-AllUtils | Perl | 0.16 | 14.2 |
perl-List-MoreUtils | Perl | 0.425 | 14.2 |
perl-List-MoreUtils-XS | Perl | 0.430 | 14.2 |
perl-List-SomeUtils | Perl | 0.58 | 14.2 |
perl-List-UtilsBy | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext | Perl | 1.28 | 14.2 |
perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon | Perl | 1.00 | 14.2 |
perl-Locale-Msgfmt | Perl | 0.15 | 14.2 |
perl-Locale-PO | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-LockFile-Simple | Perl | 0.208 | 14.2 |
perl-Log-Dispatch | Perl | 2.44 | 14.2 |
perl-Log-Log4perl | Perl | 1.46 | 14.2 |
perl-Log-Message | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Log-Message-Simple | Perl | 0.10 | 14.2 |
perl-MIME-Charset | Perl | 1.012 | 14.2 |
perl-MIME-Lite | Perl | 3.030 | 14.2 |
perl-MIME-Types | Perl | 2.17 | 14.2 |
perl-MIME-tools | Perl | 5.506 | 14.2 |
perl-MP3-Info | Perl | 1.24 | 14.2 |
perl-MRO-Compat | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-Mail-DKIM | Perl | 0.52 | 14.2 |
perl-Mail-DomainKeys | Perl | 1.0 | 14.2 |
perl-Mail-SPF | Perl | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
perl-Mail-SPF-Query | Perl | 1.999.1 | 14.2 |
perl-MailTools | Perl | 2.20 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Base85 | Perl | 0.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-BigInt | Perl | 1.999818 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-BigInt-GMP | Perl | 1.6007 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Complex_C | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Complex_C-L | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Complex_C-Q | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Decimal64 | Perl | 0.16 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-GMPf | Perl | 0.43 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-GMPq | Perl | 0.46 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-GMPz | Perl | 0.50 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-GSL-Linalg-SVD | Perl | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Int128 | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Int64 | Perl | 0.54 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-LongDouble | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-MPC | Perl | 1.09 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-MPFR | Perl | 4.16 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Prime-Util | Perl | 0.73 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP | Perl | 0.51 | 14.2 |
perl-Math-Round | Perl | 0.07 | 14.2 |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Common | Perl | 0.040001 | 14.2 |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader | Perl | 1.000014 | 14.2 |
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS | Perl | 1.000008 | 14.2 |
perl-Modern-Perl | Perl | 1.20200211 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Build | Perl | 0.4231 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Build-Tiny | Perl | 0.039 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Implementation | Perl | 0.09 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Install | Perl | 1.19 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Manifest | Perl | 1.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Pluggable | Perl | 5.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Runtime | Perl | 0.015 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts | Perl | 0.003 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-ScanDeps | Perl | 1.27 | 14.2 |
perl-Module-Versions-Report | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Mojolicious | Perl | 8.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Humane | Perl | 0.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N | Perl | 1.6 | 14.2 |
perl-Moo | Perl | 2.004004 | 14.2 |
perl-MooX-StrictConstructor | Perl | 0.011 | 14.2 |
perl-Moose | Perl | 2.2012 | 14.2 |
perl-MooseX-Traits | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-MooseX-Types | Perl | 0.50 | 14.2 |
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured | Perl | 0.36 | 14.2 |
perl-Mozilla-CA | Perl | 20200520 | 14.2 |
perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Mutex | Perl | 1.005 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-ARP | Perl | 1.0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-CIDR | Perl | 0.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite | Perl | 0.21 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-DNS-Native | Perl | 0.18 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable | Perl | 0.003 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-DNS-SEC | Perl | 1.02 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Daemon | Perl | 0.48 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-IPv4Addr | Perl | 0.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-IPv6Addr | Perl | 0.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Ident | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Jabber | Perl | 2.0 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-LDAP | Perl | 0.65 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-LibIDN | Perl | 0.12 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Libdnet | Perl | 0.98 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Netmask | Perl | 1.9022 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Patricia | Perl | 1.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Pcap | Perl | 0.18 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-RawIP | Perl | 0.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-SNMP | Perl | 6.0.1 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Server | Perl | 2.008 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Telnet | Perl | 3.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-UPnP | Perl | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Works | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-Write | Perl | 1.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Net-XMPP | Perl | 1.05 | 14.2 |
perl-NetAddr-IP | Perl | 4.079 | 14.2 |
perl-NetPacket | Perl | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
perl-Number-Bites-Human | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Number-Compare | Perl | 0.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Number-Convert-Roman | Perl | 0.01 | 14.2 |
perl-Object-Accessor | Perl | 0.48 | 14.2 |
perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl | Perl | 1.0 | 14.2 |
perl-PAR | Perl | 1.017 | 14.2 |
perl-PAR-Dist | Perl | 0.51 | 14.2 |
perl-PDF-API2 | Perl | 2.038 | 14.2 |
perl-PDF-Builder | Perl | 3.021 | 14.2 |
perl-PHP-Serialization | Perl | 0.34 | 14.2 |
perl-PPI | Perl | 1.270 | 14.2 |
perl-Package-Constants | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Package-DeprecationManager | Perl | 0.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Package-Stash | Perl | 0.37 | 14.2 |
perl-Package-Stash-XS | Perl | 0.28 | 14.2 |
perl-Params-Classify | Perl | 0.015 | 14.2 |
perl-Params-Util | Perl | 1.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Params-Validate | Perl | 1.29 | 14.2 |
perl-Params-ValidationCompiler | Perl | 0.30 | 14.2 |
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures | Perl | 1.003019 | 14.2 |
perl-Parse-RecDescent | Perl | 1.967015 | 14.2 |
perl-Parser-MGC | Perl | 0.16 | 14.2 |
perl-Path-Class | Perl | 0.37 | 14.2 |
perl-Path-Tiny | Perl | 0.118 | 14.2 |
perl-Pegex | Perl | 0.70 | 14.2 |
perl-PerlIO-Layers | Perl | 0.011 | 14.2 |
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout | Perl | 0.32 | 14.2 |
perl-Pod-Coverage | Perl | 0.23 | 14.2 |
perl-Probe-Perl | Perl | 0.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Proc-Daemon | Perl | 0.21 | 14.2 |
perl-Proc-PID-File | Perl | 1.27 | 14.2 |
perl-Proc-ProcessTable | Perl | 0.51 | 14.2 |
perl-Proc-Simple | Perl | 1.32 | 14.2 |
perl-Razor2-Client-Agent | Perl | 2.86 | 14.2 |
perl-Readonly | Perl | 2.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Regexp-Common | Perl | 2013031301 | 14.2 |
perl-Regexp-IPv6 | Perl | 0.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Religion-Islam-Quran | Perl | 2.01 | 14.2 |
perl-Role-Tiny | Perl | 2.002004 | 14.2 |
perl-SDL | Perl | 2.546 | 14.2 |
perl-SNMP-Info | Perl | 3.08 | 14.2 |
perl-SOAP-Lite | Perl | 1.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Scalar-List-Utils | Perl | 1.55 | 14.2 |
perl-Scope-Guard | Perl | 0.21 | 14.2 |
perl-Scope-Upper | Perl | 0.32 | 14.2 |
perl-Set-IntSpan | Perl | 1.19 | 14.2 |
perl-Sidef | Perl | 3.98 | 14.2 |
perl-Socket-GetAddrinfo | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Socket6 | Perl | 0.28 | 14.2 |
perl-Sort-Naturally | Perl | 1.03 | 14.2 |
perl-Sort-Versions | Perl | 1.5 | 14.2 |
perl-Statistics-Descriptive | Perl | 3.0609 | 14.2 |
perl-String-PerlIdentifier | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-String-Random | Perl | 0.30 | 14.2 |
perl-String-Scanf | Perl | 2.1 | 14.2 |
perl-String-ShellQuote | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-String-Similarity | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Exporter | Perl | 0.987 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods | Perl | 0.100052 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive | Perl | 0.001011 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Identify | Perl | 0.14 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Install | Perl | 0.928 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Name | Perl | 0.26 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Override | Perl | 0.09 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Quote | Perl | 2.006006 | 14.2 |
perl-Sub-Uplevel | Perl | 0.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Switch | Perl | 2.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate | Perl | 0.14 | 14.2 |
perl-Sys-CPU | Perl | 0.61 | 14.2 |
perl-Sys-Hostname-Long | Perl | 1.4 | 14.2 |
perl-Sys-MemInfo | Perl | 0.99 | 14.2 |
perl-Sys-Mmap | Perl | 0.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Sys-Syscall | Perl | 0.25 | 14.2 |
perl-Task-Weaken | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-TeX-Hyphen | Perl | 1.16 | 14.2 |
perl-Template-Toolkit | Perl | 3.009 | 14.2 |
perl-Term-Animation | Perl | 2.6 | 14.2 |
perl-Term-ProgressBar | Perl | 2.21 | 14.2 |
perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu | Perl | 1.37 | 14.2 |
perl-Term-UI | Perl | 0.46 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Bits | Perl | 0.02 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Class | Perl | 0.50 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-CleanNamespaces | Perl | 0.24 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Deep | Perl | 1.127 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Differences | Perl | 0.64 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-DistManifest | Perl | 1.014 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Exception | Perl | 0.43 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Fatal | Perl | 0.014 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-File | Perl | 1.443 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-File-ShareDir-Dist | Perl | 1.001002 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Harness | Perl | 3.42 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-HexDifferences | Perl | 1.001 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Inter | Perl | 1.09 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-LongString | Perl | 0.15 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Memory-Cycle | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-MockModule | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-MockObject | Perl | 1.20140408 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-MockTime | Perl | 0.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Most | Perl | 0.34 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Needs | Perl | 0.002006 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-NoWarnings | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Number-Delta | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Object | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Output | Perl | 1.031 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-PerlTidy | Perl | 20130104 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Pod | Perl | 1.51 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Pod-Coverage | Perl | 1.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Requires | Perl | 0.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-RequiresInternet | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Script | Perl | 1.07 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-SharedFork | Perl | 0.35 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Simple | Perl | 1.302067 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Spec | Perl | 0.54 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-SubCalls | Perl | 1.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-TCP | Perl | 2.17 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny | Perl | 0.018 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Trap | Perl | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-Warnings | Perl | 0.026 | 14.2 |
perl-Test-utf8 | Perl | 1.01 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Autoformat | Perl | 1.74 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-CSV | Perl | 1.99 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-CSV_XS | Perl | 1.38 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-CharWidth | Perl | 0.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Diff | Perl | 1.43 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Glob | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Hyphen | Perl | 0.12 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Iconv | Perl | 1.7 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Password-Pronounceable | Perl | 0.30 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Patch | Perl | 1.8 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Quoted | Perl | 2.10 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Reform | Perl | 1.20 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Soundex | Perl | 3.05 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap | Perl | 2013.0523 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-Tabulate | Perl | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
perl-Text-WrapI18N | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Tidy | Perl | 20130922 | 14.2 |
perl-Tie-IxHash | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-Tie-Simple | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-Time-Out | Perl | 0.11 | 14.2 |
perl-Time-Piece | Perl | 1.33 | 14.2 |
perl-Time-modules | Perl | 2013.0912 | 14.2 |
perl-TimeDate | Perl | 2.30 | 14.2 |
perl-Tk-TableMatrix | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-Tree-Simple | Perl | 1.22 | 14.2 |
perl-Try-Tiny | Perl | 0.28 | 14.2 |
perl-TryCatch | Perl | 1.003002 | 14.2 |
perl-Types-Serialiser | Perl | 1.0 | 14.2 |
perl-URI-Simple | Perl | 1.00 | 14.2 |
perl-Unicode-LineBreak | Perl | 2019.001 | 14.2 |
perl-Unicode-Map | Perl | 0.112 | 14.2 |
perl-Unicode-Map8 | Perl | 0.13 | 14.2 |
perl-Unicode-String | Perl | 2.09 | 14.2 |
perl-Unicode-UTF8simple | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-Unix-Syslog | Perl | 1.1 | 14.2 |
perl-Variable-Magic | Perl | 0.62 | 14.2 |
perl-WWW-Curl | Perl | 4.17 | 14.2 |
perl-WebService-Gyazo-B | Perl | 0.0405 | 14.2 |
perl-WebService-MusicBrainz | Perl | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
perl-X10 | Perl | 0.04 | 14.2 |
perl-X11-Protocol-Other | Perl | 29 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-Catalog | Perl | 1.03 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-Filter-BufferText | Perl | 1.01 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-LibXSLT | Perl | 1.95 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-SAX-Writer | Perl | 0.53 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-Stream | Perl | 1.24 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-TreeBuilder | Perl | 5.4 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-TreePP | Perl | 0.43 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-Writer | Perl | 0.625 | 14.2 |
perl-XML-XPath | Perl | 1.42 | 14.2 |
perl-YAML-LibYAML | Perl | 0.76 | 14.2 |
perl-YAML-Syck | Perl | 1.34 | 14.2 |
perl-YAML-Tiny | Perl | 1.73 | 14.2 |
perl-ZMQ-Constants | Perl | 1.04 | 14.2 |
perl-aliased | Perl | 0.34 | 14.2 |
perl-audio-sndfile | Perl | 0.09 | 14.2 |
perl-cairo | Perl | 1.109 | 14.2 |
perl-cgi-minimal | Perl | 1.30 | 14.2 |
perl-class-accessor | Perl | 0.34 | 14.2 |
perl-class-accessor-chained | Perl | 0.01 | 14.2 |
perl-common-sense | Perl | 3.75 | 14.2 |
perl-config-general | Perl | 2.61 | 14.2 |
perl-data-dump | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-data-messagepack | Perl | 1.00 | 14.2 |
perl-data-page | Perl | 2.02 | 14.2 |
perl-data-page-pageset | Perl | 1.02 | 14.2 |
perl-data-section-simple | Perl | 0.07 | 14.2 |
perl-digest-hmac | Perl | 1.03 | 14.2 |
perl-digest-sha1 | Perl | 2.13 | 14.2 |
perl-encode-locale | Perl | 1.05 | 14.2 |
perl-event | Perl | 1.21 | 14.2 |
perl-extutils-depends | Perl | 0.8000 | 14.2 |
perl-extutils-pkgconfig | Perl | 1.16 | 14.2 |
perl-file-basedir | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-file-desktopentry | Perl | 0.22 | 14.2 |
perl-file-libmagic | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-file-listing | Perl | 6.04 | 14.2 |
perl-file-mimeinfo | Perl | 0.30 | 14.2 |
perl-file-path-expand | Perl | 1.02 | 14.2 |
perl-file-slurper | Perl | 0.012 | 14.2 |
perl-glib | Perl | 1.3293 | 14.2 |
perl-gnome2 | Perl | 1.047 | 14.2 |
perl-gnome2-canvas | Perl | 1.002 | 14.2 |
perl-gnome2-gconf | Perl | 1.044 | 14.2 |
perl-gnome2-vfs | Perl | 1.083 | 14.2 |
perl-gnome2-wnck | Perl | 0.16 | 14.2 |
perl-goo-canvas | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-gstreamer | Perl | 0.19 | 14.2 |
perl-gtk2 | Perl | 1.24993 | 14.2 |
perl-gtk2-imageview | Perl | 0.05 | 14.2 |
perl-html-form | Perl | 6.07 | 14.2 |
perl-html-parser | Perl | 3.71 | 14.2 |
perl-html-tagset | Perl | 3.20 | 14.2 |
perl-http-cookies | Perl | 6.01 | 14.2 |
perl-http-daemon | Perl | 6.01 | 14.2 |
perl-http-date | Perl | 6.02 | 14.2 |
perl-http-message | Perl | 6.11 | 14.2 |
perl-http-negotiate | Perl | 6.01 | 14.2 |
perl-http-response-encoding | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-http-server-simple | Perl | 0.52 | 14.2 |
perl-http-tiny | Perl | 0.076 | 14.2 |
perl-image-bmp | Perl | 1.19 | 14.2 |
perl-inc-latest | Perl | 0.500 | 14.2 |
perl-inc-module-install | Perl | 1.19 | 14.2 |
perl-libintl | Perl | 1.23 | 14.2 |
perl-libnet | Perl | 3.11 | 14.2 |
perl-linux-desktop-files | Perl | 0.25 | 14.2 |
perl-lirc-client | Perl | 2.02 | 14.2 |
perl-local-lib | Perl | 2.000024 | 14.2 |
perl-lwp-mediatypes | Perl | 6.02 | 14.2 |
perl-lwp-useragent-cached | Perl | 0.08 | 14.2 |
perl-namespace-autoclean | Perl | 0.29 | 14.2 |
perl-namespace-clean | Perl | 0.27 | 14.2 |
perl-net-dbus | Perl | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
perl-net-dns | Perl | 1.06 | 14.2 |
perl-net-http | Perl | 6.09 | 14.2 |
perl-net-ip | Perl | 1.26 | 14.2 |
perl-net-mpd | Perl | 0.07 | 14.2 |
perl-palm-pdb | Perl | 1.400 | 14.2 |
perl-pango | Perl | 1.227 | 14.2 |
perl-parallel-forkmanager | Perl | 2.02 | 14.2 |
perl-rename | Perl | 1.9 | 14.2 |
perl-shtags | Development | 0.0.4 | 14.2 |
perl-strictures | Perl | 2.000006 | 14.2 |
perl-test-warn | Perl | 0.36 | 14.2 |
perl-text-aspell | Perl | 0.09 | 14.2 |
perl-text-unaccent | Perl | 1.08 | 14.2 |
perl-tk | Perl | 804.033 | 14.2 |
perl-trayicon | Perl | 0.06 | 14.2 |
perl-tree-dagnode | Perl | 1.29 | 14.2 |
perl-www-mechanize | Perl | 1.84 | 14.2 |
perl-www-robotrules | Perl | 6.02 | 14.2 |
perl-x11-protocol | Perl | 0.56 | 14.2 |
perl-xml-fast | Perl | 0.17 | 14.2 |
perl-xml-libxml | Perl | 2.0134 | 14.2 |
perl-xml-parser-lite | Perl | 0.722 | 14.2 |
perl-xml-parser-lite-tree | Perl | 0.14 | 14.2 |
perl-xml-twig | Perl | 3.52 | 14.2 |
perl-yaml | Perl | 1.21 | 14.2 |
perlbrew | Perl | 0.85 | 14.2 |
perlprimer | Academic | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
persepolis | Network | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
perwindowlayoutd | Desktop | 0.6 | 14.2 |
pev | System | 0.40 | 14.2 |
pexip-infinity-connect | Network | | 14.2 |
pexpect | Libraries | 4.8.0 | 14.2 |
pflogsumm | Network | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
pforth | Development | v27 | 14.2 |
pfqueue | Network | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
pgadmin3 | System | 1.22.1 | 14.2 |
pgbadger | System | 9.2 | 14.2 |
pgbouncer | Network | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
pgl | Network | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
pgplot | Libraries | 5.2.2 | 14.2 |
pgpool-II | Network | 3.7.3 | 14.2 |
pgrouting | Gis | 3.1.3 | 14.2 |
pgsanity | System | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
pgsql-ogr-fdw | Gis | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
pgtcl-ng | Libraries | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
ph | System | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
phantomjs | Development | 1.9.8 | 14.2 |
phat | Audio | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
phatch | Graphics | | 14.2 |
pho | Graphics | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
phodav | Network | 2.2 | 14.2 |
phoronix-test-suite | System | 10.2.2 | 14.2 |
photivo | Graphics | 20160525 | 14.2 |
photoprint | Graphics | 0.4.2_pre2 | 14.2 |
photoqt | Graphics | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
phototonic | Graphics | 2.1 | 14.2 |
php-apcu | Development | 4.0.11 | 14.2 |
php-imagick | Libraries | 3.4.3 | 14.2 |
php-memcache | Libraries | 3.0.8 | 14.2 |
php-memcached | Libraries | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
php-mssql | Libraries | 5.6.24 | 14.2 |
php-oci8 | Libraries | 2.0.8 | 14.2 |
php-pdo_dblib | Libraries | 5.6.24 | 14.2 |
php-pgsql | Libraries | 5.6.30 | 14.2 |
php-pinba | Development | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
php-redis | Libraries | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
php-ssh2 | Libraries | 0.13 | 14.2 |
php-stomp | Libraries | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
phpDocumentor | Development | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
phply | Python | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
phpmyadmin | Network | 4.9.1 | 14.2 |
phpsysinfo | System | 3.2.8 | 14.2 |
physfs | Libraries | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
physlock | System | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
pianobar | Audio | 2019.01.25 | 14.2 |
pianobooster | Academic | 0.6.4b | 14.2 |
picard | Multimedia | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
picard-plugins | Multimedia | 7d0cf37 | 14.2 |
pickleshare | Python | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
picocom | System | 3.1 | 14.2 |
picodrive | Games | 1.93 | 14.2 |
pidgin-authorization-blocker | Network | 1.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-birthday-reminder | Network | 1.7 | 14.2 |
pidgin-extprefs | Network | 0.7 | 14.2 |
pidgin-gfire | Network | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
pidgin-guifications | Desktop | 2.16 | 14.2 |
pidgin-libnotify | Desktop | 0.14 | 14.2 |
pidgin-mra | Libraries | | 14.2 |
pidgin-musictracker | Network | 0.4.22 | 14.2 |
pidgin-nudge | Network | 0.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-opensteamworks | Network | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-otr | Network | 4.0.2 | 14.2 |
pidgin-privacy-please | Network | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-sipe | Network | 1.23.0 | 14.2 |
pidgin-sound | Network | 1.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-toobars | Network | 1.14 | 14.2 |
pidgin-toolbar-shrink | Network | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
pidgin-visnotes | Network | 0.2 | 14.2 |
pidgin-whatsapp | Network | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
pidgin-window_merge | Desktop | 0.3 | 14.2 |
pies | Libraries | 2.6.7 | 14.2 |
pies2overrides | Libraries | 2.6.7 | 14.2 |
pigpio | Libraries | 74 | 14.2 |
pigz | System | 2.4 | 14.2 |
pilkit | Python | 2.0 | 14.2 |
pillowfight | Python | 0.2 | 14.2 |
pinball | Games | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
pinentry-dmenu | Desktop | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
pinfo | Misc | 0.6.13 | 14.2 |
pingendo | Development | v3 | 14.2 |
pingus | Games | 0.7.6 | 14.2 |
pioneer | Games | 20191117 | 14.2 |
pip | Python | 9.0.3 | 14.2 |
pip2tgz | Development | 0.4 | 14.2 |
pipdeptree | Python | 0.11.0 | 14.2 |
pipemeter | System | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
pipewalker | Games | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
pipewire | Libraries | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
piprot | Python | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
pipstat | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
pirate-get | Network | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
pithos | Audio | git_ed501485 | 14.2 |
pitivi | Multimedia | 0.95 | 14.2 |
pixma | System | 4.00.1 | 14.2 |
pjsip | Libraries | 2.9 | 14.2 |
pkgconf | Development | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
pkgdiff | Development | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
pkginfo | Python | | 14.2 |
pktools | Gis | | 14.2 |
plan9port | System | 20190501 | 14.2 |
planes | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
planetblupi | Games | 1.14.2 | 14.2 |
plank | Desktop | 0.11.89 | 14.2 |
plasma-adjustable-clock | Desktop | 4.1.4 | 14.2 |
plasma-eyasdp | Desktop | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
plasma-geek-clock | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
plasma-nm-openconnect | Network | | 14.2 |
plasma-runner-browsefirefoxbookmarks | Desktop | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
plasma-widget-menubar | Desktop | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
plasmaxplanet | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
plasmidomics | Academic | 0.2 | 14.2 |
plaso | Python | 20190131 | 14.2 |
platform | Libraries | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
playerctl | Multimedia | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
playmp3list | Audio | 0.95 | 14.2 |
playonlinux | Games | 4.2.10 | 14.2 |
plex-home-theater | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
plexmediaserver | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
plib | Libraries | 1.8.5 | 14.2 |
plotutils | Graphics | 2.6 | 14.2 |
plover | Office | 4.0.0.dev8.66.g685bd33 | 14.2 |
plowshare | Network | 2.1.7 | 14.2 |
plowshare-modules | Network | e94a905 | 14.2 |
plplot | Libraries | 5.12.0 | 14.2 |
pluggy | Python | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
pluginbase | Python | 0.5 | 14.2 |
plumbum | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
ply | Python | 3.11 | 14.2 |
plymouth | System | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
plyr | Libraries | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
pmacct | Network | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
pmidi | Audio | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
pmount | System | 0.9.23 | 14.2 |
pmw | Misc | 4.31 | 14.2 |
png++ | Libraries | 0.2.10 | 14.2 |
png2ico | Graphics | 20021208 | 14.2 |
pngcrush | Graphics | 1.8.13 | 14.2 |
pngnq-s9 | Multimedia | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
pngquant | Graphics | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
pnmixer | Audio | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
po4a | Misc | 0.63 | 14.2 |
poco | Libraries | 1.9.4 | 14.2 |
podcastparser | Multimedia | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
podget | Audio | 0.8.8 | 14.2 |
podman | System | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
podofo | Libraries | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
poedit | Development | 1.8.12 | 14.2 |
pogo | Audio | 0.8.7 | 14.2 |
pointcloud | Gis | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
pokerth | Games | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
polar-cursor-themes | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
polib | Python | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
policyd | Network | 1.82 | 14.2 |
policyd2 | Network | 2.0.14 | 14.2 |
polipo | Network | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
polybar | Desktop | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
polyclipping | Libraries | 6.4.2 | 14.2 |
polyglotman | System | 3.2 | 14.2 |
polyline | Gis | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
polyml | Development | 5.5.2 | 14.2 |
pom1 | Games | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
pommed-light | System | 1.51lw | 14.2 |
ponymix | Audio | 5 | 14.2 |
popcorntime | Multimedia | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
poppler-qt5 | Libraries | 0.45.0 | 14.2 |
porg | System | 0.10 | 14.2 |
portaudio | Development | v190600_20161030 | 14.2 |
portecle | Misc | 1.11 | 14.2 |
portend | Python | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
portmidi | Audio | 217 | 14.2 |
posh | System | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
posixovl | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
poster | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
postfix | Network | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
postgis | Gis | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
postgresql | System | 10.10 | 14.2 |
postgrey | Network | 1.37 | 14.2 |
postman | Development | 8.2.1 | 14.2 |
potrace | Graphics | 1.16 | 14.2 |
pound | Network | 2.6 | 14.2 |
povray | Graphics | | 14.2 |
power-architect | Development | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
powerkit | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
powerline-status | System | 2.7 | 14.2 |
powernowd | System | 1.00 | 14.2 |
powerpanel | System | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
powershell | System | 7.1.3 | 14.2 |
powerslave_demo_data | Games | 19961212 | 14.2 |
ppsspp | Games | 1.10.3 | 14.2 |
pptp | Network | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
pptpd | Network | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
pqiv | Graphics | 2.11 | 14.2 |
pr0ntools | Graphics | 20170617 | 14.2 |
pragha | Multimedia | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
prank-msa | Academic | 170427 | 14.2 |
prboom | Games | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
prboom-plus | Games | 2.6um | 14.2 |
prelink | System | 20130503 | 14.2 |
preload | System | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
premake | Development | 4.4_beta5 | 14.2 |
prettyping | Network | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
primer3 | Academic | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
privoxy | Network | 3.0.32 | 14.2 |
process-cpp | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
processing | Development | 3.5.4 | 14.2 |
procinfo-ng | System | 2.0.304 | 14.2 |
profanity | Network | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
profile-cleaner | System | 2.35 | 14.2 |
profile-sync-daemon | System | 5.74.1 | 14.2 |
progress | System | 0.14 | 14.2 |
progressbar | Libraries | 2.2 | 14.2 |
progressive | Python | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
proj | Gis | 7.2.1 | 14.2 |
proj-data | Gis | 1.3 | 14.2 |
projectM | Misc | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
prometheus | System | 2.26.0 | 14.2 |
prompt_toolkit | Python | 2.0.10 | 14.2 |
prompt_toolkit1 | Python | 1.0.15 | 14.2 |
properties-cpp | Libraries | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
prosody | Network | 0.11.8 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-block-strangers | Network | hg3023 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-cloud-notify | Network | hg4464 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-csi | Network | hg3396 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-filter-chatstates | Network | hg1873 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-http-upload | Network | hg4443 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-smacks | Network | hg4463 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-throttle-presence | Network | hg1925 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-turncredentials | Network | hg4055 | 14.2 |
prosody-mod-vcard-muc | Network | hg4300 | 14.2 |
prosystem-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_247d5f2 | 14.2 |
protobuf | Misc | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
protobuf-c | Libraries | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
protobuf3 | Misc | 3.14.0 | 14.2 |
protonmail-bridge | Network | 1.6.9 | 14.2 |
protonmail-import-export-app | Network | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
protonvpn-cli | Network | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
protozoa-cursor-themes | Desktop | 20120114 | 14.2 |
proxychains | Network | 4.14 | 14.2 |
proxygen | Libraries | 2017.09.25.00 | 14.2 |
proxymini | Network | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
proxytunnel | Network | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
ps2eps | Office | 1.64 | 14.2 |
ps_mem | Python | 3.13 | 14.2 |
psad | Network | 2.4.5 | 14.2 |
psftools | Graphics | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
psi | Network | 1.3 | 14.2 |
psi-plus | Network | 1.4.650 | 14.2 |
psk31lx | Ham | 2.2 | 14.2 |
pspg | System | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
pspp | Academic | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
pspshrink | Desktop | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
psqlodbc | Libraries | 10.2.0 | 14.2 |
pstack-expect-gdb | Development | 0.2 | 14.2 |
pstate-frequency | System | 3.10.2 | 14.2 |
pstoedit | Office | 3.75 | 14.2 |
pstotext | Office | 1.9 | 14.2 |
psuinfo | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
psutil | Python | 5.6.7 | 14.2 |
psycopg2 | Development | 2.8.6 | 14.2 |
ptbatterysystemtray | Desktop | 1.0.0.rc2 | 14.2 |
pthsem | Libraries | 2.0.8 | 14.2 |
ptlib | Libraries | 2.10.11 | 14.2 |
ptokax | Network | | 14.2 |
ptop | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
ptpython | Python | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
ptwit | Desktop | 0.2 | 14.2 |
ptypes | Libraries | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
ptyprocess | Python | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
puNES | Games | 0.106 | 14.2 |
pubnub-curses | Network | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
pucrunch | System | 20081122 | 14.2 |
pudb | Development | 2018.1 | 14.2 |
puddletag | Audio | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
pugixml | Libraries | 1.11.4 | 14.2 |
pulse-sms | Network | 4.3.0 | 14.2 |
pulseaudio-ctl | Audio | 1.69 | 14.2 |
pulseview | Academic | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
pure-ftpd | Network | 1.0.49 | 14.2 |
purl | Python | 1.5 | 14.2 |
purple-facebook | Network | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
purple-gowhatsapp | Network | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
purple-hangouts | Network | effc9b41df8c | 14.2 |
purple-plugin-pack | Network | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
purple-telegram | Network | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
pushover | Games | 0.0.3 | 14.2 |
putty | Network | 0.74 | 14.2 |
puzzles | Games | r10060 | 14.2 |
pv | System | 1.6.6 | 14.2 |
pwgen | System | 2.07 | 14.2 |
pwman | System | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
pwsafe | System | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
py | Python | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
py-cpuinfo | Python | 7.0.0 | 14.2 |
py3cairo | Python | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
py3sensors | Python | 0cf96f4e2cfe | 14.2 |
py3status | Desktop | 3.22 | 14.2 |
py4j | Python | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
pyCRAC | Academic | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
pyNeighborhood | Network | 0.5.4 | 14.2 |
pyOpenSSL | Python | 17.5.0 | 14.2 |
pyPEG2 | Libraries | 2.15.2 | 14.2 |
pyPdf | Python | 1.13 | 14.2 |
pySmartDL | Python | 1.3.4 | 14.2 |
pyacoustid | Libraries | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
pyaes | Python | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
pyalsaaudio | Audio | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
pyamf | Python | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
pyarchey | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
pyasn1 | Python | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
pyasn1-modules | Python | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
pybik | Games | 2.1 | 14.2 |
pybind11 | Python | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
pyblake2 | Python | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
pybloomfiltermmap | Python | 0.3.15 | 14.2 |
pybluez | Python | 0.22 | 14.2 |
pycassa | Python | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
pycdio | Python | 0.21 | 14.2 |
pycharm | Development | 2020.3.1 | 14.2 |
pychart | Python | 1.39 | 14.2 |
pychecker | Python | 0.8.19 | 14.2 |
pychess | Games | 0.12.4 | 14.2 |
pychm | Python | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
pycld2 | Python | 20151111 | 14.2 |
pyclewn | Development | 2.2 | 14.2 |
pycodestyle | Python | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
pycp | System | 8.0.8 | 14.2 |
pycparser | Libraries | 2.19 | 14.2 |
pycrypto | Python | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
pycryptodomex | Python | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
pycryptopp | Python | | 14.2 |
pycscope | Development | 0.3 | 14.2 |
pycxx | Python | 6.2.3 | 14.2 |
pydblite | Python | 2.7 | 14.2 |
pydf | Python | 12 | 14.2 |
pydio-agent | Network | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
pydio-sync | Network | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
pydot | Python | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
pyechonest | Libraries | 9.0.0 | 14.2 |
pyenchant | Development | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
pyewmh | Python | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
pyfeed | Python | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
pyfiglet | Python | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
pyfits | Academic | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
pyflakes | Python | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
pyfltk | Python | | 14.2 |
pyformex | Graphics | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
pyftpdlib | Libraries | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
pyful | Desktop | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
pygame | Python | 1.9.6 | 14.2 |
pygifme | Graphics | 0.1 | 14.2 |
pyglet | Python | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
pygobject3-python3 | Python | 3.18.2 | 14.2 |
pygpgme | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
pygrametl | Python | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
pygraphviz | Graphics | 1.5 | 14.2 |
pygsl | Python | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
pygtksourceview | Python | 2.10.1 | 14.2 |
pygtkspell | Python | 2.25.3 | 14.2 |
pyicu | Python | 1.9.5 | 14.2 |
pyinotify | Python | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
pyjf3 | Libraries | 0.3 | 14.2 |
pyjwt | Python | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
pykdtree | Libraries | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
pylast | Libraries | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
pyliblo | Python | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
pylibpcap | Libraries | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
pylint | Development | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
pylirc | Python | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
pymdstat | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
pymediainfo | Libraries | 5.0.3 | 14.2 |
pymongo | Python | 3.10.0 | 14.2 |
pymux | System | 0.14 | 14.2 |
pymysql | Python | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
pynacl | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
pynzb | Python | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
pyorbit | Python | 2.24.0 | 14.2 |
pyotp | Python | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
pyparsing | Python | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
pyperclip | Python | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
pypng | Python | 0.0.20 | 14.2 |
pypoppler | Python | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
pyproj | Gis | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
pypy | Python | 5.9 | 14.2 |
pypy3 | Python | 5.9_beta | 14.2 |
pyqode.cobol | Python | 2.10.0 | 14.2 |
pyqode.core | Libraries | 2.10.0 | 14.2 |
pyqode.qt | Python | 2.10.0 | 14.2 |
pyqt-distutils | Development | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
pyquery | Python | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
pyradio | Multimedia | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
pyresample | Python | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
pyrfc3339 | Python | 1.1 | 14.2 |
pyrsistent | Python | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
pysam | Academic | | 14.2 |
pysass | Python | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
pysed | Python | 0.7.8 | 14.2 |
pysendfile | Libraries | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
pyserial | Python | 3.5 | 14.2 |
pysha3 | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
pyshp | Gis | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
pyside | Python | qt4.8+1.2.2 | 14.2 |
pyside-tools | Development | 0.2.15 | 14.2 |
pysmssend | Python | 1.48 | 14.2 |
pysnmp | Python | 4.1.16d | 14.2 |
pysolfc | Games | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
pysolfc-extra-cardsets | Games | 2.0 | 14.2 |
pyspread | Office | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
pysqlite | Python | 2.8.3 | 14.2 |
pystatsd | Python | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
pysub-dl | Network | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
pysvn | Python | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
pyta-lib | Python | 0.4.10 | 14.2 |
pytaglib | Libraries | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
pyte | Libraries | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
pytest | Python | 3.8.2 | 14.2 |
pytest-cov | Python | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
pytest-runner | Python | 4.2 | 14.2 |
python-Levenshtein | Python | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
python-MonthDelta | Python | 1.0b | 14.2 |
python-PySnooper | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
python-Safe | Python | 0.4 | 14.2 |
python-argopt | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
python-audiotools | Audio | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
python-augeas | Python | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
python-authres | Python | 0.501 | 14.2 |
python-autobahn | Python | 18.11.1 | 14.2 |
python-axolotl | Python | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
python-axolotl-curve25519 | Python | 0.4.1.post2 | 14.2 |
python-bigfloat | Python | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
python-bitstring | Python | 3.1.7 | 14.2 |
python-blake2 | Python | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
python-branca | Python | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
python-cached-property | Python | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
python-certifi | Python | 2020.12.5 | 14.2 |
python-chardet | Python | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
python-cheetah | Python | 2.4.4 | 14.2 |
python-clamd | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
python-cluster | Python | 1.1.1b3 | 14.2 |
python-cmdln | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
python-configargparse | Python | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
python-d2to1 | Python | 0.2.12.post1 | 14.2 |
python-daemon | Python | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
python-dateutil | Python | 2.8.0 | 14.2 |
python-demjson | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
python-discid | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-distro | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
python-distutils-extra | Python | 2.39 | 14.2 |
python-django | Python | 1.11.18 | 14.2 |
python-django-legacy | Python | 1.8.17 | 14.2 |
python-django-tagging | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
python-djvulibre | Python | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
python-docker | Python | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
python-docker-pycreds | Python | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
python-dockerpty | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
python-editor | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
python-efl | Libraries | 1.24.0 | 14.2 |
python-elementtree | Python | 1.2.7_20070827_preview | 14.2 |
python-elib.intl | Python | 0.0.3_git20110809 | 14.2 |
python-emoji | Python | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
python-esmre | Python | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
python-evdev | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
python-faulthandler | Python | 3.2 | 14.2 |
python-fonttools | Python | 3.44.0 | 14.2 |
python-fusepy | Python | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
python-future | Python | 0.18.0 | 14.2 |
python-gammu | Python | 2.7 | 14.2 |
python-gattlib | Python | 0.20150805 | 14.2 |
python-gcalcli | Office | git20140429 | 14.2 |
python-gflags | Python | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-gnupg | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
python-importlib_metadata | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
python-ipcalc | Python | 1.99.0 | 14.2 |
python-iso3166 | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
python-iso639 | Python | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
python-joblib | Python | 0.17.0 | 14.2 |
python-jsonrpclib | Python | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
python-kerberos | Python | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
python-keybinder | Python | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
python-keyczar | Python | 0.716 | 14.2 |
python-keyring | Python | 19.2.0 | 14.2 |
python-keyutils | Python | 0.5 | 14.2 |
python-klein | Python | 17.10.0 | 14.2 |
python-lazy-object-proxy | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
python-ldap | Python | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
python-lhafile | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
python-libarchive-c | Python | 2.8 | 14.2 |
python-libnacl | Python | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
python-librtmp | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
python-libsass | Python | 0.19.3 | 14.2 |
python-libtmux | Python | 0.8.5 | 14.2 |
python-ly | Python | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
python-lz4 | Python | 2.1.6 | 14.2 |
python-m2r | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
python-magic | Python | 0.4.15 | 14.2 |
python-magick | Python | 0.9.19 | 14.2 |
python-mapnik | Gis | 3.0.16 | 14.2 |
python-markdown-math | Python | 0.6 | 14.2 |
python-mccabe | Python | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
python-meld3 | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
python-memcached | Python | 1.58 | 14.2 |
python-mimeparse | Python | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
python-morbid | Python | | 14.2 |
python-mpd | Python | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
python-musicbrainz2 | Python | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
python-mysql-replication | Python | 0.23 | 14.2 |
python-mysqlclient | Python | 1.3.13 | 14.2 |
python-nbxmpp | Python | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
python-neovim | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
python-netaddr | Python | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
python-notify2 | Python | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
python-ntlm | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-oauth | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
python-oauth2 | Python | 1.5.211 | 14.2 |
python-oauth2client | Python | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
python-oauthlib | Python | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-onedrive | Network | 15.10.5 | 14.2 |
python-openid | Python | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
python-orbited | Python | 0.7.10 | 14.2 |
python-parse | Python | 1.6.6 | 14.2 |
python-parsedatetime | Python | 2.6 | 14.2 |
python-patch | Python | 1.16 | 14.2 |
python-pbkdf2 | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
python-pcapy | Python | 0.11.4 | 14.2 |
python-pdfminer | Python | 20140328 | 14.2 |
python-pmw | Python | 1.3.3b | 14.2 |
python-poppler-qt4 | Python | 0.24.0 | 14.2 |
python-precis-i18n | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
python-progress | Python | 1.5 | 14.2 |
python-prometheus_client | Python | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
python-pydns | Python | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
python-pygeos | Gis | 0.9 | 14.2 |
python-pyparted | Python | 3.10.5 | 14.2 |
python-pypolicyd-spf | Python | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
python-pyspf | Python | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
python-qrcode | Python | 5.3 | 14.2 |
python-requestbuilder | Python | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
python-requests | Python | 2.25.0 | 14.2 |
python-requests-kerberos | Python | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
python-ruamel.yaml | Libraries | 0.16.0 | 14.2 |
python-rubymarshal | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
python-scandir | Python | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
python-serpent | Python | 1.28 | 14.2 |
python-setuptools-doc | Python | 22.0.5 | 14.2 |
python-sh | Python | 1.12.14 | 14.2 |
python-simpy | Python | 3.0.10 | 14.2 |
python-slacklog | Python | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
python-slip | Python | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
python-socks | Python | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
python-soupsieve | Python | 1.9.6 | 14.2 |
python-specbar | Desktop | 0.3 | 14.2 |
python-stdnum | Python | 1.11 | 14.2 |
python-stomper | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
python-stsci.distutils | Python | 0.3.7 | 14.2 |
python-suds | Python | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
python-swiftclient | Python | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
python-tabulate | Python | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
python-tblib | Python | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
python-texttable | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
python-tlslite | Python | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
python-toml | Python | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
python-transaction | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
python-tvrage | Python | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
python-twisted | Python | 17.9.0 | 14.2 |
python-twitter | Python | 3.4.2 | 14.2 |
python-txaio | Python | 18.8.1 | 14.2 |
python-unicodecsv | Python | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
python-unicodedata2 | Python | 13.0.0_2 | 14.2 |
python-uri-templates | Python | 0.6 | 14.2 |
python-uritemplate | Python | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
python-urllib3 | Python | 1.26.2 | 14.2 |
python-uuid | Python | 1.30 | 14.2 |
python-vatnumber | Python | 1.2 | 14.2 |
python-vulndb | Python | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-webencodings | Python | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
python-webpack | Python | 6.0.0 | 14.2 |
python-whisper | Python | 0.9.15 | 14.2 |
python-wordpress-xmlrpc | Python | 2.2 | 14.2 |
python-wrapt | Python | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
python-x11_hash | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
python-xcffib | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
python-xlib | Python | 0.26 | 14.2 |
python-xlrd | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
python-xlwt | Python | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
python-xrandr | Python | 0.1 | 14.2 |
python-yenc | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
python-zipp | Python | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
python2-pythondialog | Python | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
python2-sip | Python | 4.19.20 | 14.2 |
python3 | Python | 3.7.2 | 14.2 |
python3-Cython | Python | 0.29.17 | 14.2 |
python3-Flask | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
python3-Flask-RESTful | Python | 0.3.7 | 14.2 |
python3-Flask-httpauth | Python | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
python3-PyQt5 | Libraries | 5.13.2 | 14.2 |
python3-PyQtWebEngine | Libraries | 5.13.2 | 14.2 |
python3-PyYAML | Libraries | 3.13 | 14.2 |
python3-aiohttp | Python | 3.7.4.post0 | 14.2 |
python3-aiohttp-socks | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
python3-aiorpcX | Python | 0.21.0 | 14.2 |
python3-aiorpcX-legacy | Python | 0.18.7 | 14.2 |
python3-appdirs | Python | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
python3-astroid | Python | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
python3-attrs | Python | 19.3.0 | 14.2 |
python3-augeas | Python | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
python3-babel | Python | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
python3-basemap | Gis | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
python3-cycler | Development | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
python3-dateutil | Python | 2.8.1 | 14.2 |
python3-defusedxml | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
python3-django | Python | 3.1.4 | 14.2 |
python3-dugong | Python | 3.7 | 14.2 |
python3-dvdvideo | Libraries | 0.20140413 | 14.2 |
python3-future | Python | 0.15.2 | 14.2 |
python3-gitdb2 | Python | 2.0.6 | 14.2 |
python3-gmpy2 | Python | 2.0.8 | 14.2 |
python3-hsaudiotag3k | Python | 1.1.3.post1 | 14.2 |
python3-ipython | Python | 7.22.0 | 14.2 |
python3-ipython-sql | Python | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
python3-isort | Python | 5.8.0 | 14.2 |
python3-isounidecode | Python | 0.3 | 14.2 |
python3-itsdangerous | Python | 0.24 | 14.2 |
python3-jedi | Python | 0.18.0 | 14.2 |
python3-jsonschema | Python | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
python3-jupyter-ipykernel | Python | 5.3.4 | 14.2 |
python3-kiwisolver | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
python3-lazy-object-proxy | Python | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
python3-lhafile | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
python3-matplotlib | Development | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
python3-mccabe | Python | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
python3-mpmath | Python | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
python3-multidict | Python | 5.1.0 | 14.2 |
python3-obspy | Python | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
python3-openpyxl | Python | 3.0.7 | 14.2 |
python3-packaging | Python | 20.9 | 14.2 |
python3-pandas | Python | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
python3-patsy | Python | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
python3-pexpect | Python | 4.8.0 | 14.2 |
python3-pillow | Libraries | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
python3-plexapi | Python | 4.5.1 | 14.2 |
python3-prompt_toolkit | Python | 3.0.18 | 14.2 |
python3-ptyprocess | Python | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
python3-pulsectl | Python | 21.3.4 | 14.2 |
python3-pycrypto | Python | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
python3-pylint | Python | 2.7.4 | 14.2 |
python3-pylyrics | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
python3-pyparsing | Python | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
python3-pyparted | Python | 3.10.5 | 14.2 |
python3-pypresence | Python | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
python3-pyrsistent | Python | 0.17.3 | 14.2 |
python3-pysdl2 | Python | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
python3-pytest | Python | 3.7.1 | 14.2 |
python3-pythondialog | Python | 3.5.1 | 14.2 |
python3-pyzmq | Python | 18.1.1 | 14.2 |
python3-rsa | Python | 4.6 | 14.2 |
python3-seaborn | Python | 0.11.1 | 14.2 |
python3-setuptools_autover | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
python3-sip | Python | 4.19.20 | 14.2 |
python3-six | Python | 1.13.0 | 14.2 |
python3-smmap2 | Python | 2.0.5 | 14.2 |
python3-soupsieve | Python | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
python3-stagger | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
python3-statsmodels | Python | 0.11.1 | 14.2 |
python3-sympy | Python | 1.4 | 14.2 |
python3-tekore | Python | 3.6.2 | 14.2 |
python3-tornado | Python | 6.1.0 | 14.2 |
python3-urwid | System | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
python3-uth | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
python3-wcwidth | Python | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
python3-wrapt | Python | 1.12.1 | 14.2 |
pytrainer | Gis | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
pytrash | System | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
pytsk | Python | 20190121 | 14.2 |
pytyle | Desktop | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
pytz | Python | 2018.3 | 14.2 |
pytzdata | Python | 2019.3 | 14.2 |
pyudev | Python | 0.22.0 | 14.2 |
pyusb | Python | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
pyutil | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
pyvim | Development | 2.0.24 | 14.2 |
pywal | Python | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
pywebkitgtk | Python | 1.1.8 | 14.2 |
pyxdg | Python | 0.26 | 14.2 |
pyzmq | Python | 19.0.2 | 14.2 |
pyzor | Network | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
q4wine | Desktop | 1.3 | 14.2 |
qControlCenter | System | 0.2 | 14.2 |
qTox | Network | 1.17.3 | 14.2 |
qalculate-gtk | Academic | 3.10.0 | 14.2 |
qastools | Audio | 0.21.0 | 14.2 |
qbittorrent | Network | 4.3.1 | 14.2 |
qbs | Development | 1.16.0 | 14.2 |
qca-qt5 | Libraries | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
qcad | Graphics | | 14.2 |
qcl | Academic | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
qcomicbook | Graphics | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
qconf | Development | 1.4 | 14.2 |
qdirstat | System | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
qelectrotech | Graphics | 0.6 | 14.2 |
qemu | System | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
qemu-guest-agent | System | 2.12.0 | 14.2 |
qgis | Gis | 3.18.1 | 14.2 |
qgnomeplatform | Libraries | 0.5 | 14.2 |
qhull | Academic | 2015.2 | 14.2 |
qingy | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
qingy_0.3_themepack | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
qiv | Graphics | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
qjackctl | Audio | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
qjoypad | System | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
qlipper | Desktop | 20161212_14bfc66 | 14.2 |
qm-vamp-plugins | Audio | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
qmapshack | Gis | 1.15.2 | 14.2 |
qmc2 | Games | 0.195 | 14.2 |
qmidiarp | Audio | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
qmidinet | Audio | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
qmidiroute | Audio | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
qml-material | Libraries | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
qmltermwidget | Libraries | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
qmmp | Audio | 0.12.10 | 14.2 |
qmmp-plugin-pack | Audio | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
qmmp-plugin-pack-qt5 | Audio | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
qmmp-qt5 | Audio | 1.3.7 | 14.2 |
qmmp-skins | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
qoauth | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
qpdfview | Office | 0.4.18 | 14.2 |
qpdfview-qt5 | Office | 0.4.18 | 14.2 |
qps | System | 20160713_7e679db | 14.2 |
qradiopredict | Ham | 0.8.8 | 14.2 |
qrencode | Graphics | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
qrq | Ham | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
qrupdate | Academic | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
qsampler | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
qsstv | Ham | 9.4.4 | 14.2 |
qstardict | System | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
qstat | Games | 2d841880730d8704abaa6444a525bf144c1bee9d | 14.2 |
qsynth | Audio | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
qt-assistant-compat | Libraries | 4.6.3 | 14.2 |
qt-creator | Development | 4.12.3 | 14.2 |
qt-creator-llvm | Development | 8.0_c47ba33 | 14.2 |
qt-creator2 | Development | 2.8.0 | 14.2 |
qt-recordmydesktop | Desktop | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
qt3 | Libraries | 3.3.8b | 14.2 |
qt5 | Libraries | 5.12.8 | 14.2 |
qt5-legacy | Libraries | 5.9.9 | 14.2 |
qt5-pbfimageplugin | Libraries | 2.3 | 14.2 |
qt5-styleplugins | Libraries | | 14.2 |
qt5-webkit | Libraries | 5.212.0_alpha4 | 14.2 |
qt5-webkit-legacy | Libraries | 5.7.1 | 14.2 |
qt5ct | Desktop | 1.1 | 14.2 |
qtads | Games | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
qtcurve | Desktop | 1.9.1 | 14.2 |
qterminal | System | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
qtermwidget | Libraries | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
qtfm | System | 6.1.9 | 14.2 |
qtgzmanager | System | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
qtile | Desktop | 0.13.0 | 14.2 |
qtkeychain | Misc | 0.10.0 | 14.2 |
qtmib | Network | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
qtmimetypes | Libraries | 20140903_123e525 | 14.2 |
qtpass | Desktop | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
qtractor | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
qtsixa | Games | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
qtspell | Misc | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
quadkonsole4 | Desktop | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
quagga | Network | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
quake-par | System | 0.03.01 | 14.2 |
quake3_shareware_data | Games | 1.11.6 | 14.2 |
quake_shareware_data | Games | 1.06 | 14.2 |
quakeforge | Games | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
quarry | Games | | 14.2 |
quassel | Network | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
quassel-qt5 | Network | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
quazip-qt4 | Libraries | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
quazip-qt5 | Libraries | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
qucs | Academic | 0.0.19 | 14.2 |
quesoglc | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
queuelib | Python | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
quickaccess | Desktop | 0.8.2_2 | 14.2 |
quickswitch-i3 | Desktop | 2.7.0 | 14.2 |
quilt | Development | 0.65 | 14.2 |
quodlibet | Audio | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
quotatool | System | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
qute | Office | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
qutebrowser | Network | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
qutebrowser-tox | Network | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
qutepart | Libraries | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
quvi | Network | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
qwt | Libraries | 6.1.6 | 14.2 |
qwt-qt5 | Libraries | 6.1.6 | 14.2 |
qwt5 | Libraries | 5.2.3 | 14.2 |
qwtplot3d | Libraries | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
qwtpolar | Libraries | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
qxkb | System | 20150305_d7474a0 | 14.2 |
qxw | Games | 20200708 | 14.2 |
qzdl | Games | | 14.2 |
qzdoom | Games | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
r2e | Network | 2.71 | 14.2 |
r8168 | Network | 8.048.03 | 14.2 |
rEFInd | System | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
rabbitmq-c | Libraries | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
rabbitmq-server | System | 3.6.10 | 14.2 |
racer | Development | 2.1.45 | 14.2 |
racket | Development | 7.9 | 14.2 |
radare2 | Development | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
radeontop | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
radicale | Network | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
radiotray | Multimedia | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
radiusplugin | Network | 2.1a_beta1 | 14.2 |
radvd | Network | 2.15 | 14.2 |
ragel | Development | | 14.2 |
rakarrack | Audio | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
raku-Readline | Perl | 0.1.6 | 14.2 |
rakudo | Perl | 2021.03 | 14.2 |
ralcgm | Graphics | 3.50 | 14.2 |
ramdefrag | Misc | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
ramlfications | Python | 0.1.9 | 14.2 |
ranger | System | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
rapidjson | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
rapidsvn | Development | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
raptor | Libraries | 2.0.15 | 14.2 |
rar | System | 5.5.0 | 14.2 |
rar2fs | System | 1.29.4 | 14.2 |
rarcrack | Misc | 0.2 | 14.2 |
rarfile | Libraries | 3.1 | 14.2 |
rarian | Development | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
rasterio | Gis | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
ratpoison | Desktop | 1.4.9 | 14.2 |
raw-thumbnailer | Graphics | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
rawstudio | Graphics | 2.0 | 14.2 |
rawtherapee | Graphics | 5.4 | 14.2 |
razercfg | Desktop | 0.21 | 14.2 |
razorqt | Desktop | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
rbenv | Ruby | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
rbio | Academic | 2.2.6 | 14.2 |
rbutil | Misc | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
rclone | Network | 1.54.1 | 14.2 |
rdiff-backup | System | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
rdma-core | Network | 25.0 | 14.2 |
rdup | System | 1.1.13 | 14.2 |
re-typeset | Office | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
re2 | Libraries | 2020_05_01 | 14.2 |
re2c | Development | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
read-edid | System | 3.0.2 | 14.2 |
readesm | Misc | 2011.12pre1 | 14.2 |
readme_renderer | Python | 24.0 | 14.2 |
readosm | Gis | 1.0.0d | 14.2 |
rear | System | 2.4 | 14.2 |
reaver | Network | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
rebmp | Audio | | 14.2 |
rebulk | Python | 0.7.6 | 14.2 |
reckless | Development | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
reckon | Business | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
recode | Misc | 3.7_beta2 | 14.2 |
recoll | Desktop | 1.22.3 | 14.2 |
recommonmark | Python | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
recorditnow | Desktop | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
recoverdm | System | 0.20 | 14.2 |
recoverjpeg | System | 2.3 | 14.2 |
redeclipse | Games | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
redir | Network | 3.3 | 14.2 |
redis | System | 4.0.9 | 14.2 |
redis-py | System | 2.10.5 | 14.2 |
rednotebook | Office | 2.15 | 14.2 |
redo | Development | 0.42c | 14.2 |
redshift | Desktop | 1.12 | 14.2 |
reduce-algebra | Academic | 20201007svn5424 | 14.2 |
reedsolo | Python | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
referenceassemblies-pcl | Development | 20140414 | 14.2 |
referencer | Office | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
refind | System | 0.13.1 | 14.2 |
reflex | Development | | 14.2 |
regex | Python | 2019.08.19 | 14.2 |
regexxer | Development | 0.9 | 14.2 |
regina-rexx | Development | 3.9.3 | 14.2 |
regionset | System | 0.2 | 14.2 |
reiser4progs | System | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
rejik | Network | 3.2.11 | 14.2 |
rejoystick | Games | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
rekonq | Network | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
relatorio | Python | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
remglk | Libraries | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
remind | Office | 03.01.16 | 14.2 |
remmina | Network | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
rename | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
rencode | Python | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
renderdoc | Graphics | 1.11 | 14.2 |
rep-gtk | Libraries | | 14.2 |
repeat | System | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
reportlab | Libraries | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
repoze.lru | Python | 0.7 | 14.2 |
reprepro | System | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
reptyr | System | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
republicanywhere | Network | 1.5.9 | 14.2 |
requests-futures | Python | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
requests-oauthlib | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
requests-toolbelt | Python | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
requirements-detector | Python | 0.5.2 | 14.2 |
residualvm | Games | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
resilio-sync | Network | | 14.2 |
resource-agents | System | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
responder | Python | | 14.2 |
rest | Libraries | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
restbed | Libraries | 4.6 | 14.2 |
restic | System | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
resynthesizer | Graphics | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
retroshare | Network | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
retrovol | Audio | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
retux | Games | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
rev-plugins | Audio | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
rezerwar | Games | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
rezound | Audio | 0.13.1beta | 14.2 |
rfdump | System | 1.6 | 14.2 |
rhapsody | Network | 0.28b | 14.2 |
rhash | System | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
rhino | Libraries | 1_7R2 | 14.2 |
rhonabwy | Libraries | 0.9.999 | 14.2 |
rhythmbox | Audio | 3.2.1 | 14.2 |
ring-daemon | Libraries | 20181026_114c6644 | 14.2 |
ring-lrc | Libraries | 20181023_4cceb03 | 14.2 |
riot-web | Network | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
ripgrep | System | 12.1.1 | 14.2 |
ripit | Multimedia | 3.9.0 | 14.2 |
ripperX | Multimedia | 2.8.0 | 14.2 |
ristretto | Graphics | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
rkhunter | System | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
rlog | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
rlvm | Games | 0.14 | 14.2 |
rlwrap | Misc | 0.45 | 14.2 |
rmac | Development | 1.13.5_20180603 | 14.2 |
rmlmmc | Development | 280 | 14.2 |
rmw | System | 0.7.06 | 14.2 |
rndaddentropy | System | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
rng-tools | System | 5 | 14.2 |
roadfighter | Games | 1.0.1269 | 14.2 |
robin-map | Libraries | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
robomongo | Development | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
robotfindskitten | Games | 2.7182818.701 | 14.2 |
robotframework | Development | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
roccat-tools | Games | 5.9.0 | 14.2 |
rocksdb | Libraries | 5.7.3 | 14.2 |
rocksndiamonds | Games | | 14.2 |
rodent | Desktop | 5.3.12 | 14.2 |
rofi | Desktop | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
rofi-calc | Desktop | 1.7 | 14.2 |
rofi-emoji | Desktop | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
rofi-pass | Desktop | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
roger-router | Network | 1.9.3 | 14.2 |
rogue | Games | 5.4.4 | 14.2 |
roll | Games | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
root | Academic | 5.34.36 | 14.2 |
root-tail | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
rootactions_servicemenu | Desktop | 2.7.3 | 14.2 |
rope | Python | 0.11.0 | 14.2 |
rosa-media-player | Multimedia | 1.0 | 14.2 |
rosegarden | Audio | 16.02 | 14.2 |
rott | Games | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
routersploit | System | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
routino | Gis | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
rover | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
rox-filer | System | 2.11 | 14.2 |
roxterm | System | 2.9.7 | 14.2 |
rplay | Audio | 3.3.2 | 14.2 |
rpy2 | Academic | 3.4.3 | 14.2 |
rpyc | Libraries | 3.3.0 | 14.2 |
rrdtool | Libraries | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
rsa | Python | 4.0 | 14.2 |
rsibreak | Misc | 0.11_git5e9d393 | 14.2 |
rsl | Desktop | 1.44 | 14.2 |
rsnapshot | Misc | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
rspamd | Network | 2.5 | 14.2 |
rss-glx | Desktop | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
rss-guard | Desktop | 3.3.5 | 14.2 |
rss2email | Network | 3.12.2 | 14.2 |
rssh | Network | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
rst | Python | 0.1 | 14.2 |
rst-linker | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
rst2ansi | Python | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
rstudio-desktop | Development | 1.1.463 | 14.2 |
rsyslog | System | 8.2102.0 | 14.2 |
rtags | Development | 2.38 | 14.2 |
rtirq | System | 20150216 | 14.2 |
rtl-sdr | Ham | 20180603 | 14.2 |
rtl8188eu | Network | 5e6362f3 | 14.2 |
rtl8821ce | Network | 20201006_fe97b50 | 14.2 |
rtmpdump | Multimedia | 20210219_f1b83c1 | 14.2 |
rtorrent | Network | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
rtorrent-python | Libraries | 0.2.9 | 14.2 |
rtrlib | Libraries | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
rubberband | Audio | 1.9.0 | 14.2 |
ruby-build | Ruby | 20210405 | 14.2 |
ruby-faraday | Ruby | 0.17.1 | 14.2 |
ruby-gist | Ruby | 5.1.0 | 14.2 |
ruby-haste | Ruby | 0.2.3 | 14.2 |
ruby-json | Ruby | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
ruby-multipart-post | Ruby | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
ruby-native-package-installer | Ruby | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
rubygem-activesupport | Ruby | 5.1.4 | 14.2 |
rubygem-asciidoctor | Ruby | 2.0.12 | 14.2 |
rubygem-ast | Ruby | 2.4.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-atk | Ruby | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-bundler | Ruby | 1.17.3 | 14.2 |
rubygem-cairo | Ruby | 1.14.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-coderay | Ruby | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-concurrent-ruby | Ruby | 1.0.5 | 14.2 | | Ruby | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-daemons | Ruby | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-diff-lcs | Ruby | 1.3 | 14.2 |
rubygem-fastercsv | Ruby | 1.5.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-file-tail | Ruby | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-fluentd | Ruby | 0.12.7 | 14.2 |
rubygem-gdk_pixbuf2 | Ruby | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-glib2 | Ruby | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-gosu | Ruby | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-gtk2 | Ruby | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-highline | Ruby | 1.6.21 | 14.2 |
rubygem-hpricot | Ruby | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
rubygem-http_parser.rb | Ruby | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-httparty | Ruby | 0.15.6 | 14.2 |
rubygem-i18n | Ruby | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-jaro_winkler | Ruby | 1.5.4 | 14.2 |
rubygem-lolcat | Ruby | 99.9.20 | 14.2 |
rubygem-mail | Ruby | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-manpages | Ruby | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-method_source | Ruby | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-mime-types | Ruby | 3.3 | 14.2 |
rubygem-mime-types-data | Ruby | 3.2020.0425 | 14.2 |
rubygem-mini_mime | Ruby | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-msgpack | Ruby | 0.5.11 | 14.2 |
rubygem-multi_json | Ruby | 1.14.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-multi_xml | Ruby | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-mustache | Ruby | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-net-scp | Ruby | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-net-sftp | Ruby | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-net-ssh | Ruby | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-optimist | Ruby | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-paint | Ruby | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-pango | Ruby | 2.2.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-parallel | Ruby | 1.19.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-parser | Ruby | | 14.2 |
rubygem-pkg-config | Ruby | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
rubygem-powerpack | Ruby | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
rubygem-pry | Ruby | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-pygments | Ruby | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rack | Ruby | 1.6.4 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rainbow | Ruby | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rdiscount | Ruby | | 14.2 |
rubygem-ronn | Ruby | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rspec | Ruby | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rspec-core | Ruby | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rspec-expectations | Ruby | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rspec-mocks | Ruby | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rspec-support | Ruby | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-rubocop | Ruby | 0.68.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-ruby-progressbar | Ruby | 1.10.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-ruby2ruby | Ruby | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-ruby_parser | Ruby | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-ruumba | Ruby | 0.1.17 | 14.2 |
rubygem-sass | Ruby | 3.4.22 | 14.2 |
rubygem-sexp_processor | Ruby | 4.10.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-showterm | Network | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-sigdump | Ruby | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-slop3 | Ruby | 3.4.7 | 14.2 |
rubygem-sourcify | Ruby | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-string-scrub | Ruby | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-sync | Ruby | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-term-ansicolor | Ruby | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-terminal-table | Ruby | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-thread_safe | Ruby | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-tins | Ruby | 1.24.1 | 14.2 |
rubygem-trogdoro-el4r | Ruby | 1.0.10 | 14.2 |
rubygem-trollop | Ruby | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-tzinfo | Ruby | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-tzinfo-data | Ruby | 1.2015.2 | 14.2 |
rubygem-unicode-display_width | Ruby | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
rubygem-xiki | Ruby | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
rubygem-yajl-ruby | Ruby | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
rubygems-update | Ruby | 1.8.24 | 14.2 |
rubyripper | Audio | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
rudiments | Libraries | 0.55.0 | 14.2 |
ruff | Development | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
ruffus | Python | 2.8.4 | 14.2 |
rumor | Audio | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
run-one | System | 1.17 | 14.2 |
runc | System | 1.0.0_rc92 | 14.2 |
runit | System | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
runit-services | System | 20191026 | 14.2 |
rush | System | 2.1 | 14.2 |
rustup | Development | 1.23.1 | 14.2 |
ruvim | Accessibility | 0.5 | 14.2 |
rxtx | Libraries | 2.2pre2 | 14.2 |
rxvt-unicode | System | 9.22 | 14.2 |
s-nail | Network | 14.9.17 | 14.2 |
s1kls | Desktop | 100 | 14.2 |
s3cmd | Python | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
s3fs-fuse | System | 1.89 | 14.2 |
s3ql | System | 2.21 | 14.2 |
s3transfer | Python | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
s51dude | Development | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
s6 | System | | 14.2 |
s6-linux-init | System | | 14.2 |
s6-rc | System | | 14.2 |
sabnzbd | Network | 2.3.9 | 14.2 |
safecopy | System | 1.7 | 14.2 |
saga-gis | Gis | 7.9.0 | 14.2 |
sage | Academic | 9.1 | 14.2 |
sage-bin | Academic | 8.3 | 14.2 |
sakura | System | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
saleae-logic | System | 1.2.18 | 14.2 |
salmon | Desktop | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
salt | System | 2018.3.3 | 14.2 |
sam | Development | cd8efea6bc572a31b1a325f4201ac52cf6760d7e | 14.2 |
samdump2 | Misc | 3.0.0 | 14.2 |
samhain | System | 4.2.4 | 14.2 |
samplv1 | Audio | 0.9.18 | 14.2 |
samsung-mfp-drivers | System | 1.00.39 | 14.2 |
samtools | Academic | 1.12 | 14.2 |
samtools-legacy | Academic | 0.1.19 | 14.2 |
samurai | Development | 1.2 | 14.2 |
sandbox | System | 2.20 | 14.2 |
sandy | System | 0.4_20140727 | 14.2 |
sanlock | System | 3.7.1 | 14.2 |
sargon | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
sassc | Development | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
sauce | Development | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
sauerbraten | Games | 2013_02_03 | 14.2 |
sawfish | Desktop | 1.12.90 | 14.2 |
sawfish-extras | Desktop | 20170825 | 14.2 |
sawfish-pager | Desktop | 0.90.4 | 14.2 |
sawfish-session-dialog | Desktop | 20150813 | 14.2 |
sayonara-player | Audio | 1.1.1_git3_20180905 | 14.2 |
sbagen | Audio | 1.4.5 | 14.2 |
sbbdep | System | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
sbcl | Development | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
sbo-templates | Misc | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
sbotools | System | 2.7 | 14.2 |
sboui | System | 2.1 | 14.2 |
sbsigntools | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
sbt | Development | 1.4.7 | 14.2 |
sc-im | Office | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
scala | Development | 2.12.13 | 14.2 |
scalpel | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
scangearmp2 | System | 3.90.1 | 14.2 |
scanmem | System | 0.16 | 14.2 |
scantailor | Graphics | 2016_01_13 | 14.2 |
scantailor-advanced | Graphics | 1.0.16 | 14.2 |
scapy | Network | 2.4.4 | 14.2 |
scdoc | System | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
schedtool | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
schema | Python | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
schismtracker | Audio | 20190805 | 14.2 |
schroedinger | Multimedia | 1.0.11 | 14.2 |
schroot | Development | 1.6.10 | 14.2 |
scid | Games | 4.3 | 14.2 |
scid_vs_pc | Games | 4.21 | 14.2 |
scidavis | Academic | 1.26 | 14.2 |
scikit-learn | Python | 0.24.1 | 14.2 |
scikit-umfpack | Python | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
scilab | Academic | 6.1.0 | 14.2 |
scim-chewing | Misc | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
scipy | Academic | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
scipy3 | Academic | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
scite | Development | 3.7.4 | 14.2 |
scour | Graphics | 0.35 | 14.2 |
scratch | Development | | 14.2 |
scrcpy | Network | 1.17 | 14.2 |
screencloud | Graphics | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
screenfetch | Desktop | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
screengrab | Graphics | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
screenkey | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
screensaver-icon | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
scribble | Games | 1.11_1 | 14.2 |
scribus | Office | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
scrot | Graphics | 0.8 | 14.2 |
scrypt | System | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
sct | Accessibility | 0.5 | 14.2 |
scummvm | Games | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
scummvm-libretro | Games | 2018.10.09_20d71cd | 14.2 |
sdcc | Development | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
sdcv | Misc | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
sddm | System | 0.18.1 | 14.2 |
sdformat | Libraries | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
sdl-jstest | System | 20180715_aafbdb1 | 14.2 |
sdlpop | Games | 1.21 | 14.2 |
sdltrs | System | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
seafile-client | Network | 4.4.6 | 14.2 |
seafile-gui | Desktop | 4.4.2 | 14.2 |
seafile-server | Network | 4.4.6 | 14.2 |
seahorse | System | 3.18.0 | 14.2 |
seahorse-plugins | Misc | 20150521_3781393eac | 14.2 |
seahub | Network | 4.4.6 | 14.2 |
searchmonkey | Desktop | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
seaview | Academic | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
secp256k1 | Libraries | 20170312 | 14.2 |
secpanel | Network | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
secretstorage | Python | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
secure-delete | System | 3.1_6 | 14.2 |
selenium | Python | 3.141.0 | 14.2 |
send2trash | Python | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
sendxmpp | Network | 1.24 | 14.2 |
sentimental-skk | System | 0.0.146 | 14.2 |
separate+ | Graphics | 0.5.8 | 14.2 |
seq24 | Audio | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
seqkit | Academic | 0.13.2 | 14.2 |
sequel | Ruby | 5.42.0 | 14.2 |
sequel4 | Ruby | 4.43.0 | 14.2 |
sequence-analysis | Academic | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
ser2net | System | 2.7 | 14.2 |
serd | Libraries | 0.30.4 | 14.2 |
serialmail | Network | 0.75 | 14.2 |
service_identity | Python | 17.0.0 | 14.2 |
serviio | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
setBfree | Audio | 0.8.11 | 14.2 |
set_rlimits | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
setconf | System | 0.7.7 | 14.2 |
setedit | Development | 0.5.8p | 14.2 |
setproctitle | Libraries | 1.1.10 | 14.2 |
setuptools-git | Development | 1.1 | 14.2 |
setuptools-scm | Python | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
setuptools-scm-git-archive | Python | 1.0 | 14.2 |
sfarkxtc | Audio | 20070326 | 14.2 |
sfc | Audio | 0.018 | 14.2 |
sfeed | Network | 0.9.22 | 14.2 |
sflowtool | Network | 3.41 | 14.2 |
sfnt2woff | Multimedia | 2009.10.03 | 14.2 |
sftp-cloudfs | Network | 0.19 | 14.2 |
sge-pygame | Python | 1.5 | 14.2 |
sgrep | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
sgsearch | Desktop | 1.1.9 | 14.2 |
shaderc | Graphics | 2020.4 | 14.2 |
shadowsocks-libev | Network | 3.3.5 | 14.2 |
shairplay | Libraries | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
shake | System | 0.999 | 14.2 |
shalbum | Graphics | 1.22 | 14.2 |
shc | Development | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
shed | Development | 1.15 | 14.2 |
shell-fm | Audio | 0.8 | 14.2 |
shibboleth-sp | Network | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
shiboken | Development | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
shntool | Audio | 3.0.10 | 14.2 |
shorewall | Network | 5.2.8 | 14.2 |
shorewall-core | Network | 5.2.8 | 14.2 |
shorewall6 | Network | 5.2.8 | 14.2 |
shorten | Audio | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
shorturl | Accessibility | 0.8 | 14.2 |
shotcut | Multimedia | 18.11.18 | 14.2 |
shotwell | Graphics | 0.24.0 | 14.2 |
shutil_get_terminal_size | Python | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
shutil_which | Python | 3.5.2 | 14.2 |
shutilwhich | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
shutter | Graphics | 0.94.3 | 14.2 |
siag | Office | 3.6.1 | 14.2 |
sic | Network | 1.2 | 14.2 |
sickrage | Network | 2018.09.17_1 | 14.2 |
sidplayfp | Audio | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
siege | Network | 4.0.4 | 14.2 |
sieve-connect | Network | 0.89 | 14.2 |
sigil | Office | 0.9.12 | 14.2 |
signal-desktop | Network | 5.0.0 | 14.2 |
signify | System | 20 | 14.2 |
sigrok-cli | Academic | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw | Misc | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
siji-font | System | 20171023_2546822 | 14.2 |
silc-toolkit | Network | 1.1.12 | 14.2 |
simavr | Development | git20170904 | 14.2 |
simbody | Libraries | 3.5.4 | 14.2 |
simon | Desktop | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
simple-scan | Graphics | 3.25.1 | 14.2 |
simpleburn | Multimedia | | 14.2 |
simplegeneric | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
simplejson | Python | 3.16.1 | 14.2 |
simplenote | Desktop | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
simplesok | Games | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
simsu | Games | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
simulavr | Development | git20170521 | 14.2 |
singledispatch | Python | | 14.2 |
singularity | Games | | 14.2 |
sinthgunt | Multimedia | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
sipcalc | Network | 1.1.6 | 14.2 |
sipp | Network | 3.6.0 | 14.2 |
siril | Academic | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
siva-flat-themes | Desktop | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
six | Python | 1.14.0 | 14.2 |
sk1libs | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
skalibs | Libraries | | 14.2 |
skb | Desktop | 0.4 | 14.2 |
skim | System | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
skippy-xd | Desktop | 2016.10.20 | 14.2 |
skopeo | System | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
skrooge | Business | 1.12.5 | 14.2 |
sks-keyserver | Network | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
skstream | Libraries | 0.3.9 | 14.2 |
skulltag | Games | 098d | 14.2 |
skulpture | Desktop | 0.2.4 | 14.2 |
skype4pidgin | Network | 1.7 | 14.2 |
skypeforlinux | Network | | 14.2 |
sl | Games | 5.02 | 14.2 |
slack | Network | 4.4.2 | 14.2 |
slack-osquery | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
slack-scripts | System | 0.0.3 | 14.2 |
slack-utils | System | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
slack-wallpapers | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
slackchlog | System | 0.1 | 14.2 |
slackroll | System | git0c6ab0b | 14.2 |
slackware-grub2-theme | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
slackware-xdg-menu | Desktop | | 14.2 |
slackware-xdm-theme | Desktop | 20170522 | 14.2 |
slackyd | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
slatec | Academic | 4.1 | 14.2 |
sleepd | System | 2.05 | 14.2 |
sleuthkit | System | 4.10.1 | 14.2 |
slib | Libraries | 3b5 | 14.2 |
slibtool | Development | 0.5.33 | 14.2 |
slim | System | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
slimjet | Network | | 14.2 |
slirp4netns | Network | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
sloccount | Development | 2.26 | 14.2 |
slock | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
slop | Misc | 7.5 | 14.2 |
slowhttptest | Network | 1.7 | 14.2 |
slpkg | System | 3.9.1 | 14.2 |
slurm | Network | 20.11.4 | 14.2 |
slv2 | Libraries | 0.6.6 | 14.2 |
smalltalk | Development | 3.2.5 | 14.2 |
smaragd | Desktop | 0.0.7 | 14.2 |
smart | System | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
smartgit | Development | 7.0.3 | 14.2 |
smartsvn | Development | 9.0.5 | 14.2 |
smashbattle | Games | 110224 | 14.2 |
smath-studio | Academic | 0.97.5346 | 14.2 |
smb4k | Network | 1.2.3 | 14.2 |
smbldap-tools | System | 0.9.10 | 14.2 |
smc | Games | 20140328 | 14.2 |
smcroute | Network | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
smem | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
smlnj | Development | 110.79 | 14.2 |
smmap | Libraries | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
smmap2 | Libraries | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
smoffice2016 | Office | 2016_765 | 14.2 |
smoffice2018 | Office | 2018_976 | 14.2 |
smoffice2021 | Office | 2021_1024 | 14.2 |
smokinguns | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
smpeg | Multimedia | r389 | 14.2 |
smpeg2 | Libraries | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
smplayer | Multimedia | 20.6.0 | 14.2 |
sms_sdl | Games | 0.9.4a_r7.1 | 14.2 |
smstools3 | Network | 3.1.21 | 14.2 |
smtube | Multimedia | 20.6.0 | 14.2 |
smuxi | Network | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
snack | Development | 2.2.10 | 14.2 |
snappy | Development | 1.1.8 | 14.2 |
snapscreenshot | System | | 14.2 |
snd | Audio | 20.3 | 14.2 |
snes9x | Games | 1.60 | 14.2 |
snes9x2010 | Games | 2020.05.18_187e2b5 | 14.2 |
sng | Graphics | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
sniffjoke | Network | 0.4.2_aa2a003 | 14.2 |
snmpsim | Network | 0.0.10 | 14.2 |
snmptt | Network | 1.4 | 14.2 |
snort | Network | | 14.2 |
snow | Misc | 20130616 | 14.2 |
snowballstemmer | Python | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
snpEff | Academic | 4.3t | 14.2 |
snuggs | Python | 1.4.7 | 14.2 |
socat | Network | | 14.2 |
social-engineer-toolkit | Network | 7.4.5 | 14.2 |
socketcand | System | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
socklog | System | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
sofastats | Office | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
softhsm | System | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
soil | Libraries | 1.07 | 14.2 |
sokowiz | Games | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
solarize-12x29-psf | System | 20150529 | 14.2 |
solarus | Games | 1.6.4 | 14.2 |
solarus-quest-editor | Games | 1.6.4 | 14.2 |
solarwolf | Games | 1.5 | 14.2 |
solfege | Academic | 3.22.2 | 14.2 |
solunar | Misc | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
sonarqube | Development | 5.6.1 | 14.2 |
sonata | Audio | | 14.2 |
sonic-visualiser | Audio | 4.2 | 14.2 |
sooperlooper | Audio | 1.7.6 | 14.2 |
sopcast | Network | 3.2.6 | 14.2 |
sopcast-player | Network | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
sord | Libraries | 0.16.4 | 14.2 |
soundcloud | Python | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
soundconverter | Audio | 2.1.5 | 14.2 |
soundkonverter | Audio | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
soundmodem | Ham | 0.18 | 14.2 |
soundtouch | Libraries | 1.9.2 | 14.2 |
source-highlight | Development | 3.1.9 | 14.2 |
sourcenav | Development | 4.5 | 14.2 |
soxr | Audio | 0.1.3 | 14.2 |
spacefm | System | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
spades | Academic | 3.14.1 | 14.2 |
spamassassin | Network | 3.4.6 | 14.2 |
spambayes | Network | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
spandsp | Audio | 0.0.6 | 14.2 |
sparsehash | Libraries | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
spatialite-tools | Gis | 4.2.0 | 14.2 |
spatialite_gui | Gis | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
spawn-fcgi | Network | 1.6.4 | 14.2 |
spdlog | Libraries | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
speaklater | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
specimen | Audio | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
spectools | Ham | 2016_01_R1 | 14.2 |
spectrwm | Desktop | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
speech-dispatcher | Accessibility | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
speed-dreams | Games | 2.2.2_r6553 | 14.2 |
speedcontrol | System | 20041204 | 14.2 |
speedcrunch | Academic | 0.12.0 | 14.2 |
speedometer | Network | 2.8 | 14.2 |
speedtest-cli | Network | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
speex | Audio | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
spek | Multimedia | 0.8.3_07c13da27d | 14.2 |
sphinx | Network | 2.2.11 | 14.2 |
sphinx-rtd-theme | Python | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
sphinx_rtd_theme | Development | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-applehelp | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-devhelp | Python | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-jsmath | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-plantuml | Python | 0.18 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-qthelp | Python | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | Python | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | Python | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
spice | Network | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
spice-gtk | Network | 0.35 | 14.2 |
spice-guest-tools | System | 0.141 | 14.2 |
spice-protocol | Development | 0.12.15 | 14.2 |
spice-vdagent | System | 0.17.0 | 14.2 |
spiceopus | Academic | 2.3 | 14.2 |
spidey | Academic | 20060601 | 14.2 |
spin | Development | 6.5.2 | 14.2 |
spkg | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
spl | Development | 1.0pre6 | 14.2 |
spl-solaris | System | 0.7.13 | 14.2 |
splint | Development | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
splix | System | 2.0.0_76268c4 | 14.2 |
spman | System | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
spotify | Multimedia | 1.1.10 | 14.2 |
spotlighter | Misc | 0.1 | 14.2 |
spqr | Academic | 2.0.9 | 14.2 |
spread-sheet-widget | Libraries | 0.3 | 14.2 |
spring | Games | 104.0 | 14.2 |
spyder | Development | 2.3.9 | 14.2 |
sql | Python | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
sqlalchemy-migrate | Python | 0.13.0 | 14.2 |
sqlcipher | System | 4.4.2 | 14.2 |
sqlcl | Development | | 14.2 |
sqldeveloper | Development | | 14.2 |
sqldiff | System | 3.13 | 14.2 |
sqlite2 | System | 2.8.17_7 | 14.2 |
sqlite3 | Ruby | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
sqlitebrowser | Development | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
sqliteman | Development | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
sqliteodbc | Libraries | 0.9998 | 14.2 |
sqlmap | Network | 1.4.9 | 14.2 |
sqlninja | Network | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
sqlparse | Python | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
sqlpp11 | Libraries | 0.51 | 14.2 |
sqlpp11-connector-mysql | Libraries | 0.21 | 14.2 |
sqlpp11-connector-sqlite3 | Libraries | 0.25 | 14.2 |
sqlrelay | Network | 0.65.0 | 14.2 |
squeak-vm | Development | | 14.2 |
squid | Network | 4.13 | 14.2 |
squidGuard | Network | 1.4 | 14.2 |
squidanalyzer | Network | 5.3 | 14.2 |
squidclamav | System | 6.16 | 14.2 |
squirrel-sql | Development | 4.0.0 | 14.2 |
squirrelmail | Network | 1.4.22 | 14.2 |
squish | Libraries | r60 | 14.2 |
squizz | Academic | 0.99d | 14.2 |
sratom | Libraries | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
srb2 | Games | 2.2.8 | 14.2 |
src-vcs | Development | 1.28 | 14.2 |
srcML | Development | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
srecord | Development | 1.64 | 14.2 |
srm | System | 1.2.15 | 14.2 |
srt | Libraries | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
srt-to-vtt-cl | Multimedia | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
ssdeep | System | 2.10 | 14.2 |
ssh-chat | Network | 1.10 | 14.2 |
sshblock | Network | 0.5 | 14.2 |
sshfp | Network | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
sshfs-fuse | Network | 3.7.1 | 14.2 |
sshguard | Network | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
sshpass | Network | 1.06 | 14.2 |
sshuttle | Network | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
sslh | Network | 1.18 | 14.2 |
ssllabs-scan | Network | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
sslscan | Network | 2.0.9 | 14.2 |
sslstrip | Network | 0.9 | 14.2 |
ssmtp | Network | 2.64 | 14.2 |
ssr | Desktop | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
ssss | Misc | 0.5 | 14.2 |
sstp-client | Network | 1.0.12 | 14.2 |
ssvnc | Network | 1.0.30 | 14.2 |
st | System | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
staden | Academic | 2.0.0b11 | 14.2 |
stalonetray | Desktop | 0.8.3 | 14.2 |
stansoft | Business | 7.21 | 14.2 |
stardict | Misc | 3.0.6 | 14.2 |
stardict-tools | Misc | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
starfighter | Games | 2.4 | 14.2 |
staruml | Development | 2.8.0 | 14.2 |
statifier | System | 1.7.4 | 14.2 |
statsmodels | Python | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
steam | Games | | 14.2 |
steamos-xpad | System | f5f73eb | 14.2 |
steem | Games | 3.2 | 14.2 |
steghide | System | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
stegseek | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
stella | Games | 6.4 | 14.2 |
stella-libretro | Games | 2018.09.29_3ed8154 | 14.2 |
stellarium | Academic | 0.20.4 | 14.2 |
stem | Python | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
stevedore | Python | 1.31.0 | 14.2 |
stfl | Libraries | 0.24 | 14.2 |
stgit | Development | 0.15 | 14.2 |
stills2dv | Multimedia | alpha_0.602 | 14.2 |
stk | Libraries | 4.4.4 | 14.2 |
stlink | Development | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
stm32flash | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
stockfish | Games | 11 | 14.2 |
stoken | Desktop | 0.81 | 14.2 |
stone_soup | Games | 0.26.0 | 14.2 |
stopit | Python | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
stops | Audio | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
stormbaancoureur | Games | 2.1.6 | 14.2 |
stow | System | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
stratagus | Games | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
straw-viewer | Multimedia | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
strawberry | Multimedia | 0.6.12 | 14.2 |
streamripper | Audio | 1.64.6 | 14.2 |
streamtuner | Audio | 0.99.99 | 14.2 |
stress | System | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
stress-ng | System | 0.09.48 | 14.2 |
stringtie | Academic | 1.3.6 | 14.2 |
strongswan | Network | 5.9.1 | 14.2 |
stuntrally | Games | 2.6 | 14.2 |
sublime_merge | Development | 1119 | 14.2 |
sublime_text | Development | 3.2.11 | 14.2 |
subprocess32 | Python | 3.5.2 | 14.2 |
subsurface | Misc | 4.9.3 | 14.2 |
subtitlecomposer | Multimedia | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
subtitleeditor | Multimedia | 0.52.1 | 14.2 |
subtitleripper | Multimedia | 0.3_4 | 14.2 |
subtle | Desktop | 0.11.3224_xi | 14.2 |
subuser | Python | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
subvertpy | Python | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
suckless-tools | System | 20140317 | 14.2 |
sudosh2 | System | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
suds-jurko | Python | 0.6 | 14.2 |
suhosin | System | 0.9.38 | 14.2 |
suil | Libraries | 0.10.6 | 14.2 |
suitesparse | Academic | 5.7.2 | 14.2 |
suitesparseconfig | Academic | 5.8.1 | 14.2 |
sumeria | Games | 20020219 | 14.2 |
sumwars | Games | 0.5.8 | 14.2 |
sun | Desktop | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
sundials | Academic | 5.6.1 | 14.2 |
sunflower | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
sunvox | Audio | 1.9.6 | 14.2 |
sunwait | Misc | 0.8 | 14.2 |
superkey-launch | Desktop | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
supermariowar | Games | 2.0beta1.1 | 14.2 |
supertux | Games | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
supertuxkart | Games | 1.2 | 14.2 |
supervisor | System | 3.3.4 | 14.2 |
surf | Network | 2.0 | 14.2 |
surfraw | Network | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
suricata | Network | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
surl | Network | | 14.2 |
sutils | Misc | 0.2 | 14.2 |
svkbd | Accessibility | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
svn-all-fast-export | Development | 1.0.18 | 14.2 |
svox | Accessibility | 1.0+git20130326_8 | 14.2 |
svp | Graphics | 0.3 | 14.2 |
svxlink | Ham | 19.09.1 | 14.2 |
svxlink-sounds-en_US-heather-16k | Ham | 19.09 | 14.2 |
swaks | Network | 20190914.0 | 14.2 |
swami | Audio | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
swatch | System | 3.2.4 | 14.2 |
swfdec | Libraries | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
swfmill | Development | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
swh-plugins | Audio | 0.4.15 | 14.2 |
swh-plugins-lv2 | Audio | 1.0.16 | 14.2 |
swi-prolog | Development | 8.2.1 | 14.2 |
swift | Development | 4.0 | 14.2 |
sword | Academic | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
sword-data-kjv | Academic | 1.8.1_1 | 14.2 |
swun | System | 0.0.3 | 14.2 |
sxhkd | Desktop | 0.5.9 | 14.2 |
sxiv | Graphics | 26 | 14.2 |
sylpheed | Network | 3.7.0 | 14.2 |
symbola-font-ttf | System | 13.00 | 14.2 |
sympy | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
sync-engine | Desktop | 0.13 | 14.2 |
synce-kpm | Desktop | 0.13 | 14.2 |
syncthing | Network | 1.14.0 | 14.2 |
synergy | Network | 1.8.8 | 14.2 |
synthv1 | Audio | 0.9.18 | 14.2 |
syobonaction | Games | 0.2 | 14.2 |
sysbench | System | 1.0.19 | 14.2 |
sysdig | System | 0.26.6 | 14.2 |
syslog-ng | System | 3.10.1 | 14.2 |
system76-io-dkms | System | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
system76-power | System | 1.1.16 | 14.2 |
systemtap | Development | 4.1 | 14.2 |
t-prot | Office | 3.4 | 14.2 |
t1utils | System | 1.42 | 14.2 |
t38modem | Network | 3.15 | 14.2 |
t38modem-opal | Libraries | 3.10.15 | 14.2 |
t38modem-ptlib | Libraries | 2.10.15 | 14.2 |
t4k_common | Libraries | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
t50 | Network | 5.4.1_rc1 | 14.2 |
tDOM | Libraries | 0.8.3 | 14.2 |
t_coffee | Academic | 13.41.0_git28bdc39 | 14.2 |
ta-lib | Libraries | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
tabbed | System | 0.6 | 14.2 |
tabix-legacy | Academic | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
tabu_audio_player | Multimedia | 2.0 | 14.2 |
tagainijisho | System | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
tagpy | Python | 2013.1 | 14.2 |
tagtool | Audio | 0.12.3 | 14.2 |
tagtools | System | v1 | 14.2 |
tahoe-lafs | Network | 1.12.1 | 14.2 |
taipan | Games | 0.9 | 14.2 |
tal | Misc | 1.9 | 14.2 |
talkfilters | Games | 2.3.8 | 14.2 |
tamsyn-font | System | 1.11 | 14.2 |
tamu_anova | Libraries | 0.2 | 14.2 |
tanglet | Games | 1.5.3 | 14.2 |
tangogps | Gis | 0.99.4 | 14.2 |
tanya | Development | 0.16.1 | 14.2 |
tap_plugins | Audio | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
tapiir | Audio | 0.7.3 | 14.2 |
targetcli-fb | System | 2.1.53 | 14.2 |
tarsnap | System | 1.0.39 | 14.2 |
task | Office | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
taskd | Office | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
taskjuggler | Office | 3.7.1 | 14.2 |
taskopen | Office | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
tasksh | Office | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
tauonmb | Audio | 6.5.4 | 14.2 |
tbb | Libraries | 2020u2 | 14.2 |
tbftss | Games | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
tbsm | System | 0.5 | 14.2 |
tc-play | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
tcc | Development | 0.9.27 | 14.2 |
tcl-inotify | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
tcl-promise | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
tcl-tls | Libraries | 1.6.7 | 14.2 |
tclap | Libraries | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
tclblt | Graphics | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
tcllib | Libraries | 1.20 | 14.2 |
tcludp | Development | 1.0.11 | 14.2 |
tclvfs | Development | 20080503 | 14.2 |
tcpflow | Network | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
tcptunnel | Network | 0.7 | 14.2 |
tea | Development | 60.0.3 | 14.2 |
teams | Network | | 14.2 |
teams-for-linux | Office | 0.0.7 | 14.2 |
teamviewer | Network | 15.16.8 | 14.2 |
teapot | Office | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
teensy_loader_cli | Development | 2.0 | 14.2 |
teeworlds | Games | | 14.2 |
tegaki-zinnia-japanese | Misc | 0.3 | 14.2 |
teighafileconverter | Graphics | | 14.2 |
teighaviewer | Graphics | 4.00.0 | 14.2 |
telegraf | System | 1.18.1 | 14.2 |
telegram | Network | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
telegram-cli | Network | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
telepathy-farstream | Multimedia | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
telepathy-glib | Multimedia | 0.24.1 | 14.2 |
telepathy-qt | Multimedia | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
tellico | Office | 2.3.12 | 14.2 |
tempita | Python | 0.5.3dev | 14.2 |
tempora | Python | 1.11 | 14.2 |
term2048 | Games | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
termcolor | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
termenu | System | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
terminado | Python | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
terminaltables | Python | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
terminator | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
terminology | System | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
termite | System | 13 | 14.2 |
termsaver | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
termsyn-font | System | 1.8.7 | 14.2 |
tesseract | Graphics | 4.1.1 | 14.2 |
testdisk | System | 7.0 | 14.2 |
testpath | Python | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
testscenarios | Python | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
testtools | Python | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
texi2html | Development | 5.0 | 14.2 |
texlive | Office | 2020.200608 | 14.2 |
texlive-docs | Office | 2020.200608 | 14.2 |
texlive-extra | Office | 2020.200608 | 14.2 |
texmacs | Office | 1.99.17 | 14.2 |
texmaker | Office | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
texscythe | Misc | git_0a7b692f | 14.2 |
texstudio | Office | 2.12.22 | 14.2 |
text2pdf | Office | 1.1 | 14.2 |
textadept | Development | 10.8 | 14.2 |
textext | Graphics | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
texworks | Office | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
tff | Libraries | 0.2.10 | 14.2 |
tgext.routes | Python | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
tgif-QPL | Graphics | 4.2.5 | 14.2 |
tgt | Network | 1.0.79 | 14.2 |
the_silver_searcher | System | 2.2.0 | 14.2 |
thermald | System | 1.9 | 14.2 |
thin-provisioning-tools | System | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
thinkfan | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
thonny | Python | 3.3.6 | 14.2 |
thread | Development | 2.8.2 | 14.2 |
threadpool | Python | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
thrift | Network | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
thttpd | Network | 2.29 | 14.2 |
thunar-archive-plugin | Desktop | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
thunar-custom-actions | Desktop | 0.0.22 | 14.2 |
thunar-dropbox | Desktop | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
thunar-media-tags-plugin | Desktop | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
thunar-sendto-clamtk | Desktop | 0.06 | 14.2 |
thunar-thumbnailers | Desktop | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
thunar-vcs-plugin | Desktop | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
thunarx-python | Python | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
thunderpad | Development | 20150716 | 14.2 |
ticpp | System | 0.1 | 14.2 |
tidy-html5 | Development | 5.7.28 | 14.2 |
tidyp | Misc | 1.04 | 14.2 |
tiemu | Academic | 3.03 | 14.2 |
tig | Development | 2.5.3 | 14.2 |
tiger | System | 3.2.3 | 14.2 |
tightvnc | Network | 1.3.10 | 14.2 |
tilda | System | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
tiled | Development | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
tilem | Academic | 0.973 | 14.2 |
tilem2 | Academic | 2.0 | 14.2 |
tilix | System | 1.8.5 | 14.2 |
timehash | Python | 1.1 | 14.2 |
timetrap | Office | 1.15.2 | 14.2 |
timew | Office | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
tinc | Network | 1.0.36 | 14.2 |
tini | System | 0.19.0 | 14.2 |
tint2 | Desktop | 16.7 | 14.2 |
tintii | Graphics | 2.10.0 | 14.2 |
tintin | Games | 2.01.1 | 14.2 |
tinycdb | System | 0.78 | 14.2 |
tinycss | Python | 0.4 | 14.2 |
tinycss2 | Python | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
tinyirc | Network | 1.1_4 | 14.2 |
tinyproxy | Network | 1.10.0 | 14.2 |
tinyterm | System | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
tinyvm | System | 20180322 | 14.2 |
tinyxml | Libraries | 2.6.2 | 14.2 |
tinyxml2 | Libraries | 8.0.0 | 14.2 |
tivodecode | Multimedia | 0.2pre4 | 14.2 |
tixati | Network | 2.78_1 | 14.2 |
tkcvs | Development | 8.2.1 | 14.2 |
tkdiff | Development | 5.1 | 14.2 |
tkdnd | Development | 2.7 | 14.2 |
tkdvd | System | 4.0.9 | 14.2 |
tkgate | Academic | 2.0_b10 | 14.2 |
tkimg | Libraries | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
tklib | Development | 0.6 | 14.2 |
tkpng | Graphics | 0.9 | 14.2 |
tlf | Ham | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
tlsh | Libraries | 3.4.5 | 14.2 |
tm | System | 20180206 | 14.2 |
tmate | Network | 2.1 | 14.2 |
tmdb3 | Libraries | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
tmpwatch | System | 2.11 | 14.2 |
tmuxp | System | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
tnftp | Network | 20200705 | 14.2 |
tnote | Office | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
tntnet | Network | 2.2.1 | 14.2 |
todo.txt-cli | Office | 2.12.0 | 14.2 |
toilet | Misc | 0.3 | 14.2 |
tokyocabinet | System | 1.4.43 | 14.2 |
tokyotyrant | System | 1.1.40 | 14.2 |
tolua++ | Libraries | 1.0.93 | 14.2 |
tomahawk | Multimedia | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
tomb | System | 2.9 | 14.2 |
tomcat-native | Libraries | 1.2.23 | 14.2 |
tome | Games | 1.5.10 | 14.2 |
tome-ah | Games | 2.3.11_ah | 14.2 |
tome-sx | Games | 20160915_c1fe5a0 | 14.2 |
tong | Games | 1.3 | 14.2 |
topdraw | Academic | sep2002 | 14.2 |
tophat | Academic | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
tor | Network | | 14.2 |
tor-browser | Network | 10.0.15 | 14.2 |
tora | Development | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
torcs | Games | 1.3.7 | 14.2 |
tornado | Network | 5.1.1 | 14.2 |
tornado_systemd | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
toro | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
torrentinfo | Misc | 1.8.6 | 14.2 |
torsocks | Network | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
totem | Multimedia | 2.32.0 | 14.2 |
totem-pl-parser | Libraries | 3.4.5 | 14.2 |
tovid | Multimedia | 0.35.2 | 14.2 |
tox | Python | 3.1.2 | 14.2 |
tox-extension-messages | Libraries | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
toxcore | Network | 20160928_dcf2aaa | 14.2 |
toxext | Libraries | 0.0.2 | 14.2 |
tp_smapi | System | 0.43 | 14.2 |
tpc | System | 0.44rc2 | 14.2 |
tpe-kmod | System | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
tpm | System | 1.3.3 | 14.2 |
tpp | Office | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
tqdm | Python | 4.36.1 | 14.2 |
tqsl | Ham | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
trac | Development | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
traceback2 | Python | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
trachet | System | 1.0.9 | 14.2 |
trackballs | Games | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
tracker | System | 1.7.1 | 14.2 |
trackfs | System | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
trader | Libraries | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
traduisons | Office | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
tragtor | Multimedia | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
traitlets | Python | 5.0.5 | 14.2 |
traittypes | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
transcode | Multimedia | 1.1.7 | 14.2 |
transcribe | Audio | 8.73 | 14.2 |
transfusion | Games | 1.05_beta2 | 14.2 |
transgui | Network | 5.18.0 | 14.2 |
translate | Network | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
translate-shell | Network | | 14.2 |
transmission | Network | 3.00 | 14.2 |
transmission-qt4 | Network | 2.94 | 14.2 |
transmission-remote-gtk | Network | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
trash | System | 1.4 | 14.2 |
trash-cli | System | | 14.2 |
trashy | System | 2.3 | 14.2 |
trayer-srg | Desktop | 1.1.8 | 14.2 |
tre | Libraries | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
tree-sitter | Libraries | 0.17.3 | 14.2 |
treebest-ensembl | Academic | 1.9.2_git347fa82 | 14.2 |
treerecs | Academic | 1.2 | 14.2 |
treesheets | Office | 150616 | 14.2 |
treeviewx | Academic | 0.5.1_20100723 | 14.2 |
trelby | Office | 2.2 | 14.2 |
trello-cli | Office | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
trezor | Python | 0.7.9.post1 | 14.2 |
trf | Development | 2.1p2 | 14.2 |
trfind | Academic | 4.09.1 | 14.2 |
triangulizor | Graphics | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
tribler | Network | 6.4.0 | 14.2 |
trigger-rally | Games | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
triggerhappy | System | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
trilinos | Libraries | 12.6.3 | 14.2 |
trimage | Graphics | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
trimmomatic | Academic | 0.39 | 14.2 |
triplea | Games | | 14.2 |
trmaid | System | 0.6.8 | 14.2 |
trojita | Network | 0.7 | 14.2 |
trollius | Python | 2.2 | 14.2 |
trrntzip | System | v02 | 14.2 |
tryton | Business | 3.0.3 | 14.2 |
trytond | Business | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
ts | System | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
tsocks | Libraries | 1.8beta5 | 14.2 |
tstoolbox | Development | | 14.2 |
tstools | Multimedia | 20151030_db1f79f | 14.2 |
tt | Games | 15.1 | 14.2 |
tta | Audio | 2.3 | 14.2 |
ttaenc | Audio | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
ttcp | Network | 1.12 | 14.2 |
ttdnsd | Network | 0.7 | 14.2 |
ttf-aller | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ttf-ancient-fonts | System | 2.60 | 14.2 |
ttf-arphic-uming | System | 0.2.20080216.1 | 14.2 |
ttf-bitstream-vera | System | 1.10 | 14.2 |
ttf-caladea | System | 20130214 | 14.2 |
ttf-carlito | System | 20130920 | 14.2 |
ttf-charis-sil | System | 5.000 | 14.2 |
ttf-coda | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ttf-computer-modern | System | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
ttf-console-fonts | System | 20170403_abc5771 | 14.2 |
ttf-crosscorefonts | System | 20180624 | 14.2 |
ttf-dark-courier | System | 01182001 | 14.2 |
ttf-doulos-sil | System | 5.000 | 14.2 |
ttf-ibm-plex | System | 5.1.3 | 14.2 |
ttf-inconsolata | System | 20160814 | 14.2 |
ttf-ipaex | System | 004.01 | 14.2 |
ttf-lato | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ttf-monaco | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ttf-mononoki | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
ttf-open-sans | System | 1.11 | 14.2 |
ttf-paratype-pt-fonts | System | 2019 | 14.2 |
ttf-roboto | System | 2.138 | 14.2 |
ttf-ubuntu-font-family | System | 0.83 | 14.2 |
ttf-xo-fonts | System | 2019 | 14.2 |
ttf-zekton | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
ttmkfdir | System | 3.0.9 | 14.2 |
ttop | System | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
tty-clock | Desktop | git20130806 | 14.2 |
tty-solitaire | Games | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
tty2gif | System | 0.2 | 14.2 |
ttygif | System | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
ttyload | Graphics | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
ttyrec | System | 1.0.8 | 14.2 |
tucan | Network | 0.3.10 | 14.2 |
tudu | Office | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
tunctl | Network | 1.5 | 14.2 |
turbolift | Network | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
turtl | Office | | 14.2 |
tuxfootball | Games | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
tuxguitar | Audio | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
tuxkart | Games | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
tuxmath | Academic | 2.0.3 | 14.2 |
tuxnes | Games | 0.75 | 14.2 |
tuxpaint | Graphics | 0.9.25 | 14.2 |
tuxpaint-stamps | Graphics | 2020.12.27 | 14.2 |
tuxtype2 | Academic | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
tvheadend | Multimedia | 3.4patch1 | 14.2 |
tvtime | Multimedia | 1.0.7 | 14.2 |
twa | Misc | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
twapake | System | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
tweak | Development | 3.02 | 14.2 |
tweepy | Python | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
twhamqth | Ham | 2.0 | 14.2 |
twin | System | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
twine | Network | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
Network | 1.18.0 | 14.2 | |
twolame | Audio | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
tworld | Games | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
txi2p | Python | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
txrequests | Python | 0.9.6 | 14.2 |
txsocksx | Python | | 14.2 |
txt2html | Perl | 2.51 | 14.2 |
txt2regex | Misc | 0.9 | 14.2 |
txt2tags | Misc | r1172 | 14.2 |
txtorcon | Python | 0.19.3 | 14.2 |
typed_ast | Python | 1.4.3 | 14.2 |
typespeed | Games | 0.6.5 | 14.2 |
typhoon_2001 | Games | r3992 | 14.2 |
typing | Python | | 14.2 |
typing-extensions | Python | | 14.2 |
tyrquake-libretro | Games | 2018.09.30_83291a1 | 14.2 |
tyrutils-ericw | Development | 0.15.4 | 14.2 |
tzlocal | Python | 2.1 | 14.2 |
u-boot-tools | Development | 2017.01 | 14.2 |
u3-tool | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
uTox | Network | 0.18.1 | 14.2 |
uae | System | 0.8.29 | 14.2 |
ubertooth | Network | 2020.12.R1 | 14.2 |
ucarp | Network | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
ucblogo | Development | 6.0 | 14.2 |
ucl | Libraries | 1.03 | 14.2 |
ucommon | Libraries | 6.1.10 | 14.2 |
ucpp | Development | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
ucr | Games | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
ucsc-blat | Academic | 34 | 14.2 |
ucspi-ssl | Network | 0.70 | 14.2 |
ucspi-tcp | Network | 0.88 | 14.2 |
ucview | Multimedia | 20150221 | 14.2 |
udevil | System | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
udftools | System | 1.0.0b3 | 14.2 |
udig | Gis | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
udis86 | Development | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
udiskie | System | 1.7.6 | 14.2 |
udns | Network | 0.2 | 14.2 |
udpcast | Network | 20120424 | 14.2 |
udpxy | Network | 1.0.23_9 | 14.2 |
udunits | Libraries | 2.2.26 | 14.2 |
ueberzug | Graphics | 18.1.8 | 14.2 |
uemacs | Development | 20141208 | 14.2 |
ufiformat | System | 0.9.9 | 14.2 |
ufoai | Games | 2.5 | 14.2 |
ufraw | Graphics | 0.22 | 14.2 |
ufw | Network | 0.36 | 14.2 |
ugene | Academic | 35.0 | 14.2 |
uget | Network | 2.2.3_1 | 14.2 |
uget-chrome-wrapper | Network | 2.0.4 | 14.2 |
uget-integrator | Network | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
uhd | System | 003_005_002 | 14.2 |
uhubctl | System | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
uif2iso | System | 0.1.7c | 14.2 |
ulfius | Libraries | 2.7.2 | 14.2 |
uligo | Games | 0.3 | 14.2 |
ultimatestunts | Games | | 14.2 |
umfpack | Academic | 5.7.9 | 14.2 |
un-fonts-core | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
unac | System | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
unace | System | 2.5 | 14.2 |
unar | System | 1.10.7 | 14.2 |
unarr | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
unbound | Network | 1.13.1 | 14.2 |
unclutter | Accessibility | 1.09 | 14.2 |
unclutter-xfixes | Accessibility | 1.5 | 14.2 |
uncrustify | Development | 0.72.0 | 14.2 |
uncsv | Office | 0.9.1 | 14.2 |
unetbootin | System | 677 | 14.2 |
unhide | System | 20121229 | 14.2 |
uni2ascii | Misc | 4.18 | 14.2 |
unibilium | Libraries | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
unicode-character-database | System | 13.0.0 | 14.2 |
uniconvertor | Graphics | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
unicornscan | Network | 0.4.7_2 | 14.2 |
unifdef | Development | 2.12 | 14.2 |
unigine-heaven-benchmark | System | 4.0 | 14.2 |
unigine-superposition-benchmark | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
unigine-valley-benchmark | System | 1.0 | 14.2 |
unionfs-fuse | System | 2.1 | 14.2 |
unison | System | 2.51.3 | 14.2 |
units | Academic | 2.20 | 14.2 |
unittest-cpp | Development | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
universal-ctags | Development | af30512 | 14.2 |
univga-font | System | 20021031 | 14.2 |
unixODBC | Libraries | 2.3.7 | 14.2 |
unixcw | Ham | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
unknown-horizons | Games | 2017.2 | 14.2 |
unnethack | Games | 5.2.0 | 14.2 |
unoconv | Office | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
unp | System | 2.0~pre7+nmu1 | 14.2 |
unpaper | Graphics | 6.1 | 14.2 |
unrar | System | 5.6.1 | 14.2 |
unrardll | Python | 0.1.4 | 14.2 |
unrtf | System | 0.21.9 | 14.2 |
unsaver | Desktop | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
unsf | Audio | 1.1+git20180608 | 14.2 |
unshield | System | 0.6 | 14.2 |
untex | System | 1.3 | 14.2 |
unvanquished | Games | 0.50.0 | 14.2 |
upass | System | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
upscaledb | Libraries | 2.2.2 | 14.2 |
uptime | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
uptimed | System | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
upx | System | 3.94 | 14.2 |
uqm | Games | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
uqm_3domusic | Games | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
uqm_remixes | Games | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
uqm_voice | Games | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
urbanlightscape | Graphics | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
urdfdom | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
urdfdom_headers | Libraries | 0.4.1 | 14.2 |
uriparser | Libraries | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
urjtag | Development | 2017.10 | 14.2 |
urlgrabber | Network | 3.10 | 14.2 |
urlscan | Network | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
urlview | Network | 0.9 | 14.2 |
urlwatch | Network | 2.12 | 14.2 |
urn | Development | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
usbguard | System | 0.7.8 | 14.2 |
usbmon | System | 6.1 | 14.2 |
usbredir | System | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
usbrelay | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
usbview | System | 2.0 | 14.2 |
usermin | System | 1.823 | 14.2 |
ut2004 | Games | 3369 | 14.2 |
utfcpp | Libraries | 2012.02.10 | 14.2 |
uthash | Libraries | 1.9.9 | 14.2 |
utimer | Misc | 0.4 | 14.2 |
uudeview | Network | 0.5.20 | 14.2 |
uuid | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
uwm | Desktop | 0.2.11a | 14.2 |
uwsgi | Network | 2.0.15 | 14.2 |
uz80as | Development | 1.11 | 14.2 |
v4l2loopback | System | 0.12.5 | 14.2 |
vCAPS_coevolution | Academic | 2.0_1UN | 14.2 |
vacuum-im | Network | 1.2.5 | 14.2 |
vagrant | System | 2.2.15 | 14.2 |
vagrant-public-key | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
vala | Development | 0.34.9 | 14.2 |
vala-12 | Development | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
vala-panel-appmenu | Desktop | 0.5.6 | 14.2 |
valabind | Development | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
valgrind | Development | 3.17.0 | 14.2 |
valknut | Network | 0.4.9 | 14.2 |
valkyrie | Development | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
vamp-plugin-sdk | Audio | 2.9.0 | 14.2 |
vanguards | Python | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
vapoursynth | Multimedia | R52 | 14.2 |
vapoursynth-mvtools | Multimedia | 23 | 14.2 |
varconf | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
variety | Desktop | 0.6.4 | 14.2 |
varnish | Network | 6.5.1 | 14.2 |
vbam | Games | 2.1.4 | 14.2 |
vbindiff | System | 3.0_beta5 | 14.2 |
vblade | Network | 21 | 14.2 |
vbox-runner | Desktop | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
vcdimager | Multimedia | 0.7.24 | 14.2 |
vcf_plugins | Audio | 0.0.5 | 14.2 |
vcftools | Academic | 0.1.16 | 14.2 |
vcglib | Libraries | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
vcmi | Games | 0.99 | 14.2 |
vcmi-core | Games | 20130724 | 14.2 |
vcmi-resolutions | Games | 20140809 | 14.2 |
vcmi-wog | Games | 20121203 | 14.2 |
vcp | System | 2.2 | 14.2 |
vcspull | Network | 0.9.0 | 14.2 |
vcversioner | Python | | 14.2 |
vde2 | Network | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
vdk | Libraries | 2.5.1 | 14.2 |
vdpau-video | Libraries | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
vdpauinfo | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
vectoroids | Games | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
vegastrike | Games | 0.5.1.r1 | 14.2 |
velero | Development | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
veles | Graphics | 2018.05.0.TIF | 14.2 |
velox | Desktop | 0.0.3 | 14.2 |
vera | Games | 1.24 | 14.2 |
veracrypt | System | 1.22 | 14.2 |
verbiste | Office | 0.1.40 | 14.2 |
verilator | Academic | 4.030 | 14.2 |
verilog | Academic | 0.9.7 | 14.2 |
verlihub | Network | 0.9.8e_r2 | 14.2 |
verm | Network | 1.5.2 | 14.2 |
vertex-maia-icon-theme | Desktop | 20180118 | 14.2 |
vertex-maia-themes | Desktop | 20170128 | 14.2 |
vertex-theme | Desktop | 20170128 | 14.2 |
veryprettytable | Python | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
veusz | Academic | 3.3.1 | 14.2 |
vgmplay | Multimedia | 0.40.9 | 14.2 |
vhba-module | System | 20200106 | 14.2 |
viber | Network | | 14.2 |
vice | System | 3.4 | 14.2 |
victor-mono-fonts | System | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
vid.stab | Libraries | 97c6ae2 | 14.2 |
videocut | Multimedia | 0.2.0 | 14.2 |
viewnior | Graphics | 1.7 | 14.2 |
viewvc | Development | 1.1.20 | 14.2 |
vifm | System | 0.10.1 | 14.2 |
vigra | Libraries | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
viking | Gis | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
vile | Development | 9.8t | 14.2 |
vim-qt | Desktop | 20170421 | 14.2 |
vimb | Network | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
vimpc | Audio | 0.09.1 | 14.2 |
vine | Python | 5.0.0 | 14.2 |
vinetto | Python | 0.07 | 14.2 |
vinterm | System | 0.5.0 | 14.2 |
vips | Graphics | 8.1.1 | 14.2 |
virglrenderer | Libraries | 0.7.0 | 14.2 |
virt-manager | System | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
virt-viewer | System | 7.0 | 14.2 |
virtualbox | System | 5.0.40 | 14.2 |
virtualbox-addons | System | 5.0.40 | 14.2 |
virtualbox-extension-pack | System | 5.0.40 | 14.2 |
virtualbox-kernel | System | 5.0.40 | 14.2 |
virtualbox-kernel-addons | System | 5.0.40 | 14.2 |
virtualenv | Python | 15.1.0 | 14.2 |
virtualenv-clone | Python | 0.2.6 | 14.2 |
virtualenvwrapper | Python | 4.8.4 | 14.2 |
virtualjaguar-libretro | Games | 2018.08.12_f3cf607 | 14.2 |
vis | Development | 0.5 | 14.2 |
vispatch | Development | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
vitaquake2-libretro | Games | eaa758f | 14.2 |
vitetris | Games | 0.57 | 14.2 |
vitunes-mplayer | Multimedia | 2.3 | 14.2 |
vivacious-colors-gtk-icon-theme | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
vivacious-colors-gtk-theme | Desktop | 16.04.4 | 14.2 |
vivaldi | Network | 3.7.2218.52 | 14.2 |
vkQuake | Games | 1.05.2 | 14.2 |
vkeybd | Multimedia | 0.1.18d | 14.2 |
vlc | Multimedia | 3.0.12 | 14.2 |
vlna | Office | 1.5 | 14.2 |
vlock | System | 2.2.3 | 14.2 |
vlsub | Multimedia | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
vmd | Office | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
vmfs-tools | System | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
vmpk | Audio | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
vms | System | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
vms-empire | Games | 1.14 | 14.2 |
vmware-horizon-client | Network | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
vnstat | Network | 2.6 | 14.2 |
vobcopy | Multimedia | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
vobject | Python | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
vobsub2srt | Multimedia | 1.0pre7 | 14.2 |
vocoder | Audio | 0.29 | 14.2 |
vocoder-ladspa | Audio | 0.4 | 14.2 |
vokoscreenNG | Multimedia | 3.0.8 | 14.2 |
volatility | System | 2.6.1 | 14.2 |
volti | Audio | 0.2.3 | 14.2 | | Audio | 1.1a | 14.2 |
volumeicon | Audio | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
volwheel | Audio | 0.2.8 | 14.2 |
vorbisgain | Audio | 0.37 | 14.2 |
voxelands | Games | 1501.00 | 14.2 |
vpnc | Network | r550 | 14.2 |
vrrpd | Network | 1.0 | 14.2 |
vscode | Development | 1.21.1 | 14.2 |
vscode-bin | Development | 1.55.0 | 14.2 |
vscodium | Development | 1.54.2 | 14.2 |
vsqlite++ | Libraries | 0.3.13 | 14.2 |
vstudio | Development | 10 | 14.2 |
vsxu | Graphics | | 14.2 |
vtcol | System | 0.42.2 | 14.2 |
vte3 | Libraries | 0.50.2 | 14.2 |
vte3-ng | Libraries | 0.50.2.a | 14.2 |
vttest | Misc | 2.7.20210210 | 14.2 |
vtwm | Desktop | 5.5.0_rc8 | 14.2 |
vuescan | Graphics | 9.7.52 | 14.2 |
vulkan-sdk | Graphics | | 14.2 |
vulkan-sdk-bin | Graphics | | 14.2 |
vuze | Network | 4604 | 14.2 |
vwm | Desktop | 2.1.3 | 14.2 |
vym | Office | 2.2.4 | 14.2 |
w3af | Network | 1.0 | 14.2 |
w3lib | Python | 1.19.0 | 14.2 |
w3m | Network | 0.5.3_37 | 14.2 |
w_scan | Multimedia | 20141122 | 14.2 |
wacomtablet | System | 2.1 | 14.2 |
waitress | Python | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
wakeonlan | Network | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
wally | Desktop | 2.4.4 | 14.2 |
wammu | Office | 0.43 | 14.2 |
wangfonts | System | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
wangle | Libraries | 2017.09.25.00 | 14.2 |
waon | Audio | 0.10 | 14.2 |
wargus | Games | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
warmux | Games | 11.04.1 | 14.2 |
warsow | Games | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
warzone2100 | Games | 3.4.1 | 14.2 |
watch-fs | System | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
watchdog | Python | 0.10.4 | 14.2 |
watchman | Development | 4.9.0 | 14.2 |
waterCloset | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
watson | Office | 1.8.0 | 14.2 |
wavbreaker | Audio | 0.11 | 14.2 |
wavelet-denoise | Graphics | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
wavemon | Network | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
wayland | Libraries | 1.19.0 | 14.2 |
wayland-protocols | Graphics | 1.18 | 14.2 |
wbar | Desktop | 2.3.4 | 14.2 |
wcd | Misc | 6.0.3 | 14.2 |
wcslib | Libraries | 5.19.1 | 14.2 |
wcwidth | Python | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
wdfs | System | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
wdiff | System | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
weather | Misc | 2.3 | 14.2 |
weathercli | Network | 2.3.1 | 14.2 | | Libraries | 0.37 | 14.2 |
webalizer | Network | 2.23_08 | 14.2 |
webassets | Python | 0.12.1 | 14.2 |
webcore-fonts | System | 3.0 | 14.2 |
webhook | Network | 2.6.11 | 14.2 |
webkit2gtk | Libraries | 2.20.5 | 14.2 |
webkitgtk | Libraries | 2.4.11 | 14.2 |
webkitgtk3 | Libraries | 2.4.11 | 14.2 |
webmin | System | 1.973 | 14.2 |
weboob | Network | 0.a | 14.2 |
webp-pixbuf-loader | Graphics | 20191003.fb04954 | 14.2 |
websocket-client | Python | 0.58.0 | 14.2 |
webvfx | Multimedia | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
weechat | Network | 3.1 | 14.2 |
weetwit | Network | 0.10.2 | 14.2 |
wehi-cellsymphony | Academic | 20130721 | 14.2 |
wehi-deid | Academic | 20130720 | 14.2 |
wehi-hackit | Academic | 20050203 | 14.2 |
wehi-weasel | Academic | | 14.2 |
weighmail | Network | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
wendzelnntpd | Network | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
werkzeug | Python | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
wesnoth | Games | 1.14.15 | 14.2 |
weston | Desktop | 7.0.0 | 14.2 |
wfmath | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
wgetpaste | Accessibility | 2.29 | 14.2 |
wheel | Development | 0.33.0 | 14.2 |
when | Office | 1.1.40 | 14.2 |
whipper | Audio | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
whistle | Multimedia | 0.9.3 | 14.2 |
white_dune | Graphics | 1.876 | 14.2 |
whitebox-tools | Gis | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
whowatch | System | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
whysynth | Audio | 20100922 | 14.2 |
whyteboard | Graphics | 0.41.1 | 14.2 |
widelands | Games | build19 | 14.2 |
wifi-radar | Network | 2.0.s10 | 14.2 |
wifite | Network | 20150525_edbdedd | 14.2 |
wiimms-iso-tools | System | 3.02a | 14.2 |
wildfly | Network | 18.0.0 | 14.2 |
wimlib | Libraries | 1.13.3 | 14.2 |
windscribe | Network | 1.4 | 14.2 |
wine | System | 6.0 | 14.2 |
wine-nine-standalone | Graphics | 0.7 | 14.2 |
wine-staging | System | 6.5 | 14.2 |
wineasio | Audio | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
winetricks | System | 20190615 | 14.2 |
winff | Multimedia | 20170714_220b212 | 14.2 |
wink | Office | 1.5 | 14.2 |
winpdb | Python | 1.4.8 | 14.2 |
winusb | System | 1.0.11 | 14.2 |
wipe | System | 2.3.1 | 14.2 |
wire | Network | 3.24.2939 | 14.2 |
wireguard-linux-compat | Network | 1.0.20210219 | 14.2 |
wireguard-tools | Network | 1.0.20210315 | 14.2 |
wireshark | Network | 3.4.4 | 14.2 |
with-readline | Misc | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
wjelement | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
wkhtmltopdf | Misc | | 14.2 |
wkhtmltox | Misc | 0.12.4 | 14.2 |
wmCalClock | Desktop | 1.25 | 14.2 |
wmMoonClock | Desktop | 1.27 | 14.2 |
wmSun | Desktop | 1.12 | 14.2 |
wmSunMoon | Desktop | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
wmakerconf | Desktop | 2.12 | 14.2 |
wmalauncher | Desktop | 2020.0905 | 14.2 |
wmbackground | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
wmbattery | Desktop | 2.51 | 14.2 |
wmbday | Misc | 0.3.1 | 14.2 |
wmbiff | Desktop | 0.4.27 | 14.2 |
wmblob | Desktop | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
wmbutton | Desktop | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
wmcalc | Academic | 0.7 | 14.2 |
wmcliphist | Desktop | 2.1 | 14.2 |
wmclock | Desktop | 1.0.14 | 14.2 |
wmclockmon | Desktop | 0.8.1 | 14.2 |
wmconfig | System | 1.4.11 | 14.2 |
wmcpufreq | Desktop | 3.1 | 14.2 |
wmcpuwatch | Desktop | 0.2 | 14.2 |
wmctrl | Desktop | 1.07 | 14.2 |
wmcube | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
wmdate | Desktop | 0.7 | 14.2 |
wmdl | Desktop | 1.4.1 | 14.2 |
wmdrawer | Desktop | 0.10.5 | 14.2 |
wmfire | Desktop | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
wmfishtime | Desktop | 1.24 | 14.2 |
wmfsm | System | 0.36 | 14.2 |
wmget | Network | 0.6.0 | 14.2 |
wmgtemp | System | 1.2 | 14.2 |
wmii | Desktop | 3.9.2 | 14.2 |
wmimagedock | Desktop | 1.10.2 | 14.2 |
wminfo | Desktop | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
wmix | Desktop | 3.4 | 14.2 |
wmmixer | Desktop | 1.5 | 14.2 |
wmmon | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
wmname | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
wmnd | Network | 0.4.17 | 14.2 |
wmnet | Desktop | 1.06 | 14.2 |
wmnotify | Network | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
wmphoto+ | Desktop | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
wmpinboard | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
wmpower | Desktop | 0.5.1 | 14.2 |
wmquake | Games | 1.1 | 14.2 |
wmshutdown | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
wmslideshow | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 | | Desktop | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
wmstickynotes | Desktop | 0.7 | 14.2 |
wmsupermon | Desktop | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
wmswallow | Desktop | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
wmsysmon | Desktop | 0.7.8 | 14.2 |
wmsystemtray | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
wmtime | Desktop | 1.4 | 14.2 |
wmtimer | Desktop | 2.92 | 14.2 |
wmtop | Desktop | 0.84 | 14.2 |
wmudmount | Desktop | 3.0 | 14.2 |
wmuptime | Desktop | | 14.2 |
wmusic | Audio | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
wmusic-xmms | Audio | 1.5.0 | 14.2 |
wmweather | Desktop | 2.4.5 | 14.2 |
wmweather+ | Desktop | 2.18 | 14.2 |
wmwebcam | Desktop | 0.3.5 | 14.2 |
wmwifi | Desktop | 0.6 | 14.2 |
wmxss | Desktop | 0.1 | 14.2 |
woff2 | Development | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
wol | Network | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
wolf4sdl | Games | 1.7 | 14.2 |
wordgrinder | Office | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
wordwarvi | Games | 1.0.4 | 14.2 |
workbook | Python | 1.1 | 14.2 |
worker | System | 4.8.0 | 14.2 |
worldofgoo | Games | 1.41 | 14.2 |
worldofpadman | Games | 1.6 | 14.2 |
wp-cli | Network | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
wps-office | Office | | 14.2 |
wput | Network | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
wqy-microhei-font-ttf | System | 0.2.0_beta | 14.2 |
wrk | Network | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
ws4py | Libraries | 0.4.2 | 14.2 |
wsdd2 | Network | | 14.2 |
wsgiref | Python | 0.1.2 | 14.2 |
wsjtx | Ham | 2.1.2 | 14.2 |
wterm | System | 6.2.9 | 14.2 |
wv | Libraries | 1.2.9 | 14.2 |
wvdial | Network | 1.61 | 14.2 |
wvstreams | Libraries | 4.6.1 | 14.2 |
wxGTK | Libraries | 2.8.12 | 14.2 |
wxGTK3 | Libraries | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
wxHexEditor | Development | 20170415_bb951eb | 14.2 |
wxMaxima | Academic | 21.01.0 | 14.2 |
wxPython | Libraries | | 14.2 |
wxPython3 | Libraries | | 14.2 |
wxPython4 | Libraries | 4.0.7.post2 | 14.2 |
wxSQLite3 | Libraries | 4.5.1 | 14.2 |
wxX11 | Libraries | 2.8.7 | 14.2 |
wxapt | Ham | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
wxcam | Multimedia | 1.1 | 14.2 |
wxmacmolplt | Academic | 7.7 | 14.2 |
wxsvg | Libraries | 1.5.12 | 14.2 |
wyrd | Office | 1.4.6 | 14.2 |
x-tile | Desktop | 3.3 | 14.2 |
x11vnc | Network | 0.9.16 | 14.2 |
x264 | Multimedia | 20170225 | 14.2 |
x265 | Multimedia | 3.4 | 14.2 |
x2goclient | Network | | 14.2 |
x2goserver | Network | 20190625_b3ec119 | 14.2 |
x2x | Desktop | 1.30_beta+20200121_ec10215 | 14.2 |
x86_energy_perf_policy | System | 4.4.14 | 14.2 |
x_x | Office | 20150330_d236f8f | 14.2 |
xa | Development | 2.3.11 | 14.2 |
xalan | Libraries | 2.7.1 | 14.2 |
xalan-c | Libraries | 1.11_1335373 | 14.2 |
xanalyser | Ham | 1.32 | 14.2 |
xapian-bindings | Libraries | 1.2.8 | 14.2 |
xapian-omega | Misc | 1.2.12 | 14.2 |
xarchiver | System | | 14.2 |
xarchon | Games | 0.60 | 14.2 |
xaric | Network | 0.13.7 | 14.2 |
xarray | Python | 0.14.1 | 14.2 |
xasm | Development | 3.1.1 | 14.2 |
xautolock | System | 2.2 | 14.2 |
xautomation | System | 1.09 | 14.2 |
xawplus | Libraries | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
xawtv | Multimedia | 3.107 | 14.2 |
xbanish | Misc | 1.7 | 14.2 |
xbattmon | System | 1.1 | 14.2 |
xbindkeys | System | 1.8.6 | 14.2 |
xblas | Libraries | 1.0.248 | 14.2 |
xbmbrowser | Graphics | 5.1b | 14.2 |
xboxdrv-linux | System | 0.8.8 | 14.2 |
xbrightness | System | 0.3 | 14.2 |
xbuffy | Network | | 14.2 |
xca | Misc | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
xcalib | Graphics | 0.8 | 14.2 |
xcape | Misc | 1.1 | 14.2 |
xcb-util-xrm | Libraries | 1.3 | 14.2 |
xcdroast | System | 1.19 | 14.2 |
xcf-pixbuf-loader | Graphics | 20180108.eb42b85 | 14.2 |
xcfa | Audio | 5.0.2 | 14.2 |
xchm | System | 1.23 | 14.2 |
xcircuit | Academic | 3.7.54 | 14.2 |
xclip | Misc | 0.13 | 14.2 |
xcowsay | Games | 1.5.1 | 14.2 |
xcpc | Games | 20070122 | 14.2 |
xcur2png | Graphics | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
xdaliclock | Graphics | 2.44 | 14.2 |
xdebug | Development | 2.5.5 | 14.2 |
xdelta | Misc | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
xdelta3 | Misc | 3.1.0 | 14.2 |
xdemorse | Ham | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
xdg-desktop-portal | Desktop | 1.4.2 | 14.2 |
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk | Desktop | 1.4.0 | 14.2 |
xdgmenumaker | Desktop | 1.6 | 14.2 |
xdgurl | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
xdiskusage | System | 1.51 | 14.2 |
xdm-slackware-theme | Desktop | 2020.0101 | 14.2 |
xdman | Network | 2018.7.2.8 | 14.2 |
xdo | Desktop | 0.5.7 | 14.2 |
xdot | Graphics | 1.2 | 14.2 |
xdotool | Accessibility | 3.20160805.1 | 14.2 |
xdx | Ham | 2.5.0 | 14.2 |
xe | Python | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
xearth | Desktop | 1.1 | 14.2 |
xed | Desktop | 1.6.3 | 14.2 |
xemacs | Development | 21.5.34 | 14.2 |
xen | System | 4.13.1 | 14.2 |
xephem | Academic | 3.7.7 | 14.2 |
xerces | Libraries | 2.11.0 | 14.2 |
xerces-c | Libraries | 3.2.0 | 14.2 |
xf86-input-libinput | Libraries | 0.28.0 | 14.2 |
xf86-video-qxl | System | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
xfburn | System | 0.5.5 | 14.2 |
xfce-hkmon | Desktop | 20180315git | 14.2 |
xfce4-battery-plugin | Desktop | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin | Desktop | 1.1.3 | 14.2 |
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin | Desktop | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
xfce4-datetime-plugin | Desktop | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-dict | Desktop | 0.7.2 | 14.2 |
xfce4-diskperf-plugin | Desktop | 2.5.4 | 14.2 |
xfce4-embed-plugin | Desktop | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-eyes-plugin | Desktop | 4.5.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-fsguard-plugin | Desktop | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
xfce4-genmon-plugin | Desktop | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-kbdleds-plugin | Desktop | 0.0.6 | 14.2 |
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin | Desktop | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-mount-plugin | Desktop | 1.1.2 | 14.2 |
xfce4-mpc-plugin | Desktop | 0.4.4 | 14.2 |
xfce4-netload-plugin | Desktop | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
xfce4-notes-plugin | Desktop | 1.8.1 | 14.2 |
xfce4-places-plugin | Desktop | 1.7.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin | Desktop | 1.9.4 | 14.2 |
xfce4-sensors-plugin | Desktop | 1.2.6 | 14.2 |
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin | Desktop | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
xfce4-timer-plugin | Desktop | 1.6.0 | 14.2 |
xfce4-verve-plugin | Desktop | 1.0.1 | 14.2 |
xfce4-volumed-pulse | Desktop | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
xfce4-wavelan-plugin | Desktop | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin | Desktop | 1.7.5 | 14.2 |
xfce4-windowck-plugin | Desktop | 0.4.6 | 14.2 |
xfce4-xkb-plugin | Desktop | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
xfce4-xmms-plugin | Desktop | 0.5.3 | 14.2 |
xfe | System | 1.42 | 14.2 |
xfhell | Ham | 3.3 | 14.2 |
xfishtank | Graphics | 2.5 | 14.2 |
xflr5 | Academic | 6.47 | 14.2 |
xfoil | Academic | 6.99 | 14.2 |
xforge | Audio | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
xforms | Libraries | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
xfsudo | System | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
xgridloc | Ham | 1.7 | 14.2 |
xidel | System | 0.9.8 | 14.2 |
xine-plugin | Libraries | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
xinetd | Network | | 14.2 |
xinput_calibrator | System | 0.7.5 | 14.2 |
xiphos | Academic | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
xipper | Desktop | 2.0.1 | 14.2 |
xjadeo | Multimedia | 0.8.7 | 14.2 |
xjobs | System | 20170630 | 14.2 |
xkblayout-state | Desktop | 1b_git20200909 | 14.2 |
xkeys-sdk | Development | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
xl2tpd | Network | 1.3.2 | 14.2 |
xldconfig | System | 0.7 | 14.2 |
xlennart | Games | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
xli | Graphics | 1.17 | 14.2 |
xlog | Ham | 2.0.17 | 14.2 |
xlsx2csv | Office | 0.7.4 | 14.2 |
xlt | Libraries | 11.1.11 | 14.2 |
xlunch | Desktop | 2.3.2 | 14.2 |
xlutils | Python | 2.0.0 | 14.2 |
xmahjongg | Games | 3.7 | 14.2 |
xmedcon | Graphics | 0.17.0 | 14.2 |
xmind | Office | 8update5 | 14.2 |
xml-security-c | Libraries | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
xmlcopyeditor | Development | | 14.2 |
xmlgen | Libraries | 1.4 | 14.2 |
xmlrpc-c | Libraries | 1.33.16 | 14.2 |
xmlsec | Libraries | 1.2.31 | 14.2 |
xmlstarlet | Development | 1.6.1 | 14.2 |
xmltooling | Libraries | 3.0.4 | 14.2 |
xmltv | Multimedia | 0.5.66 | 14.2 |
xmms-crossfade | Multimedia | 0.3.14 | 14.2 |
xmms-ctl | Audio | 4158c718 | 14.2 |
xmms-cue | Multimedia | 0.2 | 14.2 |
xmms-jack | Audio | 0.19 | 14.2 |
xmms-ladspa | Audio | 1.1 | 14.2 |
xmms-mp4 | Audio | 20050213 | 14.2 |
xmms-pulse | Audio | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
xmms-scrobbler | Audio | 0.4.0 | 14.2 |
xmms-shn | Audio | 2.4.1 | 14.2 |
xmms-skins-almond | Desktop | 1.2 | 14.2 |
xmms-skins-ater | Desktop | 1.7 | 14.2 |
xmms-status-plugin | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
xmms-wavpack | Audio | 1.0.3 | 14.2 |
xmms-wma | Audio | 1.0.5 | 14.2 |
xmms2 | Audio | 20150712_942b17f | 14.2 |
xmobar | Desktop | 0.28.1 | 14.2 |
xmonad | Desktop | 0.15 | 14.2 |
xmonad-contrib | Haskell | 0.15 | 14.2 |
xmoto | Games | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
xmp | Audio | 4.1.0 | 14.2 |
xmpppy | Libraries | 0.5.0rc1 | 14.2 |
xnec2c | Ham | 3.5.1 | 14.2 |
xnedit | Development | 1.2.2 | 14.2 |
xnetload | Network | 1.11.3 | 14.2 |
xnp2 | System | 0.86 | 14.2 |
xonclock | Desktop | | 14.2 |
xonotic | Games | 0.8.2 | 14.2 |
xonsh | System | 0.9.12 | 14.2 |
xopen | Python | 0.2.1 | 14.2 |
xorgxrdp | System | 0.2.12 | 14.2 |
xoscope | Academic | 2.2 | 14.2 |
xosd | System | 2.2.14 | 14.2 |
xournal | Office | | 14.2 |
xournalpp | Office | 1.0.20 | 14.2 |
xpad | Office | 4.8.0 | 14.2 |
xpe | Graphics | 0.9.5b | 14.2 |
xpenguins | Desktop | 2.2 | 14.2 |
xpenguins-xtrathemes | Desktop | 1.0 | 14.2 |
xpilot-ng | Games | 4.7.3 | 14.2 |
xplanet | Gis | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
xpsk31 | Ham | 3.3 | 14.2 |
xrdp | System | 0.9.12 | 14.2 |
xreader | Office | 1.4.4 | 14.2 |
xrestop | System | 0.4 | 14.2 |
xroar | Games | 0.36.2 | 14.2 |
xroar-roms | Games | 20180901 | 14.2 |
xsel | Accessibility | 1.2.0 | 14.2 |
xsession | Desktop | 1.1 | 14.2 |
xsession-xinitrc | Desktop | 0.0.1 | 14.2 |
xskat | Games | 4.0 | 14.2 |
xsp | Development | 4.4 | 14.2 |
xspacewarp | Games | 1.2b | 14.2 |
xss-lock | Desktop | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
xstow | System | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
xsynth-dssi | Audio | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
xtables-addons | Network | 2.14 | 14.2 |
xtermcolor | Python | 1.3 | 14.2 |
xtitle | Desktop | 0.4.3 | 14.2 |
xtrascreenhacks | Desktop | 0.7 | 14.2 |
xtrkcad | Office | 5.1.2a | 14.2 |
xtrlock | Desktop | 2.15 | 14.2 |
xtrs | System | 4.9d | 14.2 |
xtruss | Development | 20200918.a94a153 | 14.2 |
xu4 | Games | 20130612_svn | 14.2 |
xulrunner | Libraries | 41.0.2 | 14.2 |
xvfb-run | System | 1.19.2 | 14.2 |
xvi | Development | 2.50.3 | 14.2 |
xvid4conf | Multimedia | 1.12 | 14.2 |
xvidcore | Multimedia | 1.3.5 | 14.2 |
xview | Libraries | 3.2p4 | 14.2 |
xvile | Development | 9.8t | 14.2 |
xvkbd | Desktop | 4.0 | 14.2 |
xvnkb | Misc | 0.2.11 | 14.2 |
xvst | Multimedia | 2.5.2 | 14.2 |
xwarppointer | Desktop | 20121213 | 14.2 |
xwax | Audio | 1.6 | 14.2 |
xwiimote | System | 2 | 14.2 |
xwinwrap | Misc | 0.3 | 14.2 |
xwxapt | Ham | 2.9 | 14.2 |
xxd-standalone | Development | 8.2.0854 | 14.2 |
xxdiff | Development | 401 | 14.2 |
xxkb | Desktop | 1.11.1 | 14.2 |
xye | Games | 0.12.2 | 14.2 |
xylib | Libraries | 1.6 | 14.2 |
xzgv | Graphics | 0.9.2 | 14.2 |
xzoom | Accessibility | 0.3_26 | 14.2 |
yabause | Games | 0.9.15 | 14.2 |
yacreader | Graphics | | 14.2 |
yad | Desktop | 0.40.0 | 14.2 |
yadifa | Network | 2.4.0 | 14.2 |
yae | Games | 0.7 | 14.2 |
yafaray | Graphics | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
yafaray-blender | Graphics | 0.1.1 | 14.2 |
yaft | System | 0.2.9 | 14.2 |
yagf | Graphics | 0.9.5 | 14.2 |
yahtzee | Games | 1.6 | 14.2 |
yajl | Libraries | 2.1.0 | 14.2 |
yakuake | System | 2.9.9 | 14.2 |
yamagi-quake2 | Games | 7.41 | 14.2 |
yaml-cpp | Libraries | 0.6.3 | 14.2 |
yaml-cpp0.3 | Libraries | 0.3.0 | 14.2 |
yandex-browser-beta | Network | | 14.2 |
yapet | Misc | 1.0 | 14.2 |
yar | Games | 0.99 | 14.2 |
yara | Misc | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
yara-python | Python | 3.5.0 | 14.2 |
yarl | Python | 1.3.0 | 14.2 |
yarn | Development | 1.22.10 | 14.2 |
yarntown | Games | 1.0.6 | 14.2 |
yarock | Multimedia | 1.3.1 | 14.2 |
yash | System | 2.51 | 14.2 |
yate | Network | 5.5.0_1 | 14.2 |
yawp | Desktop | 0.4.5 | 14.2 |
yaz | Libraries | 4.2.51 | 14.2 |
yder | Libraries | 1.4.13 | 14.2 |
ydpdict | Misc | 1.0.2 | 14.2 |
yeahconsole | System | 0.3.4 | 14.2 |
yed | Graphics | 3.20.1 | 14.2 |
yelp | System | 3.22.0 | 14.2 |
yelp-tools | System | 3.18.0 | 14.2 |
yelp-xsl | System | 3.20.1 | 14.2 |
yesplz | Graphics | 06112016 | 14.2 |
yetris | Games | 2.3.0 | 14.2 |
ykpers | Misc | 1.20.0 | 14.2 |
yle-dl | Network | 20210212 | 14.2 |
yoda | Network | 0.1.5 | 14.2 |
yoshimi | Audio | 1.7.2 | 14.2 |
you-get | Network | 0.4.1500 | 14.2 |
youtube-dl | Network | 2021.02.22 | 14.2 |
youtube-dl-gui | Network | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
youtube-dl-server | Network | 0.3 | 14.2 |
youtube-upload | Network | 0.8.0 | 14.2 |
youtube-viewer | Multimedia | 3.7.4 | 14.2 |
yturl | Network | 2.0.2 | 14.2 |
yubikey-personalization-gui | Misc | 3.1.25 | 14.2 |
yubioath-desktop | Misc | 5.0.4 | 14.2 |
z | System | 1.9 | 14.2 |
z26 | Games | 2.13 | 14.2 |
z26v3 | Games | 3.02.01 | 14.2 |
z3 | Academic | 4.8.7 | 14.2 |
z88dk | Development | 1.99B | 14.2 |
zabbix_agentd | Network | 4.4.7 | 14.2 |
zabbix_java_gateway | Network | 4.4.7 | 14.2 |
zabbix_proxy | Network | 4.4.7 | 14.2 |
zabbix_server | Network | 4.4.7 | 14.2 |
zarfy | System | 0.1.0 | 14.2 |
zathura | Office | 0.3.8 | 14.2 |
zathura-cb | Office | 0.1.7 | 14.2 |
zathura-djvu | Office | 0.2.7 | 14.2 |
zathura-pdf-mupdf | Office | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
zathura-ps | Office | 0.2.5 | 14.2 |
zaz | Games | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
zbar | Graphics | 0.10 | 14.2 |
zbase32 | Libraries | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
zbom | Games | 1.4 | 14.2 |
zc.lockfile | Libraries | 1.1.0 | 14.2 |
zdaemon | Libraries | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
zdbsp | Games | 1.19 | 14.2 |
zdoom | Games | 2.8.1 | 14.2 |
zeal | Development | 0.6.1 | 14.2 |
zeek | Network | 3.0.13 | 14.2 |
zeep | Python | 3.4.0 | 14.2 |
zef | Perl | 0.9.4 | 14.2 |
zelda-roth-se | Games | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
zelda-xd2-mercuris-chess | Games | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
zenity | Desktop | 3.28.0 | 14.2 |
zennode | Games | 1.2.1 | 14.2 |
zerofree | System | 1.1.1 | 14.2 |
zeromq | Libraries | 4.3.4 | 14.2 |
zfec | Libraries | 1.4.24 | 14.2 |
zfs-auto-snapshot | System | 1.2.4 | 14.2 |
zfs-on-linux | System | 0.8.6 | 14.2 |
zgv | Graphics | 5.9 | 14.2 |
zile | Development | 2.4.14 | 14.2 |
zim | Office | 0.73.5 | 14.2 |
zimg | Libraries | 3.0.1 | 14.2 |
zinnia | Misc | 0.06 | 14.2 |
zint | Libraries | 2.9.1 | 14.2 |
zita-ajbridge | Audio | 0.8.4 | 14.2 |
zita-alsa-pcmi | Libraries | 0.3.2 | 14.2 |
zita-convolver | Libraries | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
zita-dpl1 | Audio | 0.3.3 | 14.2 |
zita-resampler | Libraries | 1.6.2 | 14.2 |
zita-rev1 | Audio | 0.2.2 | 14.2 |
zmap | Network | 2.1.1 | 14.2 |
zmusic | Libraries | 1.1.4 | 14.2 |
znake | Games | 1.18 | 14.2 |
znapzend | System | 0.19.1 | 14.2 |
znc | Network | 1.7.5 | 14.2 |
zod-engine | Games | 2011.09.06 | 14.2 |
zookeeper | System | 3.4.10 | 14.2 |
zoom | Games | 1.1.5 | 14.2 |
zoom-linux | Network | 5.6.13632.0328 | 14.2 |
zope.component | Libraries | 4.2.1 | 14.2 |
zope.configuration | Libraries | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
zope.event | Libraries | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
zope.hookable | Libraries | 4.0.4 | 14.2 |
zope.i18nmessageid | Libraries | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
zope.interface | Development | 4.1.2 | 14.2 |
zope.location | Libraries | 4.0.3 | 14.2 |
zope.proxy | Libraries | 4.1.4 | 14.2 |
zope.schema | Libraries | 4.4.2 | 14.2 | | Libraries | 4.0.1 | 14.2 |
zope.sqlalchemy | Development | 0.4 | 14.2 |
zope.testing | Development | 4.1.3 | 14.2 |
zopfli | System | 1.0.0 | 14.2 |
zork | Games | 20140219 | 14.2 |
zotero | Academic | 5.0.85 | 14.2 |
zpaq | System | 7.15 | 14.2 |
zsdx | Games | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
zseal | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
zsh-completions | System | 0.32.0 | 14.2 |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | System | 0.7.1 | 14.2 |
zsi | Libraries | 2.1a1 | 14.2 |
zsnes | Games | 1.51b | 14.2 |
zstd | System | 1.4.4 | 14.2 |
zsxd | Games | 1.12.2 | 14.2 |
zsync | Network | 0.6.2 | 14.2 |
ztools | Games | 7.3.1 | 14.2 |
ztrack | Games | 1.0 | 14.2 |
zuki-themes | Desktop | 3.18.1 | 14.2 |
zulu-openjdk-lts | Development | 11.0.5 | 14.2 |
zulu-openjdk7 | Development | 7.0.242 | 14.2 |
zulu-openjdk8 | Development | 8.0.232 | 14.2 |
zulu-openjdk9 | Development | 9u07 | 14.2 |
zuluCrypt | System | 5.7.0 | 14.2 |
zuluplay | Libraries | 1.1 | 14.2 |
zvbi | Multimedia | 0.2.35 | 14.2 |
zxcvbn-python | Python | 4.4.22 | 14.2 |
zynaddsubfx | Audio | 3.0.5 | 14.2 |
zynjacku | Audio | 6 | 14.2 |
zziplib | Libraries | 0.13.71 | 14.2 |
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